コード例 #1
    def thumb(self, resource, width, height, prefix, crop_type, options, preserve_orientation=False):
        Generate a thumbnail for the given image
        name = os.path.basename(resource.get_relative_deploy_path())
        # don't make thumbnails for thumbnails
        if name.startswith(prefix):
        # Prepare path, make all thumnails in single place(content/.thumbnails)
        # for simple maintenance but keep original deploy path to preserve
        # naming logic in generated site
        path = os.path.join(".thumbnails",
                            "%s%s" % (prefix, name))
        target = resource.site.config.content_root_path.child_file(path)
        res = self.site.content.add_resource(target)
        res.set_relative_deploy_path(res.get_relative_deploy_path().replace('.thumbnails/', '', 1))

        if os.path.exists(target.path) and os.path.getmtime(resource.path) <= os.path.getmtime(target.path):
        self.logger.debug("Making thumbnail for [%s]" % resource)

        im = self.Image.open(resource.path)
        if im.mode != 'RGBA':
            im = im.convert('RGBA')
        format = im.format

        if preserve_orientation and im.size[1] > im.size[0]:
          width, height = height, width

        resize_width, resize_height = thumb_scale_size(im.size[0], im.size[1], width, height)

        self.logger.debug("Resize to: %d,%d" % (resize_width, resize_height))
        im = im.resize((resize_width, resize_height), self.Image.ANTIALIAS)
        if width is not None and height is not None:
            shiftx = shifty = 0
            if crop_type == "center":
                shiftx = (im.size[0] - width)/2
                shifty = (im.size[1] - height)/2
            elif crop_type == "bottomright":
                shiftx = (im.size[0] - width)
                shifty = (im.size[1] - height)
            im = im.crop((shiftx, shifty, width + shiftx, height + shifty))

        im.save(target.path, **options)
コード例 #2
 def test_height_and_width_landscape(self):
     ow, oh = 200, 100
     nw, nh = thumb_scale_size(ow, oh, 50, 50)
     assert nw == 100
     assert nh == 50
コード例 #3
 def test_height_and_width_portrait(self):
     ow, oh = 100, 200
     nw, nh = thumb_scale_size(ow, oh, 50, 50)
     assert nw == 50
     assert nh == 100
コード例 #4
 def test_height_only_nonintegral(self):
     ow, oh = 105, 200
     nw, nh = thumb_scale_size(ow, oh, None, 100)
     assert nw == 53
     assert nh == 100
コード例 #5
 def test_height_only(self):
     ow, oh = 100, 200
     nw, nh = thumb_scale_size(ow, oh, None, 100)
     assert nw == 50
     assert nh == 100
コード例 #6
 def test_width_only_nonintegral(self):
     ow, oh = 100, 205
     nw, nh = thumb_scale_size(ow, oh, 50, None)
     assert nw == 50
     assert nh == 103
コード例 #7
 def test_width_only(self):
     ow, oh = 100, 200
     nw, nh = thumb_scale_size(ow, oh, 50, None)
     assert nw == 50
     assert nh == 100