def get_optimize_op(self, global_step, learning_rate): """ Need to override if you want to use different optimization policy. :param learning_rate: :param global_step: :return: (learning_rate, optimizer) tuple """ learning_rate = tf.train.polynomial_decay( learning_rate, global_step, decay_steps=HyperParams.get().opt_decay_steps_deeplab, power=HyperParams.get().opt_decay_power_deeplab, end_learning_rate=0.0000001) # learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay( # learning_rate, global_step, # decay_steps=HyperParams.get().opt_decay_steps, # decay_rate=HyperParams.get().opt_decay_rate, # staircase=True # ) update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer( learning_rate, momentum=HyperParams.get().opt_momentum) # optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate, epsilon=1e-8) optimize_op = optimizer.minimize(self.get_loss_opt(), global_step, colocate_gradients_with_ops=True) return learning_rate, optimize_op
def objective(args): print('------------ STARTED') t = Trainer() print(args) print('------------') for k, v in args.items(): if k not in HyperParams.get().__dict__.keys(): continue HyperParams.get().__dict__[k] = v print(HyperParams.get().__dict__) print('------------') miou, name ='unet') print(miou, name) print('------------ FINISHED') if miou <= 0.0: return { 'loss': 1.0, 'status': STATUS_FAIL, } return { 'loss': 1.0 - miou, 'miou': miou, 'model_name': name, 'task_group_id': os.environ.get('TASK_GROUP_ID', ''), 'task_group_name': os.environ.get('TASK_GROUP_NAME', ''), 'task_name': os.environ.get('TASK_NAME', ''), 'status': STATUS_OK, }
def mask_size_normalize(data, target_size=None): s = random.randint(0, 1) if s <= 0 and target_size is None: data = random_scaling(data) return data # getting maximum size of masks maximum_size = get_max_size_of_masks(data.masks) if maximum_size <= 1: return random_scaling(data) # normalize by the target size if target_size is None: target_size = random.uniform(HyperParams.get().pre_size_norm_min, HyperParams.get().pre_size_norm_max) shorter_edge_size = min(data.img.shape[:2]) size_factor = target_size / maximum_size size_factor = min(3000 / shorter_edge_size, size_factor) size_factor = max(120 / shorter_edge_size, size_factor) target_edge_size = int(shorter_edge_size * size_factor) data = resize_shortedge(data, target_edge_size) return data
def parse_merged_output(output, cutoff=0.5, cutoff_instance_max=0.8, cutoff_instance_avg=0.2): """ Split 1-channel merged output for instance segmentation :param cutoff: :param output: (h, w, 1) segmentation image :return: list of (h, w, 1). instance-aware segmentations. """ cutoffed = output > cutoff lab_img = label(cutoffed, connectivity=1) instances = [] for i in range(1, lab_img.max() + 1): instances.append((lab_img == i).astype(np.bool)) filtered_instances = [] scores = [] for instance in instances: # TODO : max or avg? instance_score_max = np.max(instance * output) # score max if instance_score_max < cutoff_instance_max: continue instance_score_avg = np.sum(instance * output) / np.sum( instance) # score avg if instance_score_avg < cutoff_instance_avg: continue filtered_instances.append(instance) scores.append(instance_score_avg) instances = filtered_instances # dilation instances_tmp = [] if HyperParams.get().post_dilation_iter > 0: for instance in filtered_instances: instance = ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation( instance, iterations=HyperParams.get().post_dilation_iter) instances_tmp.append(instance) instances = instances_tmp # sorted by size sorted_idx = [ i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(instances), key=lambda x: get_size_of_mask(x[1])) ] instances = [instances[x] for x in sorted_idx] scores = [scores[x] for x in sorted_idx] # make sure there are no overlaps instances, scores = Network.remove_overlaps(instances, scores) # fill holes if HyperParams.get().post_fill_holes: instances = [ ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(i) for i in instances ] return instances, scores
def __init__(self, batchsize): super().__init__(batchsize, unet_weight=True) self.img_size = 228 self.num_block = HyperParams.get().unet_step_size self.inp_size = get_net_input_size(self.img_size, self.num_block) assert (self.inp_size - self.img_size) % 2 == 0 self.pad_size = (self.inp_size - self.img_size) // 2 self.batchsize = batchsize self.input_batch = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, shape=(None, self.img_size + self.pad_size * 2, self.img_size + self.pad_size * 2, 3), name='image') self.mask_batch = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, self.img_size, self.img_size, 1), name='mask') self.weight_batch = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, self.img_size, self.img_size, 1), name='weight') self.unused = None self.logit = None self.output = None
def play_tennis(rounds=10): hparams = HyperParams() writer = utils.VisWriter(vis=False) agent_group = mag.MADDPGAgentGroup(state_size, action_size, num_agents, writer, hparams, result_dir='./') for i, agent in enumerate(agent_group.agents): agent.actor_local.load_state_dict( torch.load(f'./runs/2021-03-16-215701/checkpoint_actor_{i}.pth')) agent.critic_local.load_state_dict( torch.load(f'./runs/2021-03-16-215701/checkpoint_critic_{i}.pth')) for i in range(1, rounds): env_info = env.reset(train_mode=False)[brain_name] states = env_info.vector_observations scores = np.zeros(num_agents) agent_group.reset() while True: actions = agent_group.act(states, add_noise=False) env_info = env.step(actions)[brain_name] next_states = env_info.vector_observations rewards = env_info.rewards dones = env_info.local_done # agent learns scores += rewards states = next_states if np.any(dones): break print(f'Score (max over agents) from episode {i}: {np.max(scores)}')
def random_affine(data): """ Randomly apply affine transformations including rotation, shearing, translation. :param data: CellImageData :return: CellImageData """ s = random.randint(0, 2) if s >= 1: return data rand_rotate = np.random.randint(-HyperParams.get().pre_affine_rotate, HyperParams.get().pre_affine_rotate) rand_shear = np.random.randint(-HyperParams.get().pre_affine_shear, HyperParams.get().pre_affine_shear) rand_translate = np.random.uniform(-HyperParams.get().pre_affine_translate, HyperParams.get().pre_affine_translate) aug = iaa.Affine(scale=1.0, translate_percent=rand_translate, rotate=rand_rotate, shear=rand_shear, cval=0, mode='reflect') data.img = aug.augment_image(data.img) data.masks = [aug.augment_image(mask) for mask in data.masks] return data
def random_scaling(data): """ Randomly scale an image and masks. :param data: CellImageData :return: CellImageData """ s = random.randint(0, 1) if s <= 0: return data img_h, img_w = data.img.shape[:2] scale_f1 = HyperParams.get().pre_scale_f1 scale_f2 = HyperParams.get().pre_scale_f2 new_w = int(random.uniform(1. - scale_f1, 1. + scale_f2) * img_w) new_h = int(random.uniform(1. - scale_f1, 1. + scale_f2) * img_h) data.img = cv2.resize(data.img, (new_w, new_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) data.masks = [ cv2.resize(mask, (new_w, new_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) for mask in data.masks ] data.img_w, data.img_h = new_w, new_h return data
def get_optimize_op(self, global_step, learning_rate): """ Need to override if you want to use different optimization policy. :param learning_rate: :param global_step: :return: (learning_rate, optimizer) tuple """ learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay( learning_rate, global_step, decay_steps=HyperParams.get().opt_decay_steps, decay_rate=HyperParams.get().opt_decay_rate, staircase=True) update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): if HyperParams.get().optimizer == 'adam': optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate, epsilon=1e-8) elif HyperParams.get().optimizer == 'rmsprop': # not good optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer( learning_rate, decay=0.9, momentum=HyperParams.get().opt_momentum) elif HyperParams.get().optimizer == 'sgd': # not optimized optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate) elif HyperParams.get().optimizer == 'momentum': optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer( learning_rate, momentum=HyperParams.get().opt_momentum) else: raise Exception('invalid optimizer: %s' % HyperParams.get().optimizer) optimize_op = optimizer.minimize(self.get_loss_opt(), global_step, colocate_gradients_with_ops=True) return learning_rate, optimize_op
