コード例 #1
def findComponents(lines, container, components=[]):
    """return a list of (name, props, subcomponents) and remaining lines

    # @@TODO: make this a generator


    props = []
    subs = []

    while 1:
            n, p, v = parseLine(lines.next(), downcase=False)
        except StopIteration:
        #print "finding...", n, p, v

        #print >>sys.stderr, "began", container, n, p, v
        if n == 'END':
            # @@hmm... found an extra space after END:DAYLIGHT
            # in test/20030410querymtg.ics
            # where did that come from? allow it, or fix test data?
            v = v.rstrip().upper()
            if v != container:
                raise ValueError, 'expected "%s" but found "%s"' % \
                      (container, v)
            components.append((container, props, subs))
        elif n == 'BEGIN':
            findComponents(lines, v, subs)
            props.append((n, p, v))
コード例 #2
def findComponents(lines, container, components=[]):
    """return a list of (name, props, subcomponents) and remaining lines

    # @@TODO: make this a generator


    props = []
    subs = []

    while 1:
            n, p, v = parseLine(lines.next(), downcase=False)
        except StopIteration:
        # print "finding...", n, p, v

        # print >>sys.stderr, "began", container, n, p, v
        if n == "END":
            # @@hmm... found an extra space after END:DAYLIGHT
            # in test/20030410querymtg.ics
            # where did that come from? allow it, or fix test data?
            v = v.rstrip().upper()
            if v != container:
                raise ValueError, 'expected "%s" but found "%s"' % (container, v)
            components.append((container, props, subs))
        elif n == "BEGIN":
            findComponents(lines, v, subs)
            props.append((n, p, v))
コード例 #3
def _test():
    import sys
    from pprint import pprint
    import doctest, fromIcal

    lines = unbreak(open(sys.argv[1]))
    n, p, v = parseLine(lines.next())
    c = []
    findComponents(lines, v, c)
コード例 #4
ファイル: fromIcal.py プロジェクト: HydroLogic/prep-wu-data
def _test():
    import sys
    from pprint import pprint
    import doctest, fromIcal

    lines = unbreak(open(sys.argv[1]))
    n, p, v = parseLine(lines.next())
    c = []
    findComponents(lines, v, c)
コード例 #5
def interpret(sx, fp, base=None, suppressed=[]):
    lines = unbreak(fp)
    n, p, v = parseLine(lines.next())

    if v != "VCALENDAR":
        raise SyntaxError("Expected CALENDAR but found: %s" % (v))
    calendars = []
    findComponents(lines, v, calendars)

    attrs = {}
    RDF.bindAttr("rdf", attrs)
    iCalendar.bindAttr("", attrs)
    if base:
        attrs["xml:base"] = base

    sx.startElement("rdf:RDF", attrs)

    doComponents(sx, calendars, iCalendarDefs, suppressed=suppressed)

コード例 #6
def interpret(sx, fp, base=None, suppressed=[]):
    lines = unbreak(fp)
    n, p, v = parseLine(lines.next())

    if v != 'VCALENDAR':
        raise SyntaxError('Expected CALENDAR but found: %s' % (v))
    calendars = []
    findComponents(lines, v, calendars)

    attrs = {}
    RDF.bindAttr('rdf', attrs)
    iCalendar.bindAttr('', attrs)
    if base:
        attrs['xml:base'] = base

    sx.startElement('rdf:RDF', attrs)

    doComponents(sx, calendars, iCalendarDefs, suppressed=suppressed)

