コード例 #1
 def test_is_allowed_dut_index(self):
     resmixer = ResourceFunctions(mock.MagicMock(), mock.MagicMock(), mock.MagicMock())
     resmixer.resource_configuration = ResourceConfig()
     resmixer.resource_configuration.count_duts = mock.MagicMock(return_value=4)
コード例 #2
ファイル: BenchApi.py プロジェクト: noralsydmp/icetea
class BenchApi(object):
    BenchApi class. Implements methods that provide access to the implementations contained in
    the other TestBench modules.
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(BenchApi, self).__init__()
        self._arguments = ArgsHandler()
        self._logger = Logger()
        self._configurations = Configurations(args=self._arguments.args,

        self._resources = ResourceFunctions(self._arguments.args, self.logger,
        self._plugins = Plugins(self.logger, self.env, self._arguments.args,
        self._resultfunctions = Results(self.logger, self._resources,
        self._benchfunctions = BenchFunctions(self.resource_configuration,
        self._commands = Commands(self.logger, self._plugins, self._resources,
                                  self._arguments.args, self._benchfunctions)
        self._nwsniffer = NetworkSniffer(self._resources, self._configurations,
                                         self._arguments.args, self.logger)

    def _init(self):
        Initialize internal class instances.
                                 self.args.verbose, self.args.silent,
        self._resources.init(self._commands, self.logger)
        self._plugins.init(self, self.logger)

    def get_logger(self):
        Get logger function. Calls Logger.get_logger().

        :return: BenchLoggerAdapter
        return self._logger.get_logger()

    def args(self):
        Gets known args from ArgsHandler.

        :return: Namespace
        return self._arguments.args

    def args(self, value):
        Setter for known args.
        self._arguments.args = value

    def unknown(self):
        Gets unknown args from ArgsHandler.
        return self._arguments.unknown

    def unknown(self, value):
        Setter for unknown args.
        self._arguments.unknown = value

    def logger(self):
        :return: Logger from Logger. BenchLoggerAdapter usually.
        return self._logger.get_logger()

    def logger(self, value):
        Sets logger.

    def test_name(self):
        Returns test_name from Configurations.
        return self._configurations.test_name

    def config(self):
        :return: Configurations.config
        return self._configurations.config

    def config(self, value):
        Sets Configurations.config.
        self._configurations.config = value

    def env(self):
        :return: Configurations.env
        return self._configurations.env

    def sync_cli(self,
        Synchronize cli for a dut using custom function.

        :param dut: Dut
        :param generator_function: callable
        :param generator_function_args: list of arguments for generator_function
        :param retries: int, if set to 0 will skip command entirely (for unit testing purposes)
        :param command_timeout: int
        :raises: TestStepError: if synchronization fails.
        :raises: AttributeError: if retries is set to 0, unit testing reasons.
        return self._commands.sync_cli(dut, generator_function,
                                       generator_function_args, retries,

    def is_hardware_in_use(self):
        :return: True if type is hardware
        return self._configurations.is_hardware_in_use()

    def get_platforms(self):
        Get list of dut platforms.

        :return: list
        return self._resources.get_platforms()

    def get_serialnumbers(self):
        Get list of dut serial numbers.

        :return: list
        return self._resources.get_serialnumbers()

    def get_test_component(self):
        Get test component.

        :return: string
        return self._configurations.get_test_component()

    def get_features_under_test(self):
        Get features tested by this test case.

        :return: list
        return self._configurations.get_features_under_test()

    def get_allowed_platforms(self):
        Return list of allowed platfroms from requirements.

        :return: list
        return self._configurations.get_allowed_platforms()

    def status(self):
        Get TC implementation status.

        :return: string or None
        return self._configurations.status()

    def type(self):
        Get test case type.

        :return: string or None
        return self._configurations.type()

    def subtype(self):
        Get test case subtype.

        :return: string or None
        return self._configurations.subtype()

    def get_config(self):
        Get test case configuration.

        :return: dict
        return self._configurations.get_config()

    def skip(self):
        Get skip value.

        :return: Boolean or None
        return self._configurations.skip()

    def skip_info(self):
        Get the entire skip dictionary.

        :return: dictionary or None
        return self._configurations.skip_info()

    def skip_reason(self):
        Get skip reason.

        :return: string
        return self._configurations.skip_reason()

    def get_tc_abspath(self, tc_file=None):
        Get path to test case.

        :param tc_file: name of the file. If None, tcdir used instead.
        :return: absolute path.
        return self._configurations.get_tc_abspath(tc_file)

    def set_config(self, config):
        Set the configuration for this test case.

