コード例 #1
 def yatest_reference_views(self):
     addr = yaunit.get_next_function()
     f = idaapi.get_flags_novalue(addr)
     while not idaapi.isNum1(f) and not idaapi.isOff(f, 1):
         addr += idc.ItemSize(addr)
         f = idaapi.get_flags_novalue(addr)
     self.assertTrue(idaapi.set_offset(addr, self.operand, self.reference_addr))
     yaunit.save('reference_view_addr', addr)
コード例 #2
 def yatest_reference_views(self):
     eas = []
     for (operand, is_num, reference) in tests:
         ea = yaunit.get_next_function()
         f = idaapi.get_flags_novalue(ea)
         while not is_num(f) and not idaapi.isOff(f, operand):
             ea += idc.ItemSize(ea)
             f = idaapi.get_flags_novalue(ea)
         self.assertTrue(idaapi.set_offset(ea, operand, reference))
     yaunit.save('reference_views', eas)
コード例 #3
def get_ea():
    while True:
        ea = yaunit.get_next_function()
        for eai in idautils.FuncItems(ea):
            flags = idaapi.get_flags_novalue(eai)
            if idaapi.isNum1(flags) and not idaapi.isEnum(flags, 1):
                return eai
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_structs.py プロジェクト: silverf0x/YaCo
    def yacheck_apply_struct(self):
        addrs = yaunit.load('apply_struct')
        for k in range(-1, 4):
            # retrieve struct id
            addr = addrs[k + 1]
            sid = idc.GetStrucIdByName('apply_struct_%x' % (k + 1))
            self.assertNotEqual(sid, idaapi.BADADDR)

            # begin to check if something is applied
            flags = idaapi.get_flags_novalue(addr)
            self.assertTrue(idaapi.isStroff(flags, 1))
            ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
            flags = idc.GetFlags(addr)
            self.assertTrue(idaapi.get_opinfo(addr, 1, flags, ti))

            # apply struct only
            if k == -1:
                # check struct is applied
                self.assertEqual(ti.path.ids[0], sid)

            # check union is selected & applied at target address
            uid = idc.GetStrucIdByName('apply_union_%x' % (k + 1))
            self.assertNotEqual(uid, idaapi.BADADDR)
            fid = idc.GetMemberId(uid, k)
            self.assertNotEqual(fid, -1)

            # check union is applied
            self.assertEqual([x for x in ti.path.ids if x], [sid, fid])
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_structs.py プロジェクト: silverf0x/YaCo
 def find_operand_addr(self):
     while True:
         addr = yaunit.get_next_function()
         self.assertNotEqual(addr, idaapi.BADADDR)
         for ea in idautils.FuncItems(addr):
             flags = idaapi.get_flags_novalue(ea)
             if idaapi.isNum1(flags):
                 return ea
コード例 #6
ファイル: YaToolIDATools.py プロジェクト: tmcmil/YaCo
def getInvariantsBytes(InstructionAddress, Size, ida_instruction_bytes_cache):
    # while no instruction
    currentEa = InstructionAddress
    while not idaapi.isCode(idaapi.get_flags_novalue(currentEa)):
        currentEa += idc.ItemSize(currentEa)
        if currentEa >= (InstructionAddress + Size):
            return (('', ''), currentEa - InstructionAddress)

    FirstInstructionOffset = currentEa - InstructionAddress

    (hashes, instruction_size) = decodeInstruction(InstructionAddress +

    # concac hash of code and instruction id
    return (hashes, instruction_size + FirstInstructionOffset)
コード例 #7
ファイル: YaToolIDATools.py プロジェクト: tmcmil/YaCo
def getOperandView(ea):
    operands = list()
    fl = idaapi.get_flags_novalue(ea)
    flags = [idaapi.get_optype_flags0(fl), idaapi.get_optype_flags1(fl) >> 4]
    for i in xrange(0, len(flags)):
        if flags[i] != 0:
            if (flags[i] & idaapi.FF_0STRO) != idaapi.FF_0STRO:
                # Offset property is independent : handle it first
                if flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0OFF:
                    ti = idaapi.opinfo_t()
                    if idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, i, fl, ti):
                            offset_name = "-" + OFFSET_TYPE_MAP_NAMES[ti.ri.flags]
                        except KeyError:
                                "OperandView at 0x%08X : no valid offset found for flags 0x%08X" % (ea, ti.ri.flags))
                            offset_name = ""
                        operands.append((i, "offset" + offset_name))
                elif flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0NUMD:
                    value = ""
                    operand = i
                    if idaapi.is_invsign(ea, fl, i):
                        value = "signeddecimal"
                        value = "unsigneddecimal"
                    operands.append((operand, value))
                elif flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0NUMH:
                    if idaapi.is_invsign(ea, fl, i):
                        operands.append((i, "signedhexadecimal"))
                        operands.append((i, "unsignedhexadecimal"))
                elif flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0CHAR:
                    operands.append((i, "char"))
                elif flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0NUMB:
                    operands.append((i, "binary"))
                elif flags[i] == idaapi.FF_0NUMO:
                    operands.append((i, "octal"))

