def dlthumb(url, jpgdir, *args, **kwargs): # This downloads thumbnails from the USGS global errorsfound basename = os.path.basename(url) f = os.path.join(jpgdir, basename) tries = 1 downloaded = False print('Downloading {} to {}'.format(basename, jpgdir)) while not downloaded and tries < 6: print('Download attempt {} of 5.'.format(tries)) try: url = urlopen(dlurl) urlretrieve(dlurl, filename = f) if url.length == os.stat(f).st_size: downloaded = True else: print('Error downloading, retrying.') tries += 1 except urllib.error.URLError as e: print(e.reason) ieo.logerror(dlurl, e.reason, errorfile = errorfile) errorsfound = True if tries == 6: ieo.logerror(f, 'Download error.', errorfile = errorfile) print('Download failure: {}'.format(basename)) errorsfound = True else: return 'Success!'
def dlxmls(startdate, enddate, xmls, ingestdir, *args, **kwargs): # This downloads queried XML files #pathrows = [[207, 208, 21, 21],[205, 209, 22, 24]] global errorsfound tries = 1 downloaded = False for x, p in zip(xmls, pathrows): print('Downloading {} to: {}'.format(x, ingestdir)) xml = os.path.join(ingestdir, x) if os.access(xml, os.F_OK): print('Backing up current xml file.') shutil.move(xml, '{}.{}.bak'.format(xml, today.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'))) urlname = '{}&end_path={}&start_row={}&end_row={}&sensor_name=LANDSAT_COMBINED_C1&start_date={}&end_date={}'.format(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], startdate, enddate) #&cloud_cover = 100&seasonal = False&aoi_entry=path_row&output_type=unknown tries = 1 downloaded = False while not downloaded and tries < 6: print('Download attempt {} of 5.'.format(tries)) try: # url = urllib.request.urlopen(urlname) urlretrieve(urlname, xml) # filename=xml downloaded = True except URLError as e: print(e.reason) ieo.logerror(urlname, e.reason, errorfile = errorfile) errorsfound = True tries += 1 if tries == 6: ieo.logerror(xml, 'Download error.', errorfile = errorfile) print('Download failure: {}'.format(x)) errorsfound = True else: return 'Success!'
def getscenedata(layer, localscenelist): scenedata = {} for feature in layer: sceneID = feature.GetField("sceneID") ProductID = feature.GetField('LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID') includescene = True sunEl = feature.GetField("sunElevation") sensor = feature.GetField("SensorID") acqDateval = feature.GetField("acquisitionDate") try: acqDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(acqDateval, '%Y/%m/%d') datestr = acqDate.strftime('%Y%j') except: print( 'Error: "acqDate" field missing acquisition date data, attempting to correct.' ) ieo.logerror( sceneID, '"acquisitionDate" field missing acquisition date data, attempting to correct.' ) datestr = sceneID[9:16] acqDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, '%Y%j') # feature.SetField('acqDate', acqDate) proclevel = feature.GetField("DATA_TYPE_L1") if sceneID[2:3] == '8' and ((datestr in L8exclude) or (sensor != 'OLI_TIRS')): includescene = False if sceneID[2:3] == '7' and datestr in L7exclude: includescene = False if sunEl: # ignore Null values if includescene and sunEl >= args.minsunel: SR_file = feature.GetField('Surface_reflectance_tiles') scenedata[sceneID] = { 'LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID': ProductID, 'acquisitionDate': acqDate, 'Path': feature.GetField("path"), 'Row': feature.GetField("row"), 'SensorID': sensor, 'cloudCoverFull': feature.GetField("cloudCoverFull"), 'CLOUD_COVER_LAND': feature.GetField("CLOUD_COVER_LAND"), 'sunElevation': sunEl, 'Surface_reflectance_tiles': SR_file, 'proclevel': proclevel } if SR_file and not args.usesrdir: if os.path.isfile(SR_file): localscenelist.append(os.path.basename(SR_file)[:16]) return scenedata, localscenelist
