コード例 #1
def processBatch(imageCameraPairs, lidarFolder, referenceDem, skipInterval, outputFolder, extraOptions, 
                 outputResolution, stereoArgs, batchNum, batchLogPath=''):
    '''Processes a batch of images at once'''

    suppressOutput = False
    redo           = False

    argString = ''
    for pair in imageCameraPairs:
        argString += pair[0] + ' '
    for pair in imageCameraPairs:
        argString += pair[1] + ' '

    # Just set the options and call the pair python tool.
    # We can try out bundle adjustment for intrinsic parameters here.
    cmd = ('--lidar-folder %s --reference-dem %s --stereo-image-interval %d --dem-resolution %f' \
           ' --output-folder %s %s %s --stereo-arguments ' 
           % (lidarFolder, referenceDem, skipInterval, outputResolution, outputFolder, argString, extraOptions))
    if batchLogPath:
        # With this option we just log the commands to a text file
        # - Setting this option limits to one process so there will be only one 
        #   simultaneous file writer.
        with open(batchLogPath, 'a') as f:
            f.write('python ' + icebridge_common.fullPath('process_icebridge_batch.py') + ' ' + \
                    cmd +'"'+ stereoArgs +'"\n')
        args = cmd.split()
        args += (stereoArgs.strip(),) # Make sure this is properly passed
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error('Batch processing failed!\n' + str(e) +
コード例 #2
ファイル: push_to_nsidc.py プロジェクト: fenglang12345/asp20
def fetchIndices(options, logger):
    '''Fetch the csv indices of available files.'''
    logger.info("Fetch indices from NSIDC.")
    pythonPath = asp_system_utils.which('python')
    cmd = ( (pythonPath + ' ' + icebridge_common.fullPath('full_processing_script.py') + \
             ' --camera-calibration-folder %s --reference-dem-folder %s --site %s ' + \
             '--yyyymmdd %s --stop-after-index-fetch --no-nav ' ) % \
            (options.inputCalFolder, options.refDemFolder, options.site, options.yyyymmdd))
    stop_time("fetch index", logger)
コード例 #3
def fetchIndices(options, logger):
    '''Fetch the csv indices of available files.'''
    logger.info("Fetch indices from NSIDC.")
    pythonPath = asp_system_utils.which('python')
    cmd = ( (pythonPath + ' ' + icebridge_common.fullPath('full_processing_script.py') + \
             ' --camera-calibration-folder %s --reference-dem-folder %s --site %s ' + \
             '--yyyymmdd %s --stop-after-index-fetch --no-nav ' ) % \
            (options.inputCalFolder, options.refDemFolder, options.site, options.yyyymmdd))
    stop_time("fetch index", logger)
コード例 #4
def submitBatchJobs(commandFileList, options, pbsLogFolder, run, logger):
    '''Read all the batch jobs required for a run and distribute them across job submissions.
       Returns the common string in the job names.'''

    # Retrieve parallel processing parameters
    (numProcesses, numThreads, tasksPerJob,
     maxHours) = getParallelParams(options.nodeType)

    numBatches = len(commandFileList)
        ("Num batches: %d, tasks per job: %d" % (numBatches, tasksPerJob)))

    baseName = run.shortName(
    )  # SITE + YYMMDD = 8 chars, leaves seven for frame digits.

    # Call the tool which just executes commands from a file
    scriptPath = icebridge_common.fullPath('multi_process_command_runner.py')

    index = 0
    jobIDs = []
    for commandFile in commandFileList:

        jobName = ('%s%05d%s' % ('RS', index, baseName))

        # Specify the range of lines in the file we want this node to execute
        args = ('--command-file-path %s --start-frame -1 --stop-frame -1 --num-processes %d' % \
                (commandFile, numProcesses))

        logPrefix = os.path.join(pbsLogFolder, 'batch_' + jobName)
        logger.info('Submitting summary regen job: ' + scriptPath + ' ' + args)

        BATCH_PBS_QUEUE = 'normal'
        jobID = pbs_functions.submitJob(jobName, BATCH_PBS_QUEUE, maxHours,
                                        logger, options.minutesInDevelQueue,
                                        GROUP_ID, options.nodeType,
                                        scriptPath + ' ' + args, logPrefix)
        index += 1

    # Waiting on these jobs happens outside this function
    return (baseName, jobIDs)
コード例 #5
def submitBatchJobs(commandFileList, options, pbsLogFolder, run, logger):
    '''Read all the batch jobs required for a run and distribute them across job submissions.
       Returns the common string in the job names.'''

