def main(): # Open a .ome.tif image from the Flexoscope. impath = IJ.getFilePath("Choose .ome.tiff file") channels = Opener.openUsingBioFormats(impath) # Show image # # straight to channels object sames memory. # Split channels. channels = ChannelSplitter().split(channels) # Process channel 1. # subtractzproject(imp, projectionMethod="Median") channels[1] = ImagePlus() channels.append(ImagePlus()) channels[1] = subtractzproject(channels[0])[0], "Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.3 normalize process_all use")[0], "8-bit", "")[1], "Square", "stack")[1], "Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0.3 normalize process_all use")[1], "8-bit", "") # Merge channels. merge = RGBStackMerge().mergeChannels(channels, True) # boolean keep
def rot3d(imp, axis='x'): """pare back Slicer to implement whole-image, +90* rotations that return ImagePlus""" if imp.getType()==ImagePlus.COLOR_256 or imp.getType()==ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB: raise NotImplementedError("Handling of colour images isn't implemented yet"); IJ.showStatus("Rotating around {}-axis...".format(axis)) title = imp.getTitle(); original_cal = imp.getCalibration(); new_cal = original_cal; if imp.getNChannels > 1: split_ch = ChannelSplitter().split(imp); else: split_ch = [imp]; out_imps = []; if axis=='x': for ch_imp in split_ch: input_stack = ch_imp.getStack(); output_stack = rot_around_x(input_stack); out_imps.append(ImagePlus(title, output_stack)); new_cal.pixelHeight = original_cal.pixelDepth; new_cal.pixelDepth = original_cal.pixelHeight; elif axis=='y' or axis=='-y': for ch_imp in split_ch: if axis[0]=='-': input_stack = StackProcessor(ch_imp.getStack()).rotateLeft(); else: input_stack = StackProcessor(ch_imp.getStack()).rotateRight(); output_stack = rot_around_x(input_stack); if axis[0]=='-': final_stack = StackProcessor(output_stack).rotateLeft(); else: final_stack = StackProcessor(output_stack).rotateRight(); out_imps.append(ImagePlus(title, final_stack)); new_cal.pixelWidth = original_cal.pixelDepth; new_cal.pixelDepth = original_cal.pixelWidth; elif axis=='z' or axis=='-z': for ch_imp in split_ch: if axis[0]=='-': output_stack = StackProcessor(ch_imp.getStack()).rotateLeft(); else: output_stack = StackProcessor(ch_imp.getStack()).rotateRight(); out_imps.append(ImagePlus(title, output_stack)); new_cal.pixelWidth = original_cal.pixelHeight; new_cal.pixelHeight = original_cal.pixelWidth; else: raise NotImplementedError("Please check which axis you've chosen - if not (x, +/-y, +/-z) then it's not implemented..."); imp.changes = False; imp.close(); if len(out_imps) > 1: out_imp = RGBStackMerge().mergeChannels(out_imps, False); else: out_imp = out_imps[0]; out_imp.setCalibration(new_cal); return out_imp;
def makemontage(imp, hsize=5, vsize=5, increment=1): """Makes a montage of a multichannel ImagePlus object. Args: imp (ImagePlus): An ImagePlus object. hsize (int, optional): Size of the horizontal axis. Defaults to 5. vsize (int, optional): Size of the vertical axis. Defaults to 5. increment (int, optional): The increment between images. Allows for dropping of e.g. every second frame. Defaults to 1. Returns: ImagePlus: The montage as ImagePlus object. """ gridsize = hsize * vsize def _listProduct(inlist): """Calculates the product of all elements in a list. Args: inlist (list): A list of numbers. Returns: int or double: The product of all list elements. """ product = 1 for element in inlist: if isinstance(element, (int, float)): product = element * product return product def _channelmontage(_imp): """Makes a montage of a single channel ImagePlus object. Args: _imp (ImagePlus): A single channel ImagePlus object. Returns: ImagePlus: A montage of the one input channel. """ dims = _imp.getDimensions( ) # width, height, nChannels, nSlices, nFrames frames = _listProduct(dims[2:]) if frames > gridsize: frames = gridsize _montage = MontageMaker().makeMontage2(_imp, hsize, vsize, 1.00, 1, frames, increment, 0, True) return _montage name = imp.getTitle() channels = ChannelSplitter().split(imp) montages = [_channelmontage(channel) for channel in channels] montage = RGBStackMerge().mergeChannels(montages, False) montage.setTitle(name) return montage
def open_images(in_folder): #open Red folder for i in os.listdir(os.path.join(in_folder, "Red")): file_path = os.path.join(in_folder, "Red", i) if os.path.isfile(file_path) and i.endswith(".tif"): print(i) cur_img_red = IJ.openImage(file_path) nslices_red = cur_img_red.getStack().getSize( ) # get the number slices in stack within the ImagePlus #open phase folder for i in os.listdir(os.path.join(in_folder, "Phase")): file_path = os.path.join(in_folder, "Phase", i) if os.path.isfile(file_path) and i.endswith(".tif"): print(i) cur_img_phase = IJ.openImage(file_path) nslices_phase = cur_img_phase.getStack().getSize( ) # get the number slices in stack within the ImagePlus if nslices_red != nslices_phase: sys.exit("Red and phase channel have unequal number of images!") timepoints = nslices_red ImageConverter(cur_img_phase).convertToGray16() comp_stack_img = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels( [cur_img_red, None, None, cur_img_phase, None, None, None], True) return (comp_stack_img, timepoints)
def _horcombine(imp_collection): """Combine a list of stacks with the same dimensions horizontally. Args: imp_collection: A list of stacks. Returns: A horizontally combined stack of the input images. """ comb = imp_collection[0] comb_channels = ChannelSplitter().split(comb) comb_channels = [i.getImageStack() for i in comb_channels] for imp in imp_collection: if imp == imp_collection[0]: continue imp_channels = ChannelSplitter().split(imp) imp_channels = [i.getImageStack() for i in imp_channels] comb_channels = [ StackCombiner().combineHorizontally(i, j) for i, j in zip(comb_channels, imp_channels) ] comb_channels = [ ImagePlus("C{}".format(i + 1), channel) for i, channel in enumerate(comb_channels) ] impout = RGBStackMerge().mergeChannels(comb_channels, False) # boolean keep return impout
def analyze(imagefile, outdir, size=10000): """Opens a file and creates masks.""" masks = [] image = IJ.openImage(imagefile) imagetitle = image.getTitle().split(".")[0] # close existing Summary window rtframe = WindowManager.getFrame("Summary") if rtframe is not None: rtframe.close() # segmentation IJ.setAutoThreshold(image, "Default dark");, "Options...", "iterations=1 count=1 do=Nothing");, "Convert to Mask", "");, "Analyze Particles...", "size=0-"+str(size)+" show=Masks summarize"); masks.append(IJ.getImage()), "Analyze Particles...", "size="+str(size)+"-infinity show=Masks summarize"); masks.append(IJ.getImage()) # get ResultsTable object and save it rt = WindowManager.getFrame("Summary").getTextPanel().getResultsTable() rtfile = path.join(outdir, str(size)+"Summary_" + imagetitle + ".csv") # create multi-color merged mask mergedmask = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(masks, False) for m in masks: m.close() mergedmask.setTitle(imagetitle + "-mask.tif") outputfile = path.join(outdir, mergedmask.getTitle()) IJ.saveAs(mergedmask, "TIFF", outputfile)
def analyse(imp, root, filename): print "" print(imp.getTitle()) print "**********************************" channels=(1,2,3) thresholds=(3000,1000,8000) # day... backgrounds=thresholds #(175,0,275), "Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=1 stack"); impA = [] sumIntensities = [] sumIntensitiesBW = [] for iChannel in channels: # general issues: # - intensity decreases along z # measure total intensity # - bg subtraction? impc = extractChannel(imp, iChannel, 1) impbw = threshold(impc, thresholds[iChannel-1]) impcBGcorr = Duplicator().run(impc), "Subtract...", "value="+str(backgrounds[iChannel-1])+" stack"); sumIntensities.append(measureSumIntensity3D(impcBGcorr)) # measure number of pixels containing a signification signal # - what is good here for thresholding and preprocessing? #impbw = autoThreshold(impc, "Default") #impbw.setTitle("bw"+str(iChannel)) impA.append(impbw) sumIntensitiesBW.append(measureSumIntensity3D(impbw)/255) print "intensities,",str(sumIntensities)[1:-1] print "volumes,",str(sumIntensitiesBW)[1:-1] sumIntensitiesNorm = [x / sumIntensitiesBW[1] for x in sumIntensities] sumIntensitiesBWNorm = [x / sumIntensitiesBW[1] for x in sumIntensitiesBW] print "intensities normalised,",str(sumIntensitiesNorm)[1:-1] print "volumes normalised,",str(sumIntensitiesBWNorm)[1:-1] impMerge = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(array(impA, ImagePlus), False) impMerge.setDisplayMode(IJ.COLOR); impMerge.setC(1);, "Green", ""); impMerge.setC(2);, "Grays", ""); impMerge.setC(3);, "Blue", ""); IJ.saveAs(impMerge, "Tiff", os.path.join(root, filename + "--segmented.tif"));
