コード例 #1
ファイル: rfc7231.py プロジェクト: dfirst/httpolice
def media_range(no_q=False):
    return Parametrized << (
            literal('*/*') |
            type_ + '/' + '*' |
            MediaType << type_ + '/' + subtype
        ) *
            MultiDict << many(
                skip(OWS * ';' * OWS) *
                parameter(exclude=['q'] if no_q else [])
    ) > named(u'media-range', RFC(7231), is_pivot=True)

qvalue = (float << '0' + maybe_str('.' + string_times(0, 3, DIGIT)) |
          float << '1' + maybe_str('.' + string_times(0, 3, '0')))      > pivot
weight = skip(OWS * ';' * OWS * 'q=') * qvalue                          > pivot
accept_ext = (skip(OWS * ';' * OWS) * token *
              maybe(skip('=') * (token | quoted_string)))               > pivot

def _prepend_q(q, xs):
    return MultiDict([(CaseInsensitive(u'q'), q)] + xs)

accept_params = _prepend_q << weight * many(accept_ext)                 > pivot

Accept = comma_list(
    Parametrized << (media_range(no_q=True) *
                     maybe(accept_params, MultiDict())))                > pivot

charset = Charset << token                                              > pivot
コード例 #2
ファイル: rfc7234.py プロジェクト: dfirst/httpolice
Age = delta_seconds                                                     > pivot

cache_directive = Parametrized << (
    (CacheDirective << token) *
    maybe(skip('=') * (mark(token) | mark(quoted_string))))             > pivot
Cache_Control = comma_list1(cache_directive)                            > pivot

Expires = HTTP_date                                                     > pivot

def extension_pragma(exclude_no_cache=False):
    return Parametrized << (
        (token__excluding(['no-cache']) if exclude_no_cache else token) *
        maybe(skip('=') * (token | quoted_string))
    ) > named(u'extension-pragma', RFC(7234), is_pivot=True)

pragma_directive = (CaseInsensitive << literal('no-cache') |
                    extension_pragma(exclude_no_cache=True))            > pivot
Pragma = comma_list1(pragma_directive)                                  > pivot

warn_code = WarnCode << string_times(3, 3, DIGIT)                       > pivot
warn_agent = uri_host + maybe_str(':' + port) | pseudonym               > pivot
warn_text = quoted_string                                               > pivot
warn_date = skip(DQUOTE) * HTTP_date * skip(DQUOTE)                     > pivot
warning_value = WarningValue << (warn_code * skip(SP) *
                                 warn_agent * skip(SP) *
                                 warn_text *
                                 maybe(skip(SP) * warn_date))           > pivot
Warning_ = comma_list1(warning_value)                                   > pivot

fill_names(globals(), RFC(7234))
コード例 #3
ファイル: rfc7230.py プロジェクト: YanLinAung/httpolice
        (subst([None, None]) << literal(',') |
         (lambda x: [x]) << group(element)) +
        many(skip(OWS * ',') * maybe(skip(OWS) * element))
    ) > named(u'#rule', RFC(7230, section=(7,)))

def comma_list1(element):
    return _collect_elements << (
        many(subst(None) << ',' * OWS) +
        ((lambda x: [x]) << group(element)) +
        many(skip(OWS * ',') * maybe(skip(OWS) * element))
    ) > named(u'1#rule', RFC(7230, section=(7,)))

method = Method << token                                                > pivot

absolute_path = string1('/' + segment)                                  > pivot
partial_URI = relative_part + maybe_str('?' + query)                    > pivot
origin_form = absolute_path + maybe_str('?' + query)                    > pivot
absolute_form = absolute_URI                                            > pivot
authority_form = authority                                              > pivot
asterisk_form = literal('*')                                            > auto
request_target = (origin_form |
                  absolute_form |
                  authority_form |
                  asterisk_form)                                        > pivot

HTTP_name = octet(0x48) + octet(0x54) + octet(0x54) + octet(0x50)       > auto
HTTP_version = HTTPVersion << HTTP_name + '/' + DIGIT + '.' + DIGIT     > pivot

status_code = StatusCode << string_times(3, 3, DIGIT)                   > pivot
reason_phrase = string(HTAB | SP | VCHAR | obs_text)                    > pivot
コード例 #4
from httpolice.citation import Citation
from httpolice.parse import (auto, case_sens, fill_names, literal, maybe_str,
from httpolice.syntax.rfc3986 import host, port, scheme
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7230 import (comma_list, comma_list1, field_name,
from httpolice.syntax.rfc7234 import delta_seconds

# WHATWG actually uses their own definitions for scheme, host, and port,
# but that's a bit too far for HTTPolice, we can live with RFC 3986.
origin = scheme + '://' + host + maybe_str(':' + port) > pivot
origin_or_null = origin | case_sens('null') > pivot
Origin = origin_or_null > pivot