def erosion_mask(data): """ As described in the original paper, Separation between cluttered cells is enhanced by using morphological algorithm. :param data: CellImageData :return: CellImageData """ if len(data.masks) == 0: return data total_map = np.zeros_like(data.masks[0], dtype=np.uint8) masks = [] for mask in data.masks: mask[total_map > 0] = 0 mask = ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion( (mask > 0), border_value=1, iterations=HyperParams.get().pre_erosion_iter).astype(np.uint8) total_map = total_map + mask masks.append(mask) data.masks = masks return data
import sys import torch from torch.autograd import Variable import gym import numpy as np from hyperparams import HyperParams from utils import next_state, cuda_if, sample_action import torch.nn.functional as F import multiprocessing as mp from runner import Runner hp = HyperParams() hyps = hp.hyps file_name = hyps['exp_name'] + "_best.p" for arg in sys.argv[1:]: if "file_name" in str(arg) or "=" not in str(arg) or ".p" in str(arg): file_name = arg break print("file_name:", file_name) print("n_frame_stack:", hyps['n_frame_stack']) print("grid_size:", hyps['grid_size']) print("n_foods:", hyps['n_foods']) print("unit_size:", hyps['unit_size']) print("env_type:", hyps['env_type']) print("model_type:", hyps['model_type']) print("preprocessor:", hyps['preprocess']) hyps['render'] = True preprocess = hyps['preprocess'] env_type = hyps['env_type']
def __init__(self): self.hyperParams=HyperParams() pass
def build(self): # batch_norm_params = { 'is_training': self.is_training, 'center': True, 'scale': True, 'decay': HyperParams.get().net_bn_decay, 'epsilon': HyperParams.get().net_bn_epsilon, 'fused': True, 'zero_debias_moving_mean': True } dropout_params = { 'keep_prob': HyperParams.get().net_dropout_keep, 'is_training': self.is_training, } conv_args = { 'padding': 'SAME', 'weights_initializer': tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=HyperParams.get().net_init_stddev), 'normalizer_fn': slim.batch_norm, 'normalizer_params': batch_norm_params, 'activation_fn': tf.nn.elu } net = self.input_batch features = [] with slim.arg_scope([slim.convolution, slim.conv2d_transpose], **conv_args): with slim.arg_scope([slim.dropout], **dropout_params): step_size = HyperParams.get().unet_step_size base_feature_size = HyperParams.get().unet_base_feature max_feature_size = base_feature_size * (2 ** step_size) # down sampling steps for i in range(step_size): net = NetworkUnet.double_conv(net, int(base_feature_size*(2**i)), scope='down_conv_%d' % (i + 1)) features.append(net) net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], 2, padding='SAME', scope='pool%d' % (i + 1)) # middle net = NetworkUnet.double_conv(net, max_feature_size, scope='middle_conv_1') # upsampling steps for i in range(step_size): net = slim.conv2d_transpose(net, int(max_feature_size/(2**(i+1))), [2, 2], 2, scope='up_trans_conv_%d' % (i + 1)) down_feat = features.pop() # upsample with origin version assert net.shape[3] == down_feat.shape[3], '%d, %d, %d' % (i, net.shape[3], down_feat.shape[3]) net = tf.concat([down_feat, net], axis=-1) net = NetworkUnet.double_conv(net, int(max_feature_size/(2**(i+1))), scope='up_conv_%d' % (i + 1)) # not in the original paper net = NetworkUnet.double_conv(net, 32, scope='output_conv_1') # original paper : one 1x1 conv net = slim.convolution(net, 1, [3, 3], 1, scope='final_conv', activation_fn=None, padding='SAME', weights_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=0.01)) self.logit = net self.output = tf.nn.sigmoid(net, 'visualization') if self.unet_weight: w = self.weight_batch else: w = 1.0 self.loss = tf.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy( multi_class_labels=self.mask_batch, logits=self.logit, weights=w ) self.loss_opt = self.loss return net
from tensorpack.dataflow import PrefetchData from data_augmentation import data_to_segment_input, data_to_normalize01 from hyperparams import HyperParams logger = logging.getLogger('train') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(asctime)s] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s] %(message)s') ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.handlers = [] logger.addHandler(ch) if HyperParams.get().dataset_stage == 1: master_dir_train = '/data/public/rw/datasets/dsb2018/train' master_dir_train2 = None master_dir_test = '/data/public/rw/datasets/dsb2018/test' # train/valid set k folds implementation IDX_LIST = list(next(os.walk(master_dir_train))[1])'Loading Dataset for Stage1(%d)' % (len(IDX_LIST))) if HyperParams.get().data_fold > 0: VALID_IDX_LIST = IDX_LIST[-94 * HyperParams.get().data_fold:][:94] TRAIN_IDX_LIST = sorted(list(set(IDX_LIST) - set(VALID_IDX_LIST))) assert len(VALID_IDX_LIST) == 94, len(VALID_IDX_LIST) assert len(TRAIN_IDX_LIST) == 576, len(TRAIN_IDX_LIST) else:
def run(self, model, epoch=600, batchsize=16, learning_rate=0.0001, early_rejection=False, valid_interval=10, tag='', save_result=True, checkpoint='', pretrain=False, skip_train=False, validate_train=True, validate_valid=True, logdir='/data/public/rw/kaggle-data-science-bowl/logs/', **kwargs): self.set_network(model, batchsize) ds_train, ds_valid, ds_valid_full, ds_test = ) print(HyperParams.get().__dict__) net_output = net_loss = global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) learning_rate_v, train_op = global_step=global_step, learning_rate=learning_rate) best_loss_val = 999999 best_miou_val = 0.0 name = '%s_%s_lr=%.8f_epoch=%d_bs=%d' % ( tag if tag else"%y%m%dT%H%M%f"), model, learning_rate, epoch, batchsize, ) model_path = os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH, name, 'model') best_ckpt_saver = BestCheckpointSaver(save_dir=model_path, num_to_keep=100, maximize=True) saver = tf.train.Saver() m_epoch = 0 # initialize session self.init_session() # tensorboard tf.summary.scalar('loss', net_loss, collections=['train', 'valid']) s_train = tf.summary.merge_all('train') s_valid = tf.summary.merge_all('valid') train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir + name + '/train', self.sess.graph) valid_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir + name + '/valid', self.sess.graph)'initialization+') if not checkpoint: if pretrain: global_vars = tf.global_variables() from tensorflow.python import pywrap_tensorflow reader = pywrap_tensorflow.NewCheckpointReader( var_to_shape_map = reader.get_variable_to_shape_map() saved_vars = list(var_to_shape_map.keys()) var_list = [ x for x in global_vars if':0', '') in saved_vars ] var_list = [x for x in var_list if 'logit' not in]'pretrained weights(%d) loaded : %s' % (len(var_list), pretrain_loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list) pretrain_loader.restore(self.sess, elif checkpoint == 'best': path = get_best_checkpoint(model_path) saver.restore(self.sess, path)'restored from best checkpoint, %s' % path) elif checkpoint == 'latest': path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path) saver.restore(self.sess, path)'restored from latest checkpoint, %s' % path) else: saver.restore(self.sess, checkpoint)'restored from checkpoint, %s' % checkpoint) step = start_e = (batchsize * step) // len(CellImageDataManagerTrain.LIST)'training started+') if epoch > 0 and not skip_train: try: losses = [] for e in range(start_e, epoch): loss_val_avg = [] train_cnt = 0 for dp_train in ds_train.get_data(): _, loss_val, summary_train = [train_op, net_loss, s_train], dp_train, True)) loss_val_avg.append(loss_val) train_cnt += 1 step, lr =[global_step, learning_rate_v]) loss_val_avg = sum(loss_val_avg) / len(loss_val_avg) 'training %d epoch %d step, lr=%.8f loss=%.4f train_iter=%d' % (e + 1, step, lr, loss_val_avg, train_cnt)) losses.append(loss_val) train_writer.add_summary(summary_train, global_step=step) if early_rejection and len(losses) > 100 and losses[ len(losses) - 100] * 1.05 < loss_val_avg:'not improved, stop at %d' % e) break # early rejection if early_rejection and ((e == 50 and loss_val > 0.5) or (e == 200 and loss_val > 0.2)):'not improved training loss, stop at %d' % e) break m_epoch = e avg = 10.0 if loss_val < 0.20 and (e + 1) % valid_interval == 0: avg = [] for _ in range(5): ds_valid.reset_state() ds_valid_d = ds_valid.get_data() for dp_valid in ds_valid_d: loss_val, summary_valid = [net_loss, s_valid], dp_valid, False)) avg.append(loss_val) ds_valid_d.close() avg = sum(avg) / len(avg)'validation loss=%.4f' % (avg)) if best_loss_val > avg: best_loss_val = avg valid_writer.add_summary(summary_valid, global_step=step) if avg < 0.16 and e >= 100 and (e + 1) % valid_interval == 0: cnt_tps = np.array((len(thr_list)), dtype=np.int32), cnt_fps = np.array((len(thr_list)), dtype=np.int32) cnt_fns = np.array((len(thr_list)), dtype=np.int32) pool_args = [] ds_valid_full.reset_state() ds_valid_full_d = ds_valid_full.get_data() for idx, dp_valid in tqdm( enumerate(ds_valid_full_d), desc='validate using the iou metric', total=len(CellImageDataManagerValid.LIST)): image = dp_valid[0] inference_result = self.sess, image, cutoff_instance_max=0.9) instances, scores = inference_result[ 'instances'], inference_result['scores'] pool_args.append( (thr_list, instances, dp_valid[2])) ds_valid_full_d.close() pool = Pool(processes=8) cnt_results =, pool_args) pool.close() pool.join() pool.terminate() for cnt_result in cnt_results: cnt_tps = cnt_tps + cnt_result[0] cnt_fps = cnt_fps + cnt_result[1] cnt_fns = cnt_fns + cnt_result[2] ious = np.divide(cnt_tps, cnt_tps + cnt_fps + cnt_fns) mIou = np.mean(ious)'validation metric: %.5f' % mIou) if best_miou_val < mIou: best_miou_val = mIou best_ckpt_saver.handle( mIou, self.sess, global_step) # save & keep best model # early rejection by mIou if early_rejection and e > 50 and best_miou_val < 0.15: break if early_rejection and e > 100 and best_miou_val < 0.25: break except KeyboardInterrupt:'interrupted. stop training, start to validate.') try: chk_path = get_best_checkpoint(model_path, select_maximum_value=True) if chk_path: 'training is done. Start to evaluate the best model. %s' % chk_path) saver.restore(self.sess, chk_path) except Exception as e: logger.warning('error while loading the best model:' + str(e)) # show sample in train set : show_train > 0 kaggle_submit = KaggleSubmission(name) if validate_train in [True, 'True', 'true']:'Start to test on training set.... (may take a while)') train_metrics = [] for single_id in tqdm(CellImageDataManagerTrain.LIST[:20], desc='training set test'): result = self.single_id(None, None, single_id, set_type='train', show=False, verbose=False) image = result['image'] labels = result['labels'] instances = result['instances'] score = result['score'] score_desc = result['score_desc'] img_vis = Network.visualize(image, labels, instances, None) kaggle_submit.save_train_image(single_id, img_vis, score=score, score_desc=score_desc) train_metrics.append(score)'trainset validation ends. score=%.4f' % np.mean(train_metrics)) # show sample in valid set : show_valid > 0 if validate_valid in [True, 'True', 'true']: 'Start to test on validation set.... (may take a while)') valid_metrics = [] for single_id in tqdm(CellImageDataManagerValid.LIST, desc='validation set test'): result = self.single_id(None, None, single_id, set_type='train', show=False, verbose=False) image = result['image'] labels = result['labels'] instances = result['instances'] score = result['score'] score_desc = result['score_desc'] img_vis = Network.visualize(image, labels, instances, None) kaggle_submit.save_valid_image(single_id, img_vis, score=score, score_desc=score_desc) kaggle_submit.valid_instances[single_id] = ( instances, result['instance_scores']) valid_metrics.append(score)'validation ends. score=%.4f' % np.mean(valid_metrics)) # show sample in test set'saving...') if save_result: for i, single_id in tqdm( enumerate(CellImageDataManagerTest.LIST), total=len(CellImageDataManagerTest.LIST)): # TODO try: result = self.single_id(None, None, single_id, 'test', False, False) except Exception as e: logger.warning('single_id=%s err=%s' % (single_id, str(e))) continue image = result['image'] instances = result['instances'] img_h, img_w = image.shape[:2] img_vis = Network.visualize(image, None, instances, None) # save to submit instances = Network.resize_instances(instances, (img_h, img_w)) kaggle_submit.save_image(single_id, img_vis) kaggle_submit.test_instances[single_id] = ( instances, result['instance_scores']) kaggle_submit.add_result(single_id, instances) # for single_id in tqdm(CellImageDataManagerTest.LIST[1120:], desc='test set evaluation'): # result = self.single_id(None, None, single_id, set_type='test', show=False, verbose=False) # temporal saving if i % 500 == 0: 'done. epoch=%d best_loss_val=%.4f best_mIOU=%.4f name= %s' % (m_epoch, best_loss_val, best_miou_val, name)) return best_miou_val, name
def ensemble_models_id(self, single_id, set_type='train', model='stage1_unet', show=True, verbose=True): self._load_ensembles(model) d = self._get_cell_data(single_id, set_type) logger.debug('image size=%dx%d' % (d.img_h, d.img_w)) total_model_size = len(self.ensembles['rcnn']) + len( self.ensembles['unet']) logger.debug('total_model_size=%d rcnn=%d unet=%d' % (total_model_size, len( self.ensembles['rcnn']), len(self.ensembles['unet']))) rcnn_instances = [] rcnn_scores = [] # TODO : RCNN Ensemble rcnn_ensemble = False for idx, data in enumerate(self.ensembles['rcnn']): if set_type == 'train': instances, scores = data['valid_instances'].get( single_id, (None, None)) rcnn_ensemble = True else: # TODO ls = data['test_instances'].get(single_id, None) if ls is None: instances = scores = None else: instances = [x[0] for x in ls] scores = [x[1] for x in ls] rcnn_ensemble = True logger.debug('rcnn # instances = %d' % len(instances)) if instances is None: logger.warning('Not found id=%s in RCNN %d Model' % (single_id, idx + 1)) continue rcnn_instances.extend( [instance[:d.img_h, :d.img_w] for instance in instances]) rcnn_scores.extend([ s * HyperParams.get().rcnn_score_rescale for s in scores ]) # rescale scores total_instances = [] total_scores = [] # TODO : UNet Ensemble for idx, data in enumerate(self.ensembles['unet']): if set_type == 'train': instances, scores = data['valid_instances'].get( single_id, (None, None)) else: instances, scores = data['test_instances'].get( single_id, (None, None)) if instances is None: logger.warning('Not found id=%s in UNet %d Model' % (single_id, idx + 1)) continue total_instances.extend(instances) total_scores.extend(scores) # if single_id in ['646f5e00a2db3add97fb80a83ef3c07edd1b17b1b0d47c2bd650cdcab9f322c0']: # take too long # logger.warning('no ensemble id=%s' % single_id) # break watch = StopWatch() watch.start() logger.debug('voting+ size=%d' % len(total_instances)) # TODO : Voting? voting_th = HyperParams.get().ensemble_voting_th rects = [get_rect_of_mask(a) for a in total_instances] voted = [] for i, x in enumerate(total_instances): voted.append( filter_by_voting( (x, total_instances, voting_th, 0.3, rects[i], rects))) total_instances = list(compress(total_instances, voted)) total_scores = list(compress(total_scores, voted)) watch.stop() logger.debug('voting elapsed=%.5f' % watch.get_elapsed()) watch.reset() # nms watch.start() logger.debug('nms+ size=%d' % len(total_instances)) instances, scores = Network.nms( total_instances, total_scores, None, thresh=HyperParams.get().ensemble_nms_iou) watch.stop() logger.debug('nms elapsed=%.5f' % watch.get_elapsed()) watch.reset() # high threshold