コード例 #1
ファイル: googlecse.py プロジェクト: leifos/ifind
    def _parse_json_response(self, query, results):
        Parses Google Custom Search's JSON response and returns as an ifind Response.

            query (ifind Query): object encapsulating details of a search query.
            results : requests library response object containing search results.

            ifind Response: object encapsulating a search request's results.

            Private method.

        response = Response(query.terms, query)
        content = json.loads(results.text)

        # The query object wasn't mutated earlier and the result type isn't passed to this function.
        # Check for a result_type or set it to default.
        result_type = query.result_type
        if not result_type:
            result_type = self.default_result_type

        # Check for a next page token.
        next_page_token = content.get(u'nextPageToken')
        if next_page_token:
            # A page token exists, create the URL which will fetch the next page
            response.next_page = "{}&pageToken={}".format(self._create_query_string(query), next_page_token)

        rank_counter = 1

        if result_type == 'web' or not query.result_type:
            for result in content[u'items']:
                title = result[u'title']
                url = result[u'link']
                summary = result[u'snippet']
                response.add_result(title=title, url=url, summary=summary, rank=rank_counter)

        return response
コード例 #2
ファイル: googleplus.py プロジェクト: leifos/ifind
    def _parse_json_response(self, query, results):
        Parses Googleplus's JSON response and returns as an ifind Response.

            query (ifind Query): object encapsulating details of a search query.
            results : requests library response object containing search results.

            ifind Response: object encapsulating a search request's results.

            Private method.

        response = Response(query.terms, query)
        content = json.loads(results.text)

        # The query object wasn't mutated earlier and the result type isn't passed to this function.
        # Check for a result_type or set it to default.
        result_type = query.result_type
        if not result_type:
            result_type = self.default_result_type

        # Check for a next page token.
        next_page_token = content.get(u'nextPageToken')
        if next_page_token:
            # A page token exists, create the URL which will fetch the next page
            response.next_page = "{}&pageToken={}".format(self._create_query_string(query), next_page_token)

        if result_type == 'people':
            # Build the ifind response for a people search

            for user in content[u'items']:
                name = user[u'displayName']
                url = user[u'url']
                imageurl = Googleplus._resize_image(user[u'image'][u'url'])
                summary = ''

                # Kwargs
                id = user[u'id']

                # Add the result to the response
                response.add_result(title=name, url=url, summary=summary, imageurl=imageurl, id=id)

        elif result_type == 'activities':
            # Build the ifind response for an activity search
            for activity in content[u'items']:

                # The three dictionaries below are passed as keyword arguments to the result object
                activity_dict = {
                    'url': activity.get(u'url'),
                    'verb': activity.get(u'verb'),
                    'title': activity.get(u'title'),
                    'published': activity.get(u'published'),
                    'updated': activity.get(u'updated'),
                    'kind': activity.get(u'kind'),
                    'id': activity.get(u'id')

                actor_dict = {
                    'display_name': activity.get(u'actor').get(u'displayName'),
                    'url': activity.get(u'actor').get(u'url'),
                    'image': activity.get(u'actor').get(u'image').get(u'url'),
                    'id': activity.get(u'actor').get(u'id')

                object_dict = {
                    'type': activity.get(u'object').get(u'objectType'),
                    'content': activity.get(u'object').get(u'content').encode('utf-8'),
                    'url': activity.get(u'object').get(u'url'),

                title = u"{}  ({})".format(activity_dict.get('title'),
                url = activity_dict.get('url')
                summary = Googleplus._build_activity_summary(activity)
                imageurl = Googleplus._resize_image(actor_dict.get('image'))

                # Attachments is a list of dictionaries with keys:
                # u'objectType', u'displayName', u'content', u'url' and potentially nested dictionaries,
                # such as u'embed', u'image', u'thumbnails (list of dicts).
                attachments = activity.get(u'object').get(u'attachments')

                # Add the result to the response.
                response.add_result(title=title, url=url, summary=summary, imageurl=imageurl,
                                    actor=actor_dict, object=object_dict, activity=activity_dict,

        elif result_type == 'person_lookup':
            # Build the ifind response for a person lookup. No loop as the content is for a single person.

            title = content[u'displayName']
            url = content[u'url']
            imageurl = content[u'image'][u'url']
            summary = Googleplus._build_person_summary(content)

            about_me = content.get(u'aboutMe')
            occupation = content.get(u'occupation')
            verified = content.get(u'verified')
            circled_count = content.get(u'circledByCount')
            is_plus_user = content.get(u'isPlusUser')
            birthday = content.get(u'birthday')
            bragging_rights = content.get(u'braggingRights')
            emails = content.get(u'emails')
            skills = content.get(u'skills')
            relationship_status = content.get(u'relationshipStatus')
            places_lived = content.get(u'placesLived')
            organizations = content.get(u'organizations')
            tagline = content.get(u'tagline')

