def setUp(self): self.cfg = cfg self.cfg.NZ = 1 self.cfg.IEOS = 0 self.ideal = CLIdeal(self.cfg) self.ctx = self.ideal.ctx self.queue = self.ideal.queue
def ideal_main(): '''set default platform and device in opencl''' print('start ...') t0 = time() from config import cfg from ideal import CLIdeal cfg.NX = 201 cfg.NY = 201 cfg.NZ = 61 cfg.DT = 0.02 cfg.DX = 0.16 cfg.DY = 0.16 cfg.IEOS = 2 cfg.ntskip = 60 cfg.TAU0 = 0.2 cfg.ETAOS = 0.08 ideal = CLIdeal(cfg) #fname_partons = '/data01/hyihp/pang/GammaJet/AuAu200_0_80/P1.txt' fname_partons = '/u/lpang/P10.txt' Smearing(cfg, ideal.ctx, ideal.queue, ideal.compile_options, ideal.d_ev[1], fname_partons, ideal.eos_table) ideal.evolve(max_loops=2400) t1 = time() print('finished. Total time: {dtime}'.format(dtime = t1-t0))
def glueball(Tmax = 0.6, outdir = '../results/event0', eos_type='pure_gauge'): print('start ...') t0 = time() if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) cfg.eos_type = eos_type eos = Eos(cfg.eos_type) # update the configuration #cfg.Edmax = eos.f_ed(Tmax) #cfg.Edmax = 166.0 cfg.Edmax = 55.0 cfg.fPathOut = outdir cfg.NX = 501 cfg.NY = 501 cfg.NZ = 1 cfg.DT = 0.01 cfg.DX = 0.08 cfg.DY = 0.08 #cfg.NumOfNucleons = 208 #cfg.Ra = 6.62 #cfg.Eta = 0.546 #cfg.Si0 = 6.4 cfg.NumOfNucleons = 197 cfg.Ra = 6.4 cfg.Eta = 0.546 cfg.Si0 = 4.0 cfg.TAU0 = 0.4 cfg.ImpactParameter = 7.74 #cfg.ImpactParameter = 0.0 cfg.ETAOS = 0.0 cfg.save_to_hdf5 = False if eos_type == 'pure_gauge': cfg.TFRZ = 0.2 #cfg.Edmax = 600.0 #cfg.Hwn = 1.0 cfg.Hwn = 0.95 write_config(cfg) ideal = CLIdeal(cfg, gpu_id=2) from glauber import Glauber Glauber(cfg, ideal.ctx, ideal.queue, ideal.compile_options, ideal.d_ev[1]) ideal.evolve(max_loops=3000, save_hypersf=False, to_maxloop=True) t1 = time() print('finished. Total time: {dtime}'.format(dtime = t1-t0 )) from subprocess import call call(['python', './', cfg.fPathOut])
def setUp(self): self.cfg = cfg self.cfg.NX = 1 self.cfg.NY = 1 self.cfg.NZ = 401 self.cfg.DT = 0.005 self.cfg.DZ = 0.075 self.cfg.IEOS = 0 self.cfg.ntskip = 100 self.cfg.nzskip = 4 self.ideal = CLIdeal(self.cfg) self.ctx = self.ideal.ctx self.queue = self.ideal.queue
def eB(eos_type='EOSL', sigma=5.8): '''sigma: electric conductivity''' if eos_type == 'EOSI': cfg.IEOS = 0 else: cfg.IEOS = 1 fout = '%s_figs_BW_sig%s'%(eos_type, sigma) fout = fout.replace('\.', 'p') if not os.path.exists(fout): os.mkdir(fout) cfg.NX = 401 cfg.NY = 401 cfg.NZ = 1 cfg.DT = 0.005 cfg.DX = 0.08 cfg.DY = 0.08 cfg.DZ = 0.08 cfg.ntskip = 8 cfg.ImpactParameter = 7.8 cfg.Edmax = 55.0 cfg.TAU0 = 0.4 cfg.ETAOS = 0.08 cfg.fPathOut = fout write_config(cfg) ideal = CLIdeal(cfg, gpu_id=2) from glauber import Glauber ini = Glauber(cfg, ideal.ctx, ideal.queue, ideal.gpu_defines, ideal.d_ev[1]) ideal.evolve(max_loops=2000, to_maxloop=True, save_bulk=False, plot_bulk=True, save_hypersf=False) bulk = ideal.bulkinfo eB_field = MagneticField(eB0=0.1, sigx=2.4, sigy=4.8, hydro_cfg=cfg, bulkinfo=bulk, sigma=sigma) eB_field.evolve(nstep=240) eB_field.plot()
class TestBjorken(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cfg = cfg self.cfg.NX = 1 self.cfg.NY = 1 self.cfg.NZ = 1 self.cfg.IEOS = 0 self.ideal = CLIdeal(self.cfg) self.ctx = self.ideal.ctx self.queue = self.ideal.queue def test_bjorken(self): ''' initialize with uniform energy density in (tau, x, y, eta) coordinates to test the Bjorken expansion: eps/eps0 = (tau/tau0)**(-4.0/3.0) ''' kernel_src = """ # include "real_type.h" __kernel void init_ev(global real4 * d_ev1, const int size) { int gid = (int) get_global_id(0); if ( gid < size ) { d_ev1[gid] = (real4)(30.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } } """ cwd, cwf = os.path.split(__file__) compile_options = ['-I %s' % os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'kernel')] compile_options.append('-D USE_SINGLE_PRECISION') prg = cl.Program(self.ctx, kernel_src).build(compile_options) prg.init_ev(self.queue, (self.ideal.size, ), None, self.ideal.d_ev[1], np.int32(self.ideal.size)).wait() self.ideal.evolve(max_loops=200, save_bulk=False, save_hypersf=False) history = np.array(self.ideal.history) tau, edmax = history[:, 0], history[:, 1] a = (tau / tau[0])**(-4.0 / 3.0) b = edmax / edmax[0] np.testing.assert_almost_equal(a, b, 3)