        :param config: dictionary
        :return: Nothing
        return self._configurations.set_config(config)

    def check_skip(self):
        Check if tc should be skipped

        :return: Boolean
        return self._configurations.check_skip()

    def load_plugins(self):
        Initialize PluginManager and Load bench related plugins.

        :return: Nothing
        return self._plugins.load_plugins()

    def init_duts(self):
        Initialize Duts, and the network sniffer.

        :return: Nothing
        return self._resources.init_duts(self)

    def duts_release(self):
        Release Duts.

        :return: Nothing
        return self._resources.duts_release()

    def resource_configuration(self):
        Getter for __resource_configuration.

        :return: ResourceConfig
        return self._resources.resource_configuration

    def resource_configuration(self, value):
        Setter for __resource_configuration.

        :param value: ResourceConfig
        :return: Nothing
        self._resources.resource_configuration = value

    def dut_count(self):
        Getter for dut count from resource configuration.

        :return: int
        return self._resources.dut_count()

    def get_dut_count(self):
        Get dut count.

        :return: int
        return self._resources.get_dut_count()

    def resource_provider(self):
        Getter for __resource_provider

        :return: ResourceProvider
        return self._resources.resource_provider

    def duts(self):
        Get _duts.

        :return: list
        return self._resources.duts

    def duts(self, value):
        set a list as _duts.

        :param value: list
        :return: Nothing
        self._resources.duts = value

    def duts_iterator_all(self):
        Yield indexes and related duts.
        return self._resources.duts_iterator_all()

    def duts_iterator(self):
        Yield indexes and related duts that are for this test case.
        return self._resources.duts_iterator()

    def is_allowed_dut_index(self, dut_index):
        Check if dut_index is one of the duts for this test case.

        :param dut_index: int
        :return: Boolean
        return self._resources.is_allowed_dut_index(dut_index=dut_index)

    def dut_indexes(self):
        Get a list with dut indexes.

        :return: list
        return self._resources.dut_indexes

    def get_dut(self, k):
        Get dut object.

        :param k: index or nickname of dut.
        :return: Dut
        return self._resources.get_dut(k)

    def get_node_endpoint(self, endpoint_id):
        get NodeEndPoint object for dut endpoint_id.

        :param endpoint_id: nickname of dut
        :return: NodeEndPoint
        return self._resources.get_node_endpoint(endpoint_id, self)

    def is_my_dut_index(self, dut_index):
        :return: Boolean
        return self._resources.is_my_dut_index(dut_index)

    def dutinformations(self):
        Getter for DutInformation list.

        :return: list
        return self._resources.dutinformations

    def dutinformations(self, value):
        Setter for dutinformations

        :param value: DutInformationList
        :return: Nothing
        self._resources.dutinformations = value

    def reset_dut(self, dut_index="*"):
        Reset dut k.

        :param dut_index: index of dut to reset. Default is *, which causes all duts to be reset.
        :return: Nothing
        return self._resources.reset_dut(dut_index)

    def get_dut_nick(self, dut_index):
        Get nick of dut index k.

        :param dut_index: index of dut
        :return: string
        return self._resources.get_dut_nick(dut_index)

    def get_dut_index(self, nick):
        Get index of dut with nickname nick.

        :param nick: string
        :return: integer > 1
        return self._resources.get_dut_index(nick)

    def is_my_dut(self, k):
        :return: Boolean
        return self._resources.is_my_dut(k)

    def create_new_result(verdict, retcode, duration, input_data):
        Create a new Result object with data in function arguments.

        :param verdict: Verdict as string
        :param retcode: Return code as int
        :param duration: Duration as time
        :param input_data: Input data as dictionary
        :return: Result
        return Results.create_new_result(verdict, retcode, duration,

    def add_new_result(self, verdict, retcode, duration, input_data):
        Add a new Result to result object to the internal ResultList.

        :param verdict: Verdict as string
        :param retcode: Return code as int
        :param duration: Duration as time
        :param input_data: Input data as dict
        :return: Result
        return self._resultfunctions.add_new_result(verdict, retcode, duration,

    def results(self):
        Getter for internal _results variable.
        return self._resultfunctions.get_results()

    def results(self, value):
        Call setter for internal ResultList.

        :param value: ResultList
        :return: Nothing

    def retcode(self):
        Getter for return code.

        :return: int
        return self._resultfunctions.retcode

    def retcode(self, value):
        Setter for retcode.

        :param value: int
        :return: Nothing
        self._resultfunctions.retcode = value

    def get_result(self, tc_file=None):
        Generate a Result object from this test case.