Access_Control_Request_Method = method > pivot
Access_Control_Request_Headers = comma_list1(field_name) > pivot
wildcard = literal('*') > auto
Access_Control_Allow_Origin = origin_or_null | wildcard > pivot
Access_Control_Allow_Credentials = case_sens('true') > pivot
Access_Control_Expose_Headers = comma_list(field_name) > pivot
Access_Control_Max_Age = delta_seconds > pivot
Access_Control_Allow_Methods = comma_list(method) > pivot
Access_Control_Allow_Headers = comma_list(field_name) > pivot

X_Content_Type_Options = literal('nosniff') > pivot

Cross_Origin_Resource_Policy = (case_sens('same-origin')
                                | case_sens('same-site')) > pivot

           Citation(u'WHATWG Fetch', u'https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/'))
コード例 #5
ファイル: rfc5646.py プロジェクト: YanLinAung/httpolice
           'cel-gaulish'         |
           'no-bok'              |
           'no-nyn'              |
           'zh-guoyu'            |
           'zh-hakka'            |
           'zh-min'              |
           'zh-min-nan'          |
           'zh-xiang')                                                  > auto

grandfathered = irregular | regular                                     > pivot
privateuse = 'x' + string1('-' + string_times(1, 8, alphanum))          > pivot

extlang = (string_times(3, 3, ALPHA) +
           string_times(0, 2, '-' + string_times(3, 3, ALPHA)))         > pivot

language = (string_times(2, 3, ALPHA) + maybe_str('-' + extlang) |
            string_times(4, 4, ALPHA) | string_times(5, 8, ALPHA))      > pivot
script = string_times(4, 4, ALPHA)                                      > pivot
region = string_times(2, 2, ALPHA) | string_times(3, 3, DIGIT)          > pivot
variant = (string_times(5, 8, alphanum) |
           (DIGIT + string_times(3, 3, alphanum)))                      > pivot
extension = (singleton + string1('-' + string_times(2, 8, alphanum)))   > pivot

langtag = (language +
           maybe_str('-' + script) +
           maybe_str('-' + region) +
           string('-' + variant) +
           string('-' + extension) +
           maybe_str('-' + privateuse))                                 > pivot

Language_Tag = (LanguageTag << langtag |
コード例 #6
    return r

HTTP_date = (_check_day_of_week << IMF_fixdate
             | _check_day_of_week << obs_date) > pivot

def media_range(no_q=False):
    return Parametrized << (
        (literal('*/*') | type_ + '/' + '*' | _check_media_type <<
         (MediaType << type_ + '/' + subtype)) * (MultiDict << many(
             skip(OWS * ';' * OWS) * parameter(exclude=['q'] if no_q else [])))
    ) > named(u'media-range', RFC(7231), is_pivot=True)

qvalue = (float << '0' + maybe_str('.' + string_times(0, 3, DIGIT))
          | float << '1' + maybe_str('.' + string_times(0, 3, '0'))) > pivot
weight = skip(OWS * ';' * OWS * 'q=') * qvalue > pivot
accept_ext = (skip(OWS * ';' * OWS) * token *
              maybe(skip('=') * (token | quoted_string))) > pivot

def _prepend_q(q, xs):
    return MultiDict([(CaseInsensitive(u'q'), q)] + xs)

accept_params = _prepend_q << weight * many(accept_ext) > pivot

Accept = comma_list(Parametrized << (
    media_range(no_q=True) * maybe(accept_params, MultiDict()))) > pivot
コード例 #7
protocol_id = _check_protocol_id << token > pivot

def _check_alt_authority(complain, value):
    return parse(value,
                 maybe_str(uri_host) + ':' + port,

alt_authority = _check_alt_authority << quoted_string > pivot

alternative = protocol_id * skip('=') * alt_authority > pivot
parameter = ((AltSvcParam << token) * skip('=') *
             (token | quoted_string)) > pivot
alt_value = Parametrized << (
    alternative *
    (MultiDict << many(skip(OWS * ';' * OWS) * parameter))) > pivot

Alt_Svc = clear | comma_list1(alt_value) > pivot

ma = delta_seconds > pivot
persist = subst(True) << literal('1') > pivot

Alt_Used = uri_host + maybe_str(':' + port) > pivot

fill_names(globals(), RFC(7838))
コード例 #8
def _check_alt_authority(complain, value):
    return parse(value,
                 maybe_str(uri_host) + ':' + port,
コード例 #9
ファイル: rfc7838.py プロジェクト: vfaronov/httpolice
            correct_encoded_id += pct_encode(c, safe='').upper()
    if encoded_id != correct_encoded_id:
        complain(1256, actual=encoded_id, correct=correct_encoded_id)
    return decoded_id

protocol_id = _check_protocol_id << token                               > pivot

def _check_alt_authority(complain, value):
    return parse(value, maybe_str(uri_host) + ':' + port, complain, 1257,

alt_authority = _check_alt_authority << quoted_string                   > pivot

alternative = protocol_id * skip('=') * alt_authority                   > pivot
parameter = ((AltSvcParam << token) *
             skip('=') * (token | quoted_string))                       > pivot
alt_value = Parametrized << (
    alternative *
    (MultiDict << many(skip(OWS * ';' * OWS) * parameter)))             > pivot

