コード例 #1
assert (all(
    [x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("022.22"), ("022", "22"))]))
assert (all(
    [x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("333.3"), ("333", "3"))]))
assert (all(
    [x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("444"), ("444", ""))]))
assert (all(
    [x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("9.9"), ("009", "9"))]))
assert (all(
    [x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("88.88"), ("088", "88"))]))
assert (all(
    [x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("777.6"), ("777", "6"))]))
assert (all(
    [x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("009.9"), ("009", "9"))]))

assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("0010") == "1.0")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("001") == "1")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("022") == "22")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("345") == "345")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("001") == "1")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("0011") == "1.1")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("00123") == "1.23")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("081") == "81")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("0811") == "81.1")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("08123") == "81.23")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("991") == "991")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("9911") == "991.1")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("99123") == "991.23")
assert (icd9.short_to_decimal("V013") == "V01.3")

assert (all(
コード例 #2
        conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='mimic' user='******' host='localhost' password='******'")
        print("I am unable to connect to the database")

tree = ICD92('codes.json')
cur = conn.cursor()

cur.execute("""set search_path to mimiciii""")
cur.execute("""SELECT * from allevents where event_type='diagnosis'""")
rows = cur.fetchall()

index = 0
for row in rows:
    if row[4][0:1] == "V":
    newcode = icd9.short_to_decimal(row[4])
    if newcode.find(".") == 2:
        newcode = "0"+newcode
    elif newcode.find(".") == 1:
        newcode = "00" + newcode

            if newcode[0:2] == "28":
                parents = ["ROOT", "280-289", newcode[0:3], newcode]
                parents = [x.code for x in tree.find(newcode).parents]
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            parents = [x.code for x in tree.find(newcode[:-1]).parents]
コード例 #3
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("0"), ("000", ""))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("000"), ("000", ""))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("V1.2"), ("V01", "2"))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("1.1"), ("001", "1"))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("001.1"), ("001", "1"))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("22.22"), ("022", "22"))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("022.22"), ("022", "22"))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("333.3"), ("333", "3"))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("444"), ("444", ""))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("9.9"), ("009", "9"))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("88.88"), ("088", "88"))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("777.6"), ("777", "6"))]))
assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.decimal_to_parts("009.9"), ("009", "9"))]))

assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("0010") == "1.0")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("001") == "1")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("022") == "22")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("345") == "345")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("001") == "1")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("0011") == "1.1")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("00123") == "1.23")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("081") == "81")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("0811") == "81.1")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("08123") == "81.23")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("991") == "991")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("9911") == "991.1")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("99123") == "991.23")
assert(icd9.short_to_decimal("V013") == "V01.3")

assert(all([x == y for x, y in zip(icd9.short_to_parts("E000"), ("E000", ""))]))