if not exists in RCNN if rcnn_ensemble: voted = [] for i, x in enumerate(instances): voted.append( filter_by_voting((x, rcnn_instances, 1, 0.3, None, None))) new_instances = [] new_scores = [] for instance, score, v in zip(instances, scores, voted): if v: new_instances.append(instance) new_scores.append(score) elif score > HyperParams.get().ensemble_th_no_rcnn: new_instances.append(instance) new_scores.append(score) instances, scores = new_instances, new_scores # nms with rcnn instances = instances + rcnn_instances scores = scores + rcnn_scores watch.start() logger.debug('nms_rcnn+ size=%d' % len(instances)) instances, scores = Network.nms( instances, scores, None, thresh=HyperParams.get().ensemble_nms_iou) watch.stop() logger.debug('nms_rcnn- size=%d elapsed=%.5f' % (len(instances), watch.get_elapsed())) watch.reset() # remove overlaps logger.debug('remove overlaps+') sorted_idx = [ i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(instances), key=lambda x: get_size_of_mask(x[1]), reverse=False) ] instances = [instances[x] for x in sorted_idx] scores = [scores[x] for x in sorted_idx] instances2 = [ ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(i) for i in instances ] instances2, scores2 = Network.remove_overlaps(instances2, scores) # remove deleted instances logger.debug('remove deleted+ size=%d' % len(instances2)) voted = [] for x in instances2: voted.append(filter_by_voting((x, instances, 1, 0.75, None, None))) instances = list(compress(instances2, voted)) scores = list(compress(scores2, voted)) # TODO : Filter by score? logger.debug('filter by score+ size=%d' % len(instances)) score_filter_th = HyperParams.get().ensemble_score_th if score_filter_th > 0.0: logger.debug('filter_by_score=%.3f' % score_filter_th) instances = [ i for i, s in zip(instances, scores) if s > score_filter_th ] scores = [ s for i, s in zip(instances, scores) if s > score_filter_th ] logger.debug('finishing+ size=%d' % len(instances)) image = d.image(is_gray=False) score_desc = [] labels = [] if len(d.masks) > 0: # has label masks labels = list(d.multi_masks(transpose=False)) tp, fp, fn = get_multiple_metric(thr_list, instances, labels) logger.debug('instances=%d, labels=%d' % (len(instances), len(labels))) for i, thr in enumerate(thr_list): desc = 'score=%.3f, tp=%d, fp=%d, fn=%d --- iou %.2f' % ( (tp / (tp + fp + fn))[i], tp[i], fp[i], fn[i], thr) logger.debug(desc) score_desc.append(desc) score = np.mean(tp / (tp + fp + fn)) logger.debug('score=%.3f, tp=%.1f, fp=%.1f, fn=%.1f --- mean' % (score, np.mean(tp), np.mean(fp), np.mean(fn))) else: score = 0.0 if show: img_vis = Network.visualize(image, labels, instances, None) cv2.imshow('valid', img_vis) cv2.waitKey(0) else: return { 'instance_scores': scores, 'score': score, 'image': image, 'instances': instances, 'labels': labels, 'score_desc': score_desc }
def single_id(self, model, checkpoint, single_id, set_type='train', show=True, verbose=True): if model: self.set_network(model) self.init_session() if checkpoint: saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(self.sess, checkpoint) if verbose:'restored from checkpoint, %s' % checkpoint) d = self._get_cell_data(single_id, set_type) h, w = d.img.shape[:2] shortedge = min(h, w) logger.debug('%s image size=(%d x %d)' % (single_id, w, h)) watch = StopWatch() logger.debug('preprocess+') d = image = d.image(is_gray=False) total_instances = [] total_scores = [] total_from_set = [] cutoff_instance_max = HyperParams.get().post_cutoff_max_th cutoff_instance_avg = HyperParams.get().post_cutoff_avg_th watch.start() logger.debug('inference at default scale+ %dx%d' % (w, h)) inference_result = self.sess, image, cutoff_instance_max=cutoff_instance_max, cutoff_instance_avg=cutoff_instance_avg) instances_pre, scores_pre = inference_result[ 'instances'], inference_result['scores'] instances_pre = Network.resize_instances(instances_pre, target_size=(h, w)) total_instances = total_instances + instances_pre total_scores = total_scores + scores_pre total_from_set = [1] * len(instances_pre) watch.stop() logger.debug('inference- elapsed=%.5f' % watch.get_elapsed()) watch.reset() logger.debug('inference with flips+') # re-inference using flip for flip_orientation in range(2): flipped = cv2.flip(image.copy(), flip_orientation) inference_result = self.sess, flipped, cutoff_instance_max=cutoff_instance_max, cutoff_instance_avg=cutoff_instance_avg) instances_flip, scores_flip = inference_result[ 'instances'], inference_result['scores'] instances_flip = [ cv2.flip(instance.astype(np.uint8), flip_orientation) for instance in instances_flip ] instances_flip = Network.resize_instances(instances_flip, target_size=(h, w)) total_instances = total_instances + instances_flip total_scores = total_scores + scores_flip total_from_set = total_from_set + [2 + flip_orientation ] * len(instances_flip) watch.stop() logger.debug('inference- elapsed=%.5f' % watch.get_elapsed()) watch.reset() logger.debug('inference with scaling+flips+') # re-inference after rescale image def inference_with_scale(image, resize_target): image = cv2.resize(image.copy(), None, None, resize_target, resize_target, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) inference_result = self.sess, image, cutoff_instance_max=cutoff_instance_max, cutoff_instance_avg=cutoff_instance_avg) instances_rescale, scores_rescale = inference_result[ 'instances'], inference_result['scores'] instances_rescale = Network.resize_instances(instances_rescale, target_size=(h, w)) return instances_rescale, scores_rescale max_mask = get_max_size_of_masks(instances_pre) logger.debug('max_mask=%d' % max_mask) resize_target = HyperParams.get().test_aug_scale_t / max_mask resize_target = min(HyperParams.get().test_aug_scale_max, resize_target) resize_target = max(HyperParams.get().test_aug_scale_min, resize_target) import math # resize_target = 2.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-1.5*(resize_target - 1.0))) # resize_target = max(0.5, resize_target) resize_target = max(228.0 / shortedge, resize_target) # if resize_target > 1.0 and min(w, h) > 1000: # logger.debug('too large image, no resize') # resize_target = 0.8 logger.debug('resize_target=%.4f' % resize_target) instances_rescale, scores_rescale = inference_with_scale( image, resize_target) total_instances = total_instances + instances_rescale total_scores = total_scores + scores_rescale total_from_set = total_from_set + [4] * len(instances_rescale) # re-inference using flip + rescale for flip_orientation in range(2): flipped = cv2.flip(image.copy(), flip_orientation) instances_flip, scores_flip = inference_with_scale( flipped, resize_target) instances_flip = [ cv2.flip(instance.astype(np.uint8), flip_orientation) for instance in instances_flip ] instances_flip = Network.resize_instances(instances_flip, target_size=(h, w)) total_instances = total_instances + instances_flip total_scores = total_scores + scores_flip total_from_set = total_from_set + [5 + flip_orientation ] * len(instances_flip) watch.stop() logger.debug('inference- elapsed=%.5f' % watch.get_elapsed()) watch.reset() watch.start() logger.debug('voting+ size=%d' % len(total_instances)) # TODO : Voting? voting_th = HyperParams.get().post_voting_th rects = [get_rect_of_mask(a) for a in total_instances] voted = [] for i, x in enumerate(total_instances): voted.append( filter_by_voting( (x, total_instances, voting_th, 0.3, rects[i], rects))) total_instances = list(compress(total_instances, voted)) total_scores = list(compress(total_scores, voted)) total_from_set = list(compress(total_from_set, voted)) watch.stop() logger.debug('voting elapsed=%.5f' % watch.get_elapsed()) watch.reset() # nms watch.start() logger.debug('nms+ size=%d' % len(total_instances)) instances, scores = Network.nms( total_instances, total_scores, total_from_set, thresh=HyperParams.get().test_aug_nms_iou) watch.stop() logger.debug('nms elapsed=%.5f' % watch.get_elapsed()) watch.reset() # remove overlaps logger.debug('remove overlaps+') sorted_idx = [ i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(instances), key=lambda x: get_size_of_mask(x[1]), reverse=True) ] instances = [instances[x] for x in sorted_idx] scores = [scores[x] for x in sorted_idx] instances = [ ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(i) for i in instances ] instances, scores = Network.remove_overlaps(instances, scores) # TODO : Filter by score? # logger.debug('filter by score+') # score_filter_th = HyperParams.get().post_filter_th # if score_filter_th > 0.0: # logger.debug('filter_by_score=%.3f' % score_filter_th) # instances = [i for i, s in zip(instances, scores) if s > score_filter_th] # scores = [s for i, s in zip(instances, scores) if s > score_filter_th] logger.debug('finishing+') image = cv2.resize(image, (w, h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) score_desc = [] labels = [] if len(d.masks) > 0: # has label masks labels = list(d.multi_masks(transpose=False)) labels = Network.resize_instances(labels, target_size=(h, w)) tp, fp, fn = get_multiple_metric(thr_list, instances, labels) if verbose:'instances=%d, reinf(%.3f) labels=%d' % (len(instances), resize_target, len(labels))) for i, thr in enumerate(thr_list): desc = 'score=%.3f, tp=%d, fp=%d, fn=%d --- iou %.2f' % ( (tp / (tp + fp + fn))[i], tp[i], fp[i], fn[i], thr) if verbose: score_desc.append(desc) score = np.mean(tp / (tp + fp + fn)) if verbose:'score=%.3f, tp=%.1f, fp=%.1f, fn=%.1f --- mean' % (score, np.mean(tp), np.mean(fp), np.mean(fn))) else: score = 0.0 if show: img_vis = Network.visualize(image, labels, instances, None) cv2.imshow('valid', img_vis) cv2.waitKey(0) if not model: return { 'instance_scores': scores, 'score': score, 'image': image, 'instances': instances, 'labels': labels, 'score_desc': score_desc }
return get_multiple_metric(thr_list, instances, label) def filter_by_voting(args): x, total_list, voting_th, iou_th, rect, rects = args voted = [] for i2, x2 in enumerate(total_list): if rect is not None and rects is not None: rmin1, rmax1, cmin1, cmax1 = rect rmin2, rmax2, cmin2, cmax2 = rects[i2] overlap_r = (rmin1 <= rmin2 <= rmax1 or rmin1 <= rmax2 <= rmax1 ) or (rmin2 <= rmin1 <= rmax2 or rmin2 <= rmax1 <= rmax2) overlap_c = (cmin1 <= cmin2 <= cmax1 or cmin1 <= cmax2 <= cmax1 ) or (cmin2 <= cmin1 <= cmax2 or cmin2 <= cmax1 <= cmax2) if not (overlap_r and overlap_c): voted.append(0) continue voted.append(1 if get_iou(x, x2) > iou_th else 0) return sum(voted) >= voting_th if __name__ == '__main__': fire.Fire(Trainer) print(HyperParams.get().__dict__)
class Labeler: def __init__(self): self.hyperParams=HyperParams() pass def train(self,trainFile,devFile,testFile): train=DataSet(trainFile) dev=DataSet(devFile) test=DataSet(testFile) vocab=Alphabet(train) self.hyperParams.vocabSize=vocab.size() self.hyperParams.labelSize=vocab.label_size() print('vocab_size:',self.hyperParams.vocabSize) print('label_size:',self.hyperParams.labelSize) train=IndexSet(train,vocab) dev=IndexSet(dev,vocab) test=IndexSet(test,vocab) print('trainset_size: ',train.size()) print('devset_size: ',dev.size()) print('testset_size: ',test.size()) if self.hyperParams.embedFile!='': pretrain=PretrainEmb(self.hyperParams.embedFile,vocab.word2id) else: pretrain=None ############################## self.model = Encoder(self.hyperParams,pretrain) #encoder self.crf = CRF(self.hyperParams.labelSize,vocab.label2id['<start>'],vocab.label2id['<padding>'],vocab)#decoder parameters = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()) optimizer_rnn = torch.optim.Adam(parameters, lr = self.hyperParams.learningRate) optimizer_crf = torch.optim.Adam(self.crf.parameters(), lr = self.hyperParams.learningRate) ############################## indexes = [] for idx in range(train.size()): indexes.append(idx) batchBlock = len(train.word_mat) // self.hyperParams.batch for iter in range(self.hyperParams.maxIter):################# print('###Iteration' + str(iter) + "###") random.shuffle(indexes) self.model.train()### for updateIter in range(batchBlock): #self.model.zero_grad() optimizer_rnn.zero_grad() optimizer_crf.zero_grad() start_pos = updateIter * self.hyperParams.batch end_pos = (updateIter + 1) * self.hyperParams.batch feats=[] labels=[] for idx in range(start_pos, end_pos): feats.append(train.word_mat[indexes[idx]]) labels.append(train.label_mat[indexes[idx]]) batch=BatchBucket(len(feats),self.hyperParams.maxSentSize,feats,labels,vocab.word2id['<padding>'],vocab.label2id['<padding>']) tag_scores = self.model(batch.batch_words, self.hyperParams.batch) #print(tag_scores.size()) loss = self.crf.neg_log_likelihood(tag_scores, batch.batch_labels,batch.masks) loss.backward() optimizer_rnn.step() optimizer_crf.step() if (updateIter + 1) % self.hyperParams.verboseIter == 0: print('current: ', idx + 1, ", cost:",[0]) self.model.eval()### self.eval_predict(dev,vocab) self.eval_predict(test,vocab) def eval_predict(self,indexset,vocab) : correct_num=0 total_num=0 batchBlock=len(indexset.label_mat)//self.hyperParams.batch for updateIter in range(batchBlock): start_pos = updateIter * self.hyperParams.batch end_pos = (updateIter + 1) * self.hyperParams.batch feats=[] labels=[] for idx in range(start_pos, end_pos): feats.append(indexset.word_mat[idx]) labels.append(indexset.label_mat[idx]) batch=BatchBucket(len(feats),self.hyperParams.maxSentSize,feats,labels,vocab.word2id['<padding>'],vocab.label2id['<padding>']) tag_scores = self.model(batch.batch_words, self.hyperParams.batch) predict_labels=self.crf.viterbi_decode(tag_scores,batch.masks) predict_labels=predict_labels.masked_select(batch.masks) gold_labels=batch.batch_labels.masked_select(batch.masks) correct_num+=torch.sum(,gold_labels.float())).data[0] total_num+=torch.sum(batch.masks).data[0] rate=correct_num/total_num print('total_num: {} , correct_num: {}'.format(total_num,correct_num)) print('rate: ',rate)
class Labeler: def __init__(self): self.word_state = {} self.label_state = {} self.hyperParams = HyperParams() def createAlphabet(self, trainInsts, devInsts, testInsts): print("create alpha.................") for inst in trainInsts: for w in inst.words: if w not in self.word_state: self.word_state[w] = 1 else: self.word_state[w] += 1 for l in inst.labels: if l not in self.label_state: self.label_state[l] = 1 else: self.label_state[l] += 1 print("word state:", len(self.word_state)) self.addTestAlpha(devInsts) print("word state:", len(self.word_state)) self.addTestAlpha(testInsts) print("word state:", len(self.word_state)) self.word_state[self.hyperParams.unk] = self.hyperParams.wordCutOff + 1 self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.initial(self.word_state, self.hyperParams.wordCutOff) self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.set_fixed_flag(True) self.hyperParams.wordNum = self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.m_size self.hyperParams.unkWordID = self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.from_string( self.hyperParams.unk) self.hyperParams.labelAlpha.initial(self.label_state) self.hyperParams.labelAlpha.set_fixed_flag(True) self.hyperParams.labelSize = self.hyperParams.labelAlpha.m_size print("Label num: ", self.hyperParams.labelSize) print("Word num: ", self.hyperParams.wordNum) def addTestAlpha(self, insts): print("Add test alpha.............") if self.hyperParams.wordFineTune == False: for inst in insts: for w in inst.words: if (w not in self.word_state): self.word_state[w] = 1 else: self.word_state[w] += 1 def extractFeature(self, inst): feat = Feature() for w in inst.words: wordId = self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.from_string(w) if wordId == -1: feat.wordIndexs.append(self.hyperParams.unkWordID) else: feat.wordIndexs.append(wordId) feat.wordIndexs = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.LongTensor(feat.wordIndexs)) return feat def instance2Example(self, insts): exams = [] for inst in insts: example = Example() example.feat = self.extractFeature(inst) for l in inst.labels: labelId = self.hyperParams.labelAlpha.from_string(l) example.labelIndexs.append(labelId) example.labelIndexs = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.LongTensor(example.labelIndexs)) exams.append(example) return exams def train(self, train_file, dev_file, test_file): torch.set_num_threads(self.hyperParams.thread) reader = Reader(self.hyperParams.maxInstance) trainInsts = reader.readInstances(train_file) devInsts = reader.readInstances(dev_file) testInsts = reader.readInstances(test_file) print("Training Instance: ", len(trainInsts)) print("Dev Instance: ", len(devInsts)) print("Test Instance: ", len(testInsts)) self.createAlphabet(trainInsts, devInsts, testInsts) trainExamples = self.instance2Example(trainInsts) devExamples = self.instance2Example(devInsts) testExamples = self.instance2Example(testInsts) self.model = RNNLabeler(self.hyperParams) parameters = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()) optimizer = torch.optim.Adagrad(parameters, lr=self.hyperParams.learningRate) indexes = [] for idx in range(len(trainExamples)): indexes.append(idx) for iter in range(self.hyperParams.maxIter): print('###Iteration' + str(iter) + "###") random.shuffle(indexes) for idx in range(len(trainExamples)): self.model.zero_grad() self.model.LSTMHidden = self.model.init_hidden() exam = trainExamples[indexes[idx]] lstm_feats = self.model(exam.feat) loss = self.model.crf.neg_log_likelihood( lstm_feats, exam.labelIndexs) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if (idx + 1) % self.hyperParams.verboseIter == 0: print('current: ', idx + 1, ", cost:",[0]) eval_dev = Eval() for idx in range(len(devExamples)): predictLabels = self.predict(devExamples[idx]) devInsts[idx].evalPRF(predictLabels, eval_dev) print('Dev: ', end="") eval_dev.getFscore() eval_test = Eval() for idx in range(len(testExamples)): predictLabels = self.predict(testExamples[idx]) testInsts[idx].evalPRF(predictLabels, eval_test) print('Test: ', end="") eval_test.getFscore() def predict(self, exam): tag_hiddens = self.model(exam.feat) _, best_path = self.model.crf._viterbi_decode(tag_hiddens) predictLabels = [] for idx in range(len(best_path)): predictLabels.append( self.hyperParams.labelAlpha.from_id(best_path[idx])) return predictLabels def getMaxIndex(self, tag_score): max =[0] maxIndex = 0 for idx in range(1, self.hyperParams.labelSize): if[idx] > max: max =[idx] maxIndex = idx return maxIndex
class Labeler: def __init__(self): self.word_state = {} self.label_state = {} self.hyperParams = HyperParams() self.wordAlpha = Alphabet() self.labelAlpha = Alphabet() def createAlphabet(self, trainInsts): for inst in trainInsts: for w in inst.words: if w not in self.word_state: self.word_state[w] = 1 else: self.word_state[w] += 1 for l in inst.labels: if l not in self.label_state: self.label_state[l] = 1 else: self.label_state[l] += 1 self.wordAlpha.initial(self.word_state, self.hyperParams.wordCutOff) self.labelAlpha.initial(self.label_state) self.labelAlpha.set_fixed_flag(True) self.wordAlpha.set_fixed_flag(True) self.hyperParams.wordNum = self.wordAlpha.m_size self.hyperParams.labelSize = self.labelAlpha.m_size print("word num: ", self.hyperParams.wordNum) print("label num: ", self.hyperParams.labelSize) def extractFeature(self, inst): feat = Feature() for w in inst.words: wordId = self.wordAlpha.from_string(w) feat.wordIndexs.append(wordId) feat.wordIndexs = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.LongTensor(feat.wordIndexs)) return feat def instance2Example(self, insts): exams = [] for inst in insts: example = Example() example.feat = self.extractFeature(inst) for l in inst.labels: labelId = self.labelAlpha.from_string(l) example.labelIndexs.append(labelId) example.labelIndexs = torch.autograd.Variable( torch.LongTensor(example.labelIndexs)) exams.append(example) return exams def train(self, train_file, dev_file, test_file): torch.set_num_threads(self.hyperParams.thread) reader = Reader(self.hyperParams.maxInstance) trainInsts = reader.readInstances(train_file) devInsts = reader.readInstances(dev_file) trainExamples = self.instance2Example(trainInsts) devExamples = self.instance2Example(devInsts) print("Training Instance: ", len(trainInsts)) print("Dev Instance: ", len(devInsts)) self.createAlphabet(trainInsts) self.model = RNNLabeler(self.hyperParams) optimizer = torch.optim.Adagrad(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.hyperParams.learningRate) indexes = [] for idx in range(len(trainExamples)): indexes.append(idx) for iter in range(self.hyperParams.maxIter): print('###Iteration' + str(iter) + "###") random.shuffle(indexes) for idx in range(len(trainExamples)): self.model.zero_grad() self.model.LSTMHidden = self.model.init_hidden() exam = trainExamples[indexes[idx]] tag_scores = self.model(exam.feat) loss = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy( tag_scores, exam.labelIndexs) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if (idx + 1) % self.hyperParams.verboseIter == 0: print('current: ', idx + 1, ", cost:",[0]) eval_dev = Eval() for idx in range(len(devExamples)): predictLabels = self.predict(devExamples[idx]) devInsts[idx].evalPRF(predictLabels, eval_dev) eval_dev.getFscore() def predict(self, exam): tag_scores = self.model(exam.feat) if len(tag_scores) != len(exam.labelIndexs) or len([0]) != self.hyperParams.labelSize: print("error") predictIndexs = [] for idx in range(len(tag_scores)): pred_idx = self.getMaxIndex(tag_scores[idx]) predictIndexs.append(pred_idx) predictLabels = [] for idx in range(len(tag_scores)): predictLabels.append(self.labelAlpha.from_id(predictIndexs[idx])) return predictLabels def getMaxIndex(self, tag_score): max =[0] maxIndex = 0 for idx in range(1, self.hyperParams.labelSize): if[idx] > max: max =[idx] maxIndex = idx return maxIndex
from hyperparams import HyperParams, hyper_search, make_hyper_range from ppo import PPO import torch.multiprocessing as mp if __name__ == "__main__": mp.set_start_method('forkserver') ppo_trainer = PPO() hyps = dict() hyp_ranges = { "lr": [9.5e-5, 1e-4, 1.5e-4], "val_coef": [.005, .0075, .01], } keys = list(hyp_ranges.keys()) hyps['lambda_'] = .93 hyps['gamma'] = .985 hyps['entr_coef'] = .008 hyps['env_type'] = "Breakout-v0" hyps['exp_name'] = "brkout2" hyps['n_tsteps'] = 256 hyps['n_rollouts'] = 11 hyps['n_envs'] = 11 hyps['max_tsteps'] = 5000000 hyps['n_frame_stack'] = 3 search_log = open(hyps['exp_name'] + "_searchlog.txt", 'w') hyper_params = HyperParams(hyps) hyps = hyper_params.hyps hyper_search(hyper_params.hyps, hyp_ranges, keys, 0, ppo_trainer, search_log) search_log.close()
def __init__(self): self.word_state = {} self.label_state = {} self.hyperParams = HyperParams() self.wordAlpha = Alphabet() self.labelAlpha = Alphabet()
import torch import torchvision from model import ConvNet from hyperparams import HyperParams from utils import DataLoader, Trainer if __name__ == "__main__": hyps = HyperParams().hyps data = DataLoader(hyps['data_set']) data.normalize() nnet = ConvNet(data.shape, hyps) trainer = Trainer() trainer.train(nnet, data, hyps)