Alt_Svc = clear | comma_list1(alt_value)                                > pivot

ma = delta_seconds                                                      > pivot
persist = subst(True) << literal('1')                                   > pivot

Alt_Used = uri_host + maybe_str(':' + port)                             > pivot

fill_names(globals(), RFC(7838))
コード例 #10
ファイル: rfc7838.py プロジェクト: vfaronov/httpolice
def _check_alt_authority(complain, value):
    return parse(value, maybe_str(uri_host) + ':' + port, complain, 1257,
コード例 #11
    return _collect_elements << (maybe(group(element) * skip(OWS)) % many(
        skip(literal(',') * OWS) * maybe(group(element) * skip(OWS)))) > named(
            u'#rule', RFC(7230, section=u'7'))

def comma_list1(element):
    return _collect_elements << (many(subst(None) << ',' * OWS) + (
        (lambda x: [x]) << group(element)) + many(
            skip(OWS * ',') * maybe(skip(OWS) * element))) > named(
                u'1#rule', RFC(7230, section=u'7'))

method = Method << token > pivot

absolute_path = string1('/' + segment) > pivot
partial_URI = relative_part + maybe_str('?' + query) > pivot
origin_form = absolute_path + maybe_str('?' + query) > pivot
absolute_form = absolute_URI > pivot
authority_form = authority > pivot
asterisk_form = literal('*') > auto
request_target = (origin_form | absolute_form | authority_form
                  | asterisk_form) > pivot

reason_phrase = string(HTAB | SP | VCHAR | obs_text) > pivot

field_name = FieldName << token > pivot

def transfer_parameter(no_q=False):
    return ((token__excluding(['q']) if no_q else token) *
            skip(BWS * '=' * BWS) * (token | quoted_string)) > named(
コード例 #12
ファイル: rfc3986.py プロジェクト: weijl6819/httpolice
segment_nz = string1(pchar) > auto
segment_nz_nc = string1(unreserved | sub_delims | '@' | pct_encoded) > auto

scheme = ALPHA + string(ALPHA | DIGIT | '+' | '-' | '.') > pivot
userinfo = string(unreserved | sub_delims | ':' | pct_encoded) > pivot
dec_octet = (DIGIT | octet_range(0x31, 0x39) + DIGIT | '1' + DIGIT + DIGIT
             | '2' + octet_range(0x30, 0x34) + DIGIT
             | '25' + octet_range(0x30, 0x35)) > auto
IPv4address = (dec_octet + '.' + dec_octet + '.' + dec_octet + '.' +
               dec_octet) > pivot
h16 = string_times(1, 4, HEXDIG) > auto
ls32 = (h16 + ':' + h16) | IPv4address > auto
IPv6address = (
    string_times(6, 6, h16 + ':') + ls32
    | '::' + string_times(5, 5, h16 + ':') + ls32
    | maybe_str(h16) + '::' + string_times(4, 4, h16 + ':') + ls32
    | maybe_str(string_times(0, 1, h16 + ':') + h16) + '::' +
    string_times(3, 3, h16 + ':') + ls32
    | maybe_str(string_times(0, 2, h16 + ':') + h16) + '::' +
    string_times(2, 2, h16 + ':') + ls32
    | maybe_str(string_times(0, 3, h16 + ':') + h16) + '::' + h16 + ':' + ls32
    | maybe_str(string_times(0, 4, h16 + ':') + h16) + '::' + ls32
    | maybe_str(string_times(0, 5, h16 + ':') + h16) + '::' + h16
    | maybe_str(string_times(0, 6, h16 + ':') + h16) + '::') > pivot

IPvFuture = ('v' + string1(HEXDIG) + '.' +
             string1(unreserved | sub_delims | ':')) > pivot

# As updated by RFC 6874
ZoneID = string1(unreserved | pct_encoded) > pivot
IPv6addrz = IPv6address + '%25' + ZoneID > pivot
コード例 #13
ファイル: rfc7234.py プロジェクト: weijl6819/httpolice
Cache_Control = comma_list1(cache_directive) > pivot

# RFC 7234 does not, strictly speaking, define these productions:
no_cache = comma_list(field_name) > pivot
private = comma_list(field_name) > pivot