def findmissing(l8, l47, scenedata, localscenelist, cctype): keys = scenedata.keys() for sceneID in keys: if not sceneID[:16] in localscenelist: try: if sceneID[2:3] == '8' and any( sceneID[9:16] in key for key in l8.keys()) and not any( sceneID in l8[key] for key in l8.keys()) and scenedata[sceneID][cctype] < 100.0: print('Adding {} to Landsat 8 processing list.'.format( sceneID)) # if not sceneID[9:16] in l8.keys() and any(sceneID[9:16] == key[9:16] for key in l8.keys()): # l8[sceneID[9:16]] = [sceneID] # else: l8[sceneID[9:16]].append(sceneID) elif sceneID[2:3] != '8' and any( sceneID[9:16] in key for key in l47.keys()) and not any( sceneID in l47[key] for key in l47.keys()) and scenedata[sceneID][cctype] < 100.0: print('Adding {} to Landsat 4-7 processing list.'.format( sceneID)) # if not sceneID[9:16] in l47.keys(): # l47[sceneID[9:16]] = [sceneID] # else: l47[sceneID[9:16]].append(sceneID) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) print('ERROR: {} {} {} {}.'.format(sceneID, exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)) ieo.logerror( sceneID, '{} {} {}'.format(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)) # sc = scenesearch(scenedata, sceneID) # if len(sc) > 0: # for s in sc: # if not scenedata[s][6]: # if s[2:3] == '8' and not s in l8: # print('Adding %s to Landsat 8 processing list.'%s) # l8.append(s) # elif not s in l47: # print('Adding %s to Landsat 4-7 processing list.'%s) # l47.append(s) return l8, l47
# This look finds any existing processed data for dir in [args.outdir, os.path.join(args.outdir, 'L1G')]: rlist = glob.glob( os.path.join(args.outdir, '*_ref_{}.dat'.format(ieo.projacronym))) for f in rlist: if not 'ESA' == os.path.basename(f)[16:19]: reflist.append(f) # Now create the processing list if args.infile: # This is in case a specific file has been selected for processing if os.access(args.infile, os.F_OK) and args.infile.endswith('.tar.gz'): print('File has been found, processing.') filelist.append(args.infile) else: print('Error, file not found: {}'.format(args.infile)) ieo.logerror(args.infile, 'File not found.') else: # find and process what's in the ingest directory for root, dirs, files in os.walk(args.indir, onerror=None): for name in files: if name.endswith('.tar.gz') or name.endswith('_sr_band7.img'): fname = os.path.join(root, name) ssceneID = sceneidfromfilename(name) if ssceneID: sslist = [x for x in scenedict.keys() if ssceneID in x] if len(sslist) > 0: for sceneID in sslist: if ( args.overwrite or not any(ssceneID in x for x in reflist) ) and ( not fname in filelist
def populatelists(l8, l47, scenedata, localscenelist): for sceneID in scenedata.keys(): acqDate = scenedata[sceneID]['acquisitionDate'] path = scenedata[sceneID]['Path'] row = scenedata[sceneID]['Row'] scenesensor = scenedata[sceneID]['SensorID'] if args.ccland: cc = scenedata[sceneID]['CLOUD_COVER_LAND'] if not cc: cc = 0.0 maxcc = args.maxccland cctype = 'CLOUD_COVER_LAND' else: cc = scenedata[sceneID]['cloudCoverFull'] if not cc: cc = 0.0 maxcc = args.maxcc cctype = 'cloudCoverFull' if cc == None: cc = 0.0 sunEl = scenedata[sceneID]['sunElevation'] # SR = scenedata[sceneID]['Surface_reflectance_tiles'] proclevel = scenedata[sceneID]['proclevel'] try: if ( not any(sceneID[:16] in x for x in localscenelist) or args.ignorelocal ) and (cc <= maxcc) and (sunEl >= args.minsunel) and ( proclevel in proclevels ): # Only run this for scenes that aren't present on disk or if we choose to ignore local copies. # if (feature.GetField("SR_path") == None or args.ignorelocal) and feature.GetField("CCFull") <= args.maxcc and feature.GetField("sunEl") >= args.minsunel: # sceneID = feature.GetField("sceneID") if args.landsat: if args.landsat != int(sceneID[2:3]): continue if args.path: if args.path != path: continue # else: # print(path) if args.row: if args.row != row: continue # else: # print(row) if args.sensor: if sensor != scenesensor: continue year = int(sceneID[9:13]) doy = int(sceneID[13:16]) if args.startyear or args.endyear: if args.startyear > args.endyear: endyear = args.startyear startyear = args.endyear else: endyear = args.endyear startyear = args.startyear if year < startyear or year > endyear: continue if args.startdoy and args.enddoy: # This might be programmed later to restrict dates to specific dates/ times of year if args.startdoy < args.enddoy: if doy < args.startdoy or doy > args.enddoy: continue else: if args.startyear: if year == startyear and doy < args.startdoy: continue if args.endyear: if year == endyear and doy > args.enddoy: continue if doy > endday and doy < startday: continue if (acqDate >= args.startdate) and (acqDate <= args.enddate): # print( 'Scene {}, cloud cover of {} percent, added to list.'. format(sceneID, cc)) if not sceneID[9:16] in L7exclude and not sceneID[ 2: 3] == '8': #(scenesensor == 'LANDSAT_TM' or scenesensor == 'LANDSAT_ETM' or 'LANDSAT_ETM_SLC_OFF') and if not sceneID[9:16] in l47.keys(): l47[sceneID[9:16]] = [sceneID] elif not sceneID in l47[sceneID[9:16]]: l47[sceneID[9:16]].append(sceneID) if args.allinpath: sc = scenesearch(scenedata, sceneID, pathrowdict) if len(sc) > 0: for s in sc: if not s in l47[sceneID[9:16]]: print( 'Also adding scene {} to the processing list.' .format(sceneID)) l47[sceneID[9:16]].append(s) # elif scenesensor=='LANDSAT_ETM': # l7.append(sceneID) # elif scenesensor=='LANDSAT_ETM_SLC_OFF' and not sceneID[9:16] in L7exclude: # l7slcoff.append(sceneID) elif sceneID[2:3] == '8' and not sceneID[9:16] in L8exclude: if not sceneID[9:16] in l8.keys(): l8[sceneID[9:16]] = [sceneID] elif not sceneID in l8[sceneID[9:16]]: l8[sceneID[9:16]].append(sceneID) if args.allinpath: sc = scenesearch(scenedata, sceneID, pathrowdict) if len(sc) > 0: for s in sc: if not s in l8[sceneID[9:16]]: print( 'Also adding scene {} to the processing list.' .format(sceneID)) l8[sceneID[9:16]].append(s) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) print('ERROR: {} {} {} {}.'.format(sceneID, exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)) ieo.logerror(sceneID, '{} {} {}'.format(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)) return l8, l47, cctype
if args.outdir: outdir = os.path.join(args.outdir, os.path.basename(d)) if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.mkdir(outdir) else: outdir = d if args.vrt: if not d.endswith('vrt') and not d in [args.pixelqadir, args.fmaskdir]: d = os.path.join(d, 'vrt') flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(d, 'L*.vrt')) else: flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(d, 'L*.dat')) if len(flist) > 0: print('Now converting {} scenes to tiles from: \nCreating tiles in: {}'.format(len(flist), d, outdir)) for f in flist: print('Converting: {} ({}/{})'.format(os.path.basename(f), flist.index(f) + 1, len(flist))) # if dn in [2, 3]: # rastertype = rastertypes[dn][os.path.basename(f)[2:3]] # else: rastertype = rastertypes[dn] if dn < 2: pixelqa = False else: pixelqa = True try: ieo.converttotiles(f, outdir, rastertype, pixelqa = pixelqa, overwrite = args.overwrite, noupdate = args.noupdate) except Exception as e: ieo.logerror(f, e) print('ERROR with file {}:\n{}'.format(f,e))