    # Retrieve parallel processing parameters
    (numProcesses, numThreads, tasksPerJob, maxHours) = getParallelParams(options.nodeType)

    numBatches = len(commandFileList)
    logger.info( ("Num batches: %d, tasks per job: %d" % (numBatches, tasksPerJob) ) )

    baseName = run.shortName() # SITE + YYMMDD = 8 chars, leaves seven for frame digits.

    # Call the tool which just executes commands from a file
    scriptPath = icebridge_common.fullPath('multi_process_command_runner.py')

    index  = 0
    jobIDs = []
    for commandFile in commandFileList:

        jobName = ('%s%05d%s' % ('RS', index, baseName) )

        # Specify the range of lines in the file we want this node to execute
        args = ('--command-file-path %s --start-frame -1 --stop-frame -1 --num-processes %d' % \
                (commandFile, numProcesses))

        logPrefix = os.path.join(pbsLogFolder, 'batch_' + jobName)
        logger.info('Submitting summary regen job: ' + scriptPath + ' ' + args)

        BATCH_PBS_QUEUE = 'normal'
        jobID = pbs_functions.submitJob(jobName, BATCH_PBS_QUEUE, maxHours, logger,
                                        options.nodeType, '~/repo/python_env/bin/python',
                                        scriptPath + ' ' + args, logPrefix)
        index += 1

    # Waiting on these jobs happens outside this function
    return (baseName, jobIDs)
コード例 #6
def processBatch(imageCameraPairs, lidarFolder, referenceDem, skipInterval,
                 outputFolder, extraOptions, outputResolution, stereoArgs,
                 batchNum, batchLogPath=''):
    '''Processes a batch of images at once'''

    suppressOutput = False
    redo           = False

    argString = ''
    for pair in imageCameraPairs:
        argString += pair[0] + ' '
    for pair in imageCameraPairs:
        argString += pair[1] + ' '

    # Just set the options and call the pair python tool.
    # We can try out bundle adjustment for intrinsic parameters here.
    cmd = ('--lidar-folder %s --reference-dem %s --stereo-image-interval %d --dem-resolution %f' \
           ' --output-folder %s %s %s --stereo-arguments ' 
           % (lidarFolder, referenceDem, skipInterval, outputResolution,
              outputFolder, argString, extraOptions))
    if batchLogPath:
        # With this option we just log the commands to a text file
        # - Setting this option limits to one process so there will be only one 
        #   simultaneous file writer.
        with open(batchLogPath, 'a') as f:
            f.write('python ' + icebridge_common.fullPath('process_icebridge_batch.py') + ' ' + \
                    cmd +'"'+ stereoArgs +'"\n')
        args = cmd.split()
        args += (stereoArgs.strip(),) # Make sure this is properly passed
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error('Batch processing failed!\n' + str(e) +
コード例 #7
        camKmlFiles = textOutput.replace('\n', ' ')

        # Write the list of files to process to disk. Otherwise, if we just
        # pass the full list on the command line, it may be too big
        # and the call will fail.
        kmlList = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'kml_list.txt')
        print("Writing: " + kmlList)
        with open(kmlList, 'w') as f:
            for filename in sorted(camKmlFiles.split()):
                filename = filename.strip()
                if filename == "":
                f.write(filename + "\n")

        outputKml = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'cameras_out.kml')
        scriptPath = icebridge_common.fullPath('merge_orbitviz.py')
        cmd = 'python ' + scriptPath + ' ' + outputKml + ' -list ' + kmlList

        # Generate lidar kml files
        print("Generating lidar kml files")
        LIDAR_POINT_SKIP = 1527
        lidarFiles = run.getLidarList(prependFolder=True)
        lidarOutputFolder = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'lidar')
        os.system('mkdir -p ' + lidarOutputFolder)
        for f in lidarFiles:
            inputPath = os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '.csv'
            outputPath = os.path.join(lidarOutputFolder,
                                      os.path.basename(f) + '.kml')
            args = [
コード例 #8
def generateFlightSummary(run, options):
    '''Generate a folder containing handy debugging files including output thumbnails'''

