コード例 #1
ファイル: iadil.py プロジェクト: DiJei/ia870
def iadil(f, b=None):
    from iamat2set import iamat2set
    from ialimits import ialimits
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iagray import iagray
    from iaadd4dil import iaadd4dil
    from iasecross import iasecross

    if b is None: b = iasecross()

    if len(f.shape) == 1: f = f[newaxis,:]
    h,w = f.shape
    x,v = iamat2set(b)
    if len(x)==0:
        y = (ones((h,w)) * ialimits(f)[0]).astype(f.dtype)
        if iaisbinary(v):
            v = iaintersec( iagray(v,'int32'),0)
        mh,mw = max(abs(x)[:,0]),max(abs(x)[:,1])
        y = (ones((h+2*mh,w+2*mw)) * ialimits(f)[0]).astype(f.dtype)
        for i in range(x.shape[0]):
            if v[i] > -2147483647:
                y[mh+x[i,0]:mh+x[i,0]+h, mw+x[i,1]:mw+x[i,1]+w] = maximum(
                    y[mh+x[i,0]:mh+x[i,0]+h, mw+x[i,1]:mw+x[i,1]+w], iaadd4dil(f,v[i]))
        y = y[mh:mh+h, mw:mw+w]

    return y
コード例 #2
ファイル: iadil.py プロジェクト: mariecpereira/IA369Z
def iadil(f, b=None):
    from iamat2set import iamat2set
    from ialimits import ialimits
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iagray import iagray
    from iaadd4dil import iaadd4dil
    from iasecross import iasecross

    if b is None: b = iasecross()

    if len(f.shape) == 1: f = f[newaxis, :]
    h, w = f.shape
    x, v = iamat2set(b)
    if len(x) == 0:
        y = (ones((h, w)) * ialimits(f)[0]).astype(f.dtype)
        if iaisbinary(v):
            v = iaintersec(iagray(v, 'int32'), 0)
        mh, mw = max(abs(x)[:, 0]), max(abs(x)[:, 1])
        y = (ones((h + 2 * mh, w + 2 * mw)) * ialimits(f)[0]).astype(f.dtype)
        for i in range(x.shape[0]):
            if v[i] > -2147483647:
                y[mh + x[i, 0]:mh + x[i, 0] + h,
                  mw + x[i, 1]:mw + x[i, 1] + w] = maximum(
                      y[mh + x[i, 0]:mh + x[i, 0] + h,
                        mw + x[i, 1]:mw + x[i, 1] + w], iaadd4dil(f, v[i]))
        y = y[mh:mh + h, mw:mw + w]

    return y
コード例 #3
ファイル: ianeg.py プロジェクト: mariecpereira/IA369Z
def ianeg(f):
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if ialimits(f)[0] == (-ialimits(f)[1]):
        y = -f
        y = ialimits(f)[0] + ialimits(f)[1] - f
    y = y.astype(f.dtype)
    return y
コード例 #4
ファイル: iaframe.py プロジェクト: DiJei/ia870
def iaframe(f, WT=1, HT=1, DT=0, k1=None, k2=None):
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if k1 is None: k1 = ialimits(f)[1]
    if k2 is None: k2 = ialimits(f)[0]
    assert len(f.shape)==2,'Supports 2D only'
    y = iaintersec(f,k2)
    y[:,0:WT] = k1
    y[:,-WT:] = k1
    y[0:HT,:] = k1
    y[-HT:,:] = k1
    return y
コード例 #5
ファイル: iaframe.py プロジェクト: mariecpereira/IA369Z
def iaframe(f, WT=1, HT=1, DT=0, k1=None, k2=None):
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if k1 is None: k1 = ialimits(f)[1]
    if k2 is None: k2 = ialimits(f)[0]
    assert len(f.shape) == 2, 'Supports 2D only'
    y = iaintersec(f, k2)
    y[:, 0:WT] = k1
    y[:, -WT:] = k1
    y[0:HT, :] = k1
    y[-HT:, :] = k1
    return y
コード例 #6
def iaseintersec(B1, B2):
    from ialimits import ialimits
    from ia870 import iamat2set, iaset2mat

