def open_image(username, password, host, server_port, group_id, image_id): command="location=[OMERO] open=[omero:" command+="server=%s\n" % server command+="user=%s\n" % username command+="port=%s\n" % server_port command+="pass=%s\n" % password if group_id > -1: command+="groupID=%s\n" % group_id command+="iid=%s] " % image_id command+="windowless=true " command+="splitWindows=false " command+="color_mode=Default view=[%s] stack_order=Default" % ImporterOptions.VIEW_HYPERSTACK print "Opening image: id", image_id IJ.runPlugIn("loci.plugins.LociImporter", command) imp = IJ.getImage() return imp
def openImagePlus(HOST,USERNAME,PASSWORD,groupId,imageId): options = "" options += "location=[OMERO] open=[omero:server=" options += HOST options += "\nuser="******"\npass="******"\ngroupID=" options += groupId options += "\niid=" options += imageId options += "]" options += " windowless=true " IJ.runPlugIn("loci.plugins.LociImporter", options);
def open_image_plus(host, username, password, group_id, image_id): options = "" options += "location=[OMERO] open=[omero:server=" options += host options += "\nuser="******"\npass="******"\ngroupID=" options += String.valueOf(group_id) options += "\niid=" options += String.valueOf(image_id) options += "]" options += " windowless=true " IJ.runPlugIn("loci.plugins.LociImporter", options)
def openImagePlus(HOST,USERNAME,PASSWORD,groupId,imageId): options = "" options += "location=[OMERO] open=[omero:server=" options += HOST options += "\nuser="******"\npass="******"\ngroupID=" options += str(groupId) options += "\niid=" options += imageId options += "]" options += " windowless=true " IJ.runPlugIn("loci.plugins.LociImporter", options);
from ij import IJ IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.BrowserLauncher", "");
from ij import IJ IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.BrowserLauncher", "")
from ij.gui import GenericDialog import sys from java.lang.System import getProperty sys.path.append(getProperty("fiji.dir") + "/plugins/CMTK_Registration") gd = GenericDialog('About CMTK') gd.addMessage('CMTK Registration suite is open source software released under GPLv3',) gd.addMessage('Currently installed CMTK version: '+cmtkgui.installed_version()) gd.addMessage('CMTK binary directory: '+cmtkgui.bin_dir()) gd.setCancelLabel("CMTK Web Page") gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): from ij import IJ IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.BrowserLauncher", "")
from ij import IJ IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.BrowserLauncher", "")
from ij import IJ IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.BrowserLauncher", "");
def process_imgdir( directory, close_after ) : print( 'Processing: ' + directory ) original_image_filename = directory + '/uniform.tif' probabilities_image_filename = directory + '/probabilities.tif' cube_rois_filename = directory + '/CubeROIs.csv' cubes = [] f = open(cube_rois_filename) lines = f.readlines() for line in lines[1:]: #els = [ int(el)-1 for el in line.strip().split(',') ] els = [ int(el) for el in line.strip().split(',') ] cubes += [ { 'idx': els[0], 'class': els[1], 'x1':min(els[2],els[5]), 'y1':min(els[3],els[6]), 'z1':min(els[4],els[7]), 'x2':max(els[5],els[2]), 'y2':max(els[6],els[3]), 'z2':max(els[4],els[7]) } ] f.close() print( 'Read ' + str(len(cubes)) + ' cubes from file' ) #for cube in cubes: #for cube_idx in range( len( cubes ) ): for cube_idx in [0]: cube = cubes[cube_idx] print( cube ) all_edt_histograms['name'] += [ directory.split( '/' )[-1] + '_' + str(cube_idx) ] all_skeleton_edt_histograms['name'] += [ directory.split( '/' )[-1] + '_' + str(cube_idx) ] cube_basename = directory + '/cube_' + str(cube_idx) + '_' # Check if we have a parameters file, and evaluate it if so, otherwise make one with defaults param_filename = cube_basename + '' # Make a default to start with no_params_set = False if not os.path.isfile( param_filename ): f = open( param_filename, 'w' ) f.write( 'mesh_thresh=200\n' ) f.write( 'interior_coords=[ (1,1,1) ]\n' ) f.close() no_params_set = True if os.path.isfile( param_filename ): f = open( param_filename ) lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if 'mesh_thresh' in line: mesh_thresh = eval(line.split('=')[1]) if 'interior_coords' in line: interior_coords = eval(line.split('=')[1]) load_uniform = True if load_uniform: #open uniform uniform = IJ.openImage( original_image_filename ) #crop uniform uniform.setRoi( cube['x1'], cube['y1'], cube['x2'], cube['y2'] ) uniform, "Crop", "") uniform, "Make Substack...", "slices=" + str(cube['z1']) + '-' + str(cube['z2']) ) uniform.close() uniform = IJ.getImage() IJ.saveAsTiff( uniform, cube_basename + 'raw.tif' ) #save max_projection of uniform, "Z Project...", "projection=[Max Intensity]") uniform_mp = IJ.getImage(), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") IJ.saveAsTiff( uniform_mp, cube_basename + 'raw_maxproj.tif' ) #open probabilites probabilities = IJ.openImage( probabilities_image_filename ) #crop probabilites probabilities.setRoi( cube['x1'], cube['y1'], cube['x2'], cube['y2'] ) probabilities, "Crop", "") probabilities, "Make Substack...", "slices=" + str(cube['z1']) + '-' + str(cube['z2']) ) time.sleep( 5 ) probabilities.close() probabilities = IJ.getImage() #IJ.saveAsTiff( probabilities, cube_basename + 'probabilities.tif' ) time.sleep( 5 ) #save max_projection of probabilites, "Z Project...", "projection=[Max Intensity]") probabilities_mp = IJ.getImage(), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") IJ.saveAsTiff( probabilities_mp, cube_basename + 'probabilities_maxproj.tif' ) time.sleep( 5 ) # blur probabilities to help smooth the isosurfaces blur_radius = 2 probabilities, "Gaussian Blur 3D...", 'x=' + str(blur_radius) + ' y=' + str(blur_radius) + ' z=' + str(blur_radius) ) #threshold probabilities, "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") probabilities, "8-bit", "") #IJ.saveAsTiff( probabilities, cube_basename + 'probabilities.tif' ) #for k in range( probabilities.getNSlices() ): # probabilities.setSlice(k+1) # probabilities.getProcessor().setThreshold( mesh_thresh - 1, mesh_thresh + 1, 0 ) probabilities, 'Convert to Mask', 'method=Default background=Dark black') #time.sleep( 5 ) IJ.saveAsTiff( probabilities, cube_basename + 'probabilities.tif' ) time.sleep( 5 ) #mesh binary_probabilities "3D Viewer", "") threedType = 2 threedName = 'cube_' + str(cube_idx) IJ.runPlugIn( "ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer", probabilities.getTitle() ) univ = Image3DUniverse.universes.get(0) univ.addContent( probabilities, Color3f(1,1,1), threedName, mesh_thresh, [True, False, False], 2, threedType ) threedName ) ImageJ3DViewer.exportContent( 'wavefront', cube_basename + 'mesh.obj' ) #smooth mesh c = univ.getSelected() n = c.getContent() ctm = n.getMesh() fim = customnode.FullInfoMesh( ctm.getMesh() ) ec = customnode.EdgeContraction( fim, False ) initial_num_verts = ec.getVertexCount() num_to_remove = int( initial_num_verts * 0.1 ) #v = InteractiveMeshDecimation.simplify( ec, num_to_remove ) enable_smoothing = False if enable_smoothing: part = num_to_remove / 10 last = num_to_remove % 10 ret = 0 for i in range(10): IJ.showProgress(i + 1, 10) ret = ec.removeNext(part) if (last != 0): ret = ec.removeNext(last) IJ.showProgress(1) ctm.setMesh( fim.getMesh() ) ImageJ3DViewer.exportContent( 'wavefront', cube_basename + 'smooth_mesh.obj' ) # 3d viewer screenshot screenshot_3d = univ.takeSnapshot() IJ.saveAsTiff( screenshot_3d, cube_basename + 'mesh_screenshot.tif' ) #voxelize mesh voxelizer = InteractiveMeshVoxelization() voxelizer.voxelize( ctm, probabilities.getWidth(), probabilities.getHeight(), probabilities.getStackSize() ) #voxelization = WindowManager.getImage( ctm.getName() + '_voxelization' ) voxelization = WindowManager.getImage( 'null_voxelization' ) voxelization.setCalibration( probabilities.getCalibration().copy() ) #manually 3D fill vasculature, fill with thresholdable-color #save selected vasculature #call('process3d.Flood_Fill.fill', x,y,z) if not no_params_set: fill_color = 100 