コード例 #1
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM, lat, lon, matMap, vRange=[-0.3, 0.3], s=16)
    axM.set_title('testing corr LSTM - corr WRTDS')
    figP = plt.figure(figsize=[16, 6])
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #2
ファイル: tsMass.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, nc, figsize=(12, 4))
    for k in range(nc):
        axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, mapLst[k], s=16)
        axM[k].set_title('WRTDS corr {}'.format(codeNameLst[k]))
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(len(codeLst), 1, figsize=[16, 6])
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_multiple.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcM():
    figM = plt.figure(figsize=[12, 3])
    gsM = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 5)
    axM = list()
    axM.append(figM.add_subplot(gsM[0, 0]))
    axM.append(figM.add_subplot(gsM[0, 1:3]))
    axM.append(figM.add_subplot(gsM[0, 3:5]))
    axM = np.array(axM)
    x = corrMat[indS, codeLst.index(codeM[0]), 1]
    y = corrMat[indS, codeLst.index(codeM[1]), 1]
    sc = axplot.scatter121(axM[0], x, y, cMat)
    figM.colorbar(sc, ax=axM[0])
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[1], lat, lon, x, s=24)
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[2], lat, lon, y, s=24)
    labelLst = ['scatter', 'map1', 'map2']
    xMat = np.stack([x, lon, lon], axis=1)
    yMat = np.stack([y, lat, lat], axis=1)

    figP = plt.figure(figsize=[12, 3])
    gsP = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 4)
    axP = list()
    axP.append(figP.add_subplot(gsP[0, :-1]))
    axP.append(figP.add_subplot(gsP[0, -1]))
    axP.append(figP.add_subplot(gsP[1, :-1]))
    axP.append(figP.add_subplot(gsP[1, -1]))
    axP = np.array(axP)

    return figM, axM, figP, axP, xMat, yMat, labelLst
コード例 #4
ファイル: carts_pcaG.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def plotNode(nodeId, indInput, indLeft, indRight, title):
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=[9, 3])
    # cdf
    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
    cLst = 'gbr'
    y0 = y[indInput]
    y1 = y[indLeft]
    y2 = y[indRight]
    labLst = [
        'parent {:.2f}'.format(np.nanmean(y0)),
        'left {:.2f} (*)'.format(np.nanmean(y1)),
        'right {:.2f} (o)'.format(np.nanmean(y2))
    dataLst = [y0, y1, y2]
    for kk, data in enumerate(dataLst):
        xSort = np.sort(data[~np.isnan(data)])
        yRank = np.arange(1, len(xSort) + 1) / float(len(xSort))
        ax.plot(xSort, yRank, color=cLst[kk], label=labLst[kk])
        ax.set_xlim([0, 1])
    ax.legend(loc='best', frameon=False)
    # map
    ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1:])
    for indTemp, sty in zip([indLeft, indRight], '*o'):
        lat = dfG['LAT_GAGE'][indTemp].values
        lon = dfG['LNG_GAGE'][indTemp].values
        data = y[indTemp]
        axplot.mapPoint(ax, lat, lon, data, vRange=[0, 1], marker=sty, s=20)
    # fig.suptitle(title)
    ax.set_title(title, fontsize=16)
    figName = 'node{}.png'.format(nodeId)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(saveFolder, figName))
    return fig
コード例 #5
ファイル: 121_tsMap_rmse.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcP(axP, iP, iM):
    rr = xMat[:, iM]**2-yMat[:, iM]**2
    cc = cMat[:, iM] if cMat.ndim == 2 else cMat
    dfCrd = gageII.readData(
        varLst=['LAT_GAGE', 'LNG_GAGE'], siteNoLst=siteNoLst)
    lat = dfCrd['LAT_GAGE'].values
    lon = dfCrd['LNG_GAGE'].values
    # maps
    axplot.mapPoint(axP[0], lat, lon, rr, vRange=[-0.3, 0.3], s=16, cb=False)
    circle = plt.Circle([lon[iP], lat[iP]], 2, color='black', fill=False)
    axplot.mapPoint(axP[1], lat, lon, cc, vRange=cR, s=16, cb=False)
    circle = plt.Circle([lon[iP], lat[iP]], 2, color='black', fill=False)
    siteNo = siteNoLst[iP]
    # ts
    code = codeLst2[iM]
    print(code, siteNo)
    print(iP, iM)
    v0 = dictObs[siteNo][code].values
    v1 = dictLSTM[siteNo][code].values
    v2 = dictWRTDS[siteNo][code].values
    t = dictObs[siteNo].index.values
    legLst = ['LSTM', 'WRTDS', 'Obs']
    axplot.plotTS(axP[2], t[ind1], [v1[ind1], v2[ind1], v0[ind1]],
                  styLst='--*', cLst='rbk', legLst=legLst)
    axplot.plotTS(axP[3], t[ind2], [v1[ind2], v2[ind2], v0[ind2]],
                  styLst='--*', cLst='rbk', legLst=legLst)
    # cq
    q = dictObs[siteNo]['00060'].values
    c = dictObs[siteNo][code].values
    td = dictObs[siteNo].index.dayofyear
    sc = axP[4].scatter(np.log(q), c, c=td, cmap='hsv', vmin=0, vmax=365)
コード例 #6
ファイル: temp_temp.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM, lat, lon, rmseLSTM, s=24)
    axM.set_title('Testing corr LSTM ')
    figP = plt.figure(figsize=[16, 4])
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #7
