def __init__(self, context): MCLabelsBase.__init__(self, context) self.AddParameter("BinWidth", "Bin width [in meters].", 15) self.AddParameter("NumBins", "Number of bins to create.", 100) self.AddParameter("CylinderHeight", "The height (z) of the axial clinder [in meters].", 1000.) self.AddParameter( "CylinderRadius", "The radius (x-y) of the axial clinder [in meters].", 600.)
def __init__(self, context): MCLabelsBase.__init__(self, context) self.AddParameter("MuonKey", "Name of the muon.", 'MCPrimary') self.AddParameter("BinWidth", "Bin width [in meters].", 10) self.AddParameter("ExtendBoundary", "Extend boundary of convex hull [in meters].", 150) self.AddParameter("IncludeUnderOverFlow", "Include over and under flow bins.", False) self.AddParameter( "ForceNumBins", "Force number of bins to be this value." "Will append zeros or remove last bins.", None)
def __init__(self, context): # super(EventGeneratorMuonTrackLabels, self).__init__(self, context) MCLabelsBase.__init__(self, context) self.AddParameter("MCTreeName", "Name of the I3MCTree to use.", 'I3MCTree') self.AddParameter( "ExtendBoundary", "Extend boundary of convex hull around IceCube " "[in meters].", 500) self.AddParameter( "RunOnDAQFrames", "If True, the label module will run on DAQ frames " "instead of Physics frames", False)
def __init__(self, context): MCLabelsBase.__init__(self, context) self.AddParameter("BinWidth", "Bin width [in meters].", 15) self.AddParameter( "Boundary", "Half edge length of a cube [in meters]. " + "Will be used as a boundary." + "Millipede default are 600m.", 600.) self.AddParameter( "WriteParticleVector", "Also writes the labels in form of " + "a particle vector to be visualized " + "via steamshovel", False) self.AddParameter( "MaxNumBins", "If provided, exactly this number of bins is " + "added to the labels. Non existing bins are " + "padded with NaNs. Additional bins are cut off. " + "This can be useful when writing tabular data " + "that requires fixed sizes.", None)
def __init__(self, context): # super(EventGeneratorMuonTrackLabels, self).__init__(self, context) MCLabelsBase.__init__(self, context) self.AddParameter("ExtendBoundary", "Extend boundary of convex hull around IceCube " "[in meters].", 300) self.AddParameter("UseEMEquivalenEnergy", "Correct energy losses to obtaine EM equivalent " "energy.", True) self.AddParameter("NumCascades", "Number of energy losses to treat independently " "as cascades.", 5) self.AddParameter("NumQuantiles", "Number of track energy quantiles to compute.", 20) self.AddParameter("RunOnDAQFrames", "If True, the label module will run on DAQ frames " "instead of Physics frames", False)
def __init__(self, context): # super(MCLabelsDeepLearning, self).__init__(self, context) MCLabelsBase.__init__(self, context) self.AddParameter( "MinLength", "Minimum required track lenth inside detector to " "qualify an event as a muon scattering event", 1000) self.AddParameter( "MinLengthBefore", "Minimum required track lenth inside detector " "before the energy loss to qualify an event as a " "muon scattering event", 400) self.AddParameter( "MinLengthAfter", "Minimum required track lenth inside detector " "after the energy loss to qualify an event as a " "muon scattering event", 400) self.AddParameter( "MinMuonEntryEnergy", "Minimum required muon energy at point of entry " "to qualify an event as a muon scattering event", 10000) self.AddParameter( "MinRelativeLossEnergy", "Minimum required relative energy of the muon loss " "to qualify an event as a muon scattering event. " "The relative energy loss is calculated as the " "loss energy / muon energy at entry", 0.5)
def __init__(self, context): # super(MCLabelsCascades, self).__init__(self, context) MCLabelsBase.__init__(self, context) self.AddParameter("ExtendBoundary", "Extend boundary of convex hull [in meters].", 0)
def __init__(self, context): # super(MCLabelsDeepLearning, self).__init__(self, context) MCLabelsBase.__init__(self, context) self.AddParameter("IsMuonGun", "Indicate whether this is a MuonGun dataset.", False)