    assert B1.dtype == B2.dtype, \
      'iaseintersec: Cannot have different datatypes: \
      %s and %s'                 % (str(B1.dtype), str(B2.dtype))
    type1 = B1.dtype
    #if len(B1) == 0: return B2
    if len(B1.shape) == 1: B1 = B1[newaxis, :]
    if len(B2.shape) == 1: B2 = B2[newaxis, :]
    if B1.shape != B2.shape:
        inf = ialimits(B1)[0]
        h1, w1 = B1.shape
        h2, w2 = B2.shape
        H, W = max(h1, h2), max(w1, w2)
        Hc, Wc = (H - 1) / 2, (W - 1) / 2  # center
        BB1, BB2 = asarray(B1), asarray(B2)
        B1, B2 = inf * ones((H, W)), inf * ones((H, W))
        dh1s, dh1e = (h1 - 1) / 2, (h1 - 1) / 2 + (
            h1 + 1) % 2  # deal with even and odd dimensions
        dw1s, dw1e = (w1 - 1) / 2, (w1 - 1) / 2 + (w1 + 1) % 2
        dh2s, dh2e = (h2 - 1) / 2, (h2 - 1) / 2 + (h2 + 1) % 2
        dw2s, dw2e = (w2 - 1) / 2, (w2 - 1) / 2 + (w2 + 1) % 2
        B1[Hc - dh1s:Hc + dh1e + 1, Wc - dw1s:Wc + dw1e + 1] = BB1
        B2[Hc - dh2s:Hc + dh2e + 1, Wc - dw2s:Wc + dw2e + 1] = BB2
    B = minimum(B1, B2).astype(type1)
    i, v = iamat2set(B)
    B = iaset2mat((i, v))
    return B
コード例 #7
ファイル: iaskelm.py プロジェクト: DiJei/ia870
def iaskelm(f, B=iasecross(), option="binary"):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from ialimits import ialimits
    from iagray import iagray
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iaero import iaero
    from iaisequal import iaisequal
    from iaopenth import iaopenth
    from iasedil import iasedil
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iapad import iapad
    from iaunpad import iaunpad

    assert iaisbinary(f),'Input binary image only'
    option = upper(option)
    f = iapad(f,B)
    print f
    k1,k2 = ialimits(f)
    y = iagray( iaintersec(f, k1),'uint16')
    iszero = asarray(y)
    nb = iasesum(B,0)
    for r in range(1,65535):
        ero = iaero( f, nb)
        if iaisequal(ero, iszero): break
        f1 = iaopenth( ero, B)
        nb = iasedil(nb, B)
        y = iaunion(y, iagray(f1,'uint16',r))
    if option == 'BINARY':
        y = iabinary(y)
    y = iaunpad(y,B)
    return y
コード例 #8
def iaskelm(f, B=iasecross(), option="binary"):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from ialimits import ialimits
    from iagray import iagray
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iasesum import iasesum
    from iaero import iaero
    from iaisequal import iaisequal
    from iaopenth import iaopenth
    from iasedil import iasedil
    from iaunion import iaunion
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from iapad import iapad
    from iaunpad import iaunpad