def ppcollision(eostype='SU3', outdir = '../results/event0'): print('start ...') t0 = time() if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) if eostype == 'SU3': cfg.eos_type = 'pure_gauge' elif eostype == 'QCD': cfg.eos_type = 'lattice_wb' elif eostype == 'EOSI': cfg.eos_type == 'ideal_gas' eos = Eos(cfg.eos_type) # update the configuration #cfg.Edmax = eos.f_ed(Tmax) cfg.Edmax = 50.0 cfg.fPathOut = outdir cfg.NX = 301 cfg.NY = 301 cfg.NZ = 1 cfg.DT = 0.01 cfg.DX = 0.08 cfg.DY = 0.08 cfg.ntskip = 50 cfg.NumOfNucleons = 1 cfg.Ra = 0.8 cfg.Eta = 0.6 cfg.Si0 = 6.4 cfg.TAU0 = 0.6 cfg.ImpactParameter = 0.0 cfg.ETAOS = 0.0 cfg.SQRTS = 2760 #cfg.Edmax = 600.0 cfg.Hwn = 1.0 write_config(cfg) xmax = cfg.NX/2*cfg.DX ymax = cfg.NY/2*cfg.DY x = np.linspace(-xmax, xmax, cfg.NX) y = np.linspace(-ymax, ymax, cfg.NY) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) ed = cfg.Edmax * pp_energydensity(x, y, b=cfg.ImpactParameter) #plt.imshow(ed) ideal = CLIdeal(cfg, gpu_id=1) edv = np.zeros((ideal.size, 4), ideal.cfg.real) print(edv.shape) edv[:, 0] = ed.T.flatten() ideal.load_ini(edv) ideal.evolve(max_loops=1000, save_hypersf=False, to_maxloop=True) t1 = time() print('finished. Total time: {dtime}'.format(dtime = t1-t0 ))
import os, sys cwd, cwf = os.path.split(__file__) sys.path.append(os.path.join(cwd, '../pyvisc')) from ideal import CLIdeal from config import cfg import pyopencl as cl cfg.IEOS = 0 cfg.NX = 1 cfg.NY = 1 cfg.NZ = 1 ideal = CLIdeal(cfg) from glauber import Glauber ini = Glauber(cfg, ideal.ctx, ideal.queue, ideal.gpu_defines, ideal.d_ev[1]) ideal.evolve(max_loops=100, save_bulk=True, to_maxloop=True, save_hypersf=False) cl.enqueue_copy(ideal.queue, ideal.h_ev1, ideal.d_ev[1]).wait() #### start the hydro with -DT cfg.TAU0 = ideal.tau cfg.DT = -cfg.DT
class TestGubser(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cfg = cfg self.cfg.NZ = 1 self.cfg.IEOS = 0 self.ideal = CLIdeal(self.cfg) self.ctx = self.ideal.ctx self.queue = self.ideal.queue def test_gubser(self): ''' initialize with gubser energy density in (tau, x, y, eta) coordinates to test the gubser expansion: eps/eps0 = (tau/tau0)**(-4.0/3.0) ''' kernel_src = """ # include "real_type.h" __kernel void init_ev(global real4 * d_ev1, const real tau, const real q) { int i = (int) get_global_id(0); int j = (int) get_global_id(1); real x = (i-0.5*NX)*DX; real y = (j-0.5*NY)*DY; real r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); real ed = pow(2.0f*q, 8.0f/3.0f) / pow((1.0f + 2.0f*q*q*(tau*tau+r*r) + q*q*q*q*(tau*tau-r*r)*(tau*tau-r*r))*tau, 4.0f/3.0f); real vx = 2.0f*q*q*tau*x/(1.0f + q*q*tau*tau + q*q*r*r); real vy = 2.0f*q*q*tau*y/(1.0f + q*q*tau*tau + q*q*r*r); for ( int k = 0; k < NZ; k ++ ) { int gid = i*NY*NZ + j*NZ + k; d_ev1[gid] = (real4)(ed, vx, vy, 0.0); } } """ cwd, cwf = os.path.split(__file__) q = 0.25 NX, NY, NZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ compile_options = list(self.ideal.compile_options) compile_options.append('-I %s' % os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'kernel')) compile_options.append('-D USE_SINGLE_PRECISION') prg = cl.Program(self.ctx, kernel_src).build(compile_options) prg.init_ev(self.queue, (self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY), None, self.ideal.d_ev[1], self.cfg.real(self.cfg.TAU0), self.cfg.real(q)).wait() max_loops = 1000 for n in range(max_loops): self.ideal.stepUpdate(step=1) self.ideal.tau = self.cfg.real(self.cfg.TAU0 + (n + 1) * self.cfg.DT) self.ideal.stepUpdate(step=2) print('n=', n) if n % 100 == 0: cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.ideal.h_ev1, self.ideal.d_ev[1]).wait() edr = self.ideal.h_ev1[:, 0].reshape(NX, NY, NZ)[:, NY // 2, NZ // 2] vr = self.ideal.h_ev1[:, 1].reshape(NX, NY, NZ)[:, NY // 2, NZ // 2] x = np.linspace(-NX // 2 * self.cfg.DX, NX // 2 * self.cfg.DX, NX) a = gubser_ed(self.ideal.tau, x, q) b = edr[:] c = gubser_vr(self.ideal.tau, x, q) d = vr[:] plt.semilogy(x, a, 'r-') plt.semilogy(x, b, 'b--') #plt.plot(x, c, 'r-', label='analy') #plt.plot(x, d, 'b--', label='CLVisc') plt.xlabel(r'$r\ [fm]$', fontsize=30) #plt.ylabel(r'$v_{\perp}$', fontsize=30) plt.title(r'Gubser solution test', fontsize=30) plt.ylabel('ed', fontsize=30) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.13, bottom=0.13) plt.legend(loc='best')
