def __init__(self, logger: LogService): self.query_tracks = "{}&api_key={}&format=json&period={}&limit={}" self.query_albums = "{}&api_key={}&format=json&period={}&limit={}" self.query_artists = "{}&api_key={}&format=json&period={}&limit={}" self.imageProcessor = ImageProcessor() self.log = logger
def start_game(self): w, h = self.__get_wh() if self.file: if h > 1 and w > 1: self.processor = ImageProcessor(self.file[0], (w, h), self.__get_new_size()) self.matrix = self.processor.get_image_matrix() if self.processor: = Game(self.processor.size, self.matrix)
def tello_main(args): """ Main function used to control your drone using hand. :param args: :return: """ image_processor = ImageProcessor( finish_drawing_sign=args.finish_drawing, hand_detector_confidence=args.hand_detection_confidence) drone_processor = DroneProcessor( max_area_cm=args.max_area, min_length_between_points_cm=args.min_length, starting_move_up_cm=args.takeoff_offset) # Start pinigng tello to prevent it from landing drone_processor.start_pinging_tello() # Drawing loop while True: key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key & 0xFF == ord("q"): # Exit if q pressed cv2.destroyAllWindows() break frame = drone_processor.get_last_frame() if frame is not None: image_resize_drawed, path_img, finish_drawing, drawing_points = image_processor.process_img( frame) frame_and_path = cv2.hconcat([image_resize_drawed, path_img]) if finish_drawing: cv2.imshow("frame", frame_and_path) break cv2.imshow("frame", frame_and_path) # Stop pinging, so we can send move commands to the drone drone_processor.stop_pinging_tello() # Rescale points from range 0-1 to range defined by max_area. rescaled_points = drone_processor.rescale_points(drawing_points) # Reduce number of points to reproduce discrete_path = drone_processor.discrete_path(rescaled_points) # Convert point list, to list of differences between previous point in list discrete_path_distance = convert_to_distance_in_xy(discrete_path) # Reproduce path by the drone drone_processor.reproduce_discrete_path_by_drone(discrete_path_distance) # Finish drawing drone_processor.finish_drawing() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def complete_image(self): """ Completes the selected region of the image and updates the visible image to reflect the changes """ image_processor = ImageProcessor() # Convert the visible coordinates to actual pixel coordinates selection_coordinates = self.canvas.coords(self.selection) patch_start_x = int(selection_coordinates[0] // self.ratio) patch_start_y = int(selection_coordinates[1] // self.ratio) # Get the image components required to generate the patch and insert it back into the original g, masked_image, surrounding_region = image_processor.create_image_components( self.img, patch_start_x, patch_start_y) # Generated the patch generated_patch =, feed_dict={ self.g_input: g, self.surrounding_region: surrounding_region, False }) # Store the last generated patch details to allow quick adjustments to the sharpness self.last_generated_patch = generated_patch[0] self.last_masked_image = masked_image self.last_patch_start_x = patch_start_x self.last_patch_start_y = patch_start_y # Sharpen generated patch and merge back into original generated_patch = image_processor.unsharp_mask( self.last_generated_patch) img = image_processor.merge_patch_with_image(generated_patch, masked_image, patch_start_x, patch_start_y) # View the complete image and set state of relevant controls self.img = img.astype('uint8') img = Image.fromarray(self.img, 'RGB') img = self.resize_image(img) self.completed_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) self.display_image(self.completed_image) self.unsharp_mask_slider.config(state=NORMAL) self.unsharp_mask_slider.set(50) self.selection_visible = False self.original_image_visible = False
class Menu(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, design.Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setupUi(self) self.OpenImageButton.clicked.connect(self.open_image) self.StartGameButton.clicked.connect(self.start_game) self.processor = None def open_image(self): self.file = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Select image") def start_game(self): w, h = self.__get_wh() if self.file: if h > 1 and w > 1: self.processor = ImageProcessor(self.file[0], (w, h), self.__get_new_size()) self.matrix = self.processor.get_image_matrix() if self.processor: = Game(self.processor.size, self.matrix) def __get_wh(self): return self.spinBox_w.value(), self.spinBox_h.value() def __get_new_size(self): if self.newSize.text() and re.fullmatch("[0-9]+x[0-9]+", self.newSize.text()): return [int(value) for value in self.newSize.text().split("x")] return None;
