def commit(self, message: str = "") -> str: """| Saves the current state of the dataset and returns the commit id. Checks out automatically to an auto branch if the current commit is not the head of the branch Only saves the dataset without any version control information if the dataset was created before Hub v1.3.0 Parameters ---------- message: str, optional The commit message to store along with the commit """ if self._commit_id is None: warnings.warn( "This dataset was created before version control, it does not support it. commit will behave same as flush" ) self.flush() elif "r" in self._mode: raise ReadModeException("commit") else: self._auto_checkout() stored_commit_id = self._commit_id self._commit_id = generate_hash() new_node = VersionNode(self._commit_id, self._branch) self._version_node.insert(new_node, message) self._version_node = new_node self._branch_node_map[self._branch] = new_node self._commit_node_map[self._commit_id] = new_node self.flush() return stored_commit_id
def checkout(self, address: str, create: bool = False) -> str: """| Changes the state of the dataset to the address mentioned. Creates a new branch if address isn't a commit id or branch name and create is True. Always checks out to the head of a branch if the address specified is a branch name. Returns the commit id of the commit that has been switched to. Only works if dataset was created on or after Hub v1.3.0 Parameters ---------- address: str The branch name or commit id to checkout to create: bool, optional Specifying create as True creates a new branch from the current commit if the address isn't an existing branch name or commit id """ if self._commit_id is None: raise VersioningNotSupportedException("checkout") self.flush() if address in self._branch_node_map.keys(): self._branch = address self._version_node = self._branch_node_map[address] self._commit_id = self._version_node.commit_id elif address in self._commit_node_map.keys(): self._version_node = self._commit_node_map[address] self._branch = self._version_node.branch self._commit_id = self._version_node.commit_id elif create: if "r" in self._mode: raise ReadModeException("checkout to create new branch") self._branch = address new_commit_id = generate_hash() new_node = VersionNode(new_commit_id, self._branch) if not self._version_node.children: for key in self.keys: self._tensors[key].fs_map.copy_all_chunks( self._commit_id, new_commit_id ) if self._version_node.parent is not None: self._version_node.parent.insert( new_node, f"switched to new branch {address}" ) else: self._version_node.insert(new_node, f"switched to new branch {address}") self._version_node = new_node self._commit_id = new_commit_id self._branch_node_map[self._branch] = new_node self._commit_node_map[self._commit_id] = new_node self.flush() else: raise AddressNotFound(address) return self._commit_id
def __init__( self, url: str, mode: str = None, shape=None, schema=None, token=None, fs=None, fs_map=None, meta_information=dict(), cache: int = defaults.DEFAULT_MEMORY_CACHE_SIZE, storage_cache: int = defaults.DEFAULT_STORAGE_CACHE_SIZE, lock_cache=True, tokenizer=None, lazy: bool = True, public: bool = True, name: str = None, ): """| Open a new or existing dataset for read/write Parameters ---------- url: str The url where dataset is located/should be created mode: str, optional (default to "a") Python way to tell whether dataset is for read or write (ex. "r", "w", "a") shape: tuple, optional Tuple with (num_samples,) format, where num_samples is number of samples schema: optional Describes the data of a single sample. Hub schemas are used for that Required for 'a' and 'w' modes token: str or dict, optional If url is refering to a place where authorization is required, token is the parameter to pass the credentials, it can be filepath or dict fs: optional fs_map: optional meta_information: optional ,give information about dataset in a dictionary. cache: int, optional Size of the memory cache. Default is 64MB (2**26) if 0, False or None, then cache is not used storage_cache: int, optional Size of the storage cache. Default is 256MB (2**28) if 0, False or None, then storage cache is not used lock_cache: bool, optional Lock the cache for avoiding multiprocessing errors lazy: bool, optional Setting this to False will stop lazy computation and will allow items to be accessed without .compute() public: bool, optional only applicable if using hub storage, ignored otherwise setting this to False allows only the user who created it to access the dataset and the