Flood_Fill.fill( voxelization, interior_coords[0][0], interior_coords[0][1], interior_coords[0][2], fill_color ) # Threshold to extract #IJ.setAutoThreshold( voxelization, 'Default dark' ) #Prefs.blackBackground = true voxelization, 'Convert to Mask', 'method=Default background=Dark black') for k in range( voxelization.getNSlices() ): voxelization.setSlice(k+1) voxelization.getProcessor().setThreshold( fill_color - 1, fill_color + 1, 0 ) voxelization, 'Convert to Mask', 'method=Default background=Dark black') IJ.saveAsTiff( voxelization, cube_basename + 'voxelization.tif' ) # Calculate and record volume HERE, "Z Project...", "projection=[Max Intensity]") voxelization_mp = IJ.getImage(), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") IJ.saveAsTiff( voxelization_mp, cube_basename + 'voxelization_maxproj.tif' ) # Calculate EDT voxelization, "Exact Euclidean Distance Transform (3D)", "" ) edt = WindowManager.getImage( 'EDT' ) edt, 'Fire', '' ) # Get the histogram data in an array hist_nBins = int( ( hist_max - hist_min ) / hist_step ) #edt_stats = edt.getStatistics( Measurements.MEDIAN, hist_nBins, hist_min, hist_max ) edt_stats = StackStatistics( edt, hist_nBins, hist_min, hist_max ) hist_data = edt_stats.getHistogram() hist_binLabels = [ ( hist_min + hist_step * el ) for el in range( hist_nBins ) ] max_radius = 20 edt, 'Histogram', 'bins=' + str(hist_nBins) + ' x_min=' + str(hist_min) + ' x_max=' + str(hist_max) + ' y_max=Auto stack' ) edt_histogram = WindowManager.getImage( 'Histogram of EDT' ) IJ.saveAsTiff( edt_histogram, cube_basename + 'edt_histogram.tif' ) x_unit_scale = uniform.getCalibration().getX(1) y_unit_scale = uniform.getCalibration().getY(1) z_unit_scale = uniform.getCalibration().getZ(1) f = open( cube_basename + 'edt_histogram.csv', 'w' ) for k in range( len( hist_data ) ): f.write( str(hist_binLabels[k]) + '\t' + str(hist_data[k]*x_unit_scale*y_unit_scale*z_unit_scale) + '\n' ) #f.write( str(hist_binLabels[k]) + '\t' + str(hist_data[k]) + '\n' ) all_edt_histograms[hist_binLabels[k]] += [ hist_data[k] ] f.close() # Handling skeletons voxelization, "Skeletonize (2D/3D)", "") skeleton = voxelization # For simplicity later, but note that voxelization has been mutated, "32-bit", ""), "Calculator Plus", 'i1=' + str(skeleton.getTitle()) + ' i2=' + str(skeleton.getTitle()) + ' operation=[Scale: i2 = i1 x k1 + k2] k1=0.003921568627 k2=0' ), "Z Project...", "projection=[Max Intensity]") skeleton_mp = IJ.getImage(), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") IJ.saveAsTiff( skeleton_mp, cube_basename + 'skeleton_maxproj.tif' ) ic = ImageCalculator() skeleton_edt ="Multiply 32-bit stack", edt, skeleton) skeleton_edt, 'Fire', '' ) # Get the histogram data in an array hist_nBins = int( ( hist_max - hist_min ) / hist_step ) #skeleton_edt_stats = edt.getStatistics( Measurements.MEDIAN, hist_nBins, hist_min, hist_max ) skeleton_edt_stats = StackStatistics( edt, hist_nBins, hist_min, hist_max ) hist_data = skeleton_edt_stats.getHistogram() hist_binLabels = [ ( hist_min + hist_step * el ) for el in range( hist_nBins ) ] skeleton_edt, 'Histogram', 'bins=' + str(hist_nBins) + ' x_min=' + str(hist_min) + ' x_max=' + str(hist_max) + ' y_max=Auto stack' ) skeleton_edt_histogram = WindowManager.getImage( 'Histogram of EDT' ) IJ.saveAsTiff( skeleton_edt_histogram, cube_basename + 'skeleton_edt_histogram.tif' ) unit_scale = uniform.getCalibration().getX(1) f = open( cube_basename + 'skeleton_edt_histogram.csv', 'w' ) for k in range( len( hist_data ) ): f.write( str(hist_binLabels[k]) + '\t' + str(hist_data[k] * unit_scale) + '\n' ) all_skeleton_edt_histograms[hist_binLabels[k]] += [ hist_data[k] * unit_scale ] f.close() else: IJ.saveAsTiff( voxelization, cube_basename + 'voxelization.tif' ) # Free up resources if close_after: ImageJ3DViewer.close() 'Close All', '' ) IJ.freeMemory()