def main_webcam_stream(): """ Apply a model on a stream of data coming from a connected cam. """ image_processor = ImageProcessor(option='dlib_68landmarks') stream_processor = StreamProcessor(image_processor, index_cam=0)
def development_main(image_source, args): """ Main function used to development using built-in camera or file. :param image_source: :param args: :return: """ if image_source == "built_camera": cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.camera_index) else: cap = cv2.VideoCapture(args.filepath) image_processor = ImageProcessor( finish_drawing_sign=args.finish_drawing, hand_detector_confidence=args.hand_detection_confidence) while cap.isOpened(): while True: key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key & 0xFF == ord("q"): # Exit if q pressed cv2.destroyAllWindows() break ret, frame = if ret: image_resize_drawed, path_img, finish_drawing, drawing_points = image_processor.process_img( frame) frame_and_path = cv2.hconcat([image_resize_drawed, path_img]) if finish_drawing: cv2.imshow("frame", frame_and_path) key = cv2.waitKey(0) break cv2.imshow("frame", frame_and_path) else: break break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def main_flir_image_processor(): """ Process an image taken with a Flir One Pro thermal camera. The image can be taken either with the official app or a custom app using the Flir's SDK. This does not work on videos splitted frame by frame, because the camera doesn't save thermal information when recording a video. I have left a picture to test out the script. """ input_file = 'test_images/' + 'flir_20190617T163823.jpg' fie = FlirImageExtractor() fie.process_image(input_file, upsample_thermal=True, transform_rgb=True) # fie.plot() rgb_image = fie.get_rgb_np() rgb_image = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) thermal_image_3d = fie.img_thermal_rgb thermal_image_3d = cv2.cvtColor(thermal_image_3d, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Creating region contours image_processor = ImageProcessor(option='dlib_68landmarks') image_processor.process_image(rgb_image) cv2.imshow("RGB image with contours", rgb_image) # cv2.waitKey(0) image_processor.apply_saved_contours(thermal_image_3d) cv2.imshow("Thermal image with contours", thermal_image_3d) cv2.waitKey(0) # thermal_image_raw = fie.get_thermal_np() # regions = image_processor.all_regions # print('Region\tMean T\tStd T') # # for region in regions: # mean, std = region.get_mean_std_temperature(thermal_image_raw) # print('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(, mean, std)) # fie.export_thermal_to_csv('thermals_csv/'+file_name+'_thermal_csv.csv') fie.save_images()
class Train: """ Train Train is responsible for carrying out the training process. This includes: - Loading of the dataset - Calling methods to carry out any necessary pre-processing steps such as masking the training images - Saving and restoring the learnt models - Running the specified number of epochs to optimise both the generator and discriminator """ image_processor = ImageProcessor() training_dataset_path = root + './datasets/training/*' def train(self): """ Trains the network on the requested dataset for a set number of epochs """ # Retrieve the tensors from the network network = Network() d_input, g_input, g_output, g_output_patch_only, d_optimizer, g_optimizer, surrounding_region, \ patch_ground_truth, d_cost_fake, d_cost_real, g_cost, training = # Create a new TensorFlow session sess = tf.InteractiveSession() saver = mi.load_checkpoint(sess) # Get the paths of all the files within the training dataset file_paths = np.array(glob.glob(self.training_dataset_path)) number_of_instances = len(file_paths) for epoch in range(number_of_epochs): # Shuffle images file_paths = file_paths[np.random.permutation(number_of_instances)] # Iterate through each batch of images for i in range(number_of_instances // batch_size): # Retrieve batch of training images_____________________________________________________________________ batch_file_paths = file_paths[i * batch_size:i * batch_size + batch_size] d_batch, g_batch, full_image_batch, surrounding_region_batch, patch_ground_truth_batch = \ self.image_processor.create_batch(batch_file_paths) # Optimise discriminator and generator__________________________________________________________________ _ = [d_optimizer], feed_dict={ g_input: g_batch, surrounding_region: surrounding_region_batch, d_input: d_batch, training: True }) _ = [g_optimizer], feed_dict={ g_input: g_batch, surrounding_region: surrounding_region_batch, d_input: d_batch, patch_ground_truth: patch_ground_truth_batch, training: True }) # Calculate and print error_____________________________________________________________________________ if i % 10 == 0: d_error_real = d_cost_real.eval({ d_input: d_batch, training: True }) d_error_fake = d_cost_fake.eval({ g_input: g_batch, surrounding_region: surrounding_region_batch, patch_ground_truth: patch_ground_truth_batch, training: True }) g_error = g_cost.eval({ g_input: g_batch, surrounding_region: surrounding_region_batch, patch_ground_truth: patch_ground_truth_batch, training: True }) print(epoch, i, d_error_real, d_error_fake, g_error) # Save model____________________________________________________________________________________________ if i % 1000 == 0:, model_path + '/model.ckpt')
import os import cv2 from tqdm import tqdm from image_processing import ImageProcessor, NoFaceFoundException # TODO Get config by arparse? folder_path = "/data/Pictures/Selfies_Everyday_Jun_Sep_2019/" output_dim = 1000 padding = 1.2 video_name = 'video_{}_fps.avi' fps_options = [1, 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 59, 60] file_type = ".jpg" image_processor = ImageProcessor(output_dim, padding) # Get all files in the folder sorted by time and filtered by file_type file_names = sorted(os.listdir(folder_path), key=lambda file_name: os.path.getmtime( os.path.join(folder_path, file_name))) image_names = [img for img in file_names if img.endswith(file_type)] video_writters = [] # Prepare all video writers for fps in fps_options: video_writters.append( cv2.VideoWriter(video_name.format(fps), 0, fps, (output_dim, output_dim))) for image_name in tqdm(image_names):
class CollageService(): def __init__(self, logger: LogService): self.query_tracks = "{}&api_key={}&format=json&period={}&limit={}" self.query_albums = "{}&api_key={}&format=json&period={}&limit={}" self.query_artists = "{}&api_key={}&format=json&period={}&limit={}" self.imageProcessor = ImageProcessor() self.log = logger async def top_list(self, username: str, period: str, thing: str = "albums", limit: int = 6) -> tuple[BotResponseCode, str]: if thing == "albums": rqs = [ grequests.get( self.query_albums.format(username, FM_API_KEY, period, limit)) ] elif thing == "artists": rqs = [ grequests.get( self.query_artists.format(username, FM_API_KEY, period, limit)) ] else: rqs = [ grequests.get( self.query_tracks.format(username, FM_API_KEY, period, limit)) ] responses = res = responses[0].json() try: if thing == "albums": top_albums = [ "{} by {} ({} plays)".format(album["name"], album["artist"]["name"], album["playcount"]) for album in res["topalbums"]["album"] ][0:limit] elif thing == "artists": top_albums = [ "{} ({} plays)".format(album["name"], album["playcount"]) for album in res["topartists"]["artist"] ][0:limit] else: top_albums = [ "{} by {} {} ({} plays)".format( album["name"], album["artist"]["name"], duration_helper(album["duration"]), album["playcount"], ) for album in res["toptracks"]["track"] ][0:limit] except: response = "no albums found for user {} :pensive:".format(username) return BotResponseCode.ERROR, response if len(top_albums) == 0: response = "no albums found for user {} :pensive:".format(username) return BotResponseCode.ERROR, response if username[-1] == "s": username = username + "'" else: username = username + "'s" response = "{} top {} are:\n{}".format(username, thing, "\n".join(top_albums)) return BotResponseCode.TEXT, response async def top_collage( self, username: str, period: str, dims: str = "3x3" ) -> tuple[BotResponseCode, str] or tuple[BotResponseCode, BytesIO]: by_x, by_y = [int(x) for x in dims.split("x")] rqs = [ grequests.get( self.query_albums.format(username, FM_API_KEY, period, by_x * by_y)) ] responses = res = responses[0].json() try: top_albums = [ get_meta(album) for album in res["topalbums"]["album"] ] if len(top_albums) != len(res["topalbums"]["album"]): response = "huh i couldn't grab all the images i needed" return BotResponseCode.ERROR, response