def copy_secrets(vault: hvac.Client, old_path: str, new_path: str, kv_base: str = 'secret/'): def recursive_read(path: str): list_path = kv_base + 'metadata/' + path data_path = kv_base + 'data/' + path try: data = if data is not None: yield path, data['data']['data'] children_resp = vault.list(list_path) if children_resp is None: return children = children_resp.get('data', {}).get('keys', {}) if children != {}: for child in children: yield from recursive_read(path + child) except Forbidden: print(f"Path {path} is forbidden!") return for subpath, secrets in recursive_read(old_path): new_data_path: str = kv_base + 'data/' + re.sub( '^' + old_path, new_path, subpath) print(new_data_path) result = vault.write(new_data_path, data=secrets)
def init_postgre_backend(client: hvac.Client): if 'postgresql/' in client.list_secret_backends(): logging.warning('Backend postgresql already exists : it will be modified') else: client.enable_secret_backend('postgresql') ok = False'Setting up the postgre backend with the url {}'.format(postgre_url)) while not ok: try: # We try a lot because postgre/vault might not be completely up by the time it is launched client.write('/postgresql/config/connection', connection_url=postgre_url) ok = True except hvac.exceptions.InvalidRequest as e: logging.error(e) time.sleep(1)'Creating role readwrite') client.write('/postgresql/roles/readwrite', sql=rw_role_request)"Ok we're good. You can now request rw on the url postgresql/creds/readwrite")
K8S_CA_CERT_FILE = os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, '.kube-ca.pem') vault = Client(url="https://localhost:8200", verify="ssl/certs/ca.pem") vault_settings = init_vault(vault, SETTINGS_FILE) unseal_vault(vault, vault_settings) vault.token = vault_settings["root_token"] vault.enable_secret_backend(backend_type='pki', mount_point='/pki', config={"max_lease_ttl": 760 * 24 * 60}) bundle = {} with open(os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, "ssl", "certs", "ca.pem")) as input: bundle['cert'] = with open(os.path.join(CURRENT_DIR, "ssl", "certs", "ca-key.pem")) as input: bundle['key'] = vault.write(path='/pki/config/ca', pem_bundle="{}\n{}".format(bundle['cert'], bundle['key'])) vault.write('/pki/roles/default', allow_any_name=False, allow_subdomains=True, allowed_domains="default.svc.cluster.local", ttl='768h') vault.write('/pki/roles/servicemesh', allow_any_name=False, allow_subdomains=True, allowed_domains="default.svc.cluster.local,default.mesh", ttl='768h') vault.write('/pki/roles/mongo', allow_any_name=False, allow_subdomains=True, allowed_domains="mongo.default.svc.cluster.local", client_flag=True, server_flag=True, ttl='768h')