class Labeler: def __init__(self): self.word_state = {} self.label_state = {} self.hyperParams = HyperParams() def createAlphabet(self, trainInsts, devInsts, testInsts): print("create alpha.................") for inst in trainInsts: for w in inst.words: if w not in self.word_state: self.word_state[w] = 1 else: self.word_state[w] += 1 l = inst.label if l not in self.label_state: self.label_state[l] = 1 else: self.label_state[l] += 1 print("word state:", len(self.word_state)) self.addTestAlpha(devInsts) print("word state:", len(self.word_state)) self.addTestAlpha(testInsts) print("word state:", len(self.word_state)) self.word_state[self.hyperParams.unk] = self.hyperParams.wordCutOff + 1 self.word_state[self.hyperParams.padding] = self.hyperParams.wordCutOff + 1 self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.initial(self.word_state, self.hyperParams.wordCutOff) self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.set_fixed_flag(True) self.hyperParams.wordNum = self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.m_size self.hyperParams.unkWordID = self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.from_string(self.hyperParams.unk) self.hyperParams.paddingID = self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.from_string(self.hyperParams.padding) self.hyperParams.labelAlpha.initial(self.label_state) self.hyperParams.labelAlpha.set_fixed_flag(True) self.hyperParams.labelSize = self.hyperParams.labelAlpha.m_size print("Label num: ", self.hyperParams.labelSize) print("Word num: ", self.hyperParams.wordNum) print("Padding ID: ", self.hyperParams.paddingID) print("UNK ID: ", self.hyperParams.unkWordID) def addTestAlpha(self, insts): print("Add test alpha.............") if self.hyperParams.wordFineTune == False: for inst in insts: for w in inst.words: if (w not in self.word_state): self.word_state[w] = 1 else: self.word_state[w] += 1 def extractFeature(self, inst): feat = Feature() feat.sentLen = len(inst.words) feat.wordIndexs = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.LongTensor(1, feat.sentLen)) for idx in range(len(inst.words)): w = inst.words[idx] wordId = self.hyperParams.wordAlpha.from_string(w) if wordId == -1: wordId = self.hyperParams.unkWordID[0][idx] = wordId return feat def instance2Example(self, insts): exams = [] for inst in insts: example = Example() example.labelIndex = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.LongTensor(1)) example.feat = self.extractFeature(inst) l = inst.label labelId = self.hyperParams.labelAlpha.from_string(l)[0] = labelId exams.append(example) return exams def getBatchFeatLabel(self, exams): maxSentSize = 0 for e in exams: if maxSentSize < e.feat.sentLen: maxSentSize = e.feat.sentLen if maxSentSize > 40: maxSentSize = 40 batch_feats = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.LongTensor(self.hyperParams.batch, maxSentSize)) batch_labels = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.LongTensor(self.hyperParams.batch)) for idx in range(len( e = exams[idx][idx] =[0] for idy in range(maxSentSize): if idy < e.feat.sentLen:[idx][idy] =[0][idy] else:[idx][idy] = self.hyperParams.paddingID return batch_feats, batch_labels def train(self, train_file, dev_file, test_file): torch.set_num_threads(self.hyperParams.thread) reader = Reader() trainInsts = reader.readInstances(train_file, self.hyperParams.maxInstance) devInsts = reader.readInstances(dev_file, self.hyperParams.maxInstance) testInsts = reader.readInstances(test_file, self.hyperParams.maxInstance) print("Training Instance: ", len(trainInsts)) print("Dev Instance: ", len(devInsts)) print("Test Instance: ", len(testInsts)) self.createAlphabet(trainInsts, devInsts, testInsts) trainExamples = self.instance2Example(trainInsts) devExamples = self.instance2Example(devInsts) testExamples = self.instance2Example(testInsts) self.model = RNNLabeler(self.hyperParams) parameters = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(parameters, lr=self.hyperParams.learningRate) indexes = [] for idx in range(len(trainExamples)): indexes.append(idx) batchBlock = len(trainExamples) // self.hyperParams.batch for iter in range(self.hyperParams.maxIter): print('###Iteration' + str(iter) + "###") random.shuffle(indexes) self.model.train() for updateIter in range(batchBlock): #self.model.zero_grad() optimizer.zero_grad() exams = [] start_pos = updateIter * self.hyperParams.batch end_pos = (updateIter + 1) * self.hyperParams.batch for idx in range(start_pos, end_pos): exams.append(trainExamples[indexes[idx]]) feats, labels = self.getBatchFeatLabel(exams) output = self.model(feats, self.hyperParams.batch) loss = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy(output, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() if (updateIter + 1) % self.hyperParams.verboseIter == 0: print('current: ', idx + 1, ", cost:",[0]) self.model.eval() eval_dev = Eval() for idx in range(len(devExamples)): predictLabel = self.predict(devExamples[idx]) devInsts[idx].evalACC(predictLabel, eval_dev) print("dev: ", end='') eval_dev.getACC() eval_test = Eval() for idx in range(len(testExamples)): predictLabel = self.predict(testExamples[idx]) testInsts[idx].evalACC(predictLabel, eval_test) print("test: ", end='') eval_test.getACC() def predict(self, exam): output = self.model(exam.feat.wordIndexs) labelID = self.getMaxIndex(output) return self.hyperParams.labelAlpha.from_id(labelID) def getMaxIndex(self, tag_score): max =[0][0] maxIndex = 0 for idx in range(1, self.hyperParams.labelSize): if[0][idx] > max: max =[0][idx] maxIndex = idx return maxIndex
class KaggleSubmission: BASEPATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + ( "/submissions" if HyperParams.get().dataset_stage == 1 else "/submissions_stage2") CNAME = 'data-science-bowl-2018' def __init__(self, name): = name self.test_ids = [] self.rles = [] self.train_scores = OrderedDict() self.valid_scores = OrderedDict() self.test_scores = OrderedDict() self.valid_instances = {} # key : id -> (instances, scores) self.test_instances = {}'creating: %s' % os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH, os.makedirs(os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, exist_ok=True) 'creating: %s' % os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'valid')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'valid'), exist_ok=True) 'creating: %s' % os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'train')) os.makedirs(os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'train'), exist_ok=True) def save_train_image(self, idx, image, loss=0.0, score=0.0, score_desc=[]): cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'train', idx + '.jpg'), image) if isinstance(idx, bytes): idx = idx.decode("utf-8") self.train_scores[idx] = (loss, score, score_desc) def save_valid_image(self, idx, image, loss=0.0, score=0.0, score_desc=[]): cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'valid', idx + '.jpg'), image) if isinstance(idx, bytes): idx = idx.decode("utf-8") self.valid_scores[idx] = (loss, score, score_desc) def save_image(self, idx, image, loss=0.0): cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, idx + '.jpg'), image) self.test_scores[idx] = (loss, 0.0) def add_result(self, idx, instances): """ :param idx: test sample id :param instances: list of (h, w, 1) numpy containing """ if len(instances) == 0: self.test_ids.append(idx) self.rles.append([]) return for instance in instances: rles, cnt = rle_encoding(instance) if cnt < 3: continue assert len(rles) % 2 == 0 self.test_ids.append(idx) self.rles.append(rles) def get_filepath(self): filepath = os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'submission_%s.csv' % return filepath def get_confpath(self): filepath = os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'config.json') return filepath def get_train_htmlpath(self): filepath = os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'train', 'train.html') return filepath def get_valid_htmlpath(self): filepath = os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'valid', 'valid.html') return filepath def get_test_htmlpath(self): filepath = os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'test.html') return filepath def get_pklpath(self): filepath = os.path.join(KaggleSubmission.BASEPATH,, 'submission.pkl') return filepath def save(self): sub = pd.DataFrame() sub['ImageId'] = self.test_ids sub['EncodedPixels'] = pd.Series( self.rles).apply(lambda x: ' '.join(str(y) for y in x)) # save a submission file filepath = self.get_filepath() f = open(filepath, 'w') f.close() sub.to_csv(filepath, index=False)'%s saved at %s.' % (, filepath)) # save hyperparameters filepath = self.get_confpath() f = open(filepath, 'w') a = json.dumps(HyperParams.get().