except: response = "no albums found for user {} :pensive:".format(username) return BotResponseCode.ERROR, response if len(top_albums) == 0: response = "no albums found for user {} :pensive:".format(username) return BotResponseCode.ERROR, response if by_x * by_y > len(top_albums): response = "you don't have enough albums in that period for a {}x{} collage, bucko".format( by_x, by_y) return BotResponseCode.ERROR, response rqs = (grequests.get(album["cover_url"]) for album in top_albums) responses = full_data = list(zip(responses, map(lambda a: a["info"], top_albums))) image_binary = self.imageProcessor.generate_collage_binary( full_data, by_x, by_y) return BotResponseCode.IMAGE, image_binary
class ImageInpaint: """ ImageInpaint is responsible for providing a front-end user interface, which provides access to the following tasks: - Browse and choose an image from their computer - Select a region to be complete - Invoke the generator to complete the image - Save the completed image to their computer """ image_processor = ImageProcessor() start_x = 0 start_y = 0 ratio = 4 canvas_max_size = 512 selection_box_width = patch_width * ratio patch_width_absolute = patch_width padding = patch_width * ratio selection_coordinates = [] selection_visible = False original_image_visible = False faces_model_enabled = False completed_image = None selection = None sess = None saver = None g_input = None g_output_patch_only = None surrounding_region = None training = None img = None original_image_resized = None original_image = None image_height = None image_width = None unsharp_mask_slider = None last_generated_patch = None last_masked_image = None last_patch_start_x = None last_patch_start_y = None def __init__(self): """ Initialises the window and controls, loads the model, and starts the main loop """ # Create the window and canvas__________________________________________________________________________________ self.window = tk.Tk() self.window.title("Image Inpainter") self.window.geometry("800x600") self.window.configure(background='white') self.canvas = Canvas(self.window, width=1, height=1, borderwidth=0, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, relief='ridge') self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.mouse_move) self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.mouse_down) # Add containers to the window which hold the controls and image________________________________________________ controls_row_1 = Frame(self.window) controls_row_2 = Frame(self.window) image_holder = Frame(self.window) controls_row_1.pack(side=TOP) controls_row_2.pack(side=TOP, pady=10) image_holder.pack(side=BOTTOM, pady=10) # Add controls__________________________________________________________________________________________________ button_width = 10 self.open_image_button = Button(self.window, text="Open", command=self.open_image, width=button_width) self.selection_button = Button(self.window, text="Select", command=self.toggle_selection, width=button_width, state=DISABLED) self.complete_button = Button(self.window, text="Complete", command=self.complete_image, width=button_width, state=DISABLED) self.save_button = Button(self.window, text="Save", command=self.save_image, width=button_width, state=DISABLED) self.toggle_original_button = Button( self.window, text="Ground Truth", command=self.toggle_original_image, width=button_width, state=DISABLED) self.switch_model_button = Button(self.window, text="Faces Model", command=self.switch_model, width=button_width) self.unsharp_mask_slider = Scale(self.window, from_=0, to_=100, orient=HORIZONTAL, bg='white', bd=1, troughcolor='white', activebackground='#e7e7e7', length=150, width=10, command=self.unsharp_mask, showvalue=0, state=DISABLED) self.unsharp_mask_label = Label(self.window, text="Unsharp Mask: -%") self.open_image_button.pack(in_=controls_row_1, side=LEFT) self.save_button.pack(in_=controls_row_1, side=LEFT) self.selection_button.pack(in_=controls_row_1, side=LEFT) self.complete_button.pack(in_=controls_row_1, side=LEFT) self.toggle_original_button.pack(in_=controls_row_1, side=LEFT) self.switch_model_button.pack(in_=controls_row_1, side=LEFT) self.unsharp_mask_label.pack(in_=controls_row_2, side=LEFT, padx=2) self.unsharp_mask_slider.pack(in_=controls_row_2, side=LEFT, padx=5) # Load model and start main loop________________________________________________________________________________ self.setup_network() self.load_model(model_path) self.window.mainloop() def switch_model(self): """ Switches between the generic model and the one trained on just faces """ self.faces_model_enabled = not self.faces_model_enabled if self.faces_model_enabled: self.load_model(faces_model_path) self.switch_model_button.config(text="Generic Model") else: self.load_model(model_path) self.switch_model_button.config(text="Faces Model") def unsharp_mask(self, strength): """ Sharpens the generated patch :param strength: Controls the amount the image is sharpened by. The greater the value, the more sharp it becomes. A value of 0 makes no change to the image """ strength = int(strength) self.unsharp_mask_label.config( text="Unsharp Mask: {:d}%".format(strength)) if self.last_generated_patch is None: return strength /= 20 img = self.image_processor.unsharp_mask(self.last_generated_patch, strength) img = self.image_processor.merge_patch_with_image( img, self.last_masked_image, self.last_patch_start_x, self.last_patch_start_y) self.img = img.astype('uint8') img = Image.fromarray(self.img, 'RGB') img = self.resize_image(img) self.completed_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) self.display_image(self.completed_image) def open_image(self): """ Displays the browse file dialog and, upon opening an image, displays the image and enables the remaining buttons """ # Present a file dialog window, allowing only jpg and png files to be selected file = filedialog.askopenfile(parent=self.window, mode='rb', title='Select Image', filetypes=[('Jpeg', '*.jpeg'), ('Jpg', '*.jpg'), ('png', '*.png')]) self.unsharp_mask_slider.config(state=DISABLED) if file is not None: img = if img.mode != 'RGB': img = img.convert('RGB') # This copy is used by the network to complete the image self.img = np.array(img) # self.img copy will be wrote over when a user makes a modification, allowing multiple changes to a # a single image. self.original_image remains the same for the entire time the image is still loaded into # the program self.original_image = np.array(img) # Resize the image to visually fit the visible canvas img = self.resize_image(img) # Convert to a tkinter image and display it in the window self.completed_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) self.original_image_resized = self.completed_image self.display_image(self.completed_image) self.original_image_visible = True self.selection_visible = False self.enable_buttons() def enable_buttons(self): """ When the program is first launched, no image is loaded, therefore the following buttons are initially disabled. Upon importing an image, this function should be called to enable them """ self.selection_button.config(state=NORMAL) self.complete_button.config(state=NORMAL) self.toggle_original_button.config(state=NORMAL) self.save_button.config(state=NORMAL) def save_image(self): """ Presents the user with a save dialog allowing them to save their modified image """ file = filedialog.asksaveasfile(mode='wb', defaultextension=".png") # Check a file has successfully been opened, and whether the user has the original image displayed or the # generated one and save the relevant one if file: if self.original_image_visible: Image.fromarray(self.original_image).save(file) else: Image.fromarray(self.img).save(file) def toggle_original_image(self): """ Switch between displaying the original image or the one being modified """ self.selection_visible = False self.canvas.itemconfig(self.selection, state='hidden') if self.original_image_visible: self.display_image(self.completed_image) self.original_image_visible = False self.toggle_original_button.config(text="Completed") else: self.display_image(self.original_image_resized) self.original_image_visible = True self.toggle_original_button.config(text="Ground Truth") def toggle_selection(self): """ Toggle the visibility of the selection box """ if self.selection_visible: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.selection, state='hidden') self.selection_visible = False else: self.canvas.itemconfig(self.selection, state='normal') self.selection_visible = True def display_image(self, img): """ Displays the image in the window :argument img: Image to be displayed in the window """ self.canvas.config(width=img.width(), height=img.height()) self.canvas.delete("all") self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=img, anchor="nw") self.canvas.pack() self.add_selection_box() def