コード例 #1
ファイル: predict.py プロジェクト: y-tsutsu/nene-coin
def predict(img, model, in_channels):
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    if in_channels == 1:
        img = normalize_image(img)
        img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
        img = adjust_gamma(img)
    img = cv2.resize(img, IMAGE_SIZE)
    img = img / 255
    im = img.astype(np.float32).reshape(
        1, IMAGE_SIZE[0], IMAGE_SIZE[1], in_channels)
    y = model.predict([im])
    [pred] = y
    pred = softmax(pred)
    print(('[{:.5f} {:.5f}]  ' * (len(pred) // 2)).format(*pred))
    return pred, img
コード例 #2
def load_data(dirname, in_channels):
    dirs = ['001_00', '001_01',
            '005_00', '005_01',
            '010_00', '010_01',
            '050_00', '050_01',
            '100_00', '100_01',
            '500_00', '500_01']

    count = 0
    for i, dir in enumerate(dirs):
        for r, ds, fs in os.walk(os.path.join(dirname, dir)):
            count += len(fs)
    xs = np.zeros((count, in_channels, IMAGE_SIZE[0], IMAGE_SIZE[1])).astype(
    ys = np.zeros(count).astype(np.int32)

    idx = 0
    for i, dir in enumerate(dirs):
        for r, ds, fs in os.walk(os.path.join(dirname, dir)):
            for f in fs:
                filename = os.path.join(r, f)
                img = cv2.imread(filename)
                img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                if in_channels == 1:
                    img = normalize_image(img)
                    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
                    img = adjust_gamma(img)
                img = cv2.resize(img, IMAGE_SIZE)
                img = img / 255
                im = img.astype(np.float32).reshape(
                    IMAGE_SIZE[0], IMAGE_SIZE[1], in_channels).transpose(2, 0, 1)
                xs[idx] = im
                ys[idx] = i
                idx += 1

    return tuple_dataset.TupleDataset(xs, ys)
コード例 #3
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: reedery/ComposAR
def load_data(config, views, shape_list, shuffle=True, batch_size=-1):
			config               tf.app.flags        command line arguments
			views                vw.View             view points information
			shape_list           list of string      input shape name list
			shuffle              bool                whether input shape list should be shuffled
			name_batch           n     x string      shape names
			source_batch         n     x H x W x Ci  source images
			target_batch         (n*m) x H x W x Co  target images in m views
			mask_batch           (n*m) x H x W x 1   target boolean masks in m views
			angle_batch          (n*m) x 4           target viewing angle params in m views
			num_shapes           int                 number of loaded shapes

	if batch_size==-1:
		batch_size = config['batch_size']

	# handle affix

	num_source_views = len(config['sketch_views'])
	source_prefix_list = ['sketch/' for view in range(num_source_views)]
	source_interfix_list = ['/sketch-%c' % v for v in config['sketch_views']]
	if config['test']:
		sketch_variation = '0'
		sketch_variation_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(['%d' % v for v in range(config['sketch_variations'])], shuffle=True)
		sketch_variation = sketch_variation_queue.dequeue()
	source_suffix_list = ['-'+sketch_variation+'.png' for view in range(num_source_views)]

	num_dnfs_views = max(2, len(config['sketch_views']))
	dnfs_prefix_list = ['dnfs/' for view in range(num_dnfs_views)]
	dnfs_interfix_list = ['/dnfs-%d' % config['image_size'] for view in range(num_dnfs_views)]
	dnfs_suffix_list = ['-%d.png' % view for view in range(num_dnfs_views)]

	num_dn_views = 12
	dn_prefix_list = ['dn/' for view in range(num_dn_views)]
	dn_interfix_list = ['/dn-%d' % config['image_size'] for view in range(num_dn_views)]
	dn_suffix_list = ['-%d.png' % view for view in range(num_dn_views)]

	num_target_views = num_dnfs_views + num_dn_views
	target_prefix_list = dnfs_prefix_list + dn_prefix_list
	target_interfix_list = dnfs_interfix_list + dn_interfix_list
	target_suffix_list = dnfs_suffix_list + dn_suffix_list
	num_target_views = views.num_views

	# build input queue

	if config['continuous_view'] and config['test']:
		shape_list_queue = tf.train.input_producer([name for name in shape_list for view in range(num_target_views)], shuffle=False)
		shape_list_queue = tf.train.input_producer(shape_list, shuffle=shuffle)

	# load data from queue
	shape_name = shape_list_queue.dequeue()
	source_files = [config['data_dir']+source_prefix_list[view]+shape_name+source_interfix_list[view]+source_suffix_list[view] for view in range(num_source_views)]
	if not config['continuous_view']:
		target_files = [config['data_dir']+target_prefix_list[view]+shape_name+target_interfix_list[view]+target_suffix_list[view] for view in range(num_target_views)]
		target_angles = tf.zeros([num_target_views, 4])
		angle_list = [vw.view2angle(view) for view in views.views]
		view_list_queue = tf.train.slice_input_producer([angle_list, target_prefix_list, target_interfix_list, target_suffix_list], shuffle=(not config['test']))
		target_files = [config['data_dir']+view_list_queue[1]+shape_name+view_list_queue[2]+view_list_queue[3]] # only one single image
		target_angles = [view_list_queue[0]]
	# decode source images
	source_images = [tf.image.decode_png(tf.read_file(file), channels=1, dtype=tf.uint8) for file in source_files]
	source_image = tf.concat(source_images, 2) # put multi-view images into different channels
	source_image = image.normalize_image(tf.slice(source_image, [0,0,0], [config['image_size'], config['image_size'], -1])) # just do a useless slicing to establish size
	source_image = tf.concat([source_image, tf.image.flip_left_right(source_image)], 2) # HACK: add horizontally flipped image as input