ファイル: CaSi_tsmap.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM, lat, lon, corrMat[:, 1], vRange=[0.5, 1], s=16)
    shortName = usgs.codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
    axM.set_title('Testing correlation of {}'.format(shortName))
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #8
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[0], lat, lon, matR, s=16)
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[1], lat, lon, mat2, s=16)
    shortName = usgs.codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(16, 4))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #9
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM, lat, lon, corr2, vRange=[0.5, 1], s=16)
    axM.set_title('corr LSTM streamflow')
    figP = plt.figure(figsize=[16, 6])
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #10
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    # shortName = codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
    # title = 'RMSE of {} {}'.format(shortName, code)
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[0], lat, lon, errMat1[:, 0, 0], s=12)
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[1], lat, lon, errMatL2[:, 0, 0], s=12)
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #11
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    # shortName = codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[0], lat, lon, dwMat2[:,0], s=12)
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[1], lat, lon, dwMat2[:,1], s=12)
    # axM[k].set_title(modLst[k])
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 6))    
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #12
def funcM():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(6, 4))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[0], lat, lon, np.mean(
        errL[:, :, 1], axis=1), s=16, cb=True)
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[1], lat, lon, np.mean(
        errW[:, :, 1], axis=1), s=16, cb=True)
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(nc, 1, figsize=(12, 8))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #13
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(len(codeSel), 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    for k, code in enumerate(codeSel):
        ic = wqData.varC.index(code)
        shortName = codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
        title = 'D(R) of {} {}'.format(shortName, code)
        axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, errMat[:, ic, 1], s=12, title=title)
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(len(codeSel) + 1, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #14
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 3))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[0], lat, lon, corrMat[:, 1], vRange=[0, 1], s=16)
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[1], lat, lon, corrMat[:, 3], vRange=[0, 1], s=16)
    shortName = usgs.codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
    axM[0].set_title('LSTM testing corr of {}'.format(shortName))
    axM[1].set_title('WRTDS testing corr of {}'.format(shortName))
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(20, 6))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #15
ファイル: relaMap2.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(nc, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    for k in range(nc):
        axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, rMat[:, k], s=12)
    figP = plt.figure(constrained_layout=True)
    spec = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=3, nrows=2, figure=figP)
    axLst = [figP.add_subplot(spec[0, :])] +\
        [figP.add_subplot(spec[1, k]) for k in range(3)]
    axP = np.array(axLst)
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #16
ファイル: silica_linear2.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    # shortName = codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
    for k in range(2):
        mapData = corrMat[:, 0, k] - corrMat[:, 1, k]
        axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, mapData, s=12)
        # axM[k].set_title(modLst[k])
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(nM, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    axP = np.array([axP]) if nM == 1 else axP
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #17
ファイル: tsMap_q.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[0], lat, lon, corrMat[:, 1], vRange=[0.5, 1], s=16)
    axM[0].set_title('correlation with Q')
    diff = corrMat[:, 1]**2 / corrMat[:, 0]**2
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[1], lat, lon, diff, s=16)
    axM[1].set_title('Rsq Q target / Rsq Q input')
    shortName = usgs.codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
    # axM.set_title('Testing correlation of {}'.format(shortName))