    return operands
コード例 #8
ファイル: IDAGrapher.py プロジェクト: xtxwy/idagrapher
	def AnalyzeRange( self, startEA, endEA ):
		CurrentAddress = startEA
		CurrentBlockAddress = CurrentAddress
		NewBlockStart = True
		last_op_code = ''
		while CurrentAddress < endEA:
			if idaapi.isCode( idaapi.get_flags_novalue( CurrentAddress ) ):
				idaapi.decode_insn( CurrentAddress )
				op_code = idaapi.ua_mnem( CurrentAddress )

				disasm_line = op_code + ' ' 
				for i in range(0, 6, 1):
					operand = idaapi.ua_outop2( CurrentAddress, i )
					if not operand:
					operand = idaapi.tag_remove( operand )
					operands.append( operand )
					if i != 0:
						disasm_line += ','
					disasm_line += operand
				#disasm_line = idaapi.tag_remove( idaapi.generate_disasm_line( CurrentAddress ) )

				xref = idaapi.xrefblk_t()

				ret = xref.first_to( CurrentAddress, idaapi.XREF_FAR )
				while ret:
					ret = xref.next_to()
					NewBlockStart = True

				if NewBlockStart and last_op_code[0:3] != 'ret' and last_op_code != 'new block':
					self.AddToMap( CurrentBlockAddress, CurrentAddress, None, 'link')

				if NewBlockStart:
					CurrentBlockAddress = CurrentAddress
					if self.DebugLevel > 2:
						print '='*80

				if self.DebugLevel > 2:
					print hex(CurrentAddress), disasm_line
				self.BlockData[CurrentBlockAddress].append( ( CurrentAddress, disasm_line ) )

				NewBlockStart = False
				CallIsResolved = False
				ret = xref.first_from( CurrentAddress, idaapi.XREF_FAR )
				while ret:
					if xref.iscode:
						if op_code == 'jmp' and xref.to == CurrentAddress + idaapi.cvar.cmd.size:
							NewBlockStart = True
						elif op_code == 'call':
							CallIsResolved = True
							self.AddToMap( CurrentBlockAddress,xref.to, operands[0], 'call')
							if len(operands) > 0 :
								self.AddToMap( CurrentBlockAddress,xref.to, operands[0], 'from')
							NewBlockStart = True
					ret = xref.next_from()

				if ( op_code == 'call' or op_code =='' ) and not CallIsResolved:
					self.AddToMap( CurrentBlockAddress, operands[0], operands[0], 'call')

				if NewBlockStart and op_code != 'jmp':
					self.AddToMap( CurrentBlockAddress, CurrentAddress + idaapi.cvar.cmd.size, '', 'link')

				if op_code[0:3] == 'ret':
					NewBlockStart = True

				last_op_code = op_code
				CurrentAddress += idaapi.cvar.cmd.size
				CurrentAddress += 1
コード例 #9
    def AnalyzeRange(self, startEA, endEA):
        CurrentAddress = startEA
        CurrentBlockAddress = CurrentAddress
        NewBlockStart = True
        last_op_code = ''
        while CurrentAddress < endEA:
            if idaapi.isCode(idaapi.get_flags_novalue(CurrentAddress)):
                op_code = idaapi.ua_mnem(CurrentAddress)

                operands = []
                disasm_line = op_code + ' '
                for i in range(0, 6, 1):
                    operand = idaapi.ua_outop2(CurrentAddress, i)
                    if not operand:
                    operand = idaapi.tag_remove(operand)
                    if i != 0:
                        disasm_line += ','
                    disasm_line += operand
                #disasm_line = idaapi.tag_remove( idaapi.generate_disasm_line( CurrentAddress ) )

                xref = idaapi.xrefblk_t()

                ret = xref.first_to(CurrentAddress, idaapi.XREF_FAR)
                while ret:
                    ret = xref.next_to()
                    NewBlockStart = True

                if NewBlockStart and last_op_code[
                        0:3] != 'ret' and last_op_code != 'new block':
                    self.AddToMap(CurrentBlockAddress, CurrentAddress, None,

                if NewBlockStart:
                    CurrentBlockAddress = CurrentAddress
                    self.BlockData[CurrentBlockAddress] = []
                    if self.DebugLevel > 2:
                        print '=' * 80

                if self.DebugLevel > 2:
                    print hex(CurrentAddress), disasm_line
                    (CurrentAddress, disasm_line))

                NewBlockStart = False
                CallIsResolved = False
                ret = xref.first_from(CurrentAddress, idaapi.XREF_FAR)
                while ret:
                    if xref.iscode:
                        if op_code == 'jmp' and xref.to == CurrentAddress + idaapi.cvar.cmd.size:
                            NewBlockStart = True
                        elif op_code == 'call':
                            CallIsResolved = True
                            self.AddToMap(CurrentBlockAddress, xref.to,
                                          operands[0], 'call')
                            if len(operands) > 0:
                                self.AddToMap(CurrentBlockAddress, xref.to,
                                              operands[0], 'from')
                            NewBlockStart = True
                    ret = xref.next_from()

                if (op_code == 'call' or op_code == '') and not CallIsResolved:
                    self.AddToMap(CurrentBlockAddress, operands[0],
                                  operands[0], 'call')

                if NewBlockStart and op_code != 'jmp':
                                  CurrentAddress + idaapi.cvar.cmd.size, '',

                if op_code[0:3] == 'ret':
                    NewBlockStart = True

                last_op_code = op_code
                CurrentAddress += idaapi.cvar.cmd.size
                CurrentAddress += 1