コード例 #1
    def test_render_base(self):
        contents = linelist.LineList([
            '#replace foo',
            '#replace spam',
            '#replace llist',
            'line {{bar}} {{baz}} 4',
        ], 5)
        obj = template.Section('range', 'name', set(), contents)
        kwargs = {
            'foo': ['sub line1', 'sub line2'],
            'bar': 'baz',
            'baz': 'spam',
            'spam': 'one line',
            'llist': linelist.LineList([
            ], 1),

        result = obj.render(kwargs)

        assert list(result.iter_coord()) == [
            (5, 'line1'),
            (6, 'line2'),
            (None, 'sub line1'),
            (None, 'sub line2'),
            (None, 'one line'),
            (1, 'l1'),
            (2, 'l2'),
            (3, 'l3'),
            (10, 'line baz spam 4'),
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_output_location_switch_stream_name(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'])
        obj.extend(['l4', 'l5', 'l6'], location.Coordinate('some.path', 10))
        obj.extend(['l7', 'l8', 'l9'])
        obj.extend(['l10', 'l11', 'l12'], location.Coordinate('my.path', 5))
        stream = six.StringIO()
        stream.name = 'base.path'


        assert stream.getvalue() == ('l1\n'
                                     '#line 10 "some.path"\n'
                                     '#line 9 "base.path"\n'
                                     '#line 5 "my.path"\n'
コード例 #3
ファイル: template.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def __init__(self):
        Initialize a ``RenderContext`` instance.

        self.output = linelist.LineList()
        self.sections = collections.defaultdict(linelist.LineList)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_iadd_linelist(self, mocker):
        mock_extend = mocker.patch.object(linelist.LineList, 'extend')
        obj1 = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'], 1)
        obj2 = linelist.LineList(['l4', 'l5', 'l6'])

        result = obj1.__iadd__(obj2)

        assert result is obj1
        assert result._entries == [
            (1, 'l1'),
            (2, 'l2'),
            (3, 'l3'),
            (None, 'l4'),
            (None, 'l5'),
            (None, 'l6'),
        assert not mock_extend.called
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_init_nocoord(self):
        result = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'])

        assert result._entries == [
            (None, 'l1'),
            (None, 'l2'),
            (None, 'l3'),
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_add_other(self, mocker):
        mock_extend = mocker.patch.object(linelist.LineList, 'extend')
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'], 1)

        result = obj.__add__(other)

        assert result is NotImplemented
        assert not mock_extend.called
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_init_withcoord(self):
        result = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'], 5)

        assert result._entries == [
            (5, 'l1'),
            (6, 'l2'),
            (7, 'l3'),
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_output_base(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3', 'l4', 'l5'])
        stream = six.StringIO()
        stream.name = 'base.path'

        obj.output(stream, 'other.path')

        assert stream.getvalue() == 'l1\nl2\nl3\nl4\nl5\n'
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_iter_coord(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'], 1)

        result = list(obj.iter_coord())

        assert result == [
            (1, 'l1'),
            (2, 'l2'),
            (3, 'l3'),
コード例 #10
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_append_coord(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'], 1)

        obj.append('l4', 18)

        assert obj._entries == [
            (1, 'l1'),
            (2, 'l2'),
            (3, 'l3'),
            (18, 'l4'),
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_append_base(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'], 1)


        assert obj._entries == [
            (1, 'l1'),
            (2, 'l2'),
            (3, 'l3'),
            (None, 'l4'),
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_iadd_list(self, mocker):
        mock_extend = mocker.patch.object(linelist.LineList, 'extend')
        obj1 = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'], 1)
        obj2 = ['l4', 'l5', 'l6']

        result = obj1.__iadd__(obj2)

        assert result is obj1
        assert result._entries == [
            (1, 'l1'),
            (2, 'l2'),
            (3, 'l3'),
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_extend_coord(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'], 1)
        lines = ['l4', 'l5', 'l6']

        obj.extend(lines, 18)

        assert obj._entries == [
            (1, 'l1'),
            (2, 'l2'),
            (3, 'l3'),
            (18, 'l4'),
            (19, 'l5'),
            (20, 'l6'),
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_extend_base(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'], 1)
        lines = ['l4', 'l5', 'l6']


        assert obj._entries == [
            (1, 'l1'),
            (2, 'l2'),
            (3, 'l3'),
            (None, 'l4'),
            (None, 'l5'),
            (None, 'l6'),
コード例 #15
ファイル: template.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def render(self, kwargs):
        Render a ``Section`` instance.