dataset won't be visible in the visualizer to the public name: str, optional only applicable when using hub storage, this is the name that shows up on the visualizer """ shape = norm_shape(shape) if len(shape) != 1: raise ShapeLengthException() storage_cache = norm_cache(storage_cache) if cache else 0 cache = norm_cache(cache) schema: SchemaDict = featurify(schema) if schema else None self._url = url self._token = token self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.lazy = lazy self._name = name self._fs, self._path = ((fs, url) if fs else get_fs_and_path( self._url, token=token, public=public)) self._cache = cache self._storage_cache = storage_cache self.lock_cache = lock_cache self.verison = "1.x" mode = self._get_mode(mode, self._fs) self._mode = mode needcreate = self._check_and_prepare_dir() fs_map = fs_map or get_storage_map(self._fs, self._path, cache, lock=lock_cache, storage_cache=storage_cache) self._fs_map = fs_map self._meta_information = meta_information self.username = None self.dataset_name = None if not needcreate: self.meta = json.loads(fs_map[defaults.META_FILE].decode("utf-8")) self._name = self.meta.get("name") or None self._shape = tuple(self.meta["shape"]) self._schema = hub.schema.deserialize.deserialize( self.meta["schema"]) self._meta_information = self.meta.get("meta_info") or dict() self._flat_tensors = tuple(flatten(self._schema)) try: version_info = pickle.loads(fs_map[defaults.VERSION_INFO]) self._branch_node_map = version_info.get("branch_node_map") self._commit_node_map = version_info.get("commit_node_map") self._chunk_commit_map = version_info.get("chunk_commit_map") if not (self._branch_node_map and self._commit_node_map and self._chunk_commit_map): raise InvalidVersionInfoException() self._branch = "master" self._version_node = self._branch_node_map[self._branch] self._commit_id = self._version_node.commit_id except KeyError: self._commit_id = None self._branch = None self._version_node = None self._branch_node_map = None self._commit_node_map = None self._chunk_commit_map = None except InvalidVersionInfoException: self._commit_id = None self._branch = None self._version_node = None self._branch_node_map = None self._commit_node_map = None self._chunk_commit_map = None self._tensors = dict(self._open_storage_tensors()) if shape != (None, ) and shape != self._shape: raise TypeError( f"Shape in metafile [{self._shape}] and shape in arguments [{shape}] are !=, use mode='w' to overwrite dataset" ) if schema is not None and sorted(schema.dict_.keys()) != sorted( self._schema.dict_.keys()): raise TypeError( "Schema in metafile and schema in arguments do not match, use mode='w' to overwrite dataset" ) else: if shape[0] is None: raise ShapeArgumentNotFoundException() if schema is None: raise SchemaArgumentNotFoundException() try: if shape is None: raise ShapeArgumentNotFoundException() if schema is None: raise SchemaArgumentNotFoundException() self._schema = schema self._shape = tuple(shape) self.meta = self._store_meta() self._meta_information = meta_information self._flat_tensors = tuple(flatten(self.schema)) self._commit_id = generate_hash() self._branch = "master" self._version_node = VersionNode(self._commit_id, self._branch) self._branch_node_map = {self._branch: self._version_node} self._commit_node_map = {self._commit_id: self._version_node} self._chunk_commit_map = { path: defaultdict(set) for schema, path in self._flat_tensors } self._tensors = dict(self._generate_storage_tensors()) except Exception as e: try: self.close() except Exception: pass self._fs.rm(self._path, recursive=True) logger.error("Deleting the dataset " + traceback.format_exc() + str(e)) raise self.flush() self.indexes = list(range(self._shape[0])) if self._path.startswith("s3://snark-hub-dev/" ) or self._path.startswith("s3://snark-hub/"): subpath = self._path[5:] spl = subpath.split("/") if len(spl) < 4: raise ValueError("Invalid Path for dataset") self.username = spl[-2] self.dataset_name = spl[-1] if needcreate: HubControlClient().create_dataset_entry(self.username, self.dataset_name, self.meta, public=public)