def setUp(self): self.ideal = CLIdeal(configs=cfg) self.ctx = self.ideal.ctx self.queue = self.ideal.queue
def __init__(self, configs, handcrafted_eos=None, gpu_id=0): self.ideal = CLIdeal(configs, handcrafted_eos, gpu_id) self.cfg = configs self.ctx = self.ideal.ctx self.queue = self.ideal.queue self.compile_options = self.ideal.compile_options self.__loadAndBuildCLPrg() self.eos_table = self.ideal.eos_table self.size = self.ideal.size self.h_pi0 = np.zeros(10 * self.size, self.cfg.real) mf = cl.mem_flags # initialize the d_pi^{mu nu} with 0 self.d_pi = [ cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.h_pi0), cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.h_pi0), cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.h_pi0) ] self.d_IS_src = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, self.h_pi0.nbytes) # d_udx, d_udy, d_udz, d_udt are velocity gradients for viscous hydro # datatypes are real4 nbytes_edv = self.ideal.h_ev1.nbytes self.d_udx = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=nbytes_edv) self.d_udy = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=nbytes_edv) self.d_udz = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=nbytes_edv) # d_omega thermal vorticity vector omega^{mu nu} = epsilon^{mu nu a b} d_a (beta u_b) # anti-symmetric 6 independent components self.h_omega = np.zeros(6 * self.size, self.cfg.real) self.d_omega = [ cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.h_omega), cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.h_omega) ] # in case one wants to save omega^{mu} vector self.a_omega_mu = cl_array.empty(self.queue, 4 * self.size, self.cfg.real) # get the vorticity on the freeze out hypersurface self.d_omega_sf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=9000000 * self.cfg.sz_real) # velocity difference between u_visc and u_ideal* for correction self.d_udiff = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.ideal.h_ev1.nbytes) # traceless and transverse check # self.d_checkpi = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.ideal.h_ev1.nbytes) self.h_goodcell = np.ones(self.size, self.cfg.real) self.d_goodcell = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.h_goodcell.nbytes) cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.d_pi[1], self.h_pi0).wait() cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.d_goodcell, self.h_goodcell).wait() # used for freeze out hypersurface calculation self.d_pi_old = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, self.h_pi0.nbytes) # store the pi^{mu nu} on freeze out hyper surface self.d_pi_sf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, self.h_pi0.nbytes) self.kernel_hypersf = self.ideal.kernel_hypersf # initialize pimn, umu[2] such that its value can be changed before # self.evolve() is called for bjorken_test and gubser_test self.IS_initialize() self.ideal_predict_for_first_step() self.d_pizz_o_ep = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, self.cfg.NZ * self.cfg.sz_real)
class CLVisc(object): '''The pyopencl version for 3+1D visc hydro dynamic simulation one can use handcrafted eos by replacing eos=None with handcrafted_eos = EosCraft(kind='eosq_modify') or paramterized eos''' def __init__(self, configs, handcrafted_eos=None, gpu_id=0): self.ideal = CLIdeal(configs, handcrafted_eos, gpu_id) self.cfg = configs self.ctx = self.ideal.ctx self.queue = self.ideal.queue self.compile_options = self.ideal.compile_options self.