コード例 #1
def train_classifier():
    # first, load target and non-target training data
    train_target = png2fea(TRAIN_TARGET) # target training data
    train_ntarget = png2fea(TRAIN_NTARGET) # non-target training data

    # convert the grayscale images to 1d arrays
    x1 = []; x2 = []
    for im in train_target.values():
    for im in train_ntarget.values():
    x1 = np.vstack(x1)
    x2 = np.vstack(x2)

    # convert data to numpy arrays
    x1 = np.array(x1) # target
    x2 = np.array(x2) # non-target
    dim = x1.shape[1]

    # standardise the data
    train_mean = np.mean(np.vstack((x1, x2)), axis=0) 
    train_std = np.std(np.vstack((x1, x2)), axis=0)
    x1 -= train_mean
    x1 /= train_std
    x2 -= train_mean
    x2 /= train_std
    cov_tot = np.cov(np.vstack([x1, x2]).T, bias=True)

    # PCA - reduce the dimensionality
    d_pca, e_pca = scipy.linalg.eigh(cov_tot, eigvals=(dim-150, dim-1))
    x1_pca = x1.dot(e_pca)
    x2_pca = x2.dot(e_pca)

    # perform the LDA on the reduced data space
    cov_tot_pca = np.cov(np.vstack([x1_pca, x2_pca]).T, bias=True)
    dim_pca = x1_pca.shape[1]

    n_x1 = len(x1_pca)
    n_x2 = len(x2_pca)
    cov_wc = (n_x1*np.cov(x1_pca.T, bias=True) + n_x2*np.cov(x2_pca.T, bias=True)) / (n_x1 + n_x2)
    cov_ac = cov_tot_pca - cov_wc
    d_lda, e_lda = scipy.linalg.eigh(cov_ac, cov_wc, eigvals=(dim_pca-1, dim_pca-1))

    # now we've got our one dimensional data
    x1_lda = x1_pca.dot(e_lda)
    x2_lda = x2_pca.dot(e_lda)

    # compute the gaussian distributions for our classes and evalueate the test data
    mean_x1, cov_x1 = train_gauss(x1_lda)
    mean_x2, cov_x2 = train_gauss(x2_lda)

    # now save the model parameters
    model_parameters = [e_pca, e_lda, (mean_x1, cov_x1), (mean_x2, cov_x2),
            train_mean, train_std]
    with open('img_pca_lda.model', 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(model_parameters, f)
コード例 #2
def main():
    # # # Getting all training data from data/train
    print("STEP1: getting training and evaluation data")
    toTrain = []
    filenames = os.listdir(TRAIN_DIR)

    for filename in filenames:
        person = png2fea(TRAIN_DIR + "/" + filename).values()
            [filename] * len(person)
        )  # array of names of classes corresponding with each person
        toTrain.extend(person)  # adding feature of one person in the arre

    # # # Getting all evaluation data from data/evaluate
    toEvaluate = []
    toEvalNames = []

    evaluateDict = png2fea(EVAL_DIR)

    temp = evaluateDict.values()
    print("STEP1 done.")

    toTrain_2d, toEvaluate_2d = imagesModify(toTrain, toEvaluate)

    pca = performPCA(toTrain_2d)

    # To see the graph of PCA and all eigenfaces, set this variable to 1
    showPCAandEigenss = 0
    if (showPCAandEigenss == 1):

    eigenfaces = pca.components_.reshape((COMPONENTS, WIDTH, HEIGHT))

    trainPCA, evalPCA = projectEigens(toTrain_2d, toEvaluate_2d, pca)

    classifier = setUpClassifier()


    classifier = fitClassifier(classifier, trainPCA, CLASSES)

    predict(classifier, evalPCA, toEvalNames)

        "CLASSIFICATION is done successfuly. \nCheck file image_PCA_MLPerceptron.txt for the results."
コード例 #3
def classify():
        f = open('img_pca_lda.model', 'rb')
    except IOError:
        print('Error: File with model parameters not found, please train the ',
              + 'classifier first.')