def mergechannels(self, root, sortedchannels, onGPU=False): ''' Merge sorted channels(list of titles) under a given root title. If ColorMerger was initialized with a savefolder it will try to save img in savefolder else will merge channels, close original images and show the resulting composite. ''' IJ.log("\n## Merging <{0}>".format(root)) imgpaths = [ os.path.join(self.imgfolder, title) if title else None for title in sortedchannels ] imps = [imageloader(path) if path else None for path in imgpaths] for img in imps: if img: calibration = img.getCalibration() break merger = RGBStackMerge() try: composite = merger.mergeChannels(imps, False) except (Exception, java.lang.Exception): t_name = current_thread().name IJ.log( "# {0}\t{1} images skipped as channels have different dimensions" .format(t_name, root)) return composite.setCalibration(calibration) if self.savefolder: save_string = os.path.join(self.savefolder, root) try: FileSaver(composite).saveAsTiff(save_string) IJ.log("{0}".format(save_string)) except (Exception, java.lang.Exception) as e: IJ.log( " raised an {0} exception while trying to save img '{1}' as '{2}'. Skipping image." .format(e, root, save_string)) else: composite.setTitle(root) [imp.close() for imp in imps if imp]
def main(): # Open a .ome.tif image from the Flexoscope. impath = IJ.getFilePath("Choose .ome.tiff file") channels = Opener.openUsingBioFormats(impath) cal = channels.getCalibration() # Show image # # straight to channels object sames memory. # Split channels. channels = ChannelSplitter().split(channels) # Process channel 1. # subtractzproject(imp, projectionMethod="Median") channels[0] = subtractzproject(channels[0])[0], "8-bit", "") # Process channel 2. # glidingprojection(imp, startframe=1, stopframe=None, glidingFlag=True, no_frames_per_integral=3, projectionmethod="Median") channels[1] = glidingprojection(channels[1])[1], "8-bit", "") # [Optional] Process channel 3, 4, etc. # subtractzproject(channels[3], projectionMethod="Median") # glidingprojection(channels[3], startframe=1, stopframe=None, glidingFlag=True, no_frames_per_integral=3, projectionmethod="Median") #[3], "8-bit", "") # Merge channels. merge = RGBStackMerge().mergeChannels(channels, True) # boolean keep merge.setCalibration(cal)
def merge_kymographs(kym1_imp, kym2_imp, params): """Merge two kymographs""" mrg_imp = RGBStackMerge().mergeChannels([kym1_imp, kym2_imp], True) mrg_imp.setTitle("Merged " + params.labeled_species + " intensity and curvature kymograph") return mrg_imp
def downsample_for_isotropy(imp, extra_downsample_factor=2.0, info=None): """downsample x, y pixel directions to get ~cubic voxels""" title = imp.getTitle(); cal = imp.getCalibration(); if info is None: pix_w = cal.pixelWidth; pix_h = cal.pixelHeight; pix_d = cal.pixelDepth; else: pix_w = info.get_xy_pixel_size_um(); pix_h = pix_w; pix_d = info.get_z_plane_spacing_um(); im_w = imp.getWidth(); im_h = imp.getHeight(); im_d = imp.getNSlices(); print("original pixel whd = ({}, {}, {})".format(pix_w, pix_h, pix_d)); print("original image whd = ({}, {}, {})".format(im_w, im_h, im_d)); im_nch = imp.getNChannels(); if im_nch > 1: split_ch = ChannelSplitter().split(imp); else: split_ch = [imp]; print("downsampling {} and making isotropic...".format(title)); IJ.showStatus("Downsampling and making ~isotropic..."); xy_scale = pix_h / (pix_d * extra_downsample_factor); xy_scaled_h = int(xy_scale * im_h); xy_scaled_w = int(xy_scale * im_w); z_scale = 1/ extra_downsample_factor; z_scaled_h = int(z_scale * im_d); out_imps = []; for ch_imp in split_ch: print(ch_imp.getTitle()); sp = StackProcessor(ch_imp.getStack()); print((xy_scaled_w, xy_scaled_h)); stack = sp.resize(xy_scaled_w, xy_scaled_h, True); xz_stack = rot_around_x(stack); xz_sp = StackProcessor(xz_stack); xz_stack = xz_sp.resize(xy_scaled_w, z_scaled_h, True); out_stack = rot_around_x(xz_stack); out_imps.append(ImagePlus("Isotropic downsampled {}".format(title), out_stack)); cal.setUnit('um'); cal.pixelWidth = im_w/xy_scaled_w * pix_w; cal.pixelHeight = im_h/xy_scaled_h * pix_h; cal.pixelDepth = im_d/z_scaled_h * pix_d; print("new pixel whd = ({}, {}, {})".format(cal.pixelWidth, cal.pixelHeight, cal.pixelDepth)); imp.changes = False; imp.close(); for ch_imp in split_ch: ch_imp.close(); if len(out_imps) > 1: out_imp = RGBStackMerge().mergeChannels(out_imps, False); else: out_imp = out_imps[0]; out_imp.setCalibration(cal); print("new image whd = ({}, {}, {})".format(out_imp.getWidth(), out_imp.getHeight(), out_imp.getNSlices())); print("...done downsampling {} and making isotropic. ".format(title)); IJ.showStatus("...done downsampling and making ~isotropic. "); return out_imp;
def previewImage(self, imp): roi = imp.getRoi() splitter = ChannelSplitter() channels = [] for c in range(1, imp.getNChannels() + 1): channel = ImagePlus("Channel %i" % c, splitter.getChannel(imp, c)) projector = ZProjector(channel) projector.setMethod(ZProjector.MAX_METHOD) projector.doProjection() channels.append(projector.getProjection()) image = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(channels, False) image.title = imp.title + " MAX Intensity" image.luts = imp.luts imp.setRoi(roi) return image
def getPreview(image): enhancer = ContrastEnhancer() projector = ZProjector() splitter = ChannelSplitter() imp1 = ImagePlus("CH1", ) width, height, channels, slices, frames = image.getDimensions() chimps = [] for ch in range(1, channels + 1): projector = ZProjector(ImagePlus("C%i" % ch, splitter.getChannel(image, ch))) projector.setMethod(ZProjector.MAX_METHOD) projector.doProjection() proj = projector.getProjection() enhancer.equalize(proj) chimps.append(proj) return RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(chimps, False)
def preprocess(cell): print cell.getRawImageFilePath() imp = Opener().openImage(cell.getRawImageFilePath()) # open raw Image #if imp.getBitDepth() != 8: # converting to 8 bit if # ImageConverter(imp).convertToGray8() roi = imp.roi imps = CS.split(imp) p = Preprocessor() for aimp in imps: p.setImp(aimp) if roi != None: aimp.setRoi(roi) for n in range(1, aimp.getImageStackSize()+1): aimp.getImageStack().getProcessor(n).fillOutside(roi) aimp.killRoi() final = StackMerge.mergeChannels(imps, False) final.copyScale(imp) # copyscale from .copyscale return final
def analyze(image, outdir, index, size=10000): """Opens a file and creates masks.""" masks = [] imagetitle = image.getTitle().split(".")[0] # segmentation IJ.setAutoThreshold(image, "Default dark");, "Options...", "iterations=1 count=1 do=Nothing");, "Convert to Mask", "");, "Analyze Particles...", "size=0-"+str(size)+" show=Masks summarize display"); masks.append(IJ.getImage()), "Analyze Particles...", "size="+str(size)+"-infinity show=Masks summarize display"); masks.append(IJ.getImage()) # create multi-color merged mask mergedmask = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(masks, False) for m in masks: m.close() mergedmask.setTitle(imagetitle + "-"+str(index)+"-mask.tif") outputfile = path.join(outdir, mergedmask.getTitle()) IJ.saveAs(mergedmask, "TIFF", outputfile)
print 'yellow image file: ' + green_id g_imp = ImagePlus(img_dir+'/'+green_id) imps_for_comp[1] = g_imp if red: red_id = color_sublists['rfp'][stage_pos] print 'red image file: ' + red_id r_imp = ImagePlus(img_dir+'/'+red_id) imps_for_comp[5] = r_imp if brightfield: bf_id = color_sublists['bf'][stage_pos] print 'brightfield image file: ' + bf_id bf_imp = ImagePlus(img_dir+'/'+bf_id) print '' if 'w' in colors: if len(colors) > 2: composite = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(imps_for_comp, True) IJ.saveAsTiff(composite, merge_output_dir + '/' + stage_pos) composite.close() else: if len(colors) > 1: composite = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(imps_for_comp, True) IJ.saveAsTiff(composite, merge_output_dir + '/' + stage_pos) composite.close() imps_for_z_comp = [None, None, None, None, None, None, None] if blue: z_cyan = maxZprojection(c_imp) IJ.saveAsTiff(z_cyan, z_proj_dir+'/blue/'+stage_pos) imps_for_z_comp[4] = z_cyan c_imp.close() if cyan: z_cyan = maxZprojection(c_imp)