Expires = HTTP_date > pivot

def extension_pragma(exclude_no_cache=False):
    return Parametrized << (
        (token__excluding(['no-cache']) if exclude_no_cache else token) *
        maybe(skip('=') * (token | quoted_string))) > named(
            u'extension-pragma', RFC(7234), is_pivot=True)

pragma_directive = (CaseInsensitive << literal('no-cache')
                    | extension_pragma(exclude_no_cache=True)) > pivot
Pragma = comma_list1(pragma_directive) > pivot

warn_code = WarnCode << string_times(3, 3, DIGIT) > pivot
warn_agent = uri_host + maybe_str(':' + port) | pseudonym > pivot
warn_text = quoted_string > pivot
warn_date = skip(DQUOTE) * HTTP_date * skip(DQUOTE) > pivot
warning_value = WarningValue << (warn_code * skip(SP) * warn_agent * skip(SP) *
                                 warn_text *
                                 maybe(skip(SP) * warn_date)) > pivot
Warning_ = comma_list1(warning_value) > pivot

fill_names(globals(), RFC(7234))
コード例 #14
irregular = (literal('en-GB-oed') | 'i-ami' | 'i-bnn' | 'i-default'
             | 'i-enochian' | 'i-hak' | 'i-klingon' | 'i-lux' | 'i-mingo'
             | 'i-navajo' | 'i-pwn' | 'i-tao' | 'i-tay' | 'i-tsu' | 'sgn-BE-FR'
             | 'sgn-BE-NL' | 'sgn-CH-DE') > auto

regular = (literal('art-lojban') | 'cel-gaulish' | 'no-bok' | 'no-nyn'
           | 'zh-guoyu' | 'zh-hakka' | 'zh-min' | 'zh-min-nan'
           | 'zh-xiang') > auto

grandfathered = irregular | regular > pivot
privateuse = 'x' + string1('-' + string_times(1, 8, alphanum)) > pivot

extlang = (string_times(3, 3, ALPHA) +
           string_times(0, 2, '-' + string_times(3, 3, ALPHA))) > pivot

language = (string_times(2, 3, ALPHA) + maybe_str('-' + extlang)
            | string_times(4, 4, ALPHA) | string_times(5, 8, ALPHA)) > pivot
script = string_times(4, 4, ALPHA) > pivot
region = string_times(2, 2, ALPHA) | string_times(3, 3, DIGIT) > pivot
variant = (string_times(5, 8, alphanum) |
           (DIGIT + string_times(3, 3, alphanum))) > pivot
extension = (singleton + string1('-' + string_times(2, 8, alphanum))) > pivot

langtag = (language + maybe_str('-' + script) + maybe_str('-' + region) +
           string('-' + variant) + string('-' + extension) +
           maybe_str('-' + privateuse)) > pivot

Language_Tag = (LanguageTag << langtag | LanguageTag << privateuse
                | LanguageTag << grandfathered) > pivot

fill_names(globals(), RFC(5646))
コード例 #15
ファイル: rfc3986.py プロジェクト: YanLinAung/httpolice
scheme = ALPHA + string(ALPHA | DIGIT | '+' | '-' | '.')                > pivot
userinfo = string(unreserved | sub_delims | ':' | pct_encoded)          > pivot
dec_octet = (DIGIT |
             octet_range(0x31, 0x39) + DIGIT |
             '1' + DIGIT + DIGIT |
             '2' + octet_range(0x30, 0x34) + DIGIT |
             '25' + octet_range(0x30, 0x35))                            > auto
IPv4address = (dec_octet + '.' + dec_octet + '.' +
               dec_octet + '.' + dec_octet)                             > pivot
h16 = string_times(1, 4, HEXDIG)                                        > auto
ls32 = (h16 + ':' + h16) | IPv4address                                  > auto
IPv6address = (
    string_times(6, 6, h16 + ':') + ls32 |
    '::' + string_times(5, 5, h16 + ':') + ls32 |
    maybe_str(h16) + '::' + string_times(4, 4, h16 + ':') + ls32 |
    maybe_str(string_times(0, 1, h16 + ':') + h16) +
        '::' + string_times(3, 3, h16 + ':') + ls32 |
    maybe_str(string_times(0, 2, h16 + ':') + h16) +
        '::' + string_times(2, 2, h16 + ':') + ls32 |
    maybe_str(string_times(0, 3, h16 + ':') + h16) + '::' + h16 + ':' + ls32 |
    maybe_str(string_times(0, 4, h16 + ':') + h16) + '::' + ls32 |
    maybe_str(string_times(0, 5, h16 + ':') + h16) + '::' + h16 |
    maybe_str(string_times(0, 6, h16 + ':') + h16) + '::'
    )                                                                   > pivot

IPvFuture = ('v' + string1(HEXDIG) + '.' +
             string1(unreserved | sub_delims | ':'))                    > pivot

# As updated by RFC 6874
ZoneID = string1(unreserved | pct_encoded)                              > pivot