        :param dict kwargs: The arguments to use while rendering the
                            section template.

        :returns: Either ``None`` or an instance of
                  ``hypocrite.linelist.LineList`` containing the lines
                  to add to the designated section.

        if self.requires - set(kwargs):
            # Missing variables, don't render it
            return None

        result = linelist.LineList()

        for coord, text in self.contents.iter_coord():
            if text.startswith('#replace'):
                # Look up the variable
                var = text.split()[1]
                replacement = kwargs[var]

                # Ensure it's a list
                if not isinstance(replacement, (list, linelist.LineList)):
                    replacement = [replacement]

                # Substitute it
                result += replacement
                # Make any necessary substitutions
                line = SUBST_RE.sub(lambda x: kwargs[x.group(1)], text)
                result.append(line, coord)

        return result
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_len(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'])

        assert len(obj) == 3
コード例 #17
    def _parse_line(self, coord, line, values):
        Parse a line.  This wraps the ``_parse_directive()`` routine,
        handling deferred processing.  Deferred processing allows
        directives to include content that spans multiple lines;
        examples include the ``%preamble`` and ``%test`` directives.

        :param coord: The coordinates of the line.
        :type coord: ``hypocrite.location.Coordinate``
        :param str line: The line to parse.
        :param dict values: The directive values being accumulated by
                            the parsing process.

        :raises Continue:
            Indicates that further input is required.  This typically
            means the line was empty or that a C-style comment
            spanning multiple lines was encountered.

        :raises ParseException:
            An error occurred while parsing the input file.

        # Keep track of how many lines have been processed
        self._lines += 1

        # If we don't have a pending deferred callable, that means
        # we're looking for directives...
        if self._deferred is None:
            # Parse out a directive
            dir_coord, tokens = self._parse_directive(coord, line)

            # Is it a valid directive?
            if (not tokens or tokens[0].type_ != TOK_WORD or
                    tokens[0].value not in self.DIRECTIVES):
                raise ParseException(
                    'Invalid directive at %s' % dir_coord

            # Process the directive
            self._deferred = self.DIRECTIVES[tokens[0].value](
                values, dir_coord, tokens[1:]
            self._buf = linelist.LineList() if self._deferred else None

        # OK, we're accumulating lines looking for an end directive
        elif (self._comment_pfx is not None or
              self._continued is not None or line.lstrip().startswith('%')):
            # Parse out a directive
            dir_coord, tokens = self._parse_directive(coord, line)

            # Is it a close directive?
            if not tokens or tokens[0] != (TOK_CHAR, '}'):
                raise ParseException(
                    'Invalid directive at %s' % dir_coord

            # Run the deferred callable
            self._deferred = self._deferred(dir_coord, self._buf, tokens[1:])
            self._buf = linelist.LineList() if self._deferred else None

            # Just accumulate another line
            self._buf.append(line[:-1] if line.endswith('\n') else line, coord)
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_init_base(self):
        result = linelist.LineList()

        assert result._entries == []
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_iter(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'])

        result = list(iter(obj))

        assert result == ['l1', 'l2', 'l3']
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_getitem_slice(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3', 'l4'])

        assert obj[1:-1] == ['l2', 'l3']
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_linelist.py プロジェクト: klmitch/hypocrite
    def test_getitem_base(self):
        obj = linelist.LineList(['l1', 'l2', 'l3'])

        assert obj[1] == 'l2'