__loadAndBuildCLPrg() self.eos_table = self.ideal.eos_table self.size = self.ideal.size self.h_pi0 = np.zeros(10 * self.size, self.cfg.real) mf = cl.mem_flags # initialize the d_pi^{mu nu} with 0 self.d_pi = [ cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.h_pi0), cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.h_pi0), cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.h_pi0) ] self.d_IS_src = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, self.h_pi0.nbytes) # d_udx, d_udy, d_udz, d_udt are velocity gradients for viscous hydro # datatypes are real4 nbytes_edv = self.ideal.h_ev1.nbytes self.d_udx = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=nbytes_edv) self.d_udy = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=nbytes_edv) self.d_udz = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=nbytes_edv) # d_omega thermal vorticity vector omega^{mu nu} = epsilon^{mu nu a b} d_a (beta u_b) # anti-symmetric 6 independent components self.h_omega = np.zeros(6 * self.size, self.cfg.real) self.d_omega = [ cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.h_omega), cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.h_omega) ] # in case one wants to save omega^{mu} vector self.a_omega_mu = cl_array.empty(self.queue, 4 * self.size, self.cfg.real) # get the vorticity on the freeze out hypersurface self.d_omega_sf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=9000000 * self.cfg.sz_real) # velocity difference between u_visc and u_ideal* for correction self.d_udiff = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.ideal.h_ev1.nbytes) # traceless and transverse check # self.d_checkpi = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.ideal.h_ev1.nbytes) self.h_goodcell = np.ones(self.size, self.cfg.real) self.d_goodcell = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.h_goodcell.nbytes) cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.d_pi[1], self.h_pi0).wait() cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.d_goodcell, self.h_goodcell).wait() # used for freeze out hypersurface calculation self.d_pi_old = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, self.h_pi0.nbytes) # store the pi^{mu nu} on freeze out hyper surface self.d_pi_sf = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, self.h_pi0.nbytes) self.kernel_hypersf = self.ideal.kernel_hypersf # initialize pimn, umu[2] such that its value can be changed before # self.evolve() is called for bjorken_test and gubser_test self.IS_initialize() self.ideal_predict_for_first_step() self.d_pizz_o_ep = cl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, self.cfg.NZ * self.cfg.sz_real) def __loadAndBuildCLPrg(self): self.cwd, cwf = os.path.split(__file__) #load and build *.cl programs with compile options if self.cfg.gubser_visc_test: self.compile_options.append('-D GUBSER_VISC_TEST') if self.cfg.riemann_test: self.compile_options.append('-D RIEMANN_TEST') if self.cfg.pimn_omega_coupling: self.compile_options.append('-D PIMUNU_OMEGA_COUPLING') if self.cfg.omega_omega_coupling: self.compile_options.append('-D OMEGA_OMEGA_COUPLING') with open(os.path.join(self.cwd, 'kernel', ''), 'r') as f: src = self.kernel_IS = cl.Program( self.ctx, src).build(options=' '.join(self.compile_options)) with open(os.path.join(self.cwd, 'kernel', ''), 'r') as f: src = self.kernel_visc = cl.Program( self.ctx, src).build(options=' '.join(self.compile_options)) with open(os.path.join(self.cwd, 'kernel', ''), 'r') as f: src = self.kernel_checkpi = cl.Program( self.ctx, src).build(options=' '.join(self.compile_options)) with open(os.path.join(self.cwd, 'kernel', ''), 'r') as f: src = self.kernel_vorticity = cl.Program( self.ctx, src).build(options=' '.join(self.compile_options)) with open(os.path.join(self.cwd, 'kernel', ''), 'r') as f: src = self.kernel_jet_eloss = cl.Program( self.ctx, src).build(options=' '.join(self.compile_options)) def IS_initialize(self): '''initialize pi^{mu nu} tensor''' NX, NY, NZ, BSZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ, self.cfg.BSZ self.kernel_IS.visc_initialize(self.queue, (NX * NY * NZ, ), None, self.d_pi[1], self.d_goodcell, self.d_udiff, self.ideal.d_ev[1], self.ideal.tau, self.eos_table).wait() def