    # Copy logs to the output folder
    print 'Copying log files...'
    badImageFolder = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'badImages')
    runFolder = run.getFolder()
    procFolder = run.getProcessFolder()
    navCameraFolder = run.getNavCameraFolder()
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + options.outputFolder)
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + badImageFolder)

    packedErrorLog = os.path.join(runFolder, 'packedErrors.log')
    if os.path.exists(packedErrorLog):
            shutil.copy(packedErrorLog, options.outputFolder)
        except Exception as e:
            # In case it complains about copying a file onto itself
            print("Warning: " + str(e))

    if not options.skipKml:
        # Copy the input camera kml file
        camerasInKmlPath = os.path.join(procFolder, 'cameras_in.kml')
            shutil.copy(camerasInKmlPath, options.outputFolder)
        except Exception as e:
            # In case it complains about copying a file onto itself
            print("Warning: " + str(e))

        # Copy the input camera kml file
        navCamerasKmlPath = os.path.join(navCameraFolder, 'nav_cameras.kml')
            shutil.copy(navCamerasKmlPath, options.outputFolder)
        except Exception as e:
            # In case it complains about copying a file onto itself
            print("Warning: " + str(e))

        # Create a merged version of all the bundle adjusted camera files
        # - The tool currently includes cameras more than once if they appear
        #   in multiple bundles.
        print 'Merging output camera kml files...'
        cmd = "find " + procFolder + " -name cameras_out.kml"
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd.split(),
        textOutput, err = p.communicate()
        camKmlFiles = textOutput.replace('\n', ' ')

        # Write the list of files to process to disk. Otherwise, if we just
        # pass the full list on the command line, it may be too big
        # and the call will fail.
        kmlList = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'kml_list.txt')
        print("Writing: " + kmlList)
        with open(kmlList, 'w') as f:
            for filename in sorted(camKmlFiles.split()):
                filename = filename.strip()
                if filename == "":
                f.write(filename + "\n")

        outputKml = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'cameras_out.kml')
        scriptPath = icebridge_common.fullPath('merge_orbitviz.py')
        cmd = 'python ' + scriptPath + ' ' + outputKml + ' -list ' + kmlList

        # Generate lidar kml files
        print("Generating lidar kml files")
        LIDAR_POINT_SKIP = 1527
        lidarFiles = run.getLidarList(prependFolder=True)
        lidarOutputFolder = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'lidar')
        os.system('mkdir -p ' + lidarOutputFolder)
        for f in lidarFiles:
            inputPath = os.path.splitext(f)[0] + '.csv'
            outputPath = os.path.join(lidarOutputFolder,
                                      os.path.basename(f) + '.kml')
            args = [
                inputPath, outputPath, '--skip',
                str(LIDAR_POINT_SKIP), '--color', 'red'
            if not os.path.exists(outputPath):  # Don't recreate these files
                print("Generating: " + outputPath
                      )  # This can be very slow, so print what is going on
                except Exception as e:
                    # Do not let this make our life miserable
                    print("Problem: " + str(e))

    # Collect per-batch information
    batchInfoPath = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'batchInfoSummary.csv')
    failedBatchPath = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, 'failedBatchList.csv')
    print("Writing statistics to: " + batchInfoPath)
    print("Writing failures to: " + failedBatchPath)
    batchInfoLog = open(batchInfoPath, 'w')
    failureLog = open(failedBatchPath, 'w')

    # Write the header for the batch log file
    batchInfoLog.write('# startFrame, stopFrame, centerLon, centerLat, meanAlt, ' +
                       'meanLidarDiff, meanInterDiff, meanFireDiff, meanFireLidarDiff, ' +
                       'percentValid, meanBlendDiff, meanBlendDiffInFireballFootprint, ' + \
                       'corrSearchWid, corrMem(GB), corrElapsedTime(minutes)\n')
    failureLog.write('# startFrame, stopFrame, errorCode, errorText\n')

    demList = run.getOutputFileList(icebridge_common.blendFileName())
    for (dem, frames) in demList:

        demFolder = os.path.dirname(dem)

        # Handle frame range option
        if (frames[0] < options.startFrame):
        if (frames[1] > options.stopFrame):

        # Progress indication
        if frames[0] % 100 == 0:
            print("Frame: " + str(frames[0]))
            batchInfoLog.flush()  # for instant gratification

