def notify_email_final(self): ''' Send a final notification email upon build completion ''' if os.environ.has_key('LOCAL_MODE'): if os.environ['LOCAL_MODE'] == '1': return message = 'Your Image Building Request have been completed.' ipaddr = self.getip() message = '<p>The build was completed by worker:: {0:s}. Detailed log: '.format(ipaddr) with open(self.logfile) as f: for line in f: message = message + '<p>' + line recipient = subject = 'Your Image Build Request' headers = ["From: " + 'Fedora Build Service', "Subject: " + subject, "To: " + recipient, "MIME-Version: 1.0", "Content-Type: text/html"] headers = "\r\n".join(headers) notify = Notification() notify.send_email(recipient, headers, message) return
def notify_email_init(self): ''' Send a notification email upon build initiation with the monitor access URL: <ip>:/log/tmp/imagebuild_xxx.log ''' if os.environ.has_key('LOCAL_MODE'): if os.environ['LOCAL_MODE'] == '1': return message = 'Your Image Building Request have been submitted. ' ipaddr = self.getip() if self.monitor: message = message + 'You may monitor the progress by going to ' message = message + 'http://' + ipaddr + ':5100/log{0:s}. '.format(self.logfile) message = message + 'You will also recieve an email upon completion.' else: message = message + 'You will recieve an email upon completion.' recipient = subject = 'Your Image Build Request' headers = ["From: " + 'Fedora Build Service', "Subject: " + subject, "To: " + recipient, "MIME-Version: 1.0", "Content-Type: text/html"] headers = "\r\n".join(headers) notify = Notification() notify.send_email(recipient, headers, message) return
def delegate(): # Read the data/config/imagebuild.conf file # to find the architecture of the image sought util = Utilities() buildconfig = util.get_dict('data/config/imagebuild.conf') arch = buildconfig['default']['arch'] #find an appropriate build node from nodes.conf #based on the arch config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()'nodes.conf') broker_url = config.get(arch,'broker_url') #now create the using this broker_url with open('','w') as f: f.write('BROKER_URL = {0:s}\n'.format(broker_url)) f.write('CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = "amqp"\n') f.write('\n') buildconfig_json = json.dumps(buildconfig) if not buildconfig['default']['type'] == 'boot': ksstr = util.get_kickstart(buildconfig) else: ksstr = None # celery task delegation from tasks import build try: release = buildconfig['default']['release'] queue_name = 'fedora-{0:s}'.format(release) build.apply_async(args = [buildconfig_json, ksstr], queue = queue_name, serializer="json") except Exception as e: # if there is an error in submitting job to celery # we save this somewhere and retry (TODO) # for now, we just have an email error message # using config in recipient = buildconfig['default']['email'] subject = 'Your Image Build Request' message = 'Uh Oh. The image builders are having a bad day. Retry again in sometime.' headers = ["From: " + 'Fedora Build Service', "Subject: " + subject, "To: " + recipient, "MIME-Version: 1.0", "Content-Type: text/html"] headers = "\r\n".join(headers) notify = Notification() notify.send_email(recipient, headers, message) return else: return