optical_glauber_ini(self, system='Au+Au', cent_min=None, cent_max=None, save_binary_collisions=False): '''initialize with optical glauber model for Au+Au and Pb+Pb collisions Params: :param system: type string, Au+Au for Au+Au 200 GeV, Pb+Pb for Pb+Pb 2.76 TeV and 5.02 TeV :param cent_min: type int or float, lower limit for the centrality range :param cent_max: type int or float, upper limit for the centrality range if cent_min and cent_max are None, ImpactParameter is read from self.cfg otherwise, weighted ImpactParameter is given by weight_mean_b() :param save_binary_collisions: type bool, true to save num_of_binary_collisions for jet energy loss study (used to sample jet creation position ''' from glauber import Glauber, weight_mean_b if cent_min is not None and cent_max is not None: mean_impact_parameter = weight_mean_b(cent_min, cent_max, system) # notice the config is changed here, write_to_config() must be called after this # to save the correct ImpactParameter self.cfg.ImpactParameter = mean_impact_parameter glauber = Glauber(self.cfg, self.ctx, self.queue, self.compile_options, self.ideal.d_ev[1]) if save_binary_collisions: glauber.save_nbinary(self.ctx, self.queue, self.cfg) def create_ini_from_partons(self, fname, SIGR=0.6, SIGZ=0.6, KFACTOR=1.0): '''generate initial condition from a list of partons in fname, SIGR: the gaussian smearing width in transverse direction SIGZ: the gaussian smearing width along longitudinal direction KFACTOR: scale factor to fit dNch/deta in most central collisions''' from smearing import Smearing Smearing(self.cfg, self.ctx, self.queue, self.compile_options, self.ideal.d_ev[1], fname, self.eos_table, SIGR, SIGZ, KFACTOR) def smear_from_p4x4(self, p4x4, SIGR=0.6, SIGZ=0.6, KFACTOR=1.0, force_bjorken=False, longitudinal_profile=None): '''generate initial condition from a list of partons given by p4x4, SIGR: the gaussian smearing width in transverse direction SIGZ: the gaussian smearing width along longitudinal direction KFACTOR: scale factor to fit dNch/deta in most central collisions force_bjorken: True to switch off longitudinal fluctuation (use mid-rapidity only)''' from smearing import SmearingP4X4 SmearingP4X4(self.cfg, self.ctx, self.queue, self.compile_options, self.ideal.d_ev[1], p4x4, self.eos_table, SIGR, SIGZ, KFACTOR, force_bjorken, longitudinal_profile) def check_pizz(self): '''initialize pi^{mu nu} tensor''' NZ = self.cfg.NZ self.kernel_checkpi.pizz_o_ep(self.queue, (NZ, ), None, self.d_pizz_o_ep, self.d_pi[1], self.ideal.d_ev[1], self.eos_table).wait() pizz_o_ep = np.zeros(NZ, dtype=np.float32) cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, pizz_o_ep, self.d_pizz_o_ep).wait() print('<pizz/(e+P)> =', pizz_o_ep[NZ // 2]) def check_bad_cell(self): '''if max(|pi^{mu nu}|) > T00, the cell is marked as bad_cell. This function readout bad_cells from GPU, compare the temperature of the bad cells with freeze out temperature ''' NX, NY, NZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.h_goodcell, self.d_goodcell).wait() efrz = self.ideal.efrz # transfer data from self.ideal.d_ev[1] to self.ideal.h_ev1 self.ideal.ev_to_host() ed_mid_rapidity = self.ideal.h_ev1[:, 0].reshape(NX, NY, NZ)[:, :, NZ // 2] frz_sf = (ed_mid_rapidity > efrz).astype(float) * 4.0 good_cells = 3 * (self.h_goodcell.reshape(NX, NY, NZ)[:, :, NZ // 2] - 1) cell_masks = frz_sf + good_cells comments = '''4 for e>efrz and good cell; 1 for e > efrz and bad cell; 0 for e < efrz and good cell; -3 for e<efrz and bad cell''' outpath = os.path.join(self.cfg.fPathOut, 'bad_cell_masks_tau%s.txt' % self.ideal.tau) np.savetxt(outpath, cell_masks, header=comments) def visc_stepUpdate(self, step, jet_eloss_src={ 'switch_on': False, 'start_pos_index': 0, 'direction': 0 }): ''' Do step update in kernel with KT algorithm for visc evolution Args: gpu_ev_old: self.d_ev[1] for the 1st step, self.d_ev[2] for the 2nd step step: the 1st or the 2nd step in runge-kutta ''' # upadte d_Src by KT time splitting, along=1,2,3 for 'x','y','z' # input: gpu_ev_old, tau, size, along_axis # output: self.d_Src NX, NY, NZ, BSZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ, self.cfg.BSZ tau = self.ideal.tau self.kernel_visc.kt_src_christoffel(self.queue, (NX * NY * NZ, ), None, self.ideal.d_Src, self.ideal.d_ev[step], self.d_pi[step], self.eos_table, tau, np.int32(step)).wait() self.kernel_visc.kt_src_alongx(self.queue, (BSZ, NY, NZ), (BSZ, 1, 1), self.ideal.d_Src, self.ideal.d_ev[step], self.d_pi[step], self.eos_table, tau).wait() self.kernel_visc.kt_src_alongy(self.queue, (NX, BSZ, NZ), (1, BSZ, 1), self.ideal.d_Src, self.ideal.d_ev[step], self.d_pi[step], self.eos_table, tau).wait() self.kernel_visc.kt_src_alongz(self.queue, (NX, NY, BSZ), (1, 1, BSZ), self.ideal.d_Src, self.ideal.d_ev[step], self.d_pi[step], self.eos_table, tau).wait() if jet_eloss_src['switch_on'] == True: jet_start_pos_index = jet_eloss_src['start_pos_index'] jet_start_angle = jet_eloss_src['direction'] self.kernel_jet_eloss.jet_eloss_src(self.queue, (NX, NY, NZ), None, self.ideal.d_Src, self.ideal.d_ev[step], tau, self.cfg.real(jet_start_angle), np.int32(jet_start_pos_index), self.eos_table).wait() # if step=1, T0m' = T0m + d_Src*dt, update d_ev[2] # if step=2, T0m = T0m + 0.5*dt*d_Src, update d_ev[1] # Notice that d_Src=f(t,x) at step1 and # d_Src=(f(t,x)+f(t+dt, x(t+dt))) at step2 # output: d_ev[] where need_update=2 for step 1 and 1 for step 2 self.kernel_visc.update_ev(self.queue, (NX * NY * NZ, ), None, self.ideal.d_ev[3 - step], self.ideal.d_ev[1], self.d_pi[0], self.d_pi[3 - step], self.ideal.d_Src, self.eos_table, self.ideal.tau, np.int32(step)).wait() #@profile def IS_stepUpdate(self, step): NX, NY, NZ, BSZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ, self.cfg.BSZ self.kernel_IS.visc_src_christoffel(self.queue, (NX * NY * NZ, ), None, self.d_IS_src, self.d_pi[step], self.ideal.d_ev[step], self.ideal.tau, np.int32(step)).wait() self.kernel_IS.visc_src_alongx(self.queue, (BSZ, NY, NZ), (BSZ, 1, 1), self.d_IS_src, self.d_udx, self.d_pi[step], self.ideal.d_ev[step], self.eos_table, self.ideal.tau).wait() self.kernel_IS.visc_src_alongy(self.queue, (NX, BSZ, NZ), (1, BSZ, 1), self.d_IS_src, self.d_udy, self.d_pi[step], self.ideal.d_ev[step], self.eos_table, self.ideal.tau).wait() self.kernel_IS.visc_src_alongz(self.queue, (NX, NY, BSZ), (1, 1, BSZ), self.d_IS_src, self.d_udz, self.d_pi[step], self.ideal.d_ev[step], self.eos_table, self.ideal.tau).wait() # for step==1, d_ev[2] is useless, since u_new = u_old + d_udiff # for step==2, d_ev[2] is used to calc u_new self.kernel_IS.update_pimn( self.queue, (NX * NY * NZ, ), None, #needs_update not_important start_point src_for_RK self.d_pi[3 - step], self.d_goodcell, self.d_pi[1], self.d_pi[step], self.ideal.d_ev[1], self.ideal.d_ev[2], self.d_udiff, self.d_udx, self.d_udy, self.d_udz, self.d_IS_src, self.eos_table, self.ideal.tau, np.int32(step)).wait() def get_vorticity(self, save_data=False): '''calc vorticity tensor Omega^{mu nu} = da (Tu_b) - db (Tu_a) Params: :param save_data: default False, set to True to save omega^{mu} vector ''' NX, NY, NZ, BSZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ, self.cfg.BSZ, (NX, NY, NZ), None, self.ideal.d_ev[0], self.ideal.d_ev[1], self.d_omega[1], self.eos_table, self.ideal.tau).wait() if save_data: self.kernel_vorticity.omega_mu(self.queue, (NX * NY * NZ, ), None,, self.ideal.d_ev[1], self.d_omega[1], self.eos_table, self.cfg.real(self.ideal.efrz), self.ideal.tau).wait() path_out = os.path.abspath(self.cfg.fPathOut) fname = ('omega_mu_tau%s' % self.ideal.tau).replace('.', 'p') + '.dat' omega_mu = self.a_omega_mu.get() np.savetxt(os.path.join(path_out, fname), omega_mu.reshape(NX * NY * NZ, 4), header='omega^{t, x, y, z} = Omega^{mu nu} u_{nu}') def update_udiff(self, d_ev0, d_ev1): '''get d_udiff = u_{visc}^{n} - u_{visc}^{n-1}, it is possible to set d_udiff in analytical solution for viscous gubser test''' NX, NY, NZ = self.cfg.NX, self.cfg.NY, self.cfg.NZ self.kernel_IS.get_udiff(self.queue, (NX * NY * NZ, ), None, self.d_udiff, d_ev0, d_ev1).wait() def get_hypersf(self, n, ntskip, is_finished): '''get