k = k + 1 stack.addSlice( str(k), FloatProcessor(h, w, doutarray[ioffset:(ioffset + planesize)])) ioffset = ioffset + planesize #outds1 = ijmService.getDataset(doutMNarray) imp.setStack(stack, c, z, 1) if c == 2: outds1 = extractChannel(imp, 1, 2) outds2 = extractChannel(imp, 2, 2) # outds1 = createChannel(doutarray,h,w,z,1) # outds2 = createChannel(doutarray,h,w,z,2) outds1.setColor(java.awt.Color.RED) outds2.setColor(java.awt.Color.GREEN) outds = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(array([outds1, outds2], ImagePlus), 0) else: if c > 2: outds1 = extractChannel(imp, 1, 3) outds2 = extractChannel(imp, 2, 3) outds3 = extractChannel(imp, 3, 3) outds1.setColor(java.awt.Color.RED) outds2.setColor(java.awt.Color.GREEN) outds3.setColor(java.awt.Color.BLUE) outds = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels( array([outds1, outds2, outds3], ImagePlus), 0) else: outds = imp "Multichannel ZT-axis Profile",
_filtered = [threshold(p) for p in chpx[i]] # filtered pixels filtered.append(FloatProcessor(ip.width, ip.height, _filtered, None)) # save each channels for i in range(3):"filtered_%d" % i, filtered[i]), dstpath[:-4] + '_%d' % i) # add slices to new stack stack_new = ImageStack(imp.width, imp.height) for i in range(3): stack_new.addSlice(None, filtered[i]) # new image (stack) imp_new = ImagePlus("new", stack_new), dstpath[:-4] + '_stack.tif') # new image (color) mergeimp = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels([ ImagePlus(None, filtered[0]), ImagePlus(None, filtered[1]), ImagePlus(None, filtered[2]), None, None, None, None ], False) mergeimp.title = "filtered" RGBStackConverter.convertToRGB(mergeimp), dstpath)
imRed=IJ.openImage(rFn) imTL=IJ.openImage(tlFn) # # # # stack=ij.ImageStack(imRed.width, imRed.height) # stack.addSlice("red", imRed.getProcessor()) # stack.addSlice("green", imGreen.getProcessor()) # stack.addSlice("tl", imTL.getProcessor()) # imstack=ij.ImagePlus("Stack", stack) imMerge=RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels([imRed, imGreen, None, imTL], True) #The merged image is a composite with three seperate channels. For now, we just want to convert the thing to RGB and save it out. RGBStackConverter.convertToRGB(imMerge) saveFn=os.path.join(analysisPath, tlFn[-9:-7], 'Merge.jpg' if stack==None: stack=Stack("MergedChannels", imMerge) else:fiji stack+=imMerge FileSaver(imMerge).saveAsJpeg(saveFn)
def processFile(): # start logging IJ.log("\n______________________________\n\n\t\tOlympus DM correction\n\t\tVersion " + pluginVersion +"\n______________________________\n") # ask user for file ofd = OpenDialog("Choose a file", None) filename = ofd.getFileName() if filename is None: IJ.log("User canceled the dialog!\nImage processing canceled!\n") return directory = ofd.getDirectory() filepath = directory + filename IJ.log("File path: " + filepath) if not filename.endswith(".oir"): IJ.log("Not an Olympus (.oir) file.\nNo image to process.\n") return filenameExExt = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] # parse metadata reader = ImageReader() omeMeta = MetadataTools.createOMEXMLMetadata() reader.setMetadataStore(omeMeta) reader.setId(filepath) numChannels = reader.getSizeC() numSlices = reader.getSizeZ() numFrames = reader.getSizeT() seriesCount = reader.getSeriesCount() globalMetadata = reader.getGlobalMetadata() seriesMetadata = reader.getSeriesMetadata() objLensName = globalMetadata['- Objective Lens name #1'] areaRotation = float(seriesMetadata['area rotation #1']) acquisitionValueRotation = float(seriesMetadata['acquisitionValue rotation #1']) if 'regionInfo rotation #1' in seriesMetadata: regionInfoRotation = float(seriesMetadata['regionInfo rotation #1']) else: regionInfoRotation = float(0) totalRotation = areaRotation + regionInfoRotation physSizeX = omeMeta.getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(0) physSizeY = omeMeta.getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(0) pxSizeX = physSizeX.value(UNITS.MICROM) pxSizeY = physSizeY.value(UNITS.MICROM) # log metadata IJ.log("\nMETADATA") #IJ.log("Filename: " + filepath) IJ.log("Number of series: " + str(seriesCount)) IJ.log("Number of channels: " + str(numChannels)) IJ.log("Number of frames: " + str(numFrames)) IJ.log("Number of slices: " + str(numSlices)) IJ.log("Objective lens: " + objLensName) IJ.log("FOV rotation: " + str(areaRotation)) IJ.log("ROI rotation: " + str(regionInfoRotation)) IJ.log("Total rotation: " + str(totalRotation)) IJ.log("Pixel size:") IJ.log("\t\tX = " + str(physSizeX.value()) + " " + physSizeX.unit().getSymbol()) IJ.log("\t\tY = " + str(physSizeY.value()) + " " + physSizeY.unit().getSymbol()) # ask user to identify dichroic mirror used for each channel gdDM = GenericDialog("Dichroic mirrors") DMs = ["DM1", "DM2", "DM3", "DM4", "DM5"] for i in range(numChannels): gdDM.addChoice("Channel " + str(i+1), DMs, DMs[0]) gdDM.addCheckbox("Merge channels", False) gdDM.showDialog() if gdDM.wasCanceled(): IJ.log("User canceled the dialog!\nImage processing canceled!\n") return dichroics = [] for i in range(numChannels): dichroics.append(gdDM.getNextChoice()) merge = gdDM.getNextBoolean() IJ.log("\nUser selected dichroic mirrors") for i in range(numChannels): IJ.log("\t\tChannel " + str(i+1) + ": " + dichroics[i]) if merge: channels = [] chDict = {} for i in range(numChannels): chName = "Channel"+str(i+1) channels.append(chName) chDict[chName] = i channels.append("NONE") colourChoices = ["red", "green", "blue", "gray", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow"] gdMerge = GenericDialog("Merge channels") for c in colourChoices: gdMerge.addChoice(c + ":", channels, channels[numChannels]) gdMerge.showDialog() if gdMerge.wasCanceled(): IJ.log("User canceled the dialog!\nImage processing canceled!\n") return IJ.log("\nUser selected channel colours") mergeList = [] for i in range(len(colourChoices)): ch = gdMerge.getNextChoice() if ch == "NONE": mergeList.append(None) else: mergeList.append(chDict[ch]) IJ.log("\t\t" + colourChoices[i] + ": " + ch) # ask user for an output directory dc = DirectoryChooser("Choose folder for output") od = dc.getDirectory() if od is None: IJ.log("User canceled the dialog!\nImage processing canceled!\n") return if merge: tifDir = od + "." + str(" ", "").replace(":", "") + "/" if not os.path.exists(tifDir): os.makedirs(tifDir) IJ.log("\nCreated temporary folder: " + tifDir + "\n") else: IJ.log("Unable to create temporary folder!\n") else: tifDir = od + filenameExExt + "/" if not os.path.exists(tifDir): os.makedirs(tifDir) IJ.log("\nCreated subfolder: " + tifDir + "\n") else: IJ.log("\nSubfolder " + tifDir + " already exists") # correct images tifFilePaths = [] for i in range(numChannels): ip = extractChannel(oirFile=filepath, ch=i) if dichroics[i] == "DM1": IJ.log("Channel " + str(i+1) + " was imaged using DM1, so no correction required.") else: offsets = getOffset(obj=objLensName,dm=dichroicDict[dichroics[i]]) xom = offsets['x'] yom = offsets['y'] if abs(totalRotation) > 0.1: rotOff = rotateOffset(x=xom, y=yom, angle=-totalRotation) xom = rotOff['x'] yom = rotOff['y'] xop = int(round(xom/pxSizeX)) yop = int(round(yom/pxSizeY)) IJ.log("Channel " + str(i+1) + " offsets") IJ.log("\t\tMicrometres") IJ.log("\t\t\t\tx = " + str(xom)) IJ.log("\t\t\t\ty = " + str(yom)) IJ.log("\t\tPixels") IJ.log("\t\t\t\tx = " + str(xop)) IJ.log("\t\t\t\ty = " + str(yop)), "Translate...", "x=" + str(-xop) + " y=" + str(-yop) + " interpolation=None stack") tifFilePath = tifDir + filenameExExt + "_ch_"+str(i+1)+".tif" tifFilePaths.append(tifFilePath) if os.path.exists(tifFilePath): IJ.log("\nOutput file exists: " + tifFilePath) IJ.log("Rerun plugin choosing a different output folder") IJ.log("or delete file and then rerun plugin.") IJ.log("Image processing terminated!\n") return FileSaver(ip).saveAsTiff(tifFilePath) if merge: for i in range(len(mergeList)): if mergeList[i] != None: mergeList[i] = readSingleChannelImg(tifFilePaths[mergeList[i]]) merged = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(mergeList, False) mergedChannelFilepath = od + filenameExExt + ".tif" if os.path.exists(mergedChannelFilepath): IJ.log("\nOutput file exists: " + mergedChannelFilepath) IJ.log("Rerun plugin choosing a different output folder") IJ.log("or delete file and then rerun plugin.") IJ.log("Image processing terminated!\n") FileSaver(merged).saveAsTiff(mergedChannelFilepath) for tf in tifFilePaths: os.remove(tf) os.rmdir(tifDir) IJ.log("\nFinished processing file:\n" + filepath + "\n") if merge: IJ.log("Image file with channels aligned:\n" + od + filenameExExt + ".tif\n") else: IJ.log("Aligned images (one tiff file for each channel) can be found in:\n" + tifDir + "\n")