コード例 #7
ファイル: ics2txt.py プロジェクト: AwelEshetu/cwm
def extract(path):
    global nochange
    global verbose
    total = 0
    wr( """# n3  http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Notation3.
# From vCard data in %s
# Extracted by $Id: ics2txt.py,v 1.1 2014-07-23 13:23:05 timbl Exp $ 
@prefix : <#>.
@prefix loc: <#loc_>.
@prefix s: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix log: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#>.
@prefix v:  <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#>.
@prefix vc:  <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/class#>.
@prefix abl:  <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/abl#>.
@prefix user: <#>.
""" % path)

    input = open(path, "r")
    b = input.read()
    wr("# Length: " + `len(b)`+ "starts ")
    wr(" ".join(["%2x"%ord(ch) for ch in b[:8]]))
    if ord(b[0])==0 and ord(b[1]) == ord('B'):  #  UTF16 with MSB byte order unmarked    
        d = "\xfe\xff"   # Add byte order mark
        buf = (d+b).decode('utf-16')
        wr( " #Warning:  UTF-16 was not byte order marked.\n")
        buf = b.decode('utf-8')

    group_line = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.(.*)')
    field_value = re.compile(r'^([A-Za-z0-9_-]*):(.*)')
    group = None    # 
    cardData = ""
    groupData = {}
    groupPred = {}

    def readBareLine(buf):
        "Return None for EOF or a line, even including a final widowed line"
        global bufpo # can't pass by ref
        begin = bufpo
        if begin == len(buf): return None
        bufpo = buf.find('\n', begin)
        if bufpo < 0:
            bufpo = len(buf)
            line = buf[begin:]
            line = buf[begin:bufpo]
            bufpo += 1  # After \n

        while line [-1:] == "\r": line = line[:-1] # Strip triling CRs
        return line
    def startGroup(g):
#       print "# Start group  <%s>" % `g`
        groupData[g] = []   # Pairs of p and o
        groupPred[g] = "loc:%s" % munge(g)  # Unless overwritten 

    def endGroup(g):
        #print "# End group <%s> data:%s" % (`g`, groupData[g])
        pos = groupData[g]
        kludges, data = [], []
        for i in range(len(pos)):
            p, o = pos[i]
            if p in kludgeTags: kludges.append((p,o))
            else: data.append((p,o))
        if len(data) == 1:  # The AddressBook model, one data item + kludges
            dp, do = data[0]
            for p,o in kludges:
                if p == 'v:x-ablabel':
                    dp = o  # Override predicate
                if p == 'v:x-abadr':
                    assert do[-1:] == ']';
                    do = do[:-1]+' '+ p +' '+ o +';]' # annnotate object
            return "%s %s;\n" % (dp, do)

        if len(kludges) != 0:
            raise ValueError("Unknown Group pattern:"+`pos`)

        res = ""
        for p,o in  pos:
            res += " %s %s;" %(p,o)
        return "%s [ # %s\n%s];\n" % (groupPred[g], g, res)

    def lineFold(str1, str2):
        x = str1.rfind('\n')
        if x < 0: x = 0
        if len(str1) - x + len(str2) > lineLength:
            return str1+ "\n\t" + str2
        return str1 + str2

    def orderedFields(value, map):
            cardData = ""
            beg = 0
            for i in range(len(map)):
                end = beg
                while 1:
                    end = value.find(";", end)
                    if end>0 and value[end-1] == "\\":
                        end += 1
                if end < 0:
                    end = len(value)
                st = " ".join(splitBy(value[beg:end], ','))
                if st: cardData = lineFold(cardData, ' v:%s %s;' % \
                                    (map[i], stringToN3(st, singleLine=1)))
                if beg > len(value):
            return cardData

    def predicateObject(n, props, value):
        "Return a pair of the predicate and object as N3 strings"
        modifiers = ""
        datatype = None
        classes = []
        for prop, val in props:
            if prop == 'type':
                vals = val.lower()
                for val in splitBy(vals, ','):
                    if val == 'internet' and n == 'email':
                    elif val == 'pref':   # Preferred @@ - how represent?
                    elif val in typeFields.get(n, []):
                        if relationshipModifiers.get(val, 0):
                            if modifiers: print "# @@ multiple modifiers in: "+line
                            modifiers = val + '-' + modifiers
                        else: classes.append('vc:'+val[0].upper()+val[1:])
                        raise ValueError("Unhandled type %s in: %s" %(val, line))
            elif prop == 'value':  # This means datatype
                datatype = val
                if val == 'date':
                    pass # Date-times from AB certainly look like w3c not iCal dates
                elif val == 'uri':
                    raise ValueError ('Unimplemented data type:'+val)
            elif prop == 'base64' or (prop == 'encoding' and val.lower() == 'b'):
                value = value.replace(' ','')
                res = ""
                while value:
                    res += value[:lineLength] + "\n"
                    value = value[lineLength:]
                return 'v:'+n, '[ v:base64 """%s"""]\n' % (res)  # Special case
            else: raise ValueError('Unknown property %s with value %s' & (prop, val))