the freeze out hyper surface from d_ev_old and d_ev_new global_size=(NX//nxskip, NY//nyskip, NZ//nzskip} Params: :param n: the time step number :param ntskip: time step interval for hypersf calc :param is_finished: if True, the last time interval for hypersf calculation will be different''' if n == 0: cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.ideal.d_ev_old, self.ideal.d_ev[1]).wait() cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.d_pi_old, self.d_pi[1]).wait() self.tau_old = self.cfg.TAU0 elif (n % ntskip == 0) or is_finished: nx = (self.cfg.NX - 1) // self.cfg.nxskip + 1 ny = (self.cfg.NY - 1) // self.cfg.nyskip + 1 nz = (self.cfg.NZ - 1) // self.cfg.nzskip + 1 tau_new = self.ideal.tau self.kernel_hypersf.visc_hypersf( self.queue, (nx, ny, nz), None, self.ideal.d_hypersf, self.ideal.d_sf_txyz, self.d_pi_sf, self.ideal.d_num_of_sf, self.ideal.d_ev_old, self.ideal.d_ev[1], self.d_pi_old, self.d_pi[1], self.d_omega_sf, self.d_omega[0], self.d_omega[1], self.cfg.real(self.tau_old), self.cfg.real(tau_new)).wait() # update with current tau and d_ev[1], d_pi[1] and d_omega[1] cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.ideal.d_ev_old, self.ideal.d_ev[1]).wait() cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.d_pi_old, self.d_pi[1]).wait() cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.d_omega[0], self.d_omega[1]).wait() self.tau_old = tau_new def save_pimn_sf(self, set_to_zero=False): '''save pimn information on freeze out hyper surface Params: :param set_to_zero: True to set pimn on surface to 0.0, in case eta/s=0, ideal evolution is switch on''' num_of_sf = self.ideal.num_of_sf ed = self.ideal.efrz pr = self.ideal.eos.f_P(ed) T = self.cfg.TFRZ const_for_deltaf = 1.0 / (2.0 * T**2 * (ed + pr)) pi_onsf = np.zeros(10 * num_of_sf, dtype=self.cfg.real) if not set_to_zero: cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, pi_onsf, self.d_pi_sf).wait() out_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.fPathOut, 'pimnsf.dat') print("pimn on frzsf is saved to ", out_path) comment_line = 'one_o_2TsqrEplusP=%.6e '%const_for_deltaf + \ 'pi00 01 02 03 11 12 13 22 23 33' np.savetxt(out_path, pi_onsf.reshape(num_of_sf, 10), fmt='%.6e', header=comment_line) def save(self, save_hypersf=True, save_bulk=False, save_pi=False, save_vorticity=False):, save_bulk, viscous_on=True) if save_pi: if save_hypersf: self.save_pimn_sf() if save_vorticity: # save vorticity on hypersf to data file num_of_sf = self.ideal.num_of_sf omega_mu = np.empty(6 * num_of_sf, dtype=self.cfg.real) cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, omega_mu, self.d_omega_sf).wait() out_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.fPathOut, 'omegamu_sf.dat') print("vorticity omega_{mu, nu} on surface is saved to", out_path) np.savetxt(out_path, omega_mu.reshape(self.ideal.num_of_sf, 6), fmt='%.6e', header='omega^{01, 02, 03, 12, 13, 23}') def update_time(self, loop): self.ideal.update_time(loop) def ideal_predict_for_first_step(self): # ideal prediction to get umu for the first time step self.ideal.stepUpdate(step=1) #@profile def evolve(self, max_loops=1000, save_hypersf=True, save_bulk=False, plot_bulk=True, save_pi=True, force_run_to_maxloop=False, save_vorticity=False, jet_eloss_src={ 'switch_on': False, 'start_pos_index': 0, 'direction': 0.0 }, debug=False): '''The main loop of hydrodynamic evolution default parameters: save_hypersf, don't save bulk info store bulk info by switch on plot_bulk; Args: jet_eloss_src: one dictionary stores the jet eloss information ''' # if etaos<1.0E-6, use ideal hydrodynamics which is much faster if self.cfg.ETAOS_YMIN < 1.0E-6 and self.cfg.ETAOS_LEFT_SLOP < 1.0E-6 \ and self.cfg.ETAOS_RIGHT_SLOP < 1.0E-6 and not save_vorticity: self.ideal.evolve(max_loops, save_hypersf, save_bulk, plot_bulk, force_run_to_maxloop, jet_eloss_src) self.save_pimn_sf(set_to_zero=True) return if save_pi: from pimninfo import PimnInfo self.pimn_info = PimnInfo(self.cfg, self.ctx, self.queue, self.compile_options) loop = 0 #for loop in