def doday(): """ Create a plot of precipitation stage4 estimates for some day """ sts = mx.DateTime.DateTime(2013,5,25,12) ets = mx.DateTime.DateTime(2013,5,31,12) interval = mx.DateTime.RelativeDateTime(days=1) now = sts total = None while now < ets: fp = "/mesonet/ARCHIVE/data/%s/stage4/ST4.%s.24h.grib" % ( now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d"), now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H") ) if os.path.isfile(fp): lts = now grbs = if total is None: g = grbs[1] total = g["values"] lats, lons = g.latlons() else: total += grbs[1]["values"] grbs.close() now += interval m = MapPlot(sector='iowa', title='NOAA Stage IV & Iowa ASOS Precipitation', subtitle='25-30 May 2013') m.pcolormesh(lons, lats, total / 25.4, numpy.arange(0,14.1,1), latlon=True, units='inch') m.drawcounties() m.plot_values(dlons, dlats, dvals, '%.02f') m.postprocess(filename='test.svg') import iemplot iemplot.makefeature('test')
row = ccursor.fetchone() days.append( row[1] ) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy days = numpy.array( days ) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) rects = numpy.arange(1880,2013) - 0.4, days, facecolor='b', edgecolor='b') for rect in rects: if rect.get_height() >= days[-1]: rect.set_edgecolor('r') rect.set_facecolor('r') ax.set_xlim(1879.5, 2012.5) ax.set_ylim(20, 70) ax.set_ylabel("Average High Temperature $^{\circ}\mathrm{F}$") ax.set_title("Des Moines [1880-2012] Average High Temperature \n for week before Thanksgiving (inclusive)") ax.set_xlabel("* 2012 Warmest") #ax.set_xticks( numpy.arange(1895,2015,5) ) ax.grid(True) import iemplot fig.savefig('') iemplot.makefeature('test') #for i in range(7): # print i, total_error[i] / 117.0, total_rain[i] / 117.0, total_snow[i] / 117.0
ax[row, col].set_xticklabels( ('May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')) ax[row, col].set_xlim(120, 310) ax[row, col].grid(True) ax[row, col].set_ylim(0, 100) if col == 0: ax[row, col].set_ylabel("Coverage [%]") ax[row, col].set_title(" ") ax[row, col].text(126, 85, states[i].capitalize(), size=16) i += 1 #ax[0,0].set_title("USDA Weekly Crop Progress Report (1979-2012)\nIowa Corn Planting Progress (6 years highlighted)") fig.text( 0.5, .91, 'USDA Weekly Corn Crop Condition Report (1986-2014)\nPercentage of State in Poor & Very Poor Condition\n(2014 thru 24 August)', ha='center') logo ='../../../htdocs/images/logo_small_white.png') ax3 = plt.axes([0.12, 0.91, 0.1, 0.1], frameon=False, axisbg=(0.4471, 0.6235, 0.8117), yticks=[], xticks=[]) ax3.imshow(logo) fig.savefig('') import iemplot iemplot.makefeature('test')
vals = [] lats = [] lons = [] icursor.execute("""SELECT id, x(geom) as lon, y(geom) as lat, min(min_tmpf) from summary_2012 s JOIN stations t on (t.iemid = s.iemid) WHERE network IN ('IA_ASOS','AWOS') and min_tmpf < 60 and day >= '2012-04-08' and id not in ('CIN', 'TNU') GROUP by id, lon, lat ORDER by min DESC""") for row in icursor: vals.append( row[3] ) lats.append( row[2] ) lons.append( row[1] ) print row cfg = { 'wkColorMap': 'BlAqGrYeOrRe', 'nglSpreadColorStart': 2, 'nglSpreadColorEnd' : -1, '_title' : "2012 April Minimum Temperature", '_valid' : "April 8th thru 11th", '_showvalues' : True, '_format' : '%.0f', 'lbTitleString' : "[F]", } # Generates fp = iemplot.simple_contour(lons, lats, vals, cfg) #iemplot.postprocess(fp, '','') import iemplot iemplot.makefeature(fp)
"NECLIMATE", "KSCLIMATE", "MOCLIMATE", "KYCLIMATE", "ILCLIMATE", "WICLIMATE", "INCLIMATE", "OHCLIMATE", "MICLIMATE")) ccursor.execute(""" select march.station, march.avg - april.avg as diff from (select station, avg((high+low)/2.0) from alldata WHERE year = 2012 and month = 3 GROUP by station) as march, (select station, avg((high+low)/2.0) from alldata WHERE year = 2012 and month = 4 GROUP by station) as april WHERE march.station = april.station ORDER by diff DESC """) vals = [] lats = [] lons = [] for row in ccursor: station = row[0] if not nt.sts.has_key(station): continue vals.append( row[1] ) lats.append( nt.sts[station]['lat'] ) lons.append( nt.sts[station]['lon'] ) cfg = {'_title': "2012 March versus April Average Temperature", '_valid': '(preliminary data) Postive values are warmer March than April', 'lbTitleString': 'F', #'wkColorMap': 'ViBlGrWhYeOrRe', 'wkColorMap': 'BlWhRe', 'cnLevelSelectionMode': 'ManualLevels', 'cnLevelSpacingF' : 1.0, 'cnMinLevelValF' : -8.0, 'cnMaxLevelValF' : 8.0, '_midwest': True} tmpfp = iemplot.simple_contour(lons, lats, vals, cfg) iemplot.makefeature(tmpfp)
tsigma = np.array(tsigma, "f") psigma = np.array(psigma, "f") ax.quiver( tsigma[:-1], psigma[:-1], tsigma[1:] - tsigma[:-1], psigma[1:] - psigma[:-1], scale_units="xy", angles="xy", scale=1, zorder=1, color="tan", ) for l, t, p, a in zip(lbls, tsigma, psigma, aligns): # Manual move label some for readiability if l == "7/15": t = float(t) + 0.1 p = float(p) + -0.2 ax.text(t, p, l, va=a, zorder=2) ax.set_xlim(-3.5, 3.5) ax.set_ylabel("Precipitation Departure $\sigma$") ax.set_xlabel("Temperature Departure $\sigma$") ax.set_title("26 May 2014 - 8 Sep 2014 Iowa\n 14 Day Trailing Departures plotted every 7 days") ax.grid(True) fig.savefig("") import iemplot iemplot.makefeature("test")