__dict__, indent=4) f.write(a) f.close() total_html = "<html><body>Average Score=$avg_score$<br/><br/><table>" \ " <tr>" \ " <th>ID</th><th>Image</th>" \ " </tr>" \ " $rows$" \ "</table></body></html>" row_html = "<tr>" \ " <td><b>{idx}</b><br/>{iou}<br/>{iou2}</td><td><img src=\"./{idx}.jpg\"</td>" \ "</tr>" # save training results rows = [] metrics = [] for idx, (loss, metric, metric_desc) in self.train_scores.items(): row = row_html.format(idx=idx, iou=format(metric, '.3f'), iou2='<br/>'.join(metric_desc)) rows.append(row) metrics.append(metric) html = total_html.replace('$rows$', ''.join(rows)).replace( '$avg_score$', str(np.mean(metrics))) filepath = self.get_train_htmlpath() f = open(filepath, 'w') f.write(html) f.close() # save validation results rows = [] metrics = [] for idx, (loss, metric, metric_desc) in self.valid_scores.items(): row = row_html.format(idx=idx, iou=format(metric, '.3f'), iou2='<br/>'.join(metric_desc)) rows.append(row) metrics.append(metric) html = total_html.replace('$rows$', ''.join(rows)).replace( '$avg_score$', str(np.mean(metrics))) filepath = self.get_valid_htmlpath() f = open(filepath, 'w') f.write(html) f.close() # save test results total_html = "<html><body><table>" \ " <tr>" \ " <th>IDX</th><th>ID</th><th>Image</th>" \ " </tr>" \ " $rows$" \ "</table></body></html>" row_html = "<tr>" \ " <td>{idx}</td><td><img src=\"./{idx}.jpg\"</td>" \ "</tr>" rows = [] for idx, (loss, metric) in self.test_scores.items(): row = row_html.format(idx=idx) rows.append(row) html = total_html.replace('$rows$', ''.join(rows)) filepath = self.get_test_htmlpath() f = open(filepath, 'w') f.write(html) f.close() # save pkl f = open(self.get_pklpath(), 'wb') pickle.dump( { 'valid_instances': self.valid_instances, 'test_instances': self.test_instances }, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close() def submit_result(self, submit_msg='KakaoAutoML'): """ Submit result to kaggle and wait for getting the result. """'kaggle.submit_result: initialization') api_client = KaggleApi() api_client.authenticate() submissions = api_client.competitionSubmissions(KaggleSubmission.CNAME) last_idx = submissions[0].ref if len(submissions) > 0 else -1 # submit'kaggle.submit_result: trying to submit @ %s' % self.get_filepath()) submit_result = api_client.competitionSubmit(self.get_filepath(), submit_msg, KaggleSubmission.CNAME)'kaggle.submit_result: submitted!') # wait for the updated LB wait_interval = 10 # in seconds for _ in range(60 // wait_interval * 5): submissions = api_client.competitionSubmissions( KaggleSubmission.CNAME) if len(submissions) == 0: continue if submissions[ 0].status == 'complete' and submissions[0].ref != last_idx: # updated'kaggle.submit_result: LB Score Updated!') return submit_result, submissions[0] time.sleep(wait_interval)'kaggle.submit_result: LB Score NOT Updated!') return submit_result, None
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed Apr 4 20:29:05 2018 @author: zuoquan gong """ import text_utils as utils from torch.autograd import Variable from torch import LongTensor,ByteTensor from hyperparams import HyperParams hyperParams=HyperParams() class Alphabet: def __init__(self,dataset, vocab_size=hyperParams.vocabSize,cutoff=hyperParams.cutOff): self.word2id,self.id2word=utils.create_mapping(dataset.words,vocab_size=vocab_size,cut_off=cutoff) self.label2id,self.id2label=utils.create_mapping(dataset.labels,vocab_size=vocab_size,cut_off=cutoff,is_label=True) def txt2mat(self,dataset): word_mat=utils.txt2mat(dataset.words,self.word2id) label_mat=utils.txt2mat(dataset.labels,self.label2id) return word_mat,label_mat def size(self): return len(self.word2id) def label_size(self): return len(self.label2id) class DataSet: def __init__(self,path): sentences=utils.text_loader(path,mode=hyperParams.cutMode,separator=hyperParams.separator, mini_cut=hyperParams.miniCut,cut_out=hyperParams.cutOut) self.words=utils.extract_part(sentences,hyperParams.wordIndex) self.labels=utils.extract_part(sentences,hyperParams.labelIndex) def size(self):
def save(self): sub = pd.DataFrame() sub['ImageId'] = self.test_ids sub['EncodedPixels'] = pd.Series( self.rles).apply(lambda x: ' '.join(str(y) for y in x)) # save a submission file filepath = self.get_filepath() f = open(filepath, 'w') f.close() sub.to_csv(filepath, index=False)'%s saved at %s.' % (, filepath)) # save hyperparameters filepath = self.get_confpath() f = open(filepath, 'w') a = json.dumps(HyperParams.get().__dict__, indent=4) f.write(a) f.close() total_html = "<html><body>Average Score=$avg_score$<br/><br/><table>" \ " <tr>" \ " <th>ID</th><th>Image</th>" \ " </tr>" \ " $rows$" \ "</table></body></html>" row_html = "<tr>" \ " <td><b>{idx}</b><br/>{iou}<br/>{iou2}</td><td><img src=\"./{idx}.jpg\"</td>" \ "</tr>" # save training results rows = [] metrics = [] for idx, (loss, metric, metric_desc) in self.train_scores.items(): row = row_html.format(idx=idx, iou=format(metric, '.3f'), iou2='<br/>'.join(metric_desc)) rows.append(row) metrics.append(metric) html = total_html.replace('$rows$', ''.join(rows)).replace( '$avg_score$', str(np.mean(metrics))) filepath = self.get_train_htmlpath() f = open(filepath, 'w') f.write(html) f.close() # save validation results rows = [] metrics = [] for idx, (loss, metric, metric_desc) in self.valid_scores.items(): row = row_html.format(idx=idx, iou=format(metric, '.3f'), iou2='<br/>'.join(metric_desc)) rows.append(row) metrics.append(metric) html = total_html.replace('$rows$', ''.join(rows)).replace( '$avg_score$', str(np.mean(metrics))) filepath = self.get_valid_htmlpath() f = open(filepath, 'w') f.write(html) f.close() # save test results total_html = "<html><body><table>" \ " <tr>" \ " <th>IDX</th><th>ID</th><th>Image</th>" \ " </tr>" \ " $rows$" \ "</table></body></html>" row_html = "<tr>" \ " <td>{idx}</td><td><img src=\"./{idx}.jpg\"</td>" \ "</tr>" rows = [] for idx, (loss, metric) in self.test_scores.items(): row = row_html.format(idx=idx) rows.append(row) html = total_html.replace('$rows$', ''.join(rows)) filepath = self.get_test_htmlpath() f = open(filepath, 'w') f.write(html) f.close() # save pkl f = open(self.get_pklpath(), 'wb') pickle.dump( { 'valid_instances': self.valid_instances, 'test_instances': self.test_instances }, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) f.close()
def __init__(self): self.word_state = {} self.label_state = {} self.hyperParams = HyperParams()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--num_episodes', type=int, default=10000, help='Total number of training episodes') parser.add_argument('--max_t', type=int, default=5000, help='Max timestep in a single episode') parser.add_argument('--vis', dest='vis', action='store_true', help='Use visdom to visualize training') parser.add_argument('--hyperparams', type=str, help='hyperparameter yaml file') parser.add_argument('--result_dir', type=str, default='results', help='Use visdom to visualize training') parser.set_defaults(vis=False) args = parser.parse_args() # initialize game env env = UnityEnvironment(file_name='./') brain_name = env.brain_names[0] brain = env.brains[brain_name] env_info = env.reset(train_mode=False)[brain_name] num_agents = len(env_info.agents) action_size = brain.vector_action_space_size states = env_info.vector_observations state_size = states.shape[1] # create folder for all artifacts result_dir = utils.path_gen() if not os.path.exists(result_dir): os.makedirs(result_dir) # setup logger algo = 'maddpg' logger = setup_logger(result_dir, algo) print(f'run folder {result_dir}') hparams = HyperParams() # initialize hyperparameters from file if args.hyperparams:'loading hyperparameters from file %s', args.hyperparams) hparams.__dict__ = utils.load_from_yaml(args.hyperparams) # save configuration as yaml to result dir utils.save_to_yaml(hparams, os.path.join(result_dir, 'hyperparams.yaml')) # create writer to push events to Visdom writer = utils.VisWriter(vis=args.vis) agent_group = mag.MADDPGAgentGroup(state_size, action_size, num_agents, writer, hparams, result_dir=result_dir) # start training scores = train(agent_group, env, brain_name, num_agents, writer, result_dir, logger, num_episodes=args.num_episodes, max_t=args.max_t) # plot scores plot(scores, algo, result_dir)