def processFile(filename, inDir, outDir, dichroics, mergeList): if mergeList is None: merge = False else: merge = True filenameExExt = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] filepath = inDir + filename # parse metadata reader = ImageReader() omeMeta = MetadataTools.createOMEXMLMetadata() reader.setMetadataStore(omeMeta) reader.setId(filepath) numChannels = reader.getSizeC() numSlices = reader.getSizeZ() numFrames = reader.getSizeT() seriesCount = reader.getSeriesCount() globalMetadata = reader.getGlobalMetadata() seriesMetadata = reader.getSeriesMetadata() objLensName = globalMetadata['- Objective Lens name #1'] areaRotation = float(seriesMetadata['area rotation #1']) acquisitionValueRotation = float(seriesMetadata['acquisitionValue rotation #1']) if 'regionInfo rotation #1' in seriesMetadata: regionInfoRotation = float(seriesMetadata['regionInfo rotation #1']) else: regionInfoRotation = float(0) totalRotation = areaRotation + regionInfoRotation physSizeX = omeMeta.getPixelsPhysicalSizeX(0) physSizeY = omeMeta.getPixelsPhysicalSizeY(0) pxSizeX = physSizeX.value(UNITS.MICROM) pxSizeY = physSizeY.value(UNITS.MICROM) # log metadata IJ.log("\nMETADATA") #IJ.log("Filename: " + filepath) IJ.log("Number of series: " + str(seriesCount)) IJ.log("Number of channels: " + str(numChannels)) IJ.log("Number of frames: " + str(numFrames)) IJ.log("Number of slices: " + str(numSlices)) IJ.log("Objective lens: " + objLensName) IJ.log("FOV rotation: " + str(areaRotation)) IJ.log("ROI rotation: " + str(regionInfoRotation)) IJ.log("Total rotation: " + str(totalRotation)) IJ.log("Pixel size:") IJ.log("\t\tX = " + str(physSizeX.value()) + " " + physSizeX.unit().getSymbol()) IJ.log("\t\tY = " + str(physSizeY.value()) + " " + physSizeY.unit().getSymbol()) if merge: tifDir = outDir + "." + str(" ", "").replace(":", "") + "/" if not os.path.exists(tifDir): os.makedirs(tifDir) IJ.log("\nCreated temporary folder: " + tifDir + "\n") else: IJ.log("Unable to create temporary folder!\n") else: tifDir = outDir + filenameExExt + "/" if not os.path.exists(tifDir): os.makedirs(tifDir) IJ.log("\nCreated subfolder: " + tifDir + "\n") else: IJ.log("\nSubfolder " + tifDir + " already exists.\n") # correct images tifFilePaths = [] for i in range(numChannels): ip = extractChannel(oirFile=filepath, ch=i) if dichroics[i] == "DM1": IJ.log("Channel " + str(i+1) + " was imaged using DM1, so no correction required.") else: offsets = getOffset(obj=objLensName,dm=dichroicDict[dichroics[i]]) xom = offsets['x'] yom = offsets['y'] if abs(totalRotation) > 0.1: rotOff = rotateOffset(x=xom, y=yom, angle=-totalRotation) xom = rotOff['x'] yom = rotOff['y'] xop = int(round(xom/pxSizeX)) yop = int(round(yom/pxSizeY)) IJ.log("Channel " + str(i+1) + " offsets") IJ.log("\t\tMicrometres") IJ.log("\t\t\t\tx = " + str(xom)) IJ.log("\t\t\t\ty = " + str(yom)) IJ.log("\t\tPixels") IJ.log("\t\t\t\tx = " + str(xop)) IJ.log("\t\t\t\ty = " + str(yop)), "Translate...", "x=" + str(-xop) + " y=" + str(-yop) + " interpolation=None stack") tifFilePath = tifDir + filenameExExt + "_ch_"+str(i+1)+".tif" tifFilePaths.append(tifFilePath) if os.path.exists(tifFilePath): IJ.log("\nOutput file exists: " + tifFilePath) IJ.log("Rerun plugin choosing a different output folder") IJ.log("or delete file and then rerun plugin.") IJ.log("Image processing terminated!\n") return FileSaver(ip).saveAsTiff(tifFilePath) if merge: max_list = [] for i in range(len(mergeList)): if mergeList[i] != None: mergeList[i] = readSingleChannelImg(tifFilePaths[mergeList[i]]) channel = mergeList[i]# projector = ZProjector(channel) projector.setMethod(ZProjector.MAX_METHOD) projector.doProjection() max_list.append(projector.getProjection()) merged = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(mergeList, False) merged_max = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(max_list, False) mergedChannelFilepath = outDir + filenameExExt + ".tif" maxMergedChannelFilepath = outDir + filenameExExt + "_max.tif" if os.path.exists(mergedChannelFilepath): IJ.log("\nOutput file exists: " + mergedChannelFilepath) IJ.log("Rerun plugin choosing a different output folder") IJ.log("or delete file and then rerun plugin.") IJ.log("Image processing terminated!\n") FileSaver(merged).saveAsTiff(mergedChannelFilepath) FileSaver(merged_max).saveAsTiff(maxMergedChannelFilepath) for tf in tifFilePaths: os.remove(tf) os.rmdir(tifDir) IJ.log("\nFinished processing file:\n" + filepath + "\n") if merge: IJ.log("Image file with channels aligned:\n" + outDir + filenameExExt + ".tif\n") else: IJ.log("Aligned images (one tiff file for each channel) can be found in:\n" + tifDir + "\n")
def do_tubefitting(im_path=im_test_path, metadata_path=metadata_test_path, output_path=output_path, save_output=False): # todo: fix things so that all operations use a consistent definition of background rather than changing Prefs on the fly... Prefs.blackBackground = False info = PrescreenInfo() info.load_info_from_json(metadata_path) z_xy_ratio = abs( info.get_z_plane_spacing_um()) / info.get_xy_pixel_size_um() #z_xy_ratio = 1.0; bfimp = bf.openImagePlus(im_path) imp = bfimp[0], "Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel") imp = utils.downsample_for_isotropy(imp, extra_downsample_factor=1.0, info=info) rot_seg_imp, rot_proj_imp, egfp_mch_imps = split_and_rotate(imp, info) depth = rot_seg_imp.getNSlices() if rot_seg_imp.getNSlices( ) > rot_seg_imp.getNFrames() else rot_seg_imp.getNFrames() width = rot_seg_imp.getWidth() height = int(round(rot_seg_imp.getHeight() * z_xy_ratio)) # Apply 3d MEDIAN FILTER to denoise and emphasise vessel-associated voxels fit_basis_imp = threshold_and_binarise(rot_seg_imp, z_xy_ratio) fit_basis_imp.setTitle("fit_basis_imp") # plane-wise, use binary-outline # say the non-zero points then make up basis for fitting to be performed per rois = [] centres = [] major_axes = [] roi_imp = IJ.createImage("rois", width, height, depth, 32) pts_stack = ImageStack(width, height + 1), "Line Width...", "line=3") for zidx in range(fit_basis_imp.getNSlices()): fit_basis_imp.setZ(zidx + 1), "Outline", "slice"), "Create Selection", "") roi = fit_basis_imp.getRoi() fit_basis_imp.killRoi() pts = [(pt.x, pt.y) for pt in roi.getContainedPoints()] clean_pts = convex_hull_pts(pts) clean_pts = [(x, z_xy_ratio * y) for (x, y) in clean_pts] # make a stack of clean points... ip = FloatProcessor(width, height + 1) pix = ip.getPixels() for pt in clean_pts: pix[int(pt[1]) * width + int(pt[0])] = 128 pts_stack.addSlice(ip) centre, angle, axl = ellipse_fitting.fit_ellipse(clean_pts) major_axes.append(max(axl)) centres.append(centre) rot_seg_imp.setZ(zidx + 1) ellipse_roi = ellipse_fitting.generate_ellipse_roi(centre, angle, axl) rois.append(ellipse_roi), "Line Width...", "line=1") cal = imp.getCalibration() smooth_centres, tangent_vecs = generate_smoothed_vessel_axis( centres, pixel_size_um=cal.pixelDepth) for zidx in range(fit_basis_imp.getNSlices()): centre = smooth_centres[zidx] major_axis = major_axes[zidx] ellipse_roi = EllipseRoi(centre[0] - 2, centre[1], centre[0] + 2, centre[1], 1.0) roi_imp.setZ(zidx + 1) roi_imp.setRoi(ellipse_roi), "Set...", "value=" + str(roi_imp.getProcessor().maxValue()) + " slice") pts_stack_imp = ImagePlus("Cleaned points", pts_stack) pts_stack_imp.setTitle("pts_stack_imp") rot_seg_imp.changes = False rot_seg_imp.close() egfp_imp = egfp_mch_imps[0] mch_imp = egfp_mch_imps[1] imps_to_combine = [egfp_mch_imps[1], egfp_mch_imps[0], roi_imp] print("box height um = " + str(roi_imp.getNSlices() * info.get_xy_pixel_size_um())) egfp_imp, "Size...", "width=" + str(width) + " height=" + str(height) + " depth=" + str(depth) + " average interpolation=Bilinear") mch_imp, "Size...", "width=" + str(width) + " height=" + str(height) + " depth=" + str(depth) + " average