        # Read in blend results which are not part of the consolidated stats file
        blendDiffPath = os.path.join(demFolder, 'out-blend-DEM-diff.csv')
            blendDiffResults = icebridge_common.readGeodiffOutput(
            blendDiffResults = {'Mean': -999}

        # Read in blend results which are not part of the consolidated stats file
        # for the blend done in the fireball footprint
        fireballBlendDiffPath = os.path.join(
            demFolder, 'out-blend-fb-footprint-diff.csv')

            fireballBlendDiffResults = icebridge_common.readGeodiffOutput(
            fireballBlendDiffResults = {'Mean': -999}

        runStatsFile = os.path.join(demFolder,
        statsLine = icebridge_common.readStats(runStatsFile)

        # All of the other results should be in a consolidated stats file
        consolidatedStatsPath = os.path.join(demFolder,

        if not os.path.exists(consolidatedStatsPath):
            # Stats file not present, recreate it.

            print 'Recreating missing stats file: ' + consolidatedStatsPath

            # Get paths to the files of interest
            # This logic must be sync-ed up with cleanBatch().
            lidarDiffPath = os.path.join(demFolder, 'out-diff.csv')
            interDiffPath = os.path.join(demFolder,
            fireDiffPath = os.path.join(demFolder,
            fireLidarDiffPath = os.path.join(demFolder,
            fractionValidPath = os.path.join(demFolder,
                lidarDiffPath, interDiffPath, fireDiffPath, fireLidarDiffPath,
                dem, consolidatedStatsPath, fractionValidPath, None,
        # Now the consolidated file should always be present

        with open(consolidatedStatsPath, 'r') as f:
            statsText = f.read()

        # Write info to summary file
                '%d, %d, %s, %f, %f, %s\n' %
                (frames[0], frames[1], statsText, blendDiffResults['Mean'],
                 fireballBlendDiffResults['Mean'], statsLine))
            # Bugfix for corrupted data
            print("Problem parsing frame: " + str(frames[0]))

        # Keep a list of batches that did not generate an output DEM
        parts = statsText.split(',')
        if len(parts) <= 2:
            print("Cannot parse " + consolidatedStatsPath + ", skipping.")
            if (float(parts[0]) == 0) and (float(parts[1]) == 0) and (float(
                    parts[2]) == -999):

                if os.path.exists(dem):
                    # Handle the case where the statistics are bad for some reason
                    errorCode = 0
                    errorText = 'Success but statistics are bad'
                else:  # A real failure, figure out the cause
                    batchFolder = os.path.dirname(dem)
                    (errorCode, errorText) = getFailureCause(batchFolder)
                    #print str((errorCode, errorText))
                #if errorCode < 0: # Debug code for unknown errors
                #print str((errorCode, errorText))
                #print statsText
                #print batchFolder
                #raise Exception('DEBUG')
                failureLog.write('%d, %d, %d, %s\n' %
                                 (frames[0], frames[1], errorCode, errorText))

        # Make a link to the DEM thumbnail file in our summary folder
        hillshadePath = os.path.join(demFolder,
        if os.path.exists(hillshadePath):
            thumbName = ('dem_%05d_%05d_browse.tif' % (frames[0], frames[1]))
            thumbPath = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, thumbName)
            # If the DEM thumbnail does not exist, look for the input frame thumbnail.
            inPath = os.path.join(demFolder, 'first_image_browse.tif')
            thumbName = ('input_%05d_browse.tif' % (frames[0]))
            thumbPath = os.path.join(badImageFolder, thumbName)
            if os.path.exists(inPath):
                icebridge_common.makeSymLink(inPath, thumbPath, verbose=False)

        # Make a link to the ortho thumbnail file in our summary folder
        orthoPath = os.path.join(demFolder,
        if os.path.exists(orthoPath):
            thumbName = ('ortho_%05d_%05d_browse.jpg' % (frames[0], frames[1]))
            thumbPath = os.path.join(options.outputFolder, thumbName)
            icebridge_common.makeSymLink(orthoPath, thumbPath, verbose=False)

    # End loop through expected DEMs and writing log files

    print 'Finished generating flight summary in folder: ' + options.outputFolder
    print("Wrote: " + batchInfoPath)
    print("Wrote: " + failedBatchPath)