xrange(max_loops): while True: t0 = time() # stop at max_loops if force_run_to_maxloop set to True if force_run_to_maxloop and loop == max_loops: break if loop % self.cfg.ntskip == 0: self.ideal.edmax = self.ideal.max_energy_density() self.ideal.history.append([self.ideal.tau, self.ideal.edmax]) print('tau=', self.ideal.tau, ' EdMax= ', self.ideal.edmax) is_finished = self.ideal.edmax < self.ideal.efrz if save_hypersf: self.get_hypersf(loop, self.cfg.ntskip, is_finished) if (plot_bulk or save_bulk) and loop % self.cfg.ntskip == 0: self.ideal.bulkinfo.get(self.ideal.tau, self.ideal.d_ev[1], self.ideal.edmax, self.d_pi[1]) if save_pi and loop % self.cfg.ntskip == 0: self.pimn_info.get(self.ideal.tau, self.d_pi[1]) # finish if edmax < freeze out energy density if is_finished and not force_run_to_maxloop: break # store d_pi[0] for self.visc_stepUpdate() cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.d_pi[0], self.d_pi[1]).wait() # copy the d_ev[1] to d_ev[0] for umu_new prediction cl.enqueue_copy(self.queue, self.ideal.d_ev[0], self.ideal.d_ev[1]).wait() # update pi[2] with d_ev[0] and u_new=u0+d_udiff # where d_udiff is prediction from previous step self.IS_stepUpdate(step=1) self.visc_stepUpdate(step=1) self.update_time(loop) # update pi[1] with d_ev[0] and d_ev[2]_visc* self.IS_stepUpdate(step=2) self.visc_stepUpdate(step=2, jet_eloss_src=jet_eloss_src) self.update_udiff(self.ideal.d_ev[0], self.ideal.d_ev[1]) # add the thermal vorticity calculation here if loop % self.cfg.ntskip == 0 and save_vorticity: self.get_vorticity(save_data=False) # save the bad cells at debug stage if debug and loop % self.cfg.ntskip == 0: self.check_bad_cell() loop = loop + 1 t1 = time() print('one step: {dtime}'.format(dtime=t1 - t0)), save_bulk=save_bulk, save_pi=save_pi, save_vorticity=save_vorticity)
class TestLongitudinalExpansion(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.cfg = cfg self.cfg.NX = 1 self.cfg.NY = 1 self.cfg.NZ = 401 self.cfg.DT = 0.005 self.cfg.DZ = 0.075 self.cfg.IEOS = 0 self.cfg.ntskip = 100 self.cfg.nzskip = 4 self.ideal = CLIdeal(self.cfg) self.ctx = self.ideal.ctx self.queue = self.ideal.queue def test_longitudinal_expansion(self): ''' initialize with uniform energy density in (tau, x, y, eta) coordinates to test the Bjorken expansion: eps/eps0 = (tau/tau0)**(-4.0/3.0) ''' kernel_src = """ # include "real_type.h" # define Eta_flat 2.95f # define Eta_gw 2.0f # define NZ %s # define DZ %sf real weight_along_eta(real z, real etas0_) { real heta; if( fabs(z-etas0_) > Eta_flat ) { heta=exp(-pow(fabs(z-etas0_)-Eta_flat,2.0f)/(2.0f*Eta_gw*Eta_gw)); } else { heta = 1.0f; } return heta; } real gaussian_along_eta(real z) { return exp(-z*z/(2.0f*Eta_gw*Eta_gw)); } __kernel void init_ev(global real4 * d_ev1, const int size) { int gid = (int) get_global_id(0); if ( gid < size ) { real eta = (gid - NZ/2)*DZ; real eds = gaussian_along_eta(eta) * 30.0; d_ev1[gid] = (real4)(eds, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); } } """ % (self.cfg.NZ, self.cfg.DZ) cwd, cwf = os.path.split(__file__) compile_options = ['-I %s' % os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'kernel')] compile_options.append('-D USE_SINGLE_PRECISION') prg = cl.Program(self.ctx, kernel_src).build(compile_options) prg.init_ev(self.queue, (self.ideal.size, ), None, self.ideal.d_ev[1], np.int32(self.ideal.size)).wait() self.ideal.evolve(max_loops=1400, save_bulk=False, save_hypersf=False, plot_bulk=True) bulk = self.ideal.bulkinfo save_bulk(bulk, timestep=self.cfg.DT * self.cfg.ntskip)
import os, sys cwd, cwf = os.path.split(__file__) sys.path.append(os.path.join(cwd, '../pyvisc')) from ideal import CLIdeal from config import cfg, write_config import pyopencl as cl cfg.IEOS = 0 cfg.NX = 401 cfg.NY = 401 cfg.NZ = 1 cfg.TAU0 = 0.6 cfg.Edmax = 17.0 cfg.Hwn = 1.0 cfg.ImpactParameter = 7.0 write_config(cfg) ideal = CLIdeal(cfg) from glauber import Glauber ini = Glauber(cfg, ideal.ctx, ideal.queue, ideal.gpu_defines, ideal.d_ev[1]) ideal.evolve(max_loops=1000, save_bulk=True, to_maxloop=True, save_hypersf=False)