def test_lab(lab_src_url, version=None): # check out the source with version provided # is repo already exists? if yes, then do a git pull # else clone the repo # get the labspec from /scripts/lab_spec.json # get the appropriate the actions from lab_spec.json # run LabAction Runner # instantiate the object e = EnvSetUp.Instance() git = GitCommands()"Environment http_proxy = %s" % os.environ["http_proxy"])"Environment https_proxy = %s" % os.environ["https_proxy"]) def fill_aptconf(): try: http_proxy = os.environ["http_proxy"] https_proxy = os.environ["https_proxy"] http_cmd = r'echo "Acquire::http::Proxy \"%s\";"%s' % (http_proxy, '>>/etc/apt/apt.conf') https_cmd = r'echo "Acquire::https::Proxy \"%s\";"%s' % (https_proxy, '>>/etc/apt/apt.conf') (ret_code, output) = execute_command(http_cmd) (ret_code, output) = execute_command(https_cmd) except Exception, e: logger.error("Writing to /etc/apt/apt.conf failed with error: %s" % (str(e))) raise e
def execute(command): # do some validation try:"Command executed: " + command) (ret_code, output) = execute_command(command) return output except Exception, e: logger.error("Execution failed: " + str(e)) return "Error executing the command: " + str(e)
def test_lab(self, current_user, lab_id, lab_src_url, revision_tag=None): logger.debug("test_lab() for lab ID %s, git url %s, current user %s" % (lab_id, lab_src_url, current_user)) try: ''' record_list = self.state.read_record(lab_src_url) if record_list: msg = "Lab with the url = %s is already deployed" % lab_src_url logger.debug(msg) return msg ''' # Get lab sources and from it the deployment specification # of the lab self.lab_spec = self.labmgr.get_lab_reqs(lab_src_url, revision_tag) self.update_lab_spec(lab_id, lab_src_url, revision_tag) # create a VM to deploy the lab logger.debug("test_lab(); invoking create_vm() on vmpoolmgr") self.deploy_record.record = self.vmpoolmgr.create_vm(self.lab_spec) logger.debug("test_lab(): Returned from VMPool = %s" % (str(self.deploy_record.record))) ip = self.deploy_record.record['vm_info']['vm_ip'] port = self.deploy_record.record['vm_info']['vm_port'] vmmgrurl = "http://" + ip lab_id = self.deploy_record.record['lab_spec']['lab_id'] logger.debug("test_lab(): vmmgrurl = %s" % (vmmgrurl)) # deploy the lab on the newly created container. try: (ret_val, ret_str) = self.labmgr.test_lab(vmmgrurl, port, lab_src_url, revision_tag) if(ret_val): self.update_deploy_record(current_user)"test_lab(): test succcessful, ip = %s" % ip) if(base_config.ADS_USING_HOOKS): domain_name = self.register_lab(lab_id, ip) return domain_name + "\n" + "(Note : Very soon you will be allowed to access lab using given domain name)" else: return ip else: logger.error("test_lab(); Test failed with error:" + str(ret_str)) return "Test failed: See log file for errors" except Exception, e: logger.error("test_lab(); Test failed with error: %s" % str(e)) return "Test failed: See log file for errors" except Exception, e: logger.error("test_lab(): Test failed with error: %s" % str(e)) return "Test failed: See log file for errors"
def post(self): post_data = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(self.request.body)) "vm_manager_server: TestLabHandler: post(): post_data = %s" % str(post_data)) logger.debug( "lab_src_url = %s, version = %s" % (post_data['lab_src_url'], post_data.get('version', None))) self.write( vm_manager.test_lab(post_data['lab_src_url'], post_data.get('version', None)))
def test_lab(self, current_user, lab_id, lab_src_url, revision_tag=None): logger.debug("test_lab() for lab ID %s, git url %s, current user %s" % (lab_id, lab_src_url, current_user)) try: ''' record_list = self.state.read_record(lab_src_url) if record_list: msg = "Lab with the url = %s is already deployed" % lab_src_url logger.debug(msg) return msg ''' # Get lab sources and from it the deployment specification # of the lab self.lab_spec = self.labmgr.get_lab_reqs(lab_src_url, revision_tag) self.update_lab_spec(lab_id, lab_src_url, revision_tag) # create a VM to deploy the lab logger.debug("test_lab(); invoking create_vm() on vmpoolmgr") self.deploy_record.record = self.vmpoolmgr.create_vm(self.lab_spec) logger.debug("test_lab(): Returned from VMPool = %s" % (str(self.deploy_record.record))) ip = self.deploy_record.record['vm_info']['vm_ip'] port = self.deploy_record.record['vm_info']['vm_port'] vmmgrurl = "http://" + ip lab_id = self.deploy_record.record['lab_spec']['lab_id'] logger.debug("test_lab(): vmmgrurl = %s" % (vmmgrurl)) # deploy the lab on the newly created container. try: (ret_val, ret_str) = self.labmgr.test_lab(vmmgrurl, port, lab_src_url, revision_tag) if (ret_val): self.update_deploy_record(current_user)"test_lab(): test succcessful, ip = %s" % ip) if (base_config.ADS_USING_HOOKS): domain_name = self.register_lab(lab_id, ip) return domain_name + "\n" + "(Note : Very soon you will be allowed to access lab using given domain name)" else: return ip else: logger.error("test_lab(); Test failed with error:" + str(ret_str)) return "Test failed: See log file for errors" except Exception, e: logger.error("test_lab(); Test failed with error: %s" % str(e)) return "Test failed: See log file for errors" except Exception, e: logger.error("test_lab(): Test failed with error: %s" % str(e)) return "Test failed: See log file for errors"