    assert iaisbinary(f), 'Input binary image only'
    option = upper(option)
    f = iapad(f, B)
    print f
    k1, k2 = ialimits(f)
    y = iagray(iaintersec(f, k1), 'uint16')
    iszero = asarray(y)
    nb = iasesum(B, 0)
    for r in range(1, 65535):
        ero = iaero(f, nb)
        if iaisequal(ero, iszero): break
        f1 = iaopenth(ero, B)
        nb = iasedil(nb, B)
        y = iaunion(y, iagray(f1, 'uint16', r))
    if option == 'BINARY':
        y = iabinary(y)
    y = iaunpad(y, B)
    return y
コード例 #9
ファイル: iaseunion.py プロジェクト: DiJei/ia870
def iaseunion(B1, B2):
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if B1.dtype != B2.dtype:
        print 'B1=',B1
        print 'B2=',B2
    assert B1.dtype == B2.dtype, \
      'iaseunion: Cannot have different datatypes: \
      %s and %s' % (str(B1.dtype), str(B2.dtype))
    type1 = B1.dtype
    #if len(B1) == 0: return B2
    if len(B1.shape) == 1: B1 = B1[newaxis,:]
    if len(B2.shape) == 1: B2 = B2[newaxis,:]
    if B1.shape <> B2.shape:
        inf = ialimits(B1)[0]
        h1,w1 = B1.shape
        h2,w2 = B2.shape
        H,W = max(h1,h2),max(w1,w2)
        Hc,Wc = (H-1)/2,(W-1)/2    # center
        BB1,BB2 = asarray(B1),asarray(B2)
        B1, B2  = inf * ones((H,W)), inf *ones((H,W))
        dh1s , dh1e = (h1-1)/2 , (h1-1)/2 + (h1+1)%2 # deal with even and odd dimensions
        dw1s , dw1e = (w1-1)/2 , (w1-1)/2 + (w1+1)%2
        dh2s , dh2e = (h2-1)/2 , (h2-1)/2 + (h2+1)%2
        dw2s , dw2e = (w2-1)/2 , (w2-1)/2 + (w2+1)%2
        B1[ Hc-dh1s : Hc+dh1e+1  ,  Wc-dw1s : Wc+dw1e+1 ] = BB1
        B2[ Hc-dh2s : Hc+dh2e+1  ,  Wc-dw2s : Wc+dw2e+1 ] = BB2
    B = maximum(B1,B2).astype(type1)
    return B
コード例 #10
ファイル: iaaddm.py プロジェクト: DiJei/ia870
def iaaddm(f1, f2):
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if type(f2) is array:
        assert f1.dtype == f2.dtype, 'Cannot have different datatypes:'
    k1,k2 = ialimits(f1)
    y = clip(f1.astype(int64)+f2, k1, k2)
    y = y.astype(f1.dtype)
    return y
コード例 #11
ファイル: iaaddm.py プロジェクト: mariecpereira/IA369Z
def iaaddm(f1, f2):
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if type(f2) is array:
        assert f1.dtype == f2.dtype, 'Cannot have different datatypes:'
    k1, k2 = ialimits(f1)
    y = clip(f1.astype(int64) + f2, k1, k2)
    y = y.astype(f1.dtype)
    return y
コード例 #12
def iaadd4dil(f, c):
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if not c:
        return f
    if f.dtype == 'float64':
        y = f + c
        y = asarray(f, int64) + c
        k1, k2 = ialimits(f)
        y = ((f == k1) * k1) + ((f != k1) * y)
        y = clip(y, k1, k2)
    a = y.astype(f.dtype)
    return a
コード例 #13
ファイル: iaadd4dil.py プロジェクト: ramosapf/ia870
def iaadd4dil(f, c):
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if not c:
        return f
    if f.dtype == "float64":
        y = f + c
        y = asarray(f, int64) + c
        k1, k2 = ialimits(f)
        y = ((f == k1) * k1) + ((f != k1) * y)
        y = clip(y, k1, k2)
    a = y.astype(f.dtype)
    return a
コード例 #14
ファイル: iaimg2se.py プロジェクト: DiJei/ia870
def iaimg2se(fd, FLAT="FLAT", f=None):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from iaseshow import iaseshow
    from ialimits import ialimits

    fd = (fd > 0)
    #assert iaisbinary(fd),'First parameter must be binary'
    FLAT = upper(FLAT)
    if FLAT == 'FLAT':
        return iaseshow(fd)
        B = choose(fd, ( ialimits(int32([0]))[0]*ones(fd.shape),f) )
    B = iaseshow(int32(B),'NON-FLAT')

    return B
コード例 #15
ファイル: iaimg2se.py プロジェクト: mariecpereira/IA369Z
def iaimg2se(fd, FLAT="FLAT", f=None):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from iaseshow import iaseshow
    from ialimits import ialimits

    fd = (fd > 0)
    #assert iaisbinary(fd),'First parameter must be binary'
    FLAT = upper(FLAT)
    if FLAT == 'FLAT':
        return iaseshow(fd)
        B = choose(fd, (ialimits(int32([0]))[0] * ones(fd.shape), f))
    B = iaseshow(int32(B), 'NON-FLAT')