        classSpec = ""
        if classes: classSpec = 'a '+(', '.join(classes))

        map = fieldProperties.get(n,None)
        pred = 'v:%s%s' % (modifiers, n)
        if map:
            if classSpec: classSpec = '\n\t'+classSpec
            if n == 'n': # Special case 
                assert classSpec == ""
                return  '', orderedFields(value, map)  # Naked fields - see notes
            return pred, '[' + orderedFields(value, map) + classSpec + ']'
        if n == 'version':
            assert value == "3.0", "value found: "+`value`
            return "", ""
        if n == 'x.ablabel':
            return "", "" # used elsewhere

        if n == 'categories':   # Really should relate these to classes, but this roundtrips
            obj = ", ".join(['"'+x+'"' for x in splitBy(value, ',')])
            return pred,  obj 

        unesc = splitBy(value, ';')
        if len(unesc) != 1: raise ValueError("Unescaped semicolon in value: "+ value)
        unesc = unesc[0]

        obj = None
        if n == 'tel':
            if value[0] != '+':
                print "# @@ Warning: not international form tel: "+value
            obj = '<tel:%s>' % (value.replace(' ','-'))
        elif n == 'url':
            obj = '<%s>' % (value)
        elif n == 'email':
            obj = '<mailto:%s>' % (value)

        if obj:  # Any case so far is a form of URI
            if classSpec: wr('%s %s.\n'  %(obj, classSpec))
            return pred, obj

        elif n in singleTextField :  # Single text
            if classSpec:
                raiseValueError("Unexpected class on %s: %s"%(n,`classSpec`))
            return pred, stringToN3(unesc, singleLine=0) # @@@ N3 escaping

        raise ValueError('Unknown tag:'+n)
    global bufpo
    bufpo = 0
    nextLine = readBareLine(buf)
    while 1:

        line = nextLine
        while 1:
            nextLine = readBareLine(buf)
            if not nextLine or nextLine[0] != ' ': break
            line += nextLine[1:]

        if line is None : break # EOF
#       wr( "# line: " +line[:100])
        m = group_line.match(line)
        if m:
            g = m.group(1)
            line = m.group(2)
            if group != g:
                if group is not None: cardData += endGroup(group)
                if g is not None: startGroup(g)
            group = g
            n, props, value = icslex.parseLine(line)
#           for prop, val in props:
#               if prop == 'type':
#                   val = val.lower()
#                   if group .startswith("item"): # AB hack
#                       groupPred[group] = "loc:"+val
            if n == 'x-ablabel':
                pred = 'v:'+n
                if value[:4] == "_$!<" and value[-4:] == ">!$_": # [sic]
                    obj = "abl:"+munge(value[4:-4]).lower()
                else:  # User generated
                    obj = "user:"******""
                cardID = "[]"
            elif n == "uid":
                cardID = "<uid:%s>" % value
            elif n == 'end':
                wr("%s %s." % (cardID, cardData))
                if n == 'n': # ugh special case
                    map = fieldProperties.get(n,None)
                    cardData +=  orderedFields(value, map) +'\n' # Naked fields - see notes
                    p, o = predicateObject(n, props, value)
                    if p: cardData+= "    %s %s;\n" %(p, o)
コード例 #8
def extract(path):
    global nochange
    global verbose
    total = 0