class Dataset: def __init__( self, url: str, mode: str = None, shape=None, schema=None, token=None, fs=None, fs_map=None, meta_information=dict(), cache: int = defaults.DEFAULT_MEMORY_CACHE_SIZE, storage_cache: int = defaults.DEFAULT_STORAGE_CACHE_SIZE, lock_cache=True, tokenizer=None, lazy: bool = True, public: bool = True, name: str = None, ): """| Open a new or existing dataset for read/write Parameters ---------- url: str The url where dataset is located/should be created mode: str, optional (default to "a") Python way to tell whether dataset is for read or write (ex. "r", "w", "a") shape: tuple, optional Tuple with (num_samples,) format, where num_samples is number of samples schema: optional Describes the data of a single sample. Hub schemas are used for that Required for 'a' and 'w' modes token: str or dict, optional If url is refering to a place where authorization is required, token is the parameter to pass the credentials, it can be filepath or dict fs: optional fs_map: optional meta_information: optional ,give information about dataset in a dictionary. cache: int, optional Size of the memory cache. Default is 64MB (2**26) if 0, False or None, then cache is not used storage_cache: int, optional Size of the storage cache. Default is 256MB (2**28) if 0, False or None, then storage cache is not used lock_cache: bool, optional Lock the cache for avoiding multiprocessing errors lazy: bool, optional Setting this to False will stop lazy computation and will allow items to be accessed without .compute() public: bool, optional only applicable if using hub storage, ignored otherwise setting this to False allows only the user who created it to access the dataset and the dataset won't be visible in the visualizer to the public name: str, optional only applicable when using hub storage, this is the name that shows up on the visualizer """ shape = norm_shape(shape) if len(shape) != 1: raise ShapeLengthException() storage_cache = norm_cache(storage_cache) if cache else 0 cache = norm_cache(cache) schema: SchemaDict = featurify(schema) if schema else None self._url = url self._token = token self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.lazy = lazy self._name = name self._fs, self._path = ((fs, url) if fs else get_fs_and_path( self._url, token=token, public=public)) self._cache = cache self._storage_cache = storage_cache self.lock_cache = lock_cache self.verison = "1.x" mode = self._get_mode(mode, self._fs) self._mode = mode needcreate = self._check_and_prepare_dir() fs_map = fs_map or get_storage_map(self._fs, self._path, cache, lock=lock_cache, storage_cache=storage_cache) self._fs_map = fs_map self._meta_information = meta_information self.username = None self.dataset_name = None if not needcreate: self.meta = json.loads(fs_map[defaults.META_FILE].decode("utf-8")) self._name = self.meta.get("name") or None self._shape = tuple(self.meta["shape"]) self._schema = hub.schema.deserialize.deserialize( self.meta["schema"]) self._meta_information = self.meta.get("meta_info") or dict() self._flat_tensors = tuple(flatten(self._schema)) try: version_info = pickle.loads(fs_map[defaults.VERSION_INFO]) self._branch_node_map = version_info.get("branch_node_map") self._commit_node_map = version_info.get("commit_node_map") self._chunk_commit_map = version_info.get("chunk_commit_map") if not (self._branch_node_map and self._commit_node_map and self._chunk_commit_map): raise InvalidVersionInfoException() self._branch = "master" self._version_node = self._branch_node_map[self._branch] self._commit_id = self._version_node.commit_id except KeyError: self._commit_id = None self._branch = None self._version_node = None self._branch_node_map = None self._commit_node_map = None self._chunk_commit_map = None except InvalidVersionInfoException: self._commit_id = None self._branch = None self._version_node = None self._branch_node_map = None self._commit_node_map = None self._chunk_commit_map = None self._tensors = dict(self._open_storage_tensors()) if shape != (None, ) and shape != self._shape: raise TypeError( f"Shape in metafile [{self._shape}] and shape in arguments [{shape}] are !=, use mode='w' to overwrite dataset" ) if schema is not None and sorted(schema.dict_.keys()) != sorted( self._schema.dict_.keys()): raise TypeError( "Schema in metafile and schema in arguments do not match, use mode='w' to overwrite dataset" ) else: if shape[0] is None: raise ShapeArgumentNotFoundException() if schema is None: raise SchemaArgumentNotFoundException() try: if shape is None: raise ShapeArgumentNotFoundException() if schema is None: raise SchemaArgumentNotFoundException() self._schema = schema self._shape = tuple(shape) self.meta = self._store_meta() self._meta_information = meta_information self._flat_tensors = tuple(flatten(self.schema)) self._commit_id = generate_hash() self._branch = "master" self._version_node = VersionNode(self._commit_id, self._branch) self._branch_node_map = {self._branch: self._version_node} self._commit_node_map = {self._commit_id: self._version_node} self._chunk_commit_map = { path: defaultdict(set) for schema, path in self._flat_tensors } self._tensors = dict(self._generate_storage_tensors()) except Exception as e: try: self.close() except Exception: pass self._fs.rm(self._path, recursive=True) logger.error("Deleting the dataset " + traceback.format_exc() + str(e)) raise self.flush() self.indexes = list(range(self._shape[0])) if self._path.startswith("s3://snark-hub-dev/" ) or self._path.startswith("s3://snark-hub/"): subpath = self._path[5:] spl = subpath.split("/") if len(spl) < 4: raise ValueError("Invalid Path for dataset") self.username = spl[-2] self.dataset_name = spl[-1] if needcreate: HubControlClient().create_dataset_entry(self.username, self.dataset_name, self.meta, public=public) @property def mode(self): return self._mode @property def url(self): return self._url @property def shape(self): return self._shape @property def name(self): return self._name @property def token(self): return self._token @property def cache(self): return self._cache @property def storage_cache(self): return self._storage_cache @property def schema(self): return self._schema @property def meta_information(self): return self._meta_information def _store_meta(self) -> dict: meta = { "shape": self._shape, "schema": hub.schema.serialize.serialize(self._schema), "version": 1, "meta_info": self._meta_information or dict(), "name": self._name, } self._fs_map[defaults.META_FILE] = bytes(json.dumps(meta), "utf-8") return meta def _store_version_info(self) -> dict: if self._commit_id is not None: d = { "branch_node_map": self._branch_node_map, "commit_node_map": self._commit_node_map, "chunk_commit_map": self._chunk_commit_map, } self._fs_map[defaults.VERSION_INFO] = pickle.dumps(d) def commit(self, message: str = "") -> str: """| Saves the current state of the dataset and returns the commit id. Checks out automatically to an auto branch if the current commit is not the head of the branch Only saves the dataset without any version control information if the dataset was created before Hub v1.3.0 Parameters ---------- message: str, optional The commit message to store along with the commit """ if self._commit_id is None: warnings.warn( "This dataset was created before version control, it does not support it. commit will behave same as flush" ) self.flush() elif "r" in self._mode: raise ReadModeException("commit") else: self._auto_checkout() stored_commit_id = self._commit_id self._commit_id = generate_hash() new_node = VersionNode(self._commit_id, self._branch) self._version_node.insert(new_node, message) self._version_node = new_node self._branch_node_map[self._branch] = new_node self._commit_node_map[self._commit_id] = new_node self.flush() return stored_commit_id def checkout(self, address: str, create: bool = False) -> str: """| Changes the state of the dataset to the address mentioned. Creates a new branch if address isn't a commit id or branch name and create is True. Always checks out to the head of a branch if the address specified is a branch name. Returns the commit id of the commit that has been switched to. Only works if dataset was created on or after Hub v1.3.0 Parameters ---------- address: str The branch name or commit id to checkout to create: bool, optional Specifying create as True creates a new branch from the current commit if the address isn't an existing branch name or commit id """ if self._commit_id is None: raise VersioningNotSupportedException("checkout") self.flush() if address in self._branch_node_map.keys(): self._branch = address self._version_node = self._branch_node_map[address] self._commit_id = self._version_node.commit_id elif address in self._commit_node_map.keys(): self._version_node = self._commit_node_map[address] self._branch = self._version_node.branch self._commit_id = self._version_node.commit_id elif create: if "r" in self._mode: raise ReadModeException("checkout to create new branch") self._branch = address new_commit_id = generate_hash() new_node = VersionNode(new_commit_id, self._branch) if not self._version_node.children: for key in self.keys: self._tensors[key].fs_map.copy_all_chunks( self._commit_id, new_commit_id) if self._version_node.parent is not None: self._version_node.parent.insert( new_node, f"switched to new branch {address}") else: self._version_node.insert(new_node, f"switched to new branch {address}") self._version_node = new_node self._commit_id = new_commit_id self._branch_node_map[self._branch] = new_node