コード例 #1
class HubUCourseManageEmailForm(BasePageWidget):
    """hub u course manager email"""

    def __init__(self,owner,locatordict={}):

        # load hub's classes
        HubUCourseManageEmailForm_Locators = self.load_class('HubUCourseManageEmailForm_Locators')

        # update this object's locator

        # update the locators with those from the owner

        # setup page object's components
        self.discard      = Link(self,{'base':'discard'})
        self.toaddr       = TextAC(self,{'base':'to',
        self.fromaddr     = TextReadOnly(self,{'base':'from'})
        self.replyto      = TextReadOnly(self,{'base':'replyto'})
        self.template     = Select(self,{'base':'template'})
        self.subject      = TextReadOnly(self,{'base':'subject'})
        self.body         = TextReadOnly(self,{'base':'body'})
        self.submit       = Button(self,{'base':'submit'})

        # update the component's locators with this objects overrides

    def _checkLocators(self,widgets=None,cltype=''):

        # to see all of the widgets, you need to choose a template first
        options = self.template.options()

    def send_email(self,tolist,templateName):
        """send an email to the addresses in tolist using the template templateName"""

        if tolist != None:
            self.toaddr.value = tolist
        if templateName != None:
            self.template.value = templateName
コード例 #2
class HubUCourseMembershipListing(BasePageWidget):
    def __init__(self, owner, locatordict={}):

        # load hub's classes
        HubUCourseMembershipListing_Locators = self.load_class('HubUCourseMembershipListing_Locators')
        HubUCourseMembershipListingMemberRow = self.load_class('HubUCourseMembershipListingMemberRow')
        HubUCourseMembershipListingDetailRow = self.load_class('HubUCourseMembershipListingDetailRow')

        # update this object's locator

        # update the locators with those from the owner

        # setup page object's components
        self.member_row    = HubUCourseMembershipListingMemberRow(self,{'base':'enrollee_row'})
        self.detail_row    = HubUCourseMembershipListingDetailRow(self,{'base':'detail_row'})
        self.action        = Select(self,{'base':'action'})
        self.action_submit = Button(self,{'base':'action_submit'})
        self.get_enroll    = Link(self,{'base':'get_enroll'},self._onClick)
        self.export_enroll = Link(self,{'base':'export_enroll'})
        self.members       = TextReadOnly(self,{'base':'members'})
        self.total         = TextReadOnly(self,{'base':'total'})

        self.member_data  = {}

        # update the component's locators with this objects overrides

    def update_enrollment(self):
        """click the update enrollment link"""


    def select_imported(self):
        """check the checkboxes of all imported course members"""

        count = 0
        imported_cbs = self.find_elements(self.locators['imported_cb'])
        for cb in imported_cbs:
            count += 1
        return count

    def select_invited(self):
        """check the checkboxes of all invited course members"""

        count = 0
        invited_cbs = self.find_elements(self.locators['invited_cb'])
        for cb in invited_cbs:
            count += 1
        return count

    def select_members(self):
        """check the checkboxes of all member course members"""

        count = 0
        member_cbs = self.find_elements(self.locators['member_cb'])
        for cb in member_cbs:
            count += 1
        return count

    def get_footer_members_count(self):
        """retrieve the number of members in the group from the footer"""

        return self.members.value

    def get_footer_total_count(self):
        """retrieve the total number of people in the group from the footer"""

        return self.total.value

    def count_imported_rows(self):
        """retrieve the number of imported rows in the table"""

        return len(self.find_elements(self.locators['imported_row']))

    def count_invited_rows(self):
        """retrieve the number of invited rows in the table"""

        return len(self.find_elements(self.locators['invited_row']))

    def count_member_rows(self):
        """retrieve the number of member rows in the table"""

        return len(self.find_elements(self.locators['member_row']))

    def count_total_rows(self):
        """retrieve the number of total rows in the table"""

        return len(self.find_elements(self.locators['enrollee_row']))

    def prepare_to_send_email(self):
        """select the 'Send Email' action and goto the email page"""

        self.action.choose('Send Email')

    def retrieve_members(self,save_cb=None, continue_cb=None, reverse=False):
        """return a list of member data from the table that match the specified criteria"""

        self.member_data = {}
        total = int(self.total.value)

        if reverse == False:
            start = 1
            end = total + 1
            step = 1
            start = total
            end = 1 - 1
            step = -1

        for index in xrange(start,end,step):
            didx = index*2
            midx = didx-1

            # FIXME: move the css code into locator file
            mlocator = self.locators['traversal_row'] % midx
            dlocator = self.locators['traversal_row'] % didx

            self.member_row.locator = mlocator
            name = self.member_row.name.text()

            # open the hidden detail row

            self.detail_row.locator = dlocator
            enroll_id = self.detail_row.enroll_id.value
            enroll_date = self.detail_row.enroll_date.value
            import_date = self.detail_row.import_date.value
            invite_sent = self.detail_row.invite_sent.value
            invite_accept = self.detail_row.invite_accept.value

            # close the detail row

            save = True
            cont = True

            mdata = {
                'name'          : name,
                'enroll_id'     : enroll_id,
                'enroll_date'   : enroll_date,
                'import_date'   : import_date,
                'invite_sent'   : invite_sent,
                'invite_accept' : invite_accept,

            if continue_cb:
                cont = continue_cb(mdata)

            if not cont:

            if save_cb:
                save = save_cb(mdata)

            if save:
                self.member_data[midx] = {
                    'name'          : name,
                    'enroll_id'     : enroll_id,
                    'enroll_date'   : enroll_date,
                    'import_date'   : import_date,
                    'invite_sent'   : invite_sent,
                    'invite_accept' : invite_accept,
                    '__mlocator__'  : mlocator,
                    '__dlocator__'  : dlocator,

        return self.member_data

    def find_by_import_date(self,dtobj):
        """retrieve table data that matches the specified datetime object"""

        # date_object = datetime.strptime('Jun 1 2005  1:33PM', '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')

        def callback(name, enroll_id, enroll_date, import_date, invite_sent, invite_accept):
            import_date_dt = datetime.strptime(import_date, '%b %d, %Y')
            return import_date_dt == dtobj

        return self.retrieve_members(callback)

    def select_retrieved_members(self):
        """check the 'select' box of members retrieved from the 'retrieve_members' method"""

        for [k,v] in self.member_data.items():
            self.member_row.locator = v['__mlocator__']
            self.member_row.cb_email.value = True

    def _onClick(self):
        """callback function for updating enrollments"""

            # wait for the page to refresh
            wait = WebDriverWait(self._browser, 30)
            wait.until(lambda browser :
        except TimeoutException:
            # browser.save_screenshot_as_base64
            # self._browser.save_screenshot_as_file("need_help.submitted-1.png")
            raise TimeoutException("Timeout while waiting to retrieve new enrollments")

        # FIXME: check if the notice text is
        # "Enrollment Updates\n\nThere are no new enrollments or enrollment changes at this time."
        #e = self.find_element(self.locators['notice'])
        #ticket_number = e.text
        #return ticket_number
        return True