    wr("""# n3  http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Notation3.
# From vCard data in %s
# Extracted by $Id: ics2txt.py,v 1.1 2014-07-23 13:23:05 timbl Exp $ 
@prefix : <#>.
@prefix loc: <#loc_>.
@prefix s: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix log: <http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/log#>.
@prefix v:  <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#>.
@prefix vc:  <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/class#>.
@prefix abl:  <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/abl#>.
@prefix user: <#>.
""" % path)

    input = open(path, "r")
    b = input.read()

    wr("# Length: " + ` len(b) ` + "starts ")
    wr(" ".join(["%2x" % ord(ch) for ch in b[:8]]))
    if ord(b[0]) == 0 and ord(
            b[1]) == ord('B'):  #  UTF16 with MSB byte order unmarked
        d = "\xfe\xff"  # Add byte order mark
        buf = (d + b).decode('utf-16')
        wr(" #Warning:  UTF-16 was not byte order marked.\n")
        buf = b.decode('utf-8')

    group_line = re.compile(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\.(.*)')
    field_value = re.compile(r'^([A-Za-z0-9_-]*):(.*)')
    group = None  #

    cardData = ""
    groupData = {}
    groupPred = {}

    def readBareLine(buf):
        "Return None for EOF or a line, even including a final widowed line"
        global bufpo  # can't pass by ref
        begin = bufpo
        if begin == len(buf): return None
        bufpo = buf.find('\n', begin)
        if bufpo < 0:
            bufpo = len(buf)
            line = buf[begin:]
            line = buf[begin:bufpo]
            bufpo += 1  # After \n

        while line[-1:] == "\r":
            line = line[:-1]  # Strip triling CRs
        return line

    def startGroup(g):
        #       print "# Start group  <%s>" % `g`
        groupData[g] = []  # Pairs of p and o
        groupPred[g] = "loc:%s" % munge(g)  # Unless overwritten

    def endGroup(g):
        #print "# End group <%s> data:%s" % (`g`, groupData[g])
        pos = groupData[g]
        kludges, data = [], []
        for i in range(len(pos)):
            p, o = pos[i]
            if p in kludgeTags: kludges.append((p, o))
            else: data.append((p, o))
        if len(data) == 1:  # The AddressBook model, one data item + kludges
            dp, do = data[0]
            for p, o in kludges:
                if p == 'v:x-ablabel':
                    dp = o  # Override predicate
                if p == 'v:x-abadr':
                    assert do[-1:] == ']'
                    do = do[:-1] + ' ' + p + ' ' + o + ';]'  # annnotate object
            return "%s %s;\n" % (dp, do)

        if len(kludges) != 0:
            raise ValueError("Unknown Group pattern:" + ` pos `)

        res = ""
        for p, o in pos:
            res += " %s %s;" % (p, o)
        return "%s [ # %s\n%s];\n" % (groupPred[g], g, res)

    def lineFold(str1, str2):
        x = str1.rfind('\n')
        if x < 0: x = 0
        if len(str1) - x + len(str2) > lineLength:
            return str1 + "\n\t" + str2
        return str1 + str2

    def orderedFields(value, map):
        cardData = ""
        beg = 0
        for i in range(len(map)):
            end = beg
            while 1:
                end = value.find(";", end)
                if end > 0 and value[end - 1] == "\\":
                    end += 1
            if end < 0:
                end = len(value)
            st = " ".join(splitBy(value[beg:end], ','))
            if st:                cardData = lineFold(cardData, ' v:%s %s;' % \
                             (map[i], stringToN3(st, singleLine=1)))
            beg = end + 1
            if beg > len(value):
        return cardData