interpolation=Bilinear")"Merge Channels...", "c1=[" + mch_imp.getTitle() + # "] c2=[" + egfp_imp.getTitle() + # "] c7=[" + roi_imp.getTitle() + "] create keep"); composite_imp = RGBStackMerge().mergeChannels(imps_to_combine, False) print(composite_imp) print("end of vessel centerline id step, image dims = ({}x{}x{})".format( composite_imp.getWidth(), composite_imp.getHeight(), composite_imp.getNSlices())) WaitForUserDialog("pause").show() # do qc here? #WM.getImage("Composite").addImageListener(UpdateRoiImageListener(rois));, "8-bit", "") if save_output: FileSaver(composite_imp).saveAsTiffStack( os.path.join(output_path, "segmentation result.tif")) print(roi_imp) FileSaver(roi_imp).saveAsTiff( os.path.join(output_path, "vessel axis.tif")) egfp_imp.changes = False mch_imp.changes = False roi_imp.changes = False fit_basis_imp.changes = False pts_stack_imp.changes = False egfp_imp.close() mch_imp.close() #roi_imp.close(); fit_basis_imp.close() pts_stack_imp.close() zcoords = [i for i in range(composite_imp.getNSlices())] xyz_smooth_centres = [(x, y, z) for ((x, y), z) in zip(smooth_centres, zcoords)] composite_imp2 = straighten_vessel(composite_imp, xyz_smooth_centres, save_output=True) composite_imp3 = straighten_vessel(composite_imp2, xyz_smooth_centres, it=2, save_output=True) return composite_imp3
def processImage(filename): # many zeiss images have a pyramid format. In order to speed up the evaluation, we chose only the second highest resolution (=series_2). # depending on your computer/workstation this parameter can be optimized (i.e. chose series_1 if you have a fast computer or series_3 for slow ones) "Bio-Formats", "open=" + filename + " color_mode=Composite rois_import=[ROI manager] view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT series_2" ) imp = IJ.getImage() if (not entertain): # preparing memory for saving the results original1 = NewImage.createFloatImage("Original 1", imp.getWidth() / tileSize + 1, imp.getHeight() / tileSize + 1, 1, NewImage.FILL_BLACK) original1Map = original1.getProcessor() original2 = NewImage.createFloatImage("Original 2", imp.getWidth() / tileSize + 1, imp.getHeight() / tileSize + 1, 1, NewImage.FILL_BLACK) original2Map = original2.getProcessor() spotCount1 = NewImage.createFloatImage("Spot count 1", imp.getWidth() / tileSize + 1, imp.getHeight() / tileSize + 1, 1, NewImage.FILL_BLACK) spotCount1Map = spotCount1.getProcessor() spotCount2 = NewImage.createFloatImage("Spot count 2", imp.getWidth() / tileSize + 1, imp.getHeight() / tileSize + 1, 1, NewImage.FILL_BLACK) spotCount2Map = spotCount2.getProcessor() ratio = NewImage.createFloatImage("Ratio", imp.getWidth() / tileSize + 1, imp.getHeight() / tileSize + 1, 1, NewImage.FILL_BLACK) ratioMap = ratio.getProcessor() if (entertain): # go through all tiles for x in range(0, ratioMap.getWidth() - 1): for y in range(0, ratioMap.getHeight() - 1): # crop out the tile from the original images imp.setRoi(Roi(x * tileSize, y * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize)) channel1 = Duplicator().run(imp, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) channel2 = Duplicator().run(imp, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1) # spot detection spots1 = detectSpots(channel1, spotDetection_GaussianBlur_sigma_GFP, spotDetection_findMaxima_noise_GFP) spots2 = detectSpots(channel2, spotDetection_GaussianBlur_sigma_DAPI, spotDetection_findMaxima_noise_DAPI) # pixel statistics statistics1 = channel1.getStatistics() statistics2 = channel2.getStatistics() # calculate ratio if spots were found s1 = 0 s2 = 0 r = 0 if (spots1 is not None and spots2 is not None): fp1 = spots1.getFloatPolygon() fp2 = spots2.getFloatPolygon() s1 = fp1.npoints s2 = fp2.npoints if (s2 > cutOff_DAPI and s1 > cutOff_GFP): r = 1.0 * s1 / s2 # fill result memory original1Map.setf(x, y, statistics1.mean) original2Map.setf(x, y, statistics2.mean) spotCount1Map.setf(x, y, s1) spotCount2Map.setf(x, y, s2) ratioMap.setf(x, y, r) if (entertain): # show current result image ratio.updateAndDraw(), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") # put all results image channels together to one image images = [] images.append(original1) images.append(original2) images.append(spotCount1) images.append(spotCount2) images.append(ratio) resultMap = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(images, False) # fix pixel size # factor is multiplied by 2 because ImageJ seems to have a problem when using .czi file series of lower resolution (i.e. series_2); please check for individual cases! factor = (imp.getWidth() / resultMap.getWidth()) * 2 resultMap, "Properties...", "channels=5 slices=1 frames=1 unit=" + imp.getCalibration().getUnit() + " pixel_width=" + str(imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth * factor) + " pixel_height=" + str(imp.getCalibration().pixelHeight * factor) + " voxel_depth=1.0000") ratio, "Properties...", "channels=1 slices=1 frames=1 unit=" + imp.getCalibration().getUnit() + " pixel_width=" + str(imp.getCalibration().pixelWidth * factor) + " pixel_height=" + str(imp.getCalibration().pixelHeight * factor) + " voxel_depth=1.0000") # visualisation resultMap.setC(1), "Green", ""), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") resultMap.setC(2), "Blue", ""), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") resultMap.setC(3), "mpl-inferno", ""), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") resultMap.setC(4), "mpl-inferno", ""), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") resultMap.setC(5), "mpl-inferno", "") IJ.resetMinAndMax(resultMap) resultMap.setDisplayMode(IJ.COLOR), "mpl-inferno", "") IJ.setMinAndMax(ratio, 0, 1) # save result IJ.saveAsTiff(resultMap, filename + "_suitable-name_map.tif") IJ.saveAsTiff(ratio, filename + "_suitable-name_ratio.tif")"Close All", "")
thr1, thrimp1 = calculateThreshold(imp1, roi, methods[0]) thr2, thrimp2 = calculateThreshold(imp2, roi, methods[1]) cursor = TwinCursor(img1.randomAccess(), img2.randomAccess(), Views.iterable(mask).localizingCursor()) rtype = img1.randomAccess().get().createVariable() raw = manders.calculateMandersCorrelation(cursor, rtype) rthr1 = rtype.copy() rthr2 = rtype.copy() rthr1.set(thr1) rthr2.set(thr2) cursor.reset() thrd = manders.calculateMandersCorrelation(cursor, rthr1, rthr2, ThresholdMode.Above) print "Results are: %f %f %f %f" % (raw.m1, raw.m2, thrd.m1, thrd.m2) results.incrementCounter() rowno = results.getCounter() - 1 results.setValue("Cell", rowno, int(rowno)) results.setValue("Threshold 1", rowno, int(thr1)) results.setValue("Threshold 2", rowno, int(thr2)) results.setValue("M1 raw", rowno, float(raw.m1)) results.setValue("M2 raw", rowno, float(raw.m2)) results.setValue("M1 thrd", rowno, float(thrd.m1)) results.setValue("M2 thrd", rowno, float(thrd.m2)) thrimp = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels([thrimp1, thrimp2], False) saver = FileSaver(thrimp) saver.saveAsTiffStack(outputDir + "Cell_%i-" % results.getCounter() + title + ".tif") thrimp.close()"Colocalization results")
def batch_open_images(pathImage, pathMask, file_typeImage=None, name_filterImage=None, recursive=False): '''Open all files in the given folder. :param path: The path from were to open the images. String and are allowed. :param file_type: Only accept files with the given extension (default: None). :param name_filter: Reject files that contain the given string (default: wild characters). :param recursive: Process directories recursively (default: False). ''' # Converting a File object to a string. if isinstance(pathImage, File): pathImage = pathImage.getAbsolutePath() def check_type(string): '''This function is used to check the file type. It is possible to use a single string or a list/tuple of strings as filter. This function can access the variables of the surrounding function. :param string: The filename to perform the check on. ''' if file_typeImage: # The first branch is used if file_type is a list or a tuple. if isinstance(file_typeImage, (list, tuple)): for file_type_ in file_typeImage: if string.endswith(file_type_): # Exit the function with True. return True else: # Next iteration of the for loop. continue # The second branch is used if file_type is a string. elif isinstance(file_typeImage, string): if string.endswith(file_typeImage): return True else: return False return False # Accept all