コード例 #1
def get_enhance_bounds(chf_fpaths, low_theshold, high_threshold):
    # initialize the pixels array
    pix = []
    # open 100 images max (time consuming)
    if len(chf_fpaths) > 100:
        chf_fpaths = random.sample(chf_fpaths, 100)
    # create a for loop here
    counter = 1
    for image_path in chf_fpaths:
        # open the image
        print "Getting pixels in Image " + image_path
        print str(counter) + " / " + str(len(chf_fpaths))
        counter += 1
        imp_orig = Opener().openImage(image_path)
        # get the pixel values
        image_pix = list(imp_orig.getProcessor().getPixels())
        # select randomly 10% of the pixels (maybe memory issues)
        image_pix_sel = random.sample(image_pix, int(len(image_pix) * 0.1))
        pix = pix + image_pix_sel

    # get the percentile values to threshold
    IJ.log('Quantifying pixel values for contrast enhancement...')
    low_pix = percentile(pix, low_theshold)
    high_pix = percentile(pix, high_threshold)

    return low_pix, high_pix
コード例 #2
        for channel in range(1, (number_of_channels_in_mouse + 1)):
            channel_files = getChannelFiles(MouseIDFiles, channel)
            # get the full path
            chf_fpaths = [path.join(In_dir, x) for x in channel_files]
            # get the minimum and maximum pixel value
            min_pixval, max_pixval = get_enhance_bounds(
                chf_fpaths, low_theshold, high_threshold)
            IJ.log("Found pixel bounds " + str(min_pixval) + " and " +
                   str(max_pixval) + " for channel " + str(channel))
            counter = 1
            for chfile in chf_fpaths:
                # open file
                ch_img = Opener().openImage(chfile)
                ch_tit = ch_img.getTitle()
                # adjust contrast
                ch_img.getProcessor().setMinAndMax(min_pixval, max_pixval)
                # convert to 8-bit (which also applies the contrast)
                # save
                IJ.saveAsTiff(ch_img, path.join(Out_dir, ch_tit))
                # close and flush
                print("Image " + str(counter) + " of " + str(len(chf_fpaths)) +
                      " processed")
                counter += 1

        IJ.log('Mouse ' + MouseID + ' processed')

    print("DONE, find your results in " + Out_dir)