コード例 #1
ファイル: box.py プロジェクト: neuroradiology/huygens
def test_arrows(): # XXX move to doc

    from huygens import config

    Box.DEBUG = False

    tbox = lambda t: MarginBox(TextBox(t), 0.05)
    rows = [
        [r"A", r"B", r"C"],
        [r"D", r"E", r"F"],
        [r"G", r"H", r"I"],
    boxs = [[tbox("$%s$"%c) for c in row] for row in rows]

    arrows = []
    for di in [-1, 0, 1]:
      for dj in [-1, 0, 1]:
        if di==0 and dj==0:
        label = r"$x$"
        a = ArrowBox(boxs[1][1], boxs[1+di][1+dj], label=label)

    r = 1.1
    table = TableBox(boxs, hspace=r, vspace=0.8*r)
    box = MasterBox(table, arrows)

    cvs = canvas.canvas()

コード例 #2
ファイル: box.py プロジェクト: neuroradiology/huygens
 def render(self, cvs=None, x=0, y=0):
     if cvs is None:
         cvs = canvas.canvas()
     self.layout(cvs, x, y)
     self.on_render(cvs, self.system)
     return cvs
コード例 #3
 def render(self, cvs=None, x=0, y=0):
     if cvs is None:
         cvs = canvas.canvas()
     #assert (x,y) == (0, 0) # put the anchor here, not used ???
     self.layout(cvs, x, y)
     self.on_render(cvs, self.system)
     return cvs
コード例 #4
def test():
    from huygens import config


    st_dashed = [style.linestyle.dashed]
    st_arrow = [deco.marrow()]
    st_rarrow = [deco.marrow(reverse=True)]

    #box = Spider(1, 2)

    box = TBone(1, 2, connect=[0, 0], weight=0.5)
    box = box * (VWire() @ Spider(1, 2))
    box = box * (Spider(2, 1) @ VWire())

    cvs = canvas.canvas()
コード例 #5
ファイル: box.py プロジェクト: neuroradiology/huygens
 def on_decorate(self, pre, path, post):
     assert isinstance(path, Path)
     cvs = canvas.canvas()
     x, y, dx, dy = path.tangent(self.t)
     self.box.render(cvs, x, y)
     post += cvs
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_box.py プロジェクト: punkdit/huygens
def test_box():

    # [<<< table of contents](index.html)
    #  ---
    # Layout with Box's
    # =================

    from random import random, seed
    from huygens.front import canvas, path
    from huygens.box import (Box, EmptyBox, CanBox, TextBox, HBox, VBox, OBox,
                             TableBox, FillBox, MarginBox, AlignBox)

    # First we set a debug flag so we can see the shape of every box

    Box.DEBUG = True

    # Every Box has an anchor point, shown with a cross.
    # Then, the distance to the four sides of the box
    # are stored as attributes `top`, `bot`, `left`, and `right`.

    box = EmptyBox(top=0.5, bot=1.0, left=0.2, right=2.)

    # To render a box onto a canvas:
    cvs = canvas.canvas()

    # We can then call `cvs.writeSVGfile("output.svg")` to save an svg file:

    yield box, "empty"


    box = TextBox("Hey there!")
    yield box, "text"


    cvs = canvas.canvas()
    cvs.stroke(path.line(0., 0., 1., 1.))
    cvs.text(0., 0., "hello everyone")
    box = CanBox(cvs)
    yield box, 'canbox'


    # You cannot use the same box more than once in a container Box:

    box = TextBox("hello")
    box = HBox([box, box])  # FAIL
    #yield box, "hbox-fail" # raises assert error


    box = HBox("geghh xxde xyeey".split())
    yield box, "hbox-text"


    box = VBox("geghh xxde xyeey".split())
    yield box, "vbox-text"


    r = 1.0
    a = EmptyBox(top=r, bot=r)
    b = EmptyBox(top=r, bot=r)
    c = EmptyBox(left=r, right=r)
    #box = StrictVBox([a, c])
    box = VBox([a, c])
    yield box, 'vbox-empty'


    box = OBox([
        EmptyBox(.4, .1, 0., 2.2),
        EmptyBox(.3, 0., .5, 2.5),
        EmptyBox(1., .5, .5, .5),
        FillBox(.2, .2),
    yield box, "obox"


    box = HBox([
        VBox([TextBox(text) for text in "xxx1 ggg2 xxx3 xx4".split()]),
        VBox([TextBox(text) for text in "123 xfdl sdal".split()]),
    yield box, "hbox-vbox"


    box = TableBox([[
        EmptyBox(.4, .1, 0.2, 2.2),
        EmptyBox(.3, 1.2, .5, 2.5),
    ], [
        EmptyBox(.8, .1, 0.4, 1.2),
        EmptyBox(.5, 0.4, .5, 1.5),
    yield box, "table"


    def rnd(a, b):
        return (b - a) * random() + a

    a, b = 0.2, 1.0
    rows = []
    for row in range(3):
        row = []
        for col in range(3):
            box = EmptyBox(rnd(a, b), rnd(a, b), rnd(a, b), rnd(a, b))

    box = TableBox(rows)
    yield box, "table-2"


    rows = []
    for i in range(3):
        row = []
        for j in range(3):
            box = TextBox(("xbcgef"[i + j]) * (i + 1) * (j + 1))
            box = MarginBox(box, 0.1)
            box = AlignBox(box, "north")
    box = TableBox(rows)
    yield box, "table-3"


    a, b = 0.2, 2.0
    rows = []
    for row in range(2):
        boxs = []
        for col in range(2):
            top = rnd(a, b)
            bot = rnd(a, b)
            left = rnd(a, b)
            right = rnd(a, b)
            box = EmptyBox(top, bot, left, right)
        boxs.append(TextBox("Hig%d !" % row))
        box = HBox(boxs)
    box = VBox(rows)
    yield box, "table-4"