            # Kwargs below
            person = {'about_me': about_me, 'occupation':occupation, 'verified': verified, 'emails': emails,
                      'circled_count': circled_count, 'is_plus_user': is_plus_user, 'birthday': birthday,
                      'bragging_rights': bragging_rights, 'skills': skills, 'relationship_status': relationship_status,
                      'places_lived': places_lived, 'organizations': organizations, 'tagline': tagline

            # Add the result to the response.
            response.add_result(title=title, url=url, summary=summary, imageurl=imageurl, person=person)

        return response
コード例 #3
ファイル: twitter.py プロジェクト: leifos/ifind
    def _parse_json_response(self, query, results):
        Parses Twitter's JSON response and returns as an ifind Response.

            query (ifind Query): object encapsulating details of a search query.
            results : requests library response object containing search results.

            ifind Response: object encapsulating a search request's results.

            Private method.

        response = Response(query.terms, query)
        content = json.loads(results.text)

        # Check to see if there are more results.
        next_results = content[u'search_metadata'].get(u'next_results', '')
        if next_results:
            # Create a dictionary from the string found in u'next_results'
            params = next_results[1:]
            params = params.split('&')
            for index in range(len(params)):
                params[index] = params[index].split('=')
            param_dic = {}
            # At this point params looks like: [['someparam', 'somevalue'], ['someparam', 'somevalue']....]
            for lis in params:
                param_dic[lis[0]] = lis[1]

            # Set the next page URL in the response.
            response.next_page = self._create_query_string(query, search_params=param_dic)
            # No more results, set the flag in the response
            response.no_more_results = True

        for result in content[u'statuses']:

            text = result[u'text']
            result_id = str(result[u'id'])

            # User dictionary
            user = {'user_id': result[u'user'][u'id_str'],
                    'profile_image': result.get(u'user').get(u'profile_image_url'),
                    'geo_enabled': result.get(u'user').get(u'geo_enabled'),
                    'description': result.get(u'user').get(u'description'),
                    'follower_count': result.get(u'user').get(u'followers_count'),
                    'protected': result.get(u'user').get(u'protected'),
                    'location': result.get(u'user').get(u'location'),
                    'utc_offset': result.get(u'user').get(u'utc_offset'),
                    'time_zone': result.get(u'user').get(u'time_zone'),
                    'name': result.get(u'user').get(u'name'),
                    'screen_name': result.get(u'user').get(u'screen_name'),
                    'member_since': result.get(u'user').get(u'created_at')

            # TODO clean this up
            stamp = result[u'created_at'].split()
            # Created at in format: '01 Jan, 2014 @ 20:23'
            created_at = "{} {}, {} @ {}".format(stamp[2], stamp[1], stamp[5], stamp[3][:-3])

            url = 'https://www.twitter.com/{0}/status/{1}'.format(user['user_id'], result_id)
            imageurl = user.get('profile_image')
            title = u"{} ({}) - {}".format(user['name'], user['screen_name'], created_at)

            # Kwargs below
            source = result.get(u'source')
            coordinates = result.get(u'coordinates')
            place = result.get(u'place')
            hashtags= result.get(u'entities').get(u'hashtags')
            user_info = user
            reply_to_screen_name = result.get(u'in_reply_to_screen_name')
            reply_to_userid = result.get(u'in_reply_to_user_id_str')
            reply_to_status = result.get(u'in_reply_to_status_id_str')
            tweet_id = result_id

            # List of links in the tweet. Each item in the list is a dictionary with keys:
            # u'url, u'indices', u'expanded_url, u'display_url'
            links = result.get(u'entities').get(u'urls')

            # List of media items in the tweet. Each item in the list is a dictionary with keys:
            # u'expanded_url', u'sizes', u'url', u'media_url_https',
            # u'id_str', u'indices', u'media_url', u'type', u'id', u'display_url'
            media = result.get(u'entities').get(u'media')

            # List of users mentioned in the tweet. Each item in the list is a dictionary with keys:
            # u'indices', 'u'screen_name', u'PSG_inside', u'id', u'name', u'id_str'
            user_mentions = result.get(u'entities').get(u'user_mentions')

            response.add_result(title=title, url=url, summary=text, imageurl=imageurl, stamp=stamp,
                                user_info=user_info, media=media, links=links, user_mentions=user_mentions,
                                source=source, coordinates=coordinates, place=place,
                                hashtags=hashtags,  reply_to_screen_name=reply_to_screen_name,
                                reply_to_status=reply_to_status, reply_to_userid=reply_to_userid, tweet_id=tweet_id)

            if len(response) == query.top:

        return response