コード例 #1
            if sufficient_time_passed(closed_at, now, 7):
                instance.logger.info("Shutting down obsolete sandbox instance")

def terminate_obsolete_appservers_all_instances():
    Terminate obsolete app servers for all instances.
    for instance in OpenEdXInstance.objects.all():
        instance.logger.info("Terminating obsolete appservers for instance")

@db_periodic_task(crontab(day='*/1', hour='1', minute='0'))
def clean_up():
    Clean up obsolete VMs.

    This task runs once per day.

def reconfigure_dirty_load_balancers():
    Any load balancers that are dirty need to be reconfigured.
コード例 #2
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: 8dspaces/huey
import random
from huey.contrib.djhuey import task, periodic_task, crontab, db_task

def count_beans(number):
    print('-- counted %s beans --' % number)
    return 'Counted %s beans' % number

def every_five_mins():
    print('Every five minutes this will be printed by the consumer')

@task(retries=3, retry_delay=10)
def try_thrice():
    if random.randint(1, 3) == 1:
        print('About to fail, will retry in 10 seconds')
        raise Exception('Crap something went wrong')

def foo(number):
    print('foo(%s)' % number)
コード例 #3
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: vmartsynovskyy/neon-webapp
from huey.contrib.djhuey import crontab, db_periodic_task
from neon_app.models import Day
from icalendar import Calendar
from django.db import IntegrityError
from re import compile
import requests

pro_d_terms = ['Professional', 'Pro-D', 'Development']
holiday_terms = ['Holiday', 'Statutory', 'School Closed']
late_start_terms = ['Late Start']
early_dismissal_terms = ['Early Dismissal']

def update_from_calendar():
    r = requests.get("http://www.sd44.ca/school/windsor/"
    cal = Calendar.from_ical(r.text)
    for event in (x for x in cal.subcomponents if x.name == 'VEVENT'):
        day_type = ""
        if any(x in event['summary'] for x in holiday_terms):
            day_type = "holiday"
        elif any(x in event['summary'] for x in late_start_terms):
            day_type = "late-start"
        elif any(x in event['summary'] for x in pro_d_terms):
            day_type = "pro-d"
        elif any(x in event['summary'] for x in early_dismissal_terms):
            day_type = "early-d"
            day_type = "normal"
コード例 #4
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: taivo/opencraft
# Tasks #######################################################################

def provision_instance(instance_pk):
    Run provisioning on an existing instance
    logger.info('Retreiving instance: pk=%s', instance_pk)
    instance = SingleVMOpenEdXInstance.objects.get(pk=instance_pk)

    logger.info('Running provisioning on %s', instance)

def watch_pr():
    Automatically create/update sandboxes for PRs opened by members of the watched
    organization on the watched repository
    team_username_list = get_username_list_from_team(settings.WATCH_ORGANIZATION)

    for username in team_username_list:
        for pr in get_pr_list_from_username(username, settings.WATCH_FORK):
            sub_domain = 'pr{number}.sandbox'.format(number=pr.number)
            instance, created = SingleVMOpenEdXInstance.objects.update_or_create_from_pr(pr, sub_domain)
            if created:
                logger.info('New PR found, creating sandbox: %s', pr)
コード例 #5
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: BFriedland/systorian
from utils import read_top

import logging

# The next two LOC should be parameterized; this is on the to-do list.
# The logger is commented out to assist new users.
# logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, filename='/tmp/metrics.log')

# osx
TOP_COMMAND = 'top -n 0 -l 1'  # zero processes, one repetition in logging mode
# ubuntu
# TOP_COMMAND = 'top -n 1 -b'  # one repetition in batch mode

@db_periodic_task(crontab(minute='*'))  # Once per minute
def make_new_top_entry():
        data = read_top(TOP_COMMAND)
        # Data is automatically jsonified by the JSONField in Entry
        new_entry = Entry.objects.create(command=TOP_COMMAND, data=data)
        logging.exception('Exception raised in make_new_top_entry')

# Examples of alternative tasks.
# `make_new_top_delta_entry` runs `top -d`; the resulting Entry will contain
# the delta since the last time top was called. Can be done on the ORM/database
# levels (or even in Django), too. Doing it here is trading space for time.
# I could have made another layer of abstraction here, but I didn't want to
コード例 #6
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: yashwin/statboard
File name: tasks.py
Author: dhilipsiva <*****@*****.**>
Date created: 2017-03-18

import logging
from django.conf import settings
from importlib import import_module
from statboard.core.models import Metric
from statboard.core.config import huey  # NOQA
from huey.contrib.djhuey import crontab, periodic_task

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def fetch_metrics():
    for metric_name in settings.METRICS:
        logger.debug('~' * 80)
            logger.debug("Initializing metrics for: %s" % metric_name)
            metric = Metric.objects.get(name=metric_name)
            metric_module = import_module('statboard.core.metrics.%s' %
            logger.debug("Attemting to fetch metrics for: %s" % metric_name)
            logger.debug("DONE! fetched metrics for: %s" % metric_name)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("FAILED! metrics for: %s \n %s" % (metric_name, e))
コード例 #7
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: open-craft/opencraft
    for instance in OpenEdXInstance.objects.filter(watchedpullrequest__isnull=False):
        pr = github.get_pr_info_by_number(
        if pr['state'] == 'closed':
            closed_at = github.parse_date(pr['closed_at'])
            now = datetime.now()
            if sufficient_time_passed(closed_at, now, 7):

def terminate_obsolete_appservers_all_instances():
    Terminate obsolete app servers for all instances.
    for instance in OpenEdXInstance.objects.all():

@db_periodic_task(crontab(day='*/1', hour='1', minute='0'))
def clean_up():
    Clean up obsolete VMs.

    This task runs once per day.
コード例 #8
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: linosgian/strovilos
from django.db import transaction, IntegrityError
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist

from .models import Posts

from huey.contrib.djhuey import crontab
from huey import RedisHuey
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('huey.consumer')

# This is necessary in order to get the right RedisHuey instance.
huey = RedisHuey('main', password = settings.CACHE_PASSWORD)

@huey.periodic_task(crontab(minute='0', hour='*/1'))
def viewcountupdate():
	""" This task is being executed hourly
	and pushed the cached view counters
	into the database using a single transaction

	# This is the prefix we are going to use to distinguish the cache keys
	# we need for the view counters
	logger.warn('Entering viewcountupdate...')
	with redis_cache.lock('lock'):
		keys = redis_cache.keys(PREFIX + "*")
		if keys:
				with transaction.atomic():