files if file_type is None. else: return True def check_filter(string): '''This function is used to check for a given filter. It is possible to use a single string or a list/tuple of strings as filter. This function can access the variables of the surrounding function. :param string: The filename to perform the filtering on. ''' if name_filterImage: # The first branch is used if name_filter is a list or a tuple. if isinstance(name_filterImage, (list, tuple)): for name_filter_ in name_filterImage: if name_filter_ in string: # Exit the function with True. return True else: # Next iteration of the for loop. continue # The second branch is used if name_filter is a string. elif isinstance(name_filterImage, string): if name_filterImage in string: return True else: return False return False else: # Accept all files if name_filter is None. return True # We collect all files to open in a list. path_to_Image = [] # Replacing some abbreviations (e.g. $HOME on Linux). path = os.path.expanduser(pathImage) path = os.path.expandvars(pathImage) # If we don't want a recursive search, we can use os.listdir(). if not recursive: for file_name in os.listdir(pathImage): full_path = os.path.join(pathImage, file_name) if os.path.isfile(full_path): if check_type(file_name): if check_filter(file_name): path_to_Image.append(full_path) # For a recursive search os.walk() is used. else: # os.walk() is iterable. # Each iteration of the for loop processes a different directory. # the first return value represents the current directory. # The second return value is a list of included directories. # The third return value is a list of included files. for directory, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(pathImage): # We are only interested in files. for file_name in file_names: # The list contains only the file names. # The full path needs to be reconstructed. full_path = os.path.join(directory, file_name) # Both checks are performed to filter the files. if check_type(file_name): if check_filter(file_name) is False: # Add the file to the list of images to open. path_to_Image.append([ full_path, os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(full_path)[0]) ]) # Create the list that will be returned by this function. Images = [] Masks = [] for img_path, file_name in path_to_Image: # IJ.openImage() returns an ImagePlus object or None. imp = IJ.openImage(img_path)"8-bit") print(img_path) if check_filter(file_name): continue else: # An object equals True and None equals False. MaskName = str(pathMask) + '/' + "Mask" + file_name + '.tif' Mask = IJ.openImage(MaskName)"8-bit")"Find Edges") IJ.selectWindow(file_name + ".tif") IJ.selectWindow("Mask" + file_name + ".tif") Mask.changes = False imp.changes = False impResult = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels([imp, Mask], False) IJ.saveAs(impResult, '.tif', str(pathMask) + "/" + file_name) imp.close() Mask.close() #print(img_path, RoiName) Images.append(imp) return Images
# overwrite EM stack with transformed EM image fs = FileSaver(EM) fs.saveAsTiff(saveEMfilepath) # open EM image as ImagePlus for merging channel EM = ImagePlus(saveEMfilepath) # split rLM image in different channels saverLMpath = os.path.join(transformation_output, "rLM.tif") rLM = IJ.openImage(saverLMpath) R, G, B = ChannelSplitter.split(rLM) # Merge channels overlay = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels( [None, None, B, EM, None, None, None], True) # Change R,G, B if the chromatin channel is a different one. # If you want a different color for the chromatin in the overlay image, change the position of the letter R,G,B, # e.g. [B, None, None, EM, None, None, None] for displaying chromatin in the red channel. RGBStackConverter.convertToRGB(overlay) # save overlay saveoverlaypath = os.path.join(workdir, "overlay_EM_Chromatin.tif") fs = FileSaver(overlay) fs.saveAsTiff(saveoverlaypath) print("(----- )overlay EM and rLM image done") ############################################ clean up # copy important files into the working directory
def saveMultichannelImage(self, title, channels, luts): tmp = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(channels, False) tmp.luts = luts saver = FileSaver(tmp) saver.saveAsTiffStack(self.outputDir + title + ".tif") tmp.close()
---------- --- ---------------------------------------------------- 2019-06-16 JRM Initial adaptation. Use the GIT_HOME environment variable to get the start of the path """ import os from ij import IJ, ImagePlus from ij.plugin import RGBStackMerge, RGBStackConverter # use a path relative to the GIT_HOME environment variable git_home = os.getenv("GIT_HOME") print(git_home) # start clean"Close All") # Load the R, G, and B color separation images. These were created # using impc1 = ImagePlus(git_home + "/tips/ImageJ/tif/mandrill_256_red.tif") impc2 = ImagePlus(git_home + "/tips/ImageJ/tif/mandrill_256_green.tif") impc3 = ImagePlus(git_home + "/tips/ImageJ/tif/mandrill_256_blue.tif") # merge my three images imp_merge = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels([impc1, impc2, impc3], True) # convert the composite image to the RGB image RGBStackConverter.convertToRGB(imp_merge)
IJ.setThreshold(green_coloc,summary["Green" + "-threshold-used"], 255);, "Convert to Mask", ""); pa_green.analyze(green_coloc) # rt4 = ResultsTable() ta_coloc2=Analyzer(green_coloc,Measurements.INTEGRATED_DENSITY ,rt4); ta_coloc2.measure(); greenIntensity=(rt4.getColumnAsDoubles(rt4.getColumnIndex("IntDen")))[0]; ic_coloc =ImageCalculator();"Multiply create",red_coloc,green_coloc); rt5 = ResultsTable() ta_coloc3=Analyzer(coloc_img,Measurements.INTEGRATED_DENSITY ,rt5); ta_coloc3.measure(); totalIntensity=(rt5.getColumnAsDoubles(rt5.getColumnIndex("IntDen")))[0]; rgb=RGBStackMerge(); composite=rgb.mergeChannels([red_coloc,green_coloc],False);; fs=FileSaver(composite); fs.saveAsJpeg(outputDirectory + '/' + "coloc_"+filename); composite.close(); if redIntensity == 0: summary["Red-Green-Coloc-%"]= "NaN" else: summary["Red-Green-Coloc-%"]= float (totalIntensity*100/redIntensity) if greenIntensity == 0: summary["Green-Green-Coloc-%"]= "NaN" else: summary["Green-Red-Coloc-%"]= float (totalIntensity*100/greenIntensity)
if gd.wasOKed(): amplifyChannel = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1 refChannel = gd.getNextChoiceIndex() + 1 ampFactor = gd.getNextNumber() doRemoveBleedthrough = gd.getNextBoolean() doCorrectRefraction = gd.getNextBoolean() chImages = ChannelSplitter.split(theImage) ## After this step, the image to operate on is "nextStepImage" if doRemoveBleedthrough: params = ("bleeding_channel=" + str(refChannel) + " bloodied_channel=" + str(amplifyChannel) + " " + "allowable_saturation_percent=1.0 rsquare_threshold=0.50")"Remove Bleedthrough (automatic)", params) unbledImage = WindowManager.getImage("Corrected_ch" + str(amplifyChannel)) mergingImages = [unbledImage,chImages[refChannel-1].duplicate()] nextStepImage = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(mergingImages,True) unbledImage.close() for img in mergingImages: img.close() else: mergingImages = [chImages[amplifyChannel-1].duplicate(),chImages[refChannel-1].duplicate()] nextStepImage = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(mergingImages,True) for img in mergingImages: img.close() for img in chImages: img.close() # theImage.close() ## After this step, the image to operate on is "next2StepImage"