# ---------- --- ------ ------------------------------------------------- # 2014-10-15 JRM 0.1.00 Get'er done from org.python.core import codecs codecs.setDefaultEncoding('utf-8') from ij import IJ from ij import Macro from java.lang import Thread # Prepare options for Bandpass filter options = "filter_large=40 filter_small=3 suppress=None tolerance=5 autoscale saturate" # Get the current thread thread = Thread.currentThread() original_name = thread.getName() # Rename current thread thread.setName("Run$_my_batch_process") # Set the options for the current thread Macro.setOptions(Thread.currentThread(), options) # Get the current image imp = IJ.getImage(); # Finally, run the bandpass filter without dialogs: IJ.runPlugIn(imp, "ij.plugin.filter.FFTFilter", "") # Be nice: undo naming, so other scripts may run with dialogs thread.setName(original_name); # Be safe: remove the thread's options from the table # (which also removes the reference to the thread itself) Macro.setOptions(thread, None)
from ij.gui import GenericDialog import sys from java.lang.System import getProperty sys.path.append(getProperty("fiji.dir") + "/plugins/CMTK_Registration") gd = GenericDialog('About CMTK GUI') gd.addMessage('CMTK GUI is open source software released under GPLv3') gd.addMessage('CMTK GUI is independently developed by Greg Jefferis and is NOT supported by CMTK team') gd.setCancelLabel("CMTK GUI Web Page") gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): from ij import IJ IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.BrowserLauncher", "")
# @ String (label="Omero User") user # @ String (label="Omero Password", style="password") pwd # @ String (label="Omero Server", value="") server # @ Integer (label="Omero Port", value=4064) port # @ Integer (label="Omero Group ID", min=-1, value=53) omero_group_id # @ Integer (label="Image ID", value=2014) image_id from ij import IJ from import ImporterOptions # Main code command="location=[OMERO] open=[omero:" command+="server=%s\n" % server command+="user=%s\n" % user command+="port=%s\n" % port command+="pass=%s\n" % pwd if omero_group_id > -1: command+="groupID=%s\n" % omero_group_id command+="iid=%s] " % image_id command+="windowless=true view=\'%s\' " % ImporterOptions.VIEW_HYPERSTACK IJ.runPlugIn("loci.plugins.LociImporter", command)
def natural_keys(text): return [ atoi(c) for c in re.split('(\d+)', text) ] os.chdir(mypath) alist = os.listdir(mypath) alist.sort(key=natural_keys) imp = IJ.openImage(mypath + alist[0]) signedpix = imp.getProcessor().toFloat(1, None) width=signedpix.getWidth() height=signedpix.getHeight() stack = ImageStack(width, height) i=0 for file in alist[:10]: print("Current File Being Processed is: " + file) imp = IJ.openImage(mypath + file) signedpix = imp.getProcessor().toFloat(1, None) stack.addSlice(str(i), signedpix) i = i + 1 imp = ImagePlus("", stack) ImageConverter(imp).convertToGray8() IJ.runPlugIn("ij3d.ImageJ3DViewer", "")
from ij import IJ IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.BrowserLauncher", "")
from ij import IJ import jmFijiGen as jmg import InvertGray8 # gitDir = os.environ['GIT_HOME'] # relImg = "/OSImageAnalysis/images" # strImg = gitDir + relImg + "/bridge.gif" # strImg = gitDir + relImg + "/latex.tif" imgDir = os.environ['IMG_ROOT'] strImg = imgDir + "/key-test/KMAG/KMag1500Sei.tif" print(strImg) # 1. Open an image imp = IJ.openImage(strImg) # IJ.runPlugIn(imp, "ij.plugin.PNG_Writer", "/Users/jrminter/Desktop/Kmag1500Sei.png" ip = imp.getProcessor() IJ.runPlugIn("fiji.InvertGray8", imp); IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.PNG_Writer", "/Users/jrminter/Desktop/Kmag1500Sei.png") # IJ.runPlugIn("fiji.InvertGray8", ip); # print("dir out") # print(out) # res = InvertGray8() # # IJ.runPlugIn(imp, "ij.plugin.PNG_Writer", "/Users/jrminter/Desktop/Kmag1500SeiInv.png")
from ij.gui import GenericDialog import sys from java.lang.System import getProperty sys.path.append(getProperty("fiji.dir") + "/plugins/CMTK_Registration") gd = GenericDialog('About CMTK GUI') gd.addMessage('CMTK GUI is open source software released under GPLv3') gd.addMessage( 'CMTK GUI is independently developed by Greg Jefferis and is NOT supported by CMTK team' ) gd.setCancelLabel("CMTK GUI Web Page") gd.showDialog() if gd.wasCanceled(): from ij import IJ IJ.runPlugIn("ij.plugin.BrowserLauncher", "")