add_selection_box(self): """ Draws a selection box which the user can move around the image to choose the region they wish to complete """ self.selection = self.canvas.create_rectangle( self.image_width // 2 - self.selection_box_width // 2, self.image_height // 2 - self.selection_box_width // 2, self.image_width // 2 + self.selection_box_width // 2, self.image_height // 2 + self.selection_box_width // 2, fill='black', width=2, state='hidden') def setup_network(self): """ Setup the network tensors - g_input: Input to the generator - g_output_patch_only: Patch generated - surrounding_region: Region surrounding the masked image to be merged with the generated patch - training: Whether the model is training or not. When invoking the model, False should be passed in """ network = Network() d_input, g_input, g_output, g_output_patch_only, d_optimizer, g_optimizer, surrounding_region, \ patch_ground_truth, d_cost_fake, d_cost_real, g_cost, training = # Create a new TensorFlow session self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession() self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1) self.g_input = g_input self.g_output_patch_only = g_output_patch_only self.surrounding_region = surrounding_region = training def load_model(self, current_model_path): """ Load the learnt model :param current_model_path: Path to the learnt model """ self.open_image_button.config(state=DISABLED) self.complete_button.config(state=DISABLED) # If the model is not successfully restored, disable the browse button to prevent attempts to invoke the network checkpoint = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state( os.path.dirname(current_model_path)) if checkpoint and checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path: self.saver.restore(self.sess, checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path) self.open_image_button.config(state=NORMAL) self.complete_button.config(state=NORMAL) print("Model Restored") else: print("WARNING: Model not restored") def complete_image(self): """ Completes the selected region of the image and updates the visible image to reflect the changes """ image_processor = ImageProcessor() # Convert the visible coordinates to actual pixel coordinates selection_coordinates = self.canvas.coords(self.selection) patch_start_x = int(selection_coordinates[0] // self.ratio) patch_start_y = int(selection_coordinates[1] // self.ratio) # Get the image components required to generate the patch and insert it back into the original g, masked_image, surrounding_region = image_processor.create_image_components( self.img, patch_start_x, patch_start_y) # Generated the patch generated_patch =, feed_dict={ self.g_input: g, self.surrounding_region: surrounding_region, False }) # Store the last generated patch details to allow quick adjustments to the sharpness self.last_generated_patch = generated_patch[0] self.last_masked_image = masked_image self.last_patch_start_x = patch_start_x self.last_patch_start_y = patch_start_y # Sharpen generated patch and merge back into original generated_patch = image_processor.unsharp_mask( self.last_generated_patch) img = image_processor.merge_patch_with_image(generated_patch, masked_image, patch_start_x, patch_start_y) # View the complete image and set state of relevant controls self.img = img.astype('uint8') img = Image.fromarray(self.img, 'RGB') img = self.resize_image(img) self.completed_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) self.display_image(self.completed_image) self.unsharp_mask_slider.config(state=NORMAL) self.unsharp_mask_slider.set(50) self.selection_visible = False self.original_image_visible = False def resize_image(self, img): """ Resize the image to be displayed to the user. NOTE: This does not resize the image being completed or saved, but is rather just to fill the visible window :argument img: Image to be resized """ # Check which dimension is the maximum and fill the window along that dimension. Need to calculate the ratio if # a non-square image is loaded and resize the smaller side appropriately image_height = float(img.height) image_width = float(img.width) max_dimen = max(image_height, image_width) if max_dimen == image_height: ratio = float(self.canvas_max_size) / image_height image_height = float(self.canvas_max_size) image_width *= ratio else: ratio = float(self.canvas_max_size) / image_width image_width = float(self.canvas_max_size) image_height *= ratio # Store the ratio of the original image with respect to the size of the visible canvas and adjust the size of # the selection box self.ratio = ratio self.selection_box_width = self.patch_width_absolute * ratio self.padding = patch_width * ratio self.image_height = int(image_height) self.image_width = int(image_width) return img.resize((self.image_width, self.image_height)) def mouse_down(self, event): """ On mouse down, store the position of the current selection and the point where the user has clicked. This is required to calculate the new position by mouse_move :argument event: Contains information about the mouse event such as location """ self.selection_coordinates = self.canvas.coords(self.selection) self.start_x = event.x self.start_y = event.y def mouse_move(self, event): """ Move the selection box to the current mouse position on drag. The conditional checks are required to ensure the selection box does not go out of bounds, which is 16 pixels from any edge since this is a requirement of the neural network itself :argument event: Contains information about the mouse event such as location """ diff_x = self.start_x - event.x diff_y = self.start_y - event.y # Calculate the new locations for the four corners of the selection box start_x_new = self.selection_coordinates[0] - diff_x start_y_new = self.selection_coordinates[1] - diff_y end_x_new = self.selection_coordinates[2] - diff_x end_y_new = self.selection_coordinates[3] - diff_y # Ensure that the selection box does not leave the bounds of the image. This should leave a margin of pixels # surrounding the patch which the network uses to complete the masked out region if start_x_new < self.padding: start_x_new = self.padding end_x_new = start_x_new + self.selection_box_width if start_y_new < self.selection_box_width: start_y_new = self.padding end_y_new = start_y_new + self.selection_box_width if end_x_new > self.image_width - self.padding: start_x_new = self.image_width - self.selection_box_width - self.padding end_x_new = start_x_new + self.selection_box_width if end_y_new > self.image_height - self.padding: start_y_new = self.image_height - self.selection_box_width - self.padding end_y_new = start_y_new + self.selection_box_width self.canvas.coords(self.selection, start_x_new, start_y_new, end_x_new, end_y_new)
def generatePatch(self): """ Completes a batch of masked out images """ image_processor = ImageProcessor() # Load the network______________________________________________________________________________________________ # - g_input: Input to the generator # - g_output_patch_only: Patch generated # - surrounding_region: Region surrounding the masked image to be merged with the generated patch # - training: Whether the model is training or not. When invoking the model, False should be passed in network = Network() d_input, g_input, g_output, g_output_patch_only, d_optimizer, g_optimizer, surrounding_region, \ patch_ground_truth, d_cost_fake, d_cost_real, g_cost, training = # Create a new TensorFlow session sess = tf.InteractiveSession() # Get the paths of all the files within the test dataset location and shuffle the images file_paths = np.array(glob.glob(self.test_dataset_location)) number_of_instances = len(file_paths) indexes = np.random.permutation(number_of_instances) file_paths = file_paths[indexes] # Load learnt model mi.load_checkpoint(sess) # Iterate through each batch of images for i in range(number_of_instances // batch_size): # Retrieve batch of training images batch_file_paths = file_paths[i * batch_size: i * batch_size + batch_size] _, g_batch, image_full, surrounding_region_batch, _ = image_processor.create_batch(batch_file_paths) # Generate patches for the batch of images generated_patches =, feed_dict={g_input: g_batch, surrounding_region: surrounding_region_batch, training: False}) # Save the completed images. Both the ground truth (1) and images with the generated patch using unsharp # intensities of the default 2.5 and 0.4 are saved for k in range(0, batch_size): img_id = batch_size * i + k image_processor.save_image(image_full[k], img_id, 1) generated_patch = generated_patches[k] sharpened_patch = image_processor.unsharp_mask(generated_patch) sharpened_image = image_processor.merge_patch_with_image(sharpened_patch, image_full[k], patch_startX, patch_startY) image_processor.save_image(sharpened_image, img_id, 2) sharpened_patch = image_processor.unsharp_