self._commit_node_map[self._commit_id] = new_node self.flush() else: raise AddressNotFound(address) return self._commit_id def _auto_checkout(self): """| Automatically checks out to a new branch if the current commit is not at the head of a branch""" if self._version_node and self._version_node.children: branch_name = f"'auto-{generate_hash()}'" print( f"automatically checking out to new branch {branch_name} as not at the head of branch {self._branch}" ) self.checkout(branch_name, True) def log(self): """| Prints the commits in the commit tree before the current commit Only works if dataset was created on or after Hub v1.3.0 """ if self._commit_id is None: raise VersioningNotSupportedException("log") current_node = (self._version_node.parent if not self._version_node.children else self._version_node) print(f"\n Current Branch: {self._branch}\n") while current_node: print(f"{current_node}\n") current_node = current_node.parent def _check_and_prepare_dir(self): """ Checks if input data is ok. Creates or overwrites dataset folder. Returns True dataset needs to be created opposed to read. """ fs, path, mode = self._fs, self._path, self._mode if path.startswith("s3://"): with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.activeloop/store"), "rb") as f: stored_username = json.load(f)["_id"] current_username = path.split("/")[-2] if stored_username != current_username: try: fs.listdir(path) except BaseException: raise WrongUsernameException(stored_username) meta_path = posixpath.join(path, defaults.META_FILE) try: # Update boto3 cache, detail=False, refresh=True) except Exception: pass exist_meta = fs.exists(meta_path) if exist_meta: if "w" in mode: fs.rm(path, recursive=True) fs.makedirs(path) return True return False else: if "r" in mode: raise HubDatasetNotFoundException(path) exist_dir = fs.exists(path) if not exist_dir: fs.makedirs(path) elif get_file_count(fs, path) > 0: if "w" in mode: raise NotHubDatasetToOverwriteException() else: raise NotHubDatasetToAppendException() return True def _generate_storage_tensors(self): for t in self._flat_tensors: t_dtype, t_path = t path = posixpath.join(self._path, t_path[1:]) self._fs.makedirs(posixpath.join(path, "--dynamic--")) yield t_path, DynamicTensor( fs_map=MetaStorage( t_path, get_storage_map( self._fs, path, self._cache, self.lock_cache, storage_cache=self._storage_cache, ), self._fs_map, self, ), mode=self._mode, shape=self._shape + t_dtype.shape, max_shape=self._shape + t_dtype.max_shape, dtype=_get_dynamic_tensor_dtype(t_dtype), chunks=t_dtype.chunks, compressor=_get_compressor(t_dtype.compressor), ) def _open_storage_tensors(self): for t in self._flat_tensors: t_dtype, t_path = t path = posixpath.join(self._path, t_path[1:]) yield t_path, DynamicTensor( fs_map=MetaStorage( t_path, get_storage_map( self._fs, path, self._cache, self.lock_cache, storage_cache=self._storage_cache, ), self._fs_map, self, ), mode=self._mode, # FIXME We don't need argument below here shape=self._shape + t_dtype.shape, ) def __getitem__(self, slice_): """| Gets a slice or slices from dataset | Usage: >>> return ds["image", 5, 0:1920, 0:1080, 0:3].compute() # returns numpy array >>> images = ds["image"] >>> return images[5].compute() # returns numpy array >>> images = ds["image"] >>> image = images[5] >>> return image[0:1920, 0:1080, 0:3].compute() """ if not isinstance(slice_, abc.Iterable) or isinstance(slice_, str): slice_ = [slice_] slice_ = list(slice_) subpath, slice_list = slice_split(slice_) if not subpath: if len(slice_list) > 1: raise ValueError( "Can't slice a dataset with multiple slices without key") indexes = self.indexes[slice_list[0]] return DatasetView( dataset=self, indexes=indexes, lazy=self.lazy, ) elif not slice_list: if subpath in self.keys: tensorview = TensorView( dataset=self, subpath=subpath, slice_=slice(0, self._shape[0]), lazy=self.lazy, ) return tensorview if self.lazy else tensorview.compute() for key in self.keys: if subpath.startswith(key): objectview = ObjectView( dataset=self, subpath=subpath, lazy=self.lazy, slice_=[slice(0, self._shape[0])], ) return objectview if self.lazy else objectview.compute() return self._get_dictionary(subpath) else: schema_obj = self.schema.dict_[subpath.split("/")[1]] if subpath in self.keys and (not isinstance(schema_obj, Sequence) or len(slice_list) <= 1): tensorview = TensorView(dataset=self, subpath=subpath, slice_=slice_list, lazy=self.lazy) return tensorview if self.lazy else tensorview.compute() for key in self.keys: if subpath.startswith(key): objectview = ObjectView( dataset=self, subpath=subpath, slice_=slice_list, lazy=self.lazy, ) return objectview if self.lazy else objectview.compute() if len(slice_list) > 1: raise ValueError("You can't slice a dictionary of Tensors") return self._get_dictionary(subpath, slice_list[0]) def __setitem__(self, slice_, value): """| Sets a slice or slices with a value | Usage: >>> ds["image", 5, 0:1920, 0:1080, 0:3] = np.zeros((1920, 1080, 3), "uint8") >>> images = ds["image"] >>> image = images[5] >>> image[0:1920, 0:1080, 0:3] = np.zeros((1920, 1080, 3), "uint8") """ if "r" in self._mode: raise ReadModeException("__setitem__") self._auto_checkout() assign_value = get_value(value) # handling strings and bytes assign_value = str_to_int(assign_value, self.tokenizer) if not isinstance(slice_, abc.Iterable) or isinstance(slice_, str): slice_ = [slice_] slice_ = list(slice_) subpath, slice_list = slice_split(slice_) if not subpath: raise ValueError("Can't assign to dataset sliced without subpath") elif subpath not in self.keys: raise KeyError(f"Key {subpath} not found in the dataset") if not slice_list: self._tensors[subpath][:] = assign_value else: self._tensors[subpath][slice_list] = assign_value def filter(self, fn): """| Applies a function on each element one by one as a filter to get a new DatasetView Parameters ---------- fn: function Should take in a single sample of the dataset and return True or False This function is applied to all the items of the datasetview and retains those items that return True """ indexes = [index for index in self.indexes if fn(self[index])] return DatasetView(dataset=self, lazy=self.lazy, indexes=indexes) def store( self, url: str, token: dict = None, sample_per_shard: int = None, public: bool = True, scheduler="single", workers=1, ): """| Used to save the dataset as a new dataset, very similar to copy but uses transforms instead Parameters ---------- url: str path where the data is going to be stored token: str or dict, optional If url is referring to a place where authorization is required, token is the parameter to pass the credentials, it can be filepath or dict length: int in case shape is None, user can provide length sample_per_shard: int How to split the iterator not to overfill RAM public: bool, optional only applicable if using hub storage, ignored otherwise setting this to False allows only the user who created it to access the dataset and the dataset won't be visible in the visualizer to the public scheduler: str choice between "single", "threaded", "processed" workers: int how many threads or processes to use Returns ---------- ds: hub.Dataset uploaded dataset """ return _store_helper(self, url, token, sample_per_shard, public, scheduler, workers) def copy(self, dst_url: str, token=None, fs=None, public=True): """| Creates a copy of the dataset at the specified url and returns the dataset object Parameters ---------- dst_url: str The destination url where dataset should be copied token: str or dict, optional If dst_url is refering to a place where authorization is required, token is the parameter to pass the credentials, it can be filepath or dict fs: optional public: bool, optional only applicable if using hub storage, ignored otherwise setting this to False allows only the user who created it to access the new copied dataset and the dataset won't be visible in the visualizer to the public """ self.flush() destination = dst_url path = _copy_helper( dst_url=dst_url, token=token, fs=fs, public=public, src_url=self._path, src_fs=self._fs, ) # create entry in database if stored in hub storage if path.startswith("s3://snark-hub-dev/") or path.startswith( "s3://snark-hub/"): subpath = path[5:] spl = subpath.split("/") if len(spl) < 4: raise ValueError("Invalid Path for dataset") username = spl[-2] dataset_name = spl[-1] HubControlClient().create_dataset_entry(username, dataset_name, self.meta, public=public) return hub.Dataset(destination, token=token, fs=fs, public=public) def resize_shape(self, size: int) -> None: """ Resize the shape of the dataset by resizing each tensor first dimension """ if size == self._shape[0]: return self._shape = (int(size), ) self.indexes = list(range(self.shape[0])) self.meta = self._store_meta() for t in self._tensors.values(): t.resize_shape(int(size)) self._update_dataset_state() def append_shape(self, size: int): """ Append the shape: Heavy Operation """ size += self._shape[0] self.resize_shape(size) def rename(self, name: str) -> None: """ Renames the dataset """ self._name = name self.meta = self._store_meta() self.flush() def