        :param tc_file: Location of test case file
        :return: Result
        return self._resultfunctions.get_result(tc_file)

    def append_result(self, tc_file=None):
        Append a new fully constructed Result to the internal ResultList.

        :param tc_file: Test case file path
        :return: Nothing
        return self._resultfunctions.append_result(tc_file)

    def set_failure(self, retcode, reason):
        Set internal state to reflect failure of test.

        :param retcode: return code
        :param reason: failure reason as string
        :return: Nothing
        return self._resultfunctions.set_failure(retcode, reason)

    def input_from_user(self, title=None):
        Input data from user.

        :param title: Title as string
        :return: stripped data from stdin.
        return self._benchfunctions.input_from_user(title)

    def open_node_terminal(self, k="*", wait=True):
        Open Putty (/or kitty if exists)

        :param k: number 1.<max duts> or '*' to open putty to all devices
        :param wait: wait while putty is closed before continue testing
        :return: Nothing
        return self._benchfunctions.open_node_terminal(k, wait)

    def delay(self, seconds):
        Sleep command.

        :param seconds: Amount of seconds to sleep.
        :return: Nothing
        return self._benchfunctions.delay(seconds)

    def verify_trace_skip_fail(self, k, expected_traces):
        Shortcut to set break_in_fail to False in verify_trace.

        :param k: nick or index of dut.
        :param expected_traces: Expected traces as a list or string
        :return: boolean
        return self._benchfunctions.verify_trace_skip_fail(k, expected_traces)

    def verify_trace(self, k, expected_traces, break_in_fail=True):
        Verify that traces expected_traces are found in dut traces.

        :param k: index or nick of dut whose traces are to be used.
        :param expected_traces: list of expected traces or string
        :param break_in_fail: Boolean, if True raise LookupError if search fails
        :return: boolean.
        :raises: LookupError if search fails.
        return self._benchfunctions.verify_trace(k, expected_traces,

    def get_time(self):
        Get timestamp using time.time().

        :return: timestamp
        return self._benchfunctions.get_time()

    def command(self):
        Alias for execute_command.

        :return: execute_command attribute reference.
        return self._commands.command

    def wait_for_async_response(self, cmd, async_resp):
        Wait for the given asynchronous response to be ready and then parse it.

        :param cmd: The asynchronous command that was sent to DUT.
        :param async_resp: The asynchronous response returned by the preceding command call.
        :return: CliResponse object
        return self._commands.wait_for_async_response(cmd, async_resp)

    def execute_command(
            cmd,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Do Command request for DUT.
        If this fails, testcase will be marked as failed in internal mechanisms.
        This will happen even if you later catch the exception in your testcase.
        To get around this (allow command failing without throwing exceptions),
        use the reportCmdFail parameter which disables the raise.

        :param k: Index where command is sent, '*' -send command for all duts.
        :param cmd: Command to be sent to DUT.
        :param wait: For special cases when retcode is not wanted to wait.
        :param timeout: Command timeout in seconds.
        :param expected_retcode: Expecting this retcode, default: 0, can be None when it is ignored.
        :param asynchronous: Send command, but wait for response in parallel.
        When sending next command previous response will be wait. When using async mode,
        response is dummy.
        :param report_cmd_fail: If True (default), exception is thrown on command execution error.
        :return: CliResponse object
        return self._commands.execute_command(
            cmd,  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    def send_post_commands(self, cmds=""):
        Send post commands to duts.

        :param cmds: Commands to send as string.
        return self._commands.send_post_commands(cmds)

    def send_pre_commands(self, cmds=""):
        Send pre-commands to duts.

        :param cmds: Commands to send as string
        :return: Nothing
        return self._commands.send_pre_commands(cmds)

    def init_sniffer(self):
        Initialize and start sniffer if it is required.

        :return: Nothing
        return self._nwsniffer.init_sniffer()

    def get_start_time(self):
        Get test start timestamp.
        :return: None or timestamp.
        return self._resources.get_start_time()

    def wshark(self):
        Return wireshark object.

        :return: Wireshark
        return self._nwsniffer.wshark

    def tshark_arguments(self):
        Get tshark arguments.

        :return: dict
        return self._nwsniffer.tshark_arguments

    def sniffer_required(self):
        Check if sniffer was requested for this run.

        :return: Boolean
        return self._nwsniffer.sniffer_required

    def clear_sniffer(self):
        Clear sniffer

        :return: Nothing
        return self._nwsniffer.clear_sniffer()

    def capture_file(self):
        Return capture file path.

