コード例 #1
    def _post_payload(self, payload: dict) -> dict:
        This will post a given payload to the API using the connection session

        :param payload: dict
        :return: dict
        result = self.session.post(self.endpoint, json=payload)

        except Exception:
            raise APIException(
                cause="Error connecting to the Insight Agent API.",
                assistance="Please check your Organization ID and API key.\n",

        results_object = result.json()

        if results_object.get("errors"):
            raise APIException(
                cause="The Insight Agent API returned errors",

        return results_object
コード例 #2
    def _find_agent_in_agents(self, agents: [dict], agent_input: str,
                              agent_type: str) -> Optional[dict]:
        Given a list of agent objects, find the agent that matches our input.

        If no agent is found this will return None

        :param agents: list (agents)
        :param agent_input: MAC address, IP address, or hostname
        :param agent_type: What type of input to look for (MAC, IP_ADDRESS, or HOSTNAME)

        :return: dict (agent object), None
        self.logger.info(f"Searching for: {agent_input}")
        self.logger.info(f"Search type: {agent_type}")
        for agent in agents:
            if agent and len(agent) and agent.get(
            ):  # Some hosts come back None...need to check for that
                if agent_type == agent_typer.IP_ADDRESS:
                    if agent_input == agent.get("host").get(
                        return agent
                elif agent_type == agent_typer.HOSTNAME:
                    # In this case, we have an alpha/numeric value. This could be the ID or the Hostname. Need to check both
                    if agent_input == agent.get("host").get("id"):
                        return agent
                    for host_name in agent.get("host").get("hostNames"):
                        if agent_input.lower() == host_name.get("name",
                            return agent
                elif agent_type == agent_typer.MAC_ADDRESS:
                    # MAC addresses can come in with : or - as a separator, remove all of it and compare
                    stripped_input_mac = agent_input.replace("-", "").replace(
                        ":", "")
                    stripped_target_mac = (agent.get("host").get(
                        "primaryAddress").get("mac").replace("-", "").replace(
                            ":", ""))
                    if stripped_input_mac == stripped_target_mac:
                        return agent
                    raise APIException(
                        cause="Could not determine agent type.",
                        f"Agent {agent_input} was not a MAC address, IP address, or hostname.",
                    "Agent host information not available, skipping...")

        return None  # No agent found
コード例 #3
    def _get_agent(self, agent_input: str, agent_type: str) -> dict:
        Gets an agent by MAC address, IP address, or hostname.

        :param agent_input: MAC address, IP address or hostname
        :param agent_type: Is the agent input a MAC, IP_ADDRESS, or HOSTNAME

        :return: dict
        agents = []
        payload = {
            "query( $orgId:String! ) { organization(id: $orgId) { assets( first: 10000 ) { pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } edges { node { id platform host { vendor version description hostNames { name } primaryAddress { ip mac } uniqueIdentity { source id } attributes { key value } } agent { agentSemanticVersion agentStatus quarantineState { currentState } } } } } } }",
            "variables": {
                "orgId": self.org_key

        self.logger.info("Getting all agents...")
        results_object = self._post_payload(payload)

        has_next_page = results_object.get("data").get("organization").get(
        self.logger.info("Initial agents received.")

        agent = self._find_agent_in_agents(agents, agent_input, agent_type)
        if agent:
            return agent

        # See if we have more pages of data, if so get next page and append until we reach the end
        self.logger.info(f"Extra pages of agents: {has_next_page}")
        while has_next_page:
            self.logger.info("Getting next page of agents.")
            has_next_page, results_object, next_agents = self._get_next_page_of_agents(
            agent = self._find_agent_in_agents(next_agents, agent_input,
            if agent:
                return agent

        raise APIException(
            f"Could not find agent matching {agent_input} of type {agent_type}.",
            assistance="Check the agent input value and try again.",
コード例 #4
    def get_agent_status(self, agent_id: str) -> dict:
        Get status information from a specified agent

        :param agent_id: Agent ID to get status information for
        :return: dict
        payload = {
            "query( $orgID: String! $agentID: String! ) { assets( orgId: $orgID ids: [$agentID] ){ agent { id quarantineState{ currentState } agentStatus } } }",
            "variables": {
                "orgID": self.org_key,
                "agentID": agent_id

        results_object = self._post_payload(payload)

            agent = results_object.get("data").get("assets")[0].get("agent")
            quarantine_state = agent.get("quarantineState").get("currentState")
            agent_status = agent.get("agentStatus")
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            raise APIException(
                cause="Received an unexpected response from the server.",
                assistance="(non-JSON or no response was received).\n",

        is_online = True if agent_status == "ONLINE" else False
        is_quarantine_requested = True if quarantine_state == "QUARANTINE_IN_PROGRESS" else False
        is_unquarantine_requested = True if quarantine_state == "UNQUARANTINE_IN_PROGRESS" else False
        is_is_quarantined = (True if (
            quarantine_state == "QUARANTINED"
            or quarantine_state == "UNQUARANTINE_IN_PROGRESS") else False)

        return {
            "is_currently_quarantined": is_is_quarantined,
            "is_asset_online": is_online,
            "is_quarantine_requested": is_quarantine_requested,
            "is_unquarantine_requested": is_unquarantine_requested,
コード例 #5
    def _setup_endpoint(self, region_string: str) -> str:
        Creates the URL endpoint for the API based on the region

        :param region_string: string
        :return: string
        region_code = region_map.get(region_string)

        if region_code:
            endpoint = f"https://{region_code}.api.insight.rapid7.com/graphql"
            # It's an enum, hopefully this never happens.
            raise APIException(
                cause="Region not found.",
                "Region code was not found for selected region. Available regions are: United States, "
                "Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan")

        return endpoint
コード例 #6
    def _get_agents_from_result_object(self, results_object: dict) -> [dict]:
        This will extract an agent object from the object that's returned from the API

        :param results_object: dict (API result payload)
        :return: list (agent objects)
        agent_list = []

            edges = results_object.get("data").get("organization").get(
            for edge in edges:
                agent = edge.get("node")
        except KeyError:
            raise APIException(
                "Insight Agent API returned data in an unexpected format.\n",

        return agent_list