delete(self): """ Deletes the dataset """ fs, path = self._fs, self._path exist_meta = fs.exists(posixpath.join(path, defaults.META_FILE)) if exist_meta: fs.rm(path, recursive=True) if self.username is not None: HubControlClient().delete_dataset_entry( self.username, self.dataset_name) return True return False def to_pytorch( self, transform=None, inplace=True, output_type=dict, indexes=None, key_list=None, ): """| Converts the dataset into a pytorch compatible format. ** Pytorch does not support uint16, uint32, uint64 dtypes. These are implicitly type casted to int32, int64 and int64 respectively. Avoid having schema with these dtypes if you want to avoid this implicit conversion. ** This method does not work with Sequence schema Parameters ---------- transform: function that transforms data in a dict format inplace: bool, optional Defines if data should be converted to torch.Tensor before or after Transforms applied (depends on what data type you need for Transforms). Default is True. output_type: one of list, tuple, dict, optional Defines the output type. Default is dict - same as in original Hub Dataset. indexes: list or int, optional The samples to be converted into Pytorch format. Takes all samples in dataset by default. key_list: list, optional The list of keys that are needed in Pytorch format. For nested schemas such as {"a":{"b":{"c": Tensor()}}} use ["a/b/c"] as key_list """ from .integrations import _to_pytorch ds = _to_pytorch(self, transform, inplace, output_type, indexes, key_list) return ds def to_tensorflow(self, indexes=None, include_shapes=False, key_list=None): """| Converts the dataset into a tensorflow compatible format Parameters ---------- indexes: list or int, optional The samples to be converted into tensorflow format. Takes all samples in dataset by default. include_shapes: boolean, optional False by default. Setting it to True passes the shapes to Setting to True could lead to issues with dictionaries inside Tensors. key_list: list, optional The list of keys that are needed in tensorflow format. For nested schemas such as {"a":{"b":{"c": Tensor()}}} use ["a/b/c"] as key_list """ from .integrations import _to_tensorflow ds = _to_tensorflow(self, indexes, include_shapes, key_list) return ds def _get_dictionary(self, subpath, slice_=None): """Gets dictionary from dataset given incomplete subpath""" tensor_dict = {} subpath = subpath if subpath.endswith("/") else subpath + "/" for key in self.keys: if key.startswith(subpath): suffix_key = key[len(subpath):] split_key = suffix_key.split("/") cur = tensor_dict for i in range(len(split_key) - 1): if split_key[i] not in cur.keys(): cur[split_key[i]] = {} cur = cur[split_key[i]] slice_ = slice_ or slice(0, self._shape[0]) tensorview = TensorView(dataset=self, subpath=key, slice_=slice_, lazy=self.lazy) cur[split_key[ -1]] = tensorview if self.lazy else tensorview.compute() if not tensor_dict: raise KeyError(f"Key {subpath} was not found in dataset") return tensor_dict def __iter__(self): """ Returns Iterable over samples """ for i in range(len(self)): yield self[i] def __len__(self): """ Number of samples in the dataset """ return self._shape[0] def disable_lazy(self): self.lazy = False def enable_lazy(self): self.lazy = True def _save_meta(self): _meta = json.loads(self._fs_map[defaults.META_FILE]) _meta["meta_info"] = self._meta_information self._fs_map[defaults.META_FILE] = json.dumps(_meta).encode("utf-8") def flush(self): """Save changes from cache to dataset final storage. Doesn't create a new commit. Does not invalidate this object. """ if "r" in self._mode: return self._store_version_info() for t in self._tensors.values(): t.flush() self._save_meta() self._fs_map.flush() self._update_dataset_state() def save(self): """Save changes from cache to dataset final storage. Doesn't create a new commit. Does not invalidate this object. """ self.flush() def close(self): """Save changes from cache to dataset final storage. Doesn't create a new commit. This invalidates this object. """ self.flush() for t in self._tensors.values(): t.close() self._fs_map.close() self._update_dataset_state() def _update_dataset_state(self): if self.username is not None: HubControlClient().update_dataset_state(self.username, self.dataset_name, "UPLOADED") def numpy(self, label_name=False): """Gets the values from different tensorview objects in the dataset schema Parameters ---------- label_name: bool, optional If the TensorView object is of the ClassLabel type, setting this to True would retrieve the