    return B
コード例 #16
def iamat2set(A):
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if len(A.shape) == 1: A = A[newaxis, :]
    offsets = nonzero(ravel(A) ^ ialimits(A)[0])
    if type(offsets) == type(()):
        offsets = offsets[0]  # for compatibility with numarray
    if len(offsets) == 0: return ([], [])
    (h, w) = A.shape
    x = range(2)
    x[0] = offsets / w - (h - 1) / 2
    x[1] = offsets % w - (w - 1) / 2
    x = transpose(x)
    CV = x, ravel(A)[offsets]
    return CV
コード例 #17
ファイル: iamat2set.py プロジェクト: DiJei/ia870
def iamat2set(A):
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if len(A.shape) == 1: A = A[newaxis,:]
    offsets = nonzero(ravel(A) - ialimits(A)[0])
    if type(offsets) == type(()):
        offsets = offsets[0]        # for compatibility with numarray
    if len(offsets) == 0: return ([],[])
    (h,w) = A.shape
    x = range(2)
    x[0] = offsets/w - (h-1)/2
    x[1] = offsets%w - (w-1)/2
    x = transpose(x)
    CV = x,ravel(A)[offsets]
    return CV
コード例 #18
def iainpos(f, g, bc=iasecross()):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from iagray import iagray
    from ianeg import ianeg
    from iadatatype import iadatatype
    from ialimits import ialimits
    from iasuprec import iasuprec
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iaunion import iaunion

    assert iaisbinary(f), 'First parameter must be binary image'
    fg = iagray(ianeg(f), iadatatype(g))
    k1 = ialimits(g)[1] - 1
    y = iasuprec(fg, iaintersec(iaunion(g, 1), k1, fg), bc)

    return y
コード例 #19
ファイル: iainpos.py プロジェクト: DiJei/ia870
def iainpos(f, g, bc=iasecross()):
    from iaisbinary import iaisbinary
    from iagray import iagray
    from ianeg import ianeg
    from iadatatype import iadatatype
    from ialimits import ialimits
    from iasuprec import iasuprec
    from iaintersec import iaintersec
    from iaunion import iaunion

    assert iaisbinary(f),'First parameter must be binary image'
    fg = iagray( ianeg(f), iadatatype(g))
    k1 = ialimits(g)[1] - 1
    y = iasuprec(fg, iaintersec( iaunion(g, 1), k1, fg), bc)

    return y
コード例 #20
ファイル: iaset2mat.py プロジェクト: mariecpereira/IA369Z
def iaset2mat(A):
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if len(A) == 2:
        x, v = A
        v = asarray(v)
    elif len(A) == 1:
        x = A[0]
        v = ones((len(x), ), bool)
        raise TypeError, 'Argument must be a tuple of length 1 or 2'
    if len(x) == 0: return array([0]).astype(v.dtype)
    if len(x.shape) == 1: x = x[newaxis, :]
    dh, dw = abs(x).max(0)
    h, w = (2 * dh) + 1, (2 * dw) + 1
    M = ones((h, w)) * ialimits(v)[0]
    offset = x[:, 0] * w + x[:, 1] + (dh * w + dw)
    M.flat[offset] = v
    M = M.astype(v.dtype)

    return M
コード例 #21
ファイル: iaset2mat.py プロジェクト: DiJei/ia870
def iaset2mat(A):
    from iabinary import iabinary
    from ialimits import ialimits

    if len(A) == 2:
        x, v = A
        v = asarray(v)
    elif len(A) == 1:
        x = A[0]
        v = ones((len(x),),bool)
        raise TypeError, 'Argument must be a tuple of length 1 or 2'
    if len(x) == 0:  return array([0]).astype(v.dtype)
    if len(x.shape) == 1: x = x[newaxis,:]
    dh, dw = abs(x).max(0)
    h,w = (2*dh) + 1, (2*dw) + 1
    M=ones((h, w)) * ialimits(v)[0]
    offset = x[:,0] * w + x[:,1] + (dh*w + dw)
    M.flat[offset] = v
    M = M.astype(v.dtype)

    return M