コード例 #1
    def show_custom_options(self, dictview=False):
        Display customization/subsetting options available for this product.

        dictview : boolean, default False
            Show the variable portion of the custom options list as a dictionary with key:value
            pairs representing variable:paths-to-variable rather than as a long list of full
            variable paths.

        >>> reg_a = ipx.Query('ATL06',[-55, 68, -48, 71],['2019-02-20','2019-02-28']) # doctest: +SKIP
        >>> reg_a.earthdata_login(user_id,user_email) # doctest: +SKIP
        Earthdata Login password:  ········
        >>> reg_a.show_custom_options(dictview=True) # doctest: +SKIP
        Subsetting options
        [{'id': 'ICESAT2',
        'maxGransAsyncRequest': '2000',
        'maxGransSyncRequest': '100',
        'spatialSubsetting': 'true',
        'spatialSubsettingShapefile': 'true',
        'temporalSubsetting': 'true',
        'type': 'both'}]
        Data File Formats (Reformatting Options)
        ['TABULAR_ASCII', 'NetCDF4-CF', 'Shapefile', 'NetCDF-3']
        Reprojection Options
        Data File (Reformatting) Options Supporting Reprojection
        ['TABULAR_ASCII', 'NetCDF4-CF', 'Shapefile', 'NetCDF-3', 'No reformatting']
        Data File (Reformatting) Options NOT Supporting Reprojection
        Data Variables (also Subsettable)
        headers = [
            "Subsetting options",
            "Data File Formats (Reformatting Options)",
            "Reprojection Options",
            "Data File (Reformatting) Options Supporting Reprojection",
            "Data File (Reformatting) Options NOT Supporting Reprojection",
            "Data Variables (also Subsettable)",
        keys = [

            all(key in self._cust_options.keys() for key in keys)
        except AttributeError or KeyError:
            self._cust_options = is2ref._get_custom_options(
                self._session, self.product, self._version

        for h, k in zip(headers, keys):
            if k == "variables" and dictview:
                vgrp, paths = Variables.parse_var_list(self._cust_options[k])
コード例 #2
    def _build_single_file_dataset(self, file, groups_list):
        Create a single xarray dataset with all of the wanted variables/groups from the wanted var list for a single data file/url.

        file : str
            Full path to ICESat-2 data file.
            Currently tested for locally downloaded files; untested but hopefully works for s3 stored cloud files.

        groups_list : list of strings
            List of full paths to data variables within the file.
            e.g. ['orbit_info/sc_orient', 'gt1l/land_ice_segments/h_li', 'gt1l/land_ice_segments/latitude', 'gt1l/land_ice_segments/longitude']

        Xarray Dataset

        file_product = self._read_single_var(
            file, "/").attrs["identifier_product_type"]
        assert (
            file_product == self._prod
        ), "Your product specification does not match the product specification within your files."
        # I think the below method might NOT read the file into memory as the above might?
        # import h5py
        # with h5py.File(filepath,'r') as h5pt:
        #     prod_id = h5pt.attrs["identifier_product_type"]

        # DEVNOTE: does not actually apply wanted variable list, and has not been tested for merging multiple files into one ds
        # if a gridded product
        if self._prod in [
            is2ds = xr.open_dataset(file)

            is2ds = self._build_dataset_template(file)

            # returns the wanted groups as a single list of full group path strings
            wanted_dict, wanted_groups = Variables.parse_var_list(groups_list,
            wanted_groups_set = set(wanted_groups)
            # orbit_info is used automatically as the first group path so the info is available for the rest of the groups
            # returns the wanted groups as a list of lists with group path string elements separated
            _, wanted_groups_tiered = Variables.parse_var_list(groups_list,

            for grp_path in ["orbit_info"] + list(wanted_groups_set):
                ds = self._read_single_var(file, grp_path)
                is2ds = Read._add_var_to_ds(is2ds, ds, grp_path,
                                            wanted_groups_tiered, wanted_dict)

        return is2ds