	# decode target images

	if not config['test']:
		target_images = tf.stack([tf.image.decode_png(tf.read_file(file), channels=4, dtype=tf.uint16) for file in target_files])
		target_images = image.normalize_image(tf.slice(target_images, [0,0,0,0], [-1,config['image_size'], config['image_size'], -1]))
		target_images = tf.ones([len(target_files), config['image_size'], config['image_size'], 4]) # dummy target for testing
	target_masks = image.extract_boolean_mask(target_images)

	if config['predict_normal']:
		# pre-process normal background
		target_shape = target_images.get_shape().as_list()
		target_background = tf.concat([tf.zeros(target_shape[:-1]+[2]), tf.ones(target_shape[:-1]+[2])], 3) # (0,0,1,1)
		target_images = tf.where(tf.tile(target_masks, [1,1,1,target_shape[3]]), target_images, target_background)
		# retain depth only
		target_images = tf.slice(target_images, [0,0,0,3], [-1,-1,-1,1])
	target_images = tf.concat([target_images, image.convert_to_real_mask(target_masks)], 3)

	# create prefetching tensor

	num_shapes = len(shape_list)
	min_queue_examples = max(1, int(num_shapes * 0.01))

	tensor_data = [shape_name, source_image, target_images, target_masks, target_angles]

	if shuffle:
		num_preprocess_threads = 12
		batch_data = tf.train.shuffle_batch(
			capacity=min_queue_examples + 3 * batch_size,
		num_preprocess_threads = 1
		batch_data = tf.train.batch(

	name_batch = batch_data[0]
	source_batch = batch_data[1]
	target_batch =  batch_data[2]
	target_batch = tf.reshape(target_batch, [-1]+target_batch.get_shape().as_list()[2:])
	mask_batch =  batch_data[3]
	mask_batch = tf.reshape(mask_batch, [-1]+mask_batch.get_shape().as_list()[2:])
	angle_batch = batch_data[4]
	angle_batch = tf.reshape(angle_batch, [-1]+angle_batch.get_shape().as_list()[2:])

	#print('name: ', name_batch)
	#print('source: ', source_batch)
	#print('target: ', target_batch)
	#print('mask: ', mask_batch)
	#print('angle: ', angle_batch)

	return name_batch, source_batch, target_batch, mask_batch, angle_batch, num_shapes
            d_loss += (d_fake_loss + d_valid_loss) / 2

            # Train Generator
            noise = generate_noise(batch_size)
            discriminator.trainable = False
            g_loss += gan.train_on_batch(noise, y_valid)

        discriminator_loss.append(d_loss / batches)
        generator_loss.append(g_loss / batches)

        if epoch % PLOT_FRECUENCY == 0:
            plot_images(epoch, generator)
            plot_loss(epoch, generator_loss, discriminator_loss)
            plot_test(epoch, x_test, generator)



if __name__ == '__main__':
    #Load data
    x_train = np.load('../Save_Data/train_data_64.npy')
    x_train = x_train * 2 - 1
    x_test = np.load('../Save_Data/yaya_64.npy')
    x_test = normalize_image(x_test)

    training(x_train, x_test, epochs=200)
コード例 #5
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: Ansire/pattern_grouping
def load_data(config, pattern_list, shuffle=True, batch_size=-1):
			config               tf.app.flags        command line arguments
			pattern_list         list of string      input pattern name list
			shuffle              bool                whether input list should be shuffled
			name_batch           n x string          pattern names
			image_batch          n x H x W x 1       pattern images
			triplet_batch        n x T x 3 x 2       triplets of patch coordinates (# triplets x {A,B,C} x {h,w})
			num_patterns         int                 number of loaded patterns

    print('Loading data...')

    if batch_size == -1:
        batch_size = config.batch_size

    # build input queue

    pattern_list_queue = tf.train.input_producer(pattern_list, shuffle=shuffle)
    pattern_name = pattern_list_queue.dequeue()

    # decode pattern image

    #image_file = config.data_dir+'image/'+pattern_name+'.png'
    image_file = config.data_dir + 'region/' + pattern_name + '.png'
    image_tensor = tf.image.decode_png(tf.read_file(image_file),
    image_tensor = image.normalize_image(
        tf.slice(image_tensor, [0, 0, 0],
                 [config.image_size, config.image_size, -1
                  ]))  # just do a useless slicing to establish size

    # decode pattern triplets

    if not config.real_data:
        triplet_file = config.data_dir + 'triplet-region/' + pattern_name + '.bin'
        triplet_data = tf.read_file(triplet_file)
        triplet_tensor = tf.reshape(tf.decode_raw(triplet_data, tf.int16),
                                    [-1, 3, 2])
        triplet_tensor = tf.cast(triplet_tensor, dtype=tf.int32)
        triplet_tensor = tf.slice(tf.random_shuffle(triplet_tensor), [0, 0, 0],
                                  [config.num_triplets, -1, -1])
        triplet_tensor = tf.zeros([1, 3, 2], dtype=tf.int32)

    # create prefetching tensor

    num_patterns = len(pattern_list)
    min_queue_examples = max(1, int(num_patterns * 0.01))

    tensor_data = [pattern_name, image_tensor, triplet_tensor]

    if shuffle:
        num_preprocess_threads = 12
        batch_data = tf.train.shuffle_batch(
            capacity=min_queue_examples + 3 * batch_size,
        num_preprocess_threads = 1
        batch_data = tf.train.batch(tensor_data,

    name_batch = batch_data[0]
    image_batch = batch_data[1]
    triplet_batch = batch_data[2]

    print('name: ', name_batch)
    print('image: ', image_batch)
    print('triplet: ', triplet_batch)

    return name_batch, image_batch, triplet_batch, num_patterns