    def predicateObject(n, props, value):
        "Return a pair of the predicate and object as N3 strings"
        modifiers = ""
        datatype = None
        classes = []
        for prop, val in props:
            if prop == 'type':
                vals = val.lower()
                for val in splitBy(vals, ','):
                    if val == 'internet' and n == 'email':
                    elif val == 'pref':  # Preferred @@ - how represent?
                    elif val in typeFields.get(n, []):
                        if relationshipModifiers.get(val, 0):
                            if modifiers:
                                print "# @@ multiple modifiers in: " + line
                            modifiers = val + '-' + modifiers
                            classes.append('vc:' + val[0].upper() + val[1:])
                        raise ValueError("Unhandled type %s in: %s" %
                                         (val, line))
            elif prop == 'value':  # This means datatype
                datatype = val
                if val == 'date':
                    pass  # Date-times from AB certainly look like w3c not iCal dates
                elif val == 'uri':
                    raise ValueError('Unimplemented data type:' + val)
            elif prop == 'base64' or (prop == 'encoding'
                                      and val.lower() == 'b'):
                value = value.replace(' ', '')
                res = ""
                while value:
                    res += value[:lineLength] + "\n"
                    value = value[lineLength:]
                return 'v:' + n, '[ v:base64 """%s"""]\n' % (res
                                                             )  # Special case

                raise ValueError('Unknown property %s with value %s'
                                 & (prop, val))

        classSpec = ""
        if classes: classSpec = 'a ' + (', '.join(classes))

        map = fieldProperties.get(n, None)
        pred = 'v:%s%s' % (modifiers, n)
        if map:
            if classSpec: classSpec = '\n\t' + classSpec
            if n == 'n':  # Special case
                assert classSpec == ""
                return '', orderedFields(value,
                                         map)  # Naked fields - see notes
            return pred, '[' + orderedFields(value, map) + classSpec + ']'
        if n == 'version':
            assert value == "3.0", "value found: " + ` value `
            return "", ""
        if n == 'x.ablabel':
            return "", ""  # used elsewhere

        if n == 'categories':  # Really should relate these to classes, but this roundtrips
            obj = ", ".join(['"' + x + '"' for x in splitBy(value, ',')])
            return pred, obj

        unesc = splitBy(value, ';')
        if len(unesc) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Unescaped semicolon in value: " + value)
        unesc = unesc[0]

        obj = None
        if n == 'tel':
            if value[0] != '+':
                print "# @@ Warning: not international form tel: " + value
            obj = '<tel:%s>' % (value.replace(' ', '-'))
        elif n == 'url':
            obj = '<%s>' % (value)
        elif n == 'email':
            obj = '<mailto:%s>' % (value)

        if obj:  # Any case so far is a form of URI
            if classSpec: wr('%s %s.\n' % (obj, classSpec))
            return pred, obj

        elif n in singleTextField:  # Single text
            if classSpec:
                raiseValueError("Unexpected class on %s: %s" %
                                (n, ` classSpec `))
            return pred, stringToN3(unesc, singleLine=0)  # @@@ N3 escaping

        raise ValueError('Unknown tag:' + n)

    global bufpo
    bufpo = 0
    nextLine = readBareLine(buf)
    while 1:

        line = nextLine
        while 1:
            nextLine = readBareLine(buf)
            if not nextLine or nextLine[0] != ' ': break
            line += nextLine[1:]

        if line is None: break  # EOF
        #       wr( "# line: " +line[:100])
        m = group_line.match(line)
        if m:
            g = m.group(1)
            line = m.group(2)
            if group != g:
                if group is not None: cardData += endGroup(group)
                if g is not None: startGroup(g)
            group = g

            n, props, value = icslex.parseLine(line)
            #           for prop, val in props:
            #               if prop == 'type':
            #                   val = val.lower()
            #                   if group .startswith("item"): # AB hack
            #                       groupPred[group] = "loc:"+val

            if n == 'x-ablabel':
                pred = 'v:' + n
                if value[:4] == "_$!<" and value[-4:] == ">!$_":  # [sic]
                    obj = "abl:" + munge(value[4:-4]).lower()
                else:  # User generated
                    obj = "user:"******""
                cardID = "[]"
            elif n == "uid":
                cardID = "<uid:%s>" % value
            elif n == 'end':
                wr("%s %s." % (cardID, cardData))
                if n == 'n':  # ugh special case
                    map = fieldProperties.get(n, None)
                    cardData += orderedFields(
                        value, map) + '\n'  # Naked fields - see notes
                    p, o = predicateObject(n, props, value)
                    if p: cardData += "    %s %s;\n" % (p, o)