def main(): DEBUG = False CN = [c.strip() for c in channel_names.split(",")] if DEBUG: imp1, imp2, imp3 = open_test() else: imp1, imp2, imp3 = open_msr(str(msr_fn)) msr_fn_base = os.path.basename(str(msr_fn)) signed2unsigned16(imp1) signed2unsigned16(imp2) signed2unsigned16(imp3) imp1.updateAndDraw() imp2.updateAndDraw() imp3.updateAndDraw(), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35"), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35"), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") cal = imp1.getCalibration() IMAGE_AREA_UM = cal.pixelWidth * imp1.getWidth() * cal.pixelHeight * imp1.getHeight() t1 = apply_mask(imp1, sigma, CN[0], is_auto_thresh) t2 = apply_mask(imp2, sigma, CN[1], is_auto_thresh) t3 = apply_mask(imp3, sigma, CN[2], is_auto_thresh) results = ResultsTable() results.setHeading(0, "Channel") results.setHeading(1, "Count") results.setHeading(2, "Surface area (um)") results.setHeading(3, "Surface area (%)") results.setHeading(4, "Surface signal") #results.setHeading(5, "Threshold used") def add_to_table(channel, c, a, s): results.incrementCounter() results.setValue(0, results.getCounter()-1, channel) results.addValue(1, c) results.addValue(2, a) results.addValue(3, 100 * a /IMAGE_AREA_UM) results.addValue(4, s) #results.setLabel(msr_fn_base, results.getCounter()-1) imp1_mask, c,a,s = analyze(imp1, min_area) add_to_table(CN[0], c, a, s) #results.addValue(4, t1) imp2_mask, c,a,s = analyze(imp2, min_area) add_to_table(CN[1], c, a,s) #results.addValue(4, t2) imp3_mask, c,a,s = analyze(imp3, min_area) add_to_table(CN[2], c, a,s) #results.addValue(4, t3) #, "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") #, "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") #, "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") imp_raw = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels([imp1, imp2, imp3], True) luts = list(imp_raw.getLuts()) imp_raw.setLuts([luts[2], luts[0], luts[1]] ) imp_raw.setTitle(msr_fn_base ) if save_raw: save_base_fn = os.path.splitext(str(msr_fn))[0], save_base_fn + ".tif"), "Convert to Mask", ""), "Convert to Mask", ""), "Convert to Mask", "") ic = ImageCalculator() imp12 ="Muliply create", imp1, imp2) imp13 ="Muliply create", imp1, imp3) imp23 ="Muliply create", imp2, imp3) imp123 ="Muliply create", imp12, imp3) imp12_mask, c,a,s = analyze(imp12, min_area) add_to_table("{}+{}".format(CN[0],CN[1]), c, a, -1) imp13_mask, c,a,s = analyze(imp13, min_area) add_to_table("{}+{}".format(CN[0],CN[2]), c, a, -1) imp23_mask,c,a,s = analyze(imp23, min_area) add_to_table("{}+{}".format(CN[1],CN[2]), c, a, -1) imp123_mask,c,a,s = analyze(imp123, min_area) add_to_table("{}+{}+{}".format(CN[0],CN[1], CN[2]), c, a, -1) title = "Coloco3surf {}".format(msr_fn_base) imp_merge = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels([imp1_mask, imp2_mask, imp3_mask, imp12_mask, imp13_mask, imp23_mask, imp123_mask], False) luts = list(imp_merge.getLuts()) imp_merge.setLuts([luts[2], luts[0], luts[1]] + luts[3:]) imp_merge.setTitle(title) if save_surf: save_base_fn = os.path.splitext(str(msr_fn))[0], save_base_fn + "_surfaces.tif") IJ.log("Done")
for f in image_list: if ( != None and int([0:3]) != 405): #Leave out DAPI wave_lengths.append(int([0:3])) break channel_no = len(wave_lengths) print 'Detected ' + str( channel_no) + ' channel(s) with wavelength(s) ' + str(wave_lengths) return wave_lengths, channel_no oc = OverlayCommands() rt = ResultsTable() measured = rt.getResultsTable() cs = ChannelSplitter() cm = RGBStackMerge() zp = ZProjector() zp.setMethod(ZProjector.AVG_METHOD)"Close All") #Find images and wavelengths imagelist = [ f for f in os.listdir(str(inputpath)) if (('.tif' in f.lower()) and ('thumb' not in f.lower())) ] wavelengths, nChannels = get_apical_channels(imagelist, 6) tm_wavelength = [x for x in wavelengths if not x == ref_wavelength][0] #Sort image files regexDetect = re.compile(
# for each channel. channels = {} for image_file in image_files: channel ='channel(\d+)_', image_file).group(1) if channel in channels: channels[channel] += 1 else: channels[channel] = 1 if len(channels) > 7: print 'Images with more than 7 channels are not currently supported by the Merge Channels operation.' sys.exit(1) # Open an image sequence for each channel. stacks = [] for channel in channels: num_frames = channels[channel]'Image Sequence...', 'open=%s file=channel%s sort' % (image_files[0], channel)) stack = IJ.getImage() stack.setTitle(channel) stack.setDimensions(1, 1, num_frames) # TODO Don't hardcode the number of slices stacks.append(stack) merged_image = RGBStackMerge().mergeChannels(stacks, False) merged_image.setTitle(dir_name) # TODO Alternatively, we could upload directly to OMERO. But that probably # would not work in headless mode., 'OME-TIFF...', 'save=%s.ome.tif compression=Uncompressed' % image_dir_path)
rt.setValue("Ch2_TotalIntensity", ct, stats.area * stats.mean) rt.setValue("Ch2_MeanIntensity", ct, stats.mean) rt.setValue("Ch3_TotalIntensity", ct, statsch3.area * statsch3.mean) rt.setValue("Ch3_meanIntensity", ct, statsch3.mean) ct += 1"Dot Intensity") #AREA, AREA_FRACTION, CENTER_OF_MASS, CENTROID, CIRCULARITY, ELLIPSE, FERET, #INTEGRATED_DENSITY, INVERT_Y, KURTOSIS, LABELS, LIMIT, MAX_STANDARDS, MEAN, #MEDIAN, MIN_MAX, MODE, PERIMETER, RECT, SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION, SHAPE_DESCRIPTORS, #SKEWNESS, SLICE, STACK_POSITION, STD_DEV # preparing merged stack with detected dots. merge = RGBStackMerge() #stacks = Array() #stacks[0] = imp2.getImageStack() #stacks[1] = imp.getImageStack() #imgconv = ImageConverter(imp) #imgconv.setDoScaling(True) #imgconv.convertToGray8(), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.02 use"), "8-bit", ""), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.02 use"), "8-bit", "") stacks = array(ImageStack, [imp2.getImageStack(), impch2.getImageStack(), impch3.getImageStack()]) impmerged = merge.createComposite(imp2.getWidth(), imp2.getHeight(), imp2.getStackSize(), stacks, True) impch1.changes = False
def cellSegmentation(srcDir, dstDir, currentDir, filename, keepDirectories): print "Processing:" # Opening the image print "Open image file", filename imp = IJ.openImage(os.path.join(currentDir, dstDir)) # Put your processing commands here! localinput=srcDir.replace("/", "\\") saveDir = localinput.replace(srcDir, dstDir) string="." dotIndex=filename.find(string) localfile= filename[0:dotIndex] print(localfile)"New... ", "name="+f+" type=Table") print(f,"\\Headings:Cell\tarea\tCirc\tAR\tRoundness\tMaximum")"Bio-Formats", "open=[" + localinput + os.path.sep + filename +"] autoscale color_mode=Default rois_import=[ROI manager] view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT") idd= WM.getIDList(); imageID= idd[0];"Clear Results") WM.getImage(imageID)"Duplicate...", "duplicate channels="+str(x)+"") #Nucleus channel #took away x"Z Project...", "projection=[Standard Deviation]");#picture for frame detection"8-bit");"Duplicate...", "title=IMAGE");#frame"Duplicate...", "title=SUBTRACT");#Background subtraction mask (for frame and watershed) imp=IJ.getImage() pixelWidth=imp.getWidth() pixelWidth=pixelWidth/1647.89 pixelHeight= imp.getHeight() #create subtraction mask, applying constraining maximum (step I) IJ.selectWindow("SUBTRACT") nResults=imp.getStatistics() row = nResults rt_exist = WM.getWindow("Results") if rt_exist==None: rt= ResultsTable() else: rt = rt_exist.getTextPanel().getOrCreateResultsTable() rt.setValue("Max ", 0, row.max) #text file"Results") u=math.floor(row.mean*3)"Max...","value="+str(u)) #constraining maximum of 3-fold mean to reduce effect of extreme values during subtraction #gaussian blurring (step II)"Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=100 scaled") #blurring for subtraction mask IJ.selectWindow("IMAGE") pxrollrad = cellradius/pixelWidth; #rolling ball radius in pixels needed (= predefined cell radius[µm]/pixelsize[µm/px])"Subtract Background...", "rolling="+str(pxrollrad)+"")"Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=2 scaled") #reduces punctate character of grayscale image ' IM=IJ.selectWindow("IMAGE") SUB=IJ.selectWindow("SUBTRACT") ic().run("SUBTRACT", IM, SUB) #just subtracts two images IJ.selectWindow("IMAGE") #see how to call"Duplicate...", "title=AND")#watershed"Duplicate...", "title=CHECK")#for checking if maxima exist within selection later #Apply threshold to get binary image of cell borders (step IV) IJ.selectWindow("IMAGE") imp = IJ.getImage() # the current image imp.getProcessor().setThreshold(1, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE)"Subtract Background...","...")"Convert to Mask", "method=Default background=Dark only black")"Fill Holes") #Create watershed line image (step V) IJ.selectWindow("AND")"Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=2 scaled") imp=IJ.getImage() pixelWidth=imp.getWidth() pixelWidth=pixelWidth/1647.89 pixelHeight= imp.getHeight() # Saving the image nResults=imp.getStatistics() row = nResults rt.setValue("Max ", 1, row.max) #text file nBins = 256 Hist = HistogramWindow("Histogram",imp,nBins) Table = Hist.getResultsTable() Counts = Table.getColumn(1) #mean gray value of pixels belonging to cells needed (i.e. mean of ONLY non-zero pixel) Sum = 0 #all counts