label names instead of the label encoded integers, otherwise this parameter is ignored. """ return np.array([ create_numpy_dict(self, i, label_name=label_name) for i in range(self._shape[0]) ]) def compute(self, label_name=False): """Gets the values from different tensorview objects in the dataset schema Parameters ---------- label_name: bool, optional If the TensorView object is of the ClassLabel type, setting this to True would retrieve the label names instead of the label encoded integers, otherwise this parameter is ignored. """ return self.numpy(label_name=label_name) def __str__(self): return ("Dataset(schema=" + str(self._schema) + ", url=" + "'" + self._url + "'" + ", shape=" + str(self._shape) + ", mode=" + "'" + self._mode + "')") def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self.close() @property def keys(self): """ Get Keys of the dataset """ return self._tensors.keys() @property def branches(self) -> list: """ Gets a list all the branches of the dataset """ if self._commit_id is None: raise VersioningNotSupportedException("branches") return self._branch_node_map.keys() def _get_mode(self, mode: str, fs: AbstractFileSystem): if mode: if mode not in ["r", "r+", "a", "a+", "w", "w+"]: raise Exception(f"Invalid mode {mode}") return mode else: try: meta_path = posixpath.join(self._path, defaults.META_FILE) if not fs.exists(self._path) or not fs.exists(meta_path): return "a" bytes_ = bytes("Hello", "utf-8") path = posixpath.join(self._path, "mode_test") fs.pipe(path, bytes_) fs.rm(path) except BaseException: return "r" return "a" @staticmethod def from_tensorflow(ds, scheduler: str = "single", workers: int = 1): """Converts a tensorflow dataset into hub format. Parameters ---------- dataset: The tensorflow dataset object that needs to be converted into hub format scheduler: str choice between "single", "threaded", "processed" workers: int how many threads or processes to use Examples -------- >>> ds = >>> out_ds = hub.Dataset.from_tensorflow(ds) >>> res_ds ="username/new_dataset") # res_ds is now a usable hub dataset >>> ds ={'a': [1, 2], 'b': [5, 6]}) >>> out_ds = hub.Dataset.from_tensorflow(ds) >>> res_ds ="username/new_dataset") # res_ds is now a usable hub dataset >>> ds = hub.Dataset(schema=my_schema, shape=(1000,), url="username/dataset_name", mode="w") >>> ds = ds.to_tensorflow() >>> out_ds = hub.Dataset.from_tensorflow(ds) >>> res_ds ="username/new_dataset") # res_ds is now a usable hub dataset """ from .integrations import _from_tensorflow ds = _from_tensorflow(ds, scheduler, workers) return ds @staticmethod def from_tfds( dataset, split=None, num: int = -1, sampling_amount: int = 1, scheduler: str = "single", workers: int = 1, ): """| Converts a TFDS Dataset into hub format. Parameters ---------- dataset: str The name of the tfds dataset that needs to be converted into hub format split: str, optional A string representing the splits of the dataset that are required such as "train" or "test+train" If not present, all the splits of the dataset are used. num: int, optional The number of samples required. If not present, all the samples are taken. If count is -1, or if count is greater than the size of this dataset, the new dataset will contain all elements of this dataset. sampling_amount: float, optional a value from 0 to 1, that specifies how much of the dataset would be sampled to determinte feature shapes value of 0 would mean no sampling and 1 would imply that entire dataset would be sampled scheduler: str choice between "single", "threaded", "processed" workers: int how many threads or processes to use Examples -------- >>> out_ds = hub.Dataset.from_tfds('mnist', split='test+train', num=1000) >>> res_ds ="username/mnist") # res_ds is now a usable hub dataset """ from .integrations import _from_tfds ds = _from_tfds(dataset, split, num, sampling_amount, scheduler, workers) return ds @staticmethod def from_pytorch(dataset, scheduler: str = "single", workers: int = 1): """| Converts a pytorch dataset object into hub format Parameters ---------- dataset: The pytorch dataset object that needs to be converted into hub format scheduler: str choice between "single", "threaded", "processed" workers: int how many threads or processes to use """ from .integrations import _from_pytorch ds = _from_pytorch(dataset, scheduler, workers) return ds @staticmethod def from_path(path, scheduler="single", workers=1): # infer schema & get data (label -> input mapping with file refs) ds = auto.infer_dataset(path, scheduler=scheduler, workers=workers) return ds