def post(self): post_data = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(self.request.body))"vm_manager_server: TestLabHandler: post(): post_data = %s" % str(post_data)) logger.debug("lab_src_url = %s, version = %s" % (post_data['lab_src_url'], post_data.get('version', None))) self.write(vm_manager.test_lab(post_data['lab_src_url'], post_data.get('version', None)))
class TestLabHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def post(self): post_data = dict(urlparse.parse_qsl(self.request.body))"vm_manager_server: TestLabHandler: post(): post_data = %s" % str(post_data)) logger.debug("lab_src_url = %s, version = %s" % (post_data['lab_src_url'], post_data.get('version', None))) self.write(vm_manager.test_lab(post_data['lab_src_url'], post_data.get('version', None))) def get(self):"vm_manager_server: TestLabHandler: get()") self.write("Hello World") if __name__ == "__main__": e = EnvSetUp.Instance()"vm_manager_server: __main()") tornado.options.parse_command_line() app = tornado.web.Application( handlers=[ (r"/api/1.0/disk-usage", DiskUsageHandler), (r"/api/1.0/mem-usage", MemUsageHandler), (r"/api/1.0/running-time", RunningTimeHandler), (r"/api/1.0/running-processes", RunningProcHandler), (r"/api/1.0/cpu-load", CPULoadHandler), (r"/api/1.0/execute/([\w*\d*\%\-]+)", ExecuteHandler), (r"/api/1.0/test-lab", TestLabHandler) ], debug=False) http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app) http_server.listen(options.port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
def get(self):"vm_manager_server: TestLabHandler: get()") self.write("Hello World")
def cpu_load():"Command executed: ps -e -o pcpu") return execute("ps -e -o pcpu | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s\"%\"}'")
def running_processes():"Command executed: ps -e -o command") return execute("ps -e -o command")
def disk_usage():"Command executed: df -h") return execute("df -h")
def mem_usage():"Command executed: free -mg") return execute("free -mg")
% (str(e))) raise e def get_build_steps_spec(lab_spec): return {"build_steps": lab_spec['lab']['build_requirements']['platform']['build_steps']} def get_build_installer_steps_spec(lab_spec): return {"installer": lab_spec['lab']['build_requirements']['platform']['installer']} def get_runtime_installer_steps(lab_spec): return {"installer": lab_spec['lab']['runtime_requirements']['platform']['installer']} def get_runtime_actions_steps(lab_spec): return lab_spec['lab']['runtime_requirements']['platform']['lab_actions']"Starting test_lab") try: fill_aptconf() repo_name = git.construct_repo_name(lab_src_url) lab_spec = git.get_lab_spec(repo_name) spec_path = git.get_spec_path(repo_name) logger.debug("spec_path: %s" % spec_path) os.chdir(spec_path) logger.debug("Changed to Diretory: %s" % spec_path) logger.debug("CWD: %s" % str(os.getcwd())) lar = LabActionRunner(get_build_installer_steps_spec(lab_spec)) lar.run_install_source() lar = LabActionRunner(get_build_steps_spec(lab_spec))
def status(steps):"Checking the status of the build...") if steps.has_key(LabActionScript.CHECK_STATUS_SCRIPT_KEY): return self._run_(steps[LabActionScript.CHECK_STATUS_SCRIPT_KEY]) return 0
def post_build(steps):"Running the post-build scripts...") if steps.has_key(LabActionScript.POST_BUILD_SCRIPT_KEY): self._run_(steps[LabActionScript.POST_BUILD_SCRIPT_KEY])
def configure(steps):"Configuring the lab...") if steps.has_key(LabActionScript.CONFIGURE_SCRIPT_KEY): self._run_(steps[LabActionScript.CONFIGURE_SCRIPT_KEY])
def running_time():"Command executed: uptime") return execute("uptime")
logger.debug( "lab_src_url = %s, version = %s" % (post_data['lab_src_url'], post_data.get('version', None))) self.write( vm_manager.test_lab(post_data['lab_src_url'], post_data.get('version', None))) def get(self):"vm_manager_server: TestLabHandler: get()") self.write("Hello World") if __name__ == "__main__": e = EnvSetUp.Instance()"vm_manager_server: __main()") tornado.options.parse_command_line() app = tornado.web.Application(handlers=[ (r"/api/1.0/disk-usage", DiskUsageHandler), (r"/api/1.0/mem-usage", MemUsageHandler), (r"/api/1.0/running-time", RunningTimeHandler), (r"/api/1.0/running-processes", RunningProcHandler), (r"/api/1.0/cpu-load", CPULoadHandler), (r"/api/1.0/execute/([\w*\d*\%\-]+)", ExecuteHandler), (r"/api/1.0/test-lab", TestLabHandler) ], debug=False) http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app) http_server.listen(options.port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()