CV = 0 #weighed counts (= counts * intensity) for i in range(0, len(Counts)): #starting with 1 instead of 0. -> 0 intensity values are not considered. Sum += Counts[i] CV += Counts[i]*i m = (CV/Sum) m=math.floor(m) l = math.floor(2*m) #Maxima need to be at least twice the intensity of cellular mean intensity"Find Maxima...", "noise="+str(l)+" output=[Segmented Particles] exclude") #watershedding #Combine watershed lines and cell frame (step VI) IJ.selectWindow("IMAGE") imp=IJ.getImage() imp.getProcessor().setThreshold(1, 255, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE), "Watershed", "") #useful imp = IJ.getImage() ip = imp.getProcessor() segip = MaximumFinder().findMaxima( ip, 1, ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD, MaximumFinder.SEGMENTED , False, False) segip.invert() segimp = ImagePlus("seg", segip) mergeimp = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(array([segimp, None, None, imp, None, None, None], ImagePlus), True) pa_exist = WM.getWindow("Results for PA") if pa_exist==None: pa_rt= ResultsTable() else: pa_rt = pa_exist.getTextPanel().getOrCreateResultsTable() ParticleAnalyzer.setResultsTable(pa_rt)"Set Measurements...", "area mean perimeter shape decimal=3")"Analyze Particles...", "size=" + str(cellradius) + "-Infinity circularity=0.1-1.00 add"); #Cell bodies detected"Results for PA ") save_all(srcDir, dstDir, filename, localfile, keepDirectories, imageID)
if flat == True: for i in range(0, channels): imageProcessor = ShortProcessor(sx*4, sy*4) imageStack = ImageStack(sx*4, sy*4) for sphere in spheres: fnorm = int(round((sphere['f'][i] - fmin[i]) / (fmax[i] - fmin[i]) * 65536.0)) x = sphere['cx'] * 4 - sphere['r'] y = sphere['cy'] * 4 - sphere['r'] d = sphere['r'] * 2 imageProcessor.setValue(fnorm) imageProcessor.fillOval(x, y, d, d) imageStack.addSlice(imageProcessor) channelImages.append(ImagePlus("Rendering C" + "%i" % (i + 1), imageStack)) imageO = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(channelImages, False) elif pixels == True: for i in range(0, channels): imageProcessor = ShortProcessor(width, height) imageStack = ImageStack(width, height) for sphere in spheres: fnorm = int(round((sphere['f'][i] - fmin[i]) / (fmax[i] - fmin[i]) * 65536.0)) x = sphere['cx'] y = sphere['cy'] d = sphere['r'] * 2 imageProcessor.putPixel(x, y, fnorm) imageStack.addSlice(imageProcessor) channelImages.append(ImagePlus("Rendering C" + "%i" % (i + 1), imageStack)) imageO = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(channelImages, False) else:
for l in open(filetab): f = l.strip().split() out = f[0] ch1 = '%s/%s' %(path,f[1]) ch2 = '%s/%s' %(path,f[2]) print('%s: opening %s and %s' %(out,ch1,ch2)) ch1 = ij.IJ.openImage(ch1) conv = ImageConverter(ch1) conv.convertToGray16() # ch2 = ij.IJ.openImage(ch2) conv = ImageConverter(ch2) conv.convertToGray16() # # ch1.close() # ch2.close() mrg = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels([ch1, ch2], False) # mrgf = '%s/%s.merged.tiff' %(path,out) ij.IJ.saveAs(mrg,"Tiff",mrgf) mrg.close() opts = ImporterOptions() opts.setId(mrgf) opts.setColorMode(ImporterOptions.COLOR_MODE_COMPOSITE) bio = BF.openImagePlus(opts)[0] # ij.IJ.saveAs(bio.flatten(), "Tiff", '%s/%s.flat.tiff' %(path,out)) # bio.close() # while(True): continue
for image in moFileList: print "Processing cell " + + " (" + str(moFileList.index(image)+1) + "/" + str(len(moFileList)) + ")" IJ.log("Processing cell " + + " (" + str(moFileList.index(image)+1) + "/" + str(len(moFileList)) + ")") imp = Opener().openImage(path + # open Image #if imp.getBitDepth() != 8: # converting to 8 bit if # ImageConverter(imp).convertToGray8() roi = imp.roi imps = CS.split(imp) ppc = PPC() for aimp in imps: ppc.setImp(aimp) if roi != None: aimp.setRoi(roi) for n in range(1, aimp.getImageStackSize()+1): aimp.getImageStack().getProcessor(n).fillOutside(roi) aimp.killRoi() final = StackMerge.mergeChannels(imps, False) final.copyScale(imp) # copyscale from .copyscale if not pth.exists(saveFolder): makedirs(saveFolder) fileName = G_saveFilePrefix +'prefix') IJ.saveAs(final, ".tiff", pth.join(saveFolder, fileName) ) # saveAs(ImagePlus imp, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String path) print "Successfully saved", G_saveFilePrefix +'prefix') IJ.log("Successfully saved " + G_saveFilePrefix +'prefix') + ".tif") for win in WindowManager.getIDList(): imp = WindowManager.getImage(win) imp.close() print "Finished." IJ.log("Finished pre-processing.")
def analyse(imp, root, filename, thresholds): print "" print(imp.getTitle()) print "**********************************" channels=(1,2,3) backgrounds=thresholds #(175,0,275), "Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=1 stack"); impA = [] sumIntensities = [] sumIntensitiesBW = [] for iChannel in channels: # general issues: # - intensity decreases along z # measure total intensity # - bg subtraction? impc = extractChannel(imp, iChannel, 1) impbw = threshold(impc, thresholds[iChannel-1]) impcBGcorr = Duplicator().run(impc), "Subtract...", "value="+str(backgrounds[iChannel-1])+" stack"); sumIntensities.append(measureSumIntensity3D(impcBGcorr)) # measure number of pixels containing a signification signal # - what is good here for thresholding and preprocessing? #impbw = autoThreshold(impc, "Default") #impbw.setTitle("bw"+str(iChannel)) impA.append(impbw) sumIntensitiesBW.append(measureSumIntensity3D(impbw)/255) # measure how many pixels are above threshold in either of the images (2015-09-21) impbw = ImageCalculator().run("OR create stack", impA[0], impA[1]) impbw = ImageCalculator().run("OR create stack", impbw, impA[2]) impA.append(impbw) sumIntensitiesBW.append(measureSumIntensity3D(impbw)/255) # volume of pixels that are above threshold in either of the images sumIntensities.append(0.0) print "intensities,",str(sumIntensities)[1:-1] print "volumes,",str(sumIntensitiesBW)[1:-1] # normalise to the volume of the 2nd channel (which is the AF channel) (removed on 2015-09-21) #sumIntensitiesNorm = [x / sumIntensitiesBW[1] for x in sumIntensities] #sumIntensitiesBWNorm = [x / sumIntensitiesBW[1] for x in sumIntensitiesBW] # normalise to the volume of the 4th channel (which is the OR channel) (added on 2015-09-21) sumIntensitiesNorm = [x / sumIntensitiesBW[3] for x in sumIntensities] sumIntensitiesBWNorm = [x / sumIntensitiesBW[3] for x in sumIntensitiesBW] # print all the results without the brackets (that's why the 1:-1 and not :) print "intensities normalised,",str(sumIntensitiesNorm)[1:-1] print "volumes normalised,",str(sumIntensitiesBWNorm)[1:-1] print "thresholds,",str(thresholds)[1:-1] impMerge = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(array(impA, ImagePlus), False) impMerge.setDisplayMode(IJ.COLOR); impMerge.setC(1);, "Green", ""); impMerge.setC(2);, "Grays", ""); impMerge.setC(3);, "Blue", ""); impMerge.setC(4);, "Red", ""); IJ.saveAs(impMerge, "Tiff", os.path.join(root, filename + "--segmented.tif"));
import os print(folder) images = []; # load all images, collect them in a list for root, directories, filenames in os.walk(folder.getAbsolutePath()): filenames.sort(); for filename in filenames: print(filename) if (filename.endswith(".raw")):"Raw...", "open=[" + os.path.join(folder.getAbsolutePath(), filename) + "] image=[16-bit Signed] width=" + str(imageWidth) + " height=" + str(imageHeight) + " number=" + str(imageDepth) + " little-endian"); imp = IJ.getImage(); images.append(imp); imp.hide(); # merge all images as channels merged = RGBStackMerge.mergeChannels(images, False);; # switch channels and frames,"Re-order Hyperstack ...", "channels=[Frames (t)] slices=[Slices (z)] frames=[Channels (c)]"); merged = IJ.getImage() # fix Lookup table, "Grays", "");
z boolean c char b byte h short i int l long f float d double """ ja = jarray.array([0, 1, 2, 3], 'i') print(ja) """ What if you want to make a java array of a specific class? You could then name the class as the second argument. For example """ img_dir = git_home + "/tips/ImageJ/" imp_blobs_1 = IJ.openImage(""), "Red", "") imp_blobs_2 = imp_blobs_1.duplicate(), "Green", "") imp_blobs_3 = imp_blobs_1.duplicate(), "Blue", "") img_array = jarray.array([imp_blobs_1, imp_blobs_2, imp_blobs_3], ImagePlus) gray_stack = RGBStackMerge().mergeHyperstacks(img_array, True) gray_comp = RGBStackMerge().mergeChannels(img_array, False)