        :return: file path of capture file.
        return self._nwsniffer.capture_file

    def get_nw_log_filename(self):
        Get nw data log file name.

        :return: string
        return self._nwsniffer.get_nw_log_filename()

    def pluginmanager(self):
        Getter for PluginManager.

        :return: PluginManager
        return self._plugins.pluginmanager

    def pluginmanager(self, value):
        Setter for PluginManager.
        self._plugins.pluginmanager = value

    def start_external_services(self):
        Start ExtApps required by test case.

        :return: Nothing
        return self._plugins.start_external_services()

    def stop_external_services(self):
        Stop external services started via PluginManager
        return self._plugins.stop_external_services()

    def parse_response(self, cmd, response):
        Parse a response for command cmd.

        :param cmd: Command
        :param response: Response
        :return: Parsed response (usually dict)
        return self._plugins.parse_response(cmd, response)

    def _validate_dut_configs(self, dut_configuration_list, logger):
        Validate dut configurations.

        :param dut_configuration_list: dictionary with dut configurations
        :param logger: logger to be used
        :raises EnvironmentError if something is wrong
        return self._resources.validate_dut_configs(dut_configuration_list,

    # Backwards compatibility functions here

    def __wrap_obsoleted_functions(self):
        Replaces obsoleted setup and teardown step names with old ones to provide backwards

        :return: Nothing
        wrappers = {
            'rampUp': 'setup',
            'setUp': 'setup',
            'rampDown': 'teardown',
            'tearDown': 'teardown'
        for key, value in iteritems(wrappers):
            if hasattr(self, key) and not hasattr(self, value):
                    "%s has been deprecated, please rename it to %s", key,
                setattr(self, value, getattr(self, key))

    def get_dut_range(self, i=0):
        get range of length dut_count with offset i.
        :param i: Offset
        :return: range
        return self.resource_configuration.get_dut_range(i)

    @deprecated("Please use test_name property instead.")
    def get_test_name(self):
        Get test case name.

        :return: str
        return self.test_name

    @deprecated("_check_skip has been deprecated. Use check_skip instead.")
    def _check_skip(self):
        Backwards compatibility.
        return self._configurations.check_skip()

    @deprecated("_dut_count has been deprecated. Use dut_count() instead.")
    def _dut_count(self):
        Backwards compatibility.
        return self.dut_count()

        "_platforms has been deprecated. Please use get_platforms() instead.")
    def _platforms(self):
        Deprecated getter property for platforms.

        :return: list of strings
        return self.get_platforms()

        "_serialnumbers has been deprecated. Please use get_serialnumbers() instead."
    def _serialnumbers(self):
        Deprecated property for serial numbers.

        :return: list of strings
        return self.get_serialnumbers()

    @deprecated("Use test_name instead.")
    def name(self):
        Returns name from Configurations.
        return self._configurations.name

    @deprecated("Please don't use this function.")
    def get_dut_versions(self):
        Get nname results and set them to duts.

        :return: Nothing
        return self._resources.get_dut_versions(self._commands)

        "_starttime has been deprecated. Please use get_start_time instead.")
    def _starttime(self):
        Deprecated getter for test start time.

        :return: None or timestamp.
        return self.get_start_time()

    @deprecated("_results has been deprecated. Please use results instead.")
    def _results(self):
        Deprecated getter for results.

        :return: ResultList
        return self.results

    @deprecated("_results has been deprecated. Please use results instead.")
    def _results(self, value):
        Deprecated setter for results.

        :param value: ResultList
        :return: Nothing
        self.results = value

        "_dutinformation has been deprecated. Please use dutinformations instead."
    def _dutinformations(self):
        Deprecated getter for dut information list.

        :return: DutInformationList
        return self.dutinformations

        "_dutinformation has been deprecated. Please use dutinformations instead."
    def _dutinformations(self, value):
        Deprecated setter for dut information list.

        :param value: DutInformationList
        :return: Nothing
        self.dutinformations = value

        "set_args has been deprecated, please use the args property instead.")
    def set_args(self, args):
        Deprecated setter for args.

        :param args:
        self.args = args

        "get_metadata has been deprecated, please use get_config() instead")
    def get_metadata(self):
        Deprecated getter for test configuration and metadata.

        :return: dict
        return self.get_config()

        "get_resource_configuration has been deprecated, please use the "
        "resource_configuration property instead.")
    def get_resource_configuration(self):
        Deprecated getter for resource configuration.
        :return: ResourceConfig
        return self.resource_configuration