    # load the model parameters
    model_parameters = pickle.load(f)
    e_pca = model_parameters[0]
    e_lda = model_parameters[1]
    mean_x1 = model_parameters[2][0]
    cov_x1 = model_parameters[2][1]
    mean_x2 = model_parameters[3][0]
    cov_x2 = model_parameters[3][1]
    train_mean = model_parameters[4]
    train_std = model_parameters[5]

    # load the evaluation data
    eval_data = list(png2fea(EVAL_DATA).items()) # evaluation data

    # ...aaand classify the given data
    count = 0
    results = []
    for filename, data in eval_data:
        data = crop_image(data, 2, 2, 2, 2)
        # standardise the data
        data = data.flatten()
        data -= train_mean
        data /= train_std

        data = (data.dot(e_pca)).dot(e_lda) # transform the test data

        # compute the log-likelihood for the classified picture
        ll_target = logpdf_gauss(data, mean_x1, np.atleast_2d(cov_x1))
        ll_ntarget = logpdf_gauss(data, mean_x2, np.atleast_2d(cov_x2))

        # compute the score of the picture
        score = sum(ll_target) - sum(ll_ntarget)

        # make the hard decision
        if score >= THRESHOLD: decision = 1; count += 1 # target
        else: decision = 0 # non-target

                + ' ' + str(np.around(score, decimals=8))
                + ' ' + str(decision))

    output = open('image_pca_lda_gaussian.txt', 'w')
    for result in results: print(result, file=output)
    if PRINT_STATS: print(f'Targets found: {count}')
コード例 #4
ファイル: predict.py プロジェクト: DanyStepanek/FIT
import numpy as np
from ikrlib import png2fea, wav16khz2mfcc
import re

data_folder_path = "../data/eval"
img_model_path = "cnn_image.h5"
voice_model_path = "nn_voice.h5"

data = []
labels = []

voice_model = load_model(voice_model_path, compile=True)
img_model = load_model(img_model_path, compile=True)

data = {}
img_data = png2fea(data_folder_path)

output_file = open('./predict_image_output.txt', 'w')

print("[INFO] evaluating image classifier...")
for k, v in img_data.items():
    #prepare data for model
    i_test_x = np.vstack(tuple(v))
    i_test_x = i_test_x.reshape(1, 80, 80, 3)
    i_test_x = np.r_[i_test_x]
    i_test_x = i_test_x.astype('float32')
    i_test_x /= 255
    predictions = img_model.predict_proba(i_test_x)
    p = np.argmax(predictions)
コード例 #5
from keras import layers
from keras import models
from keras import optimizers
from keras import utils
from keras.layers.advanced_activations import LeakyReLU

from ikrlib import png2fea
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
import time

# Load data
train_t = np.vstack(tuple(png2fea('../data/target_train').values()))
train_t = train_t.reshape(train_t.shape[0] // 80, 80, 80, 3)

train_n = np.vstack(tuple(png2fea('../data/non_target_train').values()))
train_n = train_n.reshape(train_n.shape[0] // 80, 80, 80, 3)

val_t = np.vstack(tuple(png2fea('../data/target_dev').values()))
val_t = val_t.reshape(val_t.shape[0] // 80, 80, 80, 3)

val_n = np.vstack(tuple(png2fea('../data/non_target_dev').values()))
val_n = val_n.reshape(val_n.shape[0] // 80, 80, 80, 3)
コード例 #6
test = {}

average = np.zeros((80, 80), dtype=np.float64).reshape(-1)

train_set_names = []
train_set_list = []

test_set_names = []
test_set_list = []

num = 185

img_counter = 0

for i in range(1, 32):
    train[i] = png2fea("./train/" + str(i))
    for key in train[i]:
        tmp = train[i][key].reshape(-1)
        average += tmp
        img_counter += 1

average = average / float(img_counter)

#plt.imshow(average.reshape(80, 80), cmap="gray")

test_counter = 0

for i in range(1, 2):