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(16, 4))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #18
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(len(codeSel), 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    for k, code in enumerate(codeSel):
        ic = wqData.varC.index(code)
        shortName = codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
        title = 'correlation of {} {}'.format(shortName, code)
        ind = indLst[k]
        axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat[ind], lon[ind], errMatC2[ind, ic, 1], s=12)
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(len(codeSel), 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon[indAll], lat[indAll]
コード例 #19
ファイル: carts_pcaG.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def plotLeaf(nodeId, indInput, title):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=[6, 3])
    lat = dfG['LAT_GAGE'][indInput].values
    lon = dfG['LNG_GAGE'][indInput].values
    data = y[indInput]
    axplot.mapPoint(ax, lat, lon, data, vRange=[0, 1], s=20)
    # fig.show()
    figName = 'node{}.png'.format(nodeId)
    plt.savefig(os.path.join(saveFolder, figName))
    return fig
コード例 #20
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(nM, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    axM = np.array([axM]) if nM == 1 else axM
    shortName = codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
    title = '{} {}'.format(shortName, code)
    for k in range(nM):
        axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, corrMat[:, k, 1], s=12)
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(nM, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    axP = np.array([axP]) if nM == 1 else axP
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #21
ファイル: tsMapSeq.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcMap():
    nM = len(codeLst)
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(nM, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    for k in range(0, nM):
        code = codeLst[k]
        ic = wqData.varC.index(code)
        shortName = codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
        title = '{} {}'.format(shortName, code)
        axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, errMat2[:, ic, 1], s=12)
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(nM + 1, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #22
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, nc, figsize=(12, 4))
    for k in range(nc):
        axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, mapLst[k], s=16)
        axM[k].set_title('WRTDS corr {}'.format(codeNameLst[k]))
    figP = plt.figure(figsize=[16, 6])
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nc, 41)
    axP = np.ndarray([nc, 4], dtype=object)
    for k in range(nc):
        axP[k, 0] = figP.add_subplot(gs[k, :28])
        axP[k, 1] = axP[k, 0].twinx()
        axP[k, 2] = figP.add_subplot(gs[k, 32:40])
        axP[k, 3] = figP.add_subplot(gs[k, 40])
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #23
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM, lat, lon, matMap, vRange=[-0.3, 0.3], s=16)
    axM.set_title('testing corr LSTM - corr WRTDS')
    figP = plt.figure(figsize=[16, 6])
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 12)
    axTS = figP.add_subplot(gs[0, :])
    axH1 = figP.add_subplot(gs[1, :4])
    axH2 = figP.add_subplot(gs[1, 4:8])
    axH3 = figP.add_subplot(gs[1, 8:])
    axP1 = figP.add_subplot(gs[2, :6])
    axP2 = figP.add_subplot(gs[2, 6:])
    axP = np.array([axTS, axH1, axH2, axH3, axP1, axP2])
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #24
def funcMap():
    nM = len(codeLst) + 1
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(nM, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[0], lat, lon, errMatQ[:, 0, 0], s=12)
    for k in range(1, nM):
        code = codeLst[k - 1]
        ic = wqData.varC.index(code)
        shortName = codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
        title = '{} {}'.format(shortName, code)
        axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, errMatC[:, ic, 0], s=12)
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #25
ファイル: silica_ts.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcMap():
    nM = len(plotVar)
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(nM, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    axM = np.array([axM]) if nM == 1 else axM
    for k, var in enumerate(plotVar):
        if var == '00060':
            axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, errMatQ2[:, 0, 1], s=12)
            ic = master['varYC'].index(var)
            shortName = codePdf.loc[var]['shortName']
            title = '{} {}'.format(shortName, var)
            axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, errMatC2[:, ic, 1], s=12)
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(nM, 1, figsize=(8, 6))
    axP = np.array([axP]) if nM == 1 else axP
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #26
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 4))
    for k in range(3):
        axplot.mapPoint(axM[k], lat, lon, matMapLst[k], vRange=[0, 1], s=16)
    axM[0].set_title('corr(LSTM, WRTDS)')
    axM[1].set_title('corr(LSTM, obs)')
    axM[2].set_title('corr(WRTDS, obs)')
    figP = plt.figure(figsize=[16, 6])
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 12)
    axTS = figP.add_subplot(gs[0, :])
    axH1 = figP.add_subplot(gs[1, :4])
    axH2 = figP.add_subplot(gs[1, 4:8])
    axH3 = figP.add_subplot(gs[1, 8:])
    axP1 = figP.add_subplot(gs[2, :6])
    axP2 = figP.add_subplot(gs[2, 6:])
    axP = np.array([axTS, axH1, axH2, axH3, axP1, axP2])
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #27
def funcM():
    dfCrd = gageII.readData(varLst=['LAT_GAGE', 'LNG_GAGE'],
    lat = dfCrd['LAT_GAGE'].values
    lon = dfCrd['LNG_GAGE'].values
    lat[np.isnan(xMat)] = 9999
    lon[np.isnan(xMat)] = 9999
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 4))
    axplot.mapPoint(axM, lat, lon, xMat**2 - yMat**2, vRange=[-0.3, 0.3], s=16)
    axM.set_title('testing Rsq LSTM - Rsq WRTDS')
    figP = plt.figure(figsize=[16, 6])
    axP = list()
    gsP = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 3)
    axP.append(figP.add_subplot(gsP[0, :2]))
    axP.append(figP.add_subplot(gsP[1, :2]))
    axP.append(figP.add_subplot(gsP[0:, 2]))
    axP = np.array(axP)
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat
コード例 #28
ファイル: test_single.py プロジェクト: sadeghst/geolearn
def funcM():
    figM = plt.figure(figsize=[12, 3])
    gsM = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3)
    axM = list()
    axM.append(figM.add_subplot(gsM[0, 0]))
    axM.append(figM.add_subplot(gsM[0, 1:]))
    axM = np.array(axM)
    sc = axplot.scatter121(axM[0], corrMat[indS, ic, 1],
                           corrMat[indS, ic, 2], cMat)
    figM.colorbar(sc, ax=axM[0])
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[1], lat, lon, corrMat[indS, ic, 1], s=24)
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(2, 1)
    labelLst = ['scatter', 'map']
    xMat = np.stack([corrMat[indS, ic, 1], lon], axis=1)
    yMat = np.stack([corrMat[indS, ic, 2], lat], axis=1)
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, xMat, yMat, labelLst
コード例 #29
def plotP(xx, yy, cc, iP, code):
    dfCrd = gageII.readData(
        varLst=['LAT_GAGE', 'LNG_GAGE'], siteNoLst=siteNoLst)
    lat = dfCrd['LAT_GAGE'].values
    lon = dfCrd['LNG_GAGE'].values
    # maps
    axplot.mapPoint(axP[0], lat, lon, xx, vRange=[-0.5, 1], s=16)
    circle = plt.Circle([lon[iP], lat[iP]], 2, color='black', fill=False)
    axplot.mapPoint(axP[1], lat, lon, yy, vRange=[-0.5, 1], s=16)
    circle = plt.Circle([lon[iP], lat[iP]], 2, color='black', fill=False)
    axplot.mapPoint(axP[2], lat, lon, cc, vRange=cR, s=16)
    circle = plt.Circle([lon[iP], lat[iP]], 2, color='black', fill=False)
    siteNo = siteNoLst[iP]
    # ts
    v0 = dictObs[siteNo][code].values
    v1 = dictLSTM[siteNo][code].values
    v2 = dictWRTDS[siteNo][code].values
    t = dictObs[siteNo].index.values
    legLst = ['LSTM', 'WRTDS', 'Obs']
    axplot.plotTS(axP[3], t[ind1], [v1[ind1], v2[ind1], v0[ind1]],
                  styLst='--*', cLst='rbk', legLst=legLst)
    axplot.plotTS(axP[4], t[ind2], [v1[ind2], v2[ind2], v0[ind2]],
                  styLst='--*', cLst='rbk', legLst=legLst)
    # cq
    q = dictObs[siteNo]['00060'].values
    c = dictObs[siteNo][code].values
    td = dictObs[siteNo].index.dayofyear
    sc = axP[5].scatter(np.log(q), c, c=td, cmap='hsv', vmin=0, vmax=365)
    # figP.colorbar(sc, ax=axP[5])
    figP.suptitle('code {} {}; siteNo {} \n corrLSTM {:.2f}; corrWRTDS {:.2f}; {} {}'.format(
        code, usgs.codePdf.loc[code]['shortName'], siteNo, xx[iP], yy[iP], cVar, cc[iP]))
コード例 #30
def funcMap():
    figM, axM = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(6, 12))
    mat1 = dfR1['corr'].values
    mat2 = dfR2['corr'].values
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[0], lat, lon, mat1, vRange=[0, 1], s=16)
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[1], lat, lon, mat2, vRange=[0, 1], s=16)
    axplot.mapPoint(axM[2], lat, lon, mat1**2/mat2**2, vRange=[0.5, 1.5], s=16)
    shortName = usgs.codePdf.loc[code]['shortName']
    axM[0].set_title('WRTDS corr, {}'.format(shortName))
    axM[1].set_title('T only corr, {}'.format(shortName))
    axM[2].set_title('R2 ratio, {}'.format(shortName))
    figP, axP = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(16, 4))
    return figM, axM, figP, axP, lon, lat