# This makes a progress bar. I did not originally write it, nor do I remember from where I found the code. readsofar = blocknum * blocksize if totalsize > 0: percent = readsofar * 1e2 / totalsize s = "\r%5.1f%% %*d / %d" % ( percent, len(str(totalsize)), readsofar, totalsize) sys.stderr.write(s) if readsofar >= totalsize: # near the end sys.stderr.write("\n") else: # total size is unknown sys.stderr.write("read %d\n" % (readsofar,)) if args.MBR: # define MBR for scene queries args.MBR = args.MBR.split(',') if len(args.MBR) != 4: ieo.logerror('--MBR', 'Total number of coordinates does not equal four.', errorfile = errorfile) print('Error: Improper number of coordinates for --MBR set (must be four). Either remove this option (will use default values) or fix. Exiting.') sys.exit() else: args.MBR = getMBR() # This section borrowed from # Lat/ Lon WGS-84 to local projection transformation source = osr.SpatialReference() # Lat/Lon WGS-64 source.ImportFromEPSG(4326) #target = osr.SpatialReference() #i = ieo.prjstr.find(':') + 1 #target.ImportFromEPSG(int(ieo.prjstr[i:])) # EPSG code set in ieo.ini target = ieo.prj
def populatelists(l8, l47, scenedata, localscenelist): for sceneID in scenedata.keys(): acqDate = scenedata[sceneID]['acqDate'] path = scenedata[sceneID]['Path'] row = scenedata[sceneID]['Row'] scenesensor = scenedata[sceneID]['Sensor'] if args.ccland: cc = scenedata[sceneID]['CCLand'] maxcc = args.maxccland else: cc = scenedata[sceneID]['CCFull'] maxcc = args.maxcc sunEl = scenedata[sceneID]['sunEl'] SR = scenedata[sceneID]['SR_path'] proclevel = scenedata[sceneID]['proclevel'] try: if ( not sceneID[:16] in localscenelist or args.ignorelocal ) and cc <= maxcc and sunEl >= args.minsunel and proclevel in proclevels: # Only run this for scenes that aren't present on disk or if we choose to ignore local copies. # if (feature.GetField("SR_path") == None or args.ignorelocal) and feature.GetField("CCFull") <= args.maxcc and feature.GetField("sunEl") >= args.minsunel: # sceneID = feature.GetField("sceneID") if args.landsat: if args.landsat != int(sceneID[2:3]): continue if args.path: if args.path != path: continue # else: # print(path) if args.row: if args.row != row: continue # else: # print(row) if args.sensor: if sensor != scenesensor: continue year = int(sceneID[9:13]) doy = int(sceneID[13:16]) if args.startyear or args.endyear: if args.startyear > args.endyear: endyear = args.startyear startyear = args.endyear else: endyear = args.endyear startyear = args.startyear if year < startyear or year > endyear: continue if args.startdoy and args.enddoy: # This might be programmed later to restrict dates to specific dates/ times of year if args.startdoy < args.enddoy: if doy < args.startdoy or doy > args.enddoy: continue else: if args.startyear: if year == startyear and doy < args.startdoy: continue if args.endyear: if year == endyear and doy > args.enddoy: continue if doy > endday and doy < startday: continue if acqDate >= args.startdate and acqDate <= args.enddate: # print( 'Scene {}, cloud cover of {} percent, added to list.'. format(sceneID, cc)) if not sceneID[9:16] in L7exclude and not sceneID[ 2: 3] == '8': #(scenesensor == 'LANDSAT_TM' or scenesensor == 'LANDSAT_ETM' or 'LANDSAT_ETM_SLC_OFF') and if not sceneID[9:16] in l47.keys(): l47[sceneID[9:16]] = [sceneID] elif not sceneID in l47[sceneID[9:16]]: l47[sceneID[9:16]].append(sceneID) if args.allinpath: sc = scenesearch(scenedata, sceneID, pathrowdict) if len(sc) > 0: for s in sc: if not s in l47[sceneID[9:16]]: print( 'Also adding scene {} to the processing list.' .format(sceneID)) l47[sceneID[9:16]].append(s) # elif scenesensor=='LANDSAT_ETM': # l7.append(sceneID) # elif scenesensor=='LANDSAT_ETM_SLC_OFF' and not sceneID[9:16] in L7exclude: # l7slcoff.append(sceneID) elif sceneID[2:3] == '8' and not sceneID[9:16] in L8exclude: if not sceneID[9:16] in l8.keys(): l8[sceneID[9:16]] = [sceneID] elif not sceneID in l8[sceneID[9:16]]: l8[sceneID[9:16]].append(sceneID) if args.allinpath: sc = scenesearch(scenedata, sceneID, pathrowdict) if len(sc) > 0: for s in sc: if not s in l8[sceneID[9:16]]: print( 'Also adding scene {} to the processing list.' .format(sceneID)) l8[sceneID[9:16]].append(s) except Exception as e: print('Error: {}'.format(e)) ieo.logerror(sceneID, e) return l8, l47