コード例 #1
def assisted_SNTtrace(context, imp):
	Calls SNT in a given img for user assisted tracing.
	Uses WaitForUserDialog to confirm the end of tracing operations.
	Returns list of SNT Paths.
	snt = prepare_SNT(context, imp)
	pafm = snt.getPathAndFillManager()
	dialog = WaitForUserDialog("Go to next step...", "Press ok when tracing is done.")
	if dialog.escPressed():
		raise RuntimeError("Canceled by the user.")

	SNTpaths = pafm.getPaths()

	return SNTpaths
コード例 #2
def runTrackMate(imp):
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.Settings as Settings
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.Model as Model
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.SelectionModel as SelectionModel
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.TrackMate as TrackMate
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.Logger as Logger
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.DetectorKeys as DetectorKeys
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.detection.DogDetectorFactory as DogDetectorFactory
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.sparselap.SparseLAPTrackerFactory as SparseLAPTrackerFactory
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.LAPUtils as LAPUtils
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.visualization.hyperstack.HyperStackDisplayer as HyperStackDisplayer
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.FeatureFilter as FeatureFilter
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.FeatureAnalyzer as FeatureAnalyzer
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.spot.SpotContrastAndSNRAnalyzerFactory as SpotContrastAndSNRAnalyzerFactory
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.ExportStatsToIJAction as ExportStatsToIJAction
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.io.TmXmlReader as TmXmlReader
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.action.ExportTracksToXML as ExportTracksToXML
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.io.TmXmlWriter as TmXmlWriter
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.ModelFeatureUpdater as ModelFeatureUpdater
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.SpotFeatureCalculator as SpotFeatureCalculator
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.spot.SpotContrastAndSNRAnalyzer as SpotContrastAndSNRAnalyzer
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.spot.SpotIntensityAnalyzerFactory as SpotIntensityAnalyzerFactory
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.features.track.TrackSpeedStatisticsAnalyzer as TrackSpeedStatisticsAnalyzer
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.util.TMUtils as TMUtils
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.visualization.trackscheme.TrackScheme as TrackScheme
    import fiji.plugin.trackmate.visualization.PerTrackFeatureColorGenerator as PerTrackFeatureColorGenerator

    # Instantiate model object

    nFrames = imp.getNFrames()
    model = Model()

    # Set logger

    # Prepare settings object

    settings = Settings()

    # Configure detector
    settings.detectorFactory = DogDetectorFactory()
    settings.detectorSettings = {
        DetectorKeys.KEY_DO_SUBPIXEL_LOCALIZATION: True,
        DetectorKeys.KEY_RADIUS: 12.30,
        DetectorKeys.KEY_TARGET_CHANNEL: 1,
        DetectorKeys.KEY_THRESHOLD: 100.,
        DetectorKeys.KEY_DO_MEDIAN_FILTERING: False,

    # Configure tracker
    settings.trackerFactory = SparseLAPTrackerFactory()
    settings.trackerSettings = LAPUtils.getDefaultLAPSettingsMap()
    settings.trackerSettings['LINKING_MAX_DISTANCE'] = 10.0
    settings.trackerSettings['GAP_CLOSING_MAX_DISTANCE'] = 10.0
    settings.trackerSettings['MAX_FRAME_GAP'] = 3

    # Add the analyzers for some spot features.
    # You need to configure TrackMate with analyzers that will generate
    # the data you need.
    # Here we just add two analyzers for spot, one that computes generic
    # pixel intensity statistics (mean, max, etc...) and one that computes
    # an estimate of each spot's SNR.
    # The trick here is that the second one requires the first one to be in
    # place. Be aware of this kind of gotchas, and read the docs.

    # Add an analyzer for some track features, such as the track mean speed.

    settings.initialSpotFilterValue = 1


    # Instantiate trackmate

    trackmate = TrackMate(model, settings)

    # Execute all

    ok = trackmate.checkInput()
    if not ok:

    ok = trackmate.process()
    if not ok:

    # Display results

    selectionModel = SelectionModel(model)
    displayer = HyperStackDisplayer(model, selectionModel, imp)

    # Select correct spots

    # Prepare display.
    sm = SelectionModel(model)
    color = PerTrackFeatureColorGenerator(model, 'TRACK_INDEX')

    # launch TrackScheme to select spots and tracks
    trackscheme = TrackScheme(model, sm)
    trackscheme.setDisplaySettings('TrackColoring', color)

    # Update image with TrackScheme commands
    view = HyperStackDisplayer(model, sm, imp)
    view.setDisplaySettings('TrackColoring', color)

    # Wait for the user to select correct spots and tracks before collecting data
    dialog = WaitForUserDialog(
        "Delete incorrect spots and edit tracks if necessary. (Press ESC to cancel analysis)"
    if dialog.escPressed():
        IJ.run("Remove Overlay", "")
        return ([], nFrames)

    # The feature model, that stores edge and track features.
    #model.getLogger().log('Found ' + str(model.getTrackModel().nTracks(True)) + ' tracks.')
    fm = model.getFeatureModel()
    crds_perSpot = []
    for id in model.getTrackModel().trackIDs(True):

        # Fetch the track feature from the feature model.(remove """ to enable)
        """v = fm.getTrackFeature(id, 'TRACK_MEAN_SPEED')
	    model.getLogger().log('Track ' + str(id) + ': mean velocity = ' + str(v) + ' ' + model.getSpaceUnits() + '/' + model.getTimeUnits())"""
        trackID = str(id)
        track = model.getTrackModel().trackSpots(id)

        spot_track = {}
        for spot in track:
            sid = spot.ID()
            # Fetch spot features directly from spot.
            x = spot.getFeature('POSITION_X')
            y = spot.getFeature('POSITION_Y')
            t = spot.getFeature('FRAME')
            q = spot.getFeature('QUALITY')
            snr = spot.getFeature('SNR')
            mean = spot.getFeature('MEAN_INTENSITY')
            #model.getLogger().log('\tspot ID = ' + str(sid) + ', x='+str(x)+', y='+str(y)+', t='+str(t)+', q='+str(q) + ', snr='+str(snr) + ', mean = ' + str(mean))
            spot_track[t] = (x, y)
        #print ("Spot", crds_perSpot.index(spot_track),"has the following coordinates:", crds_perSpot[crds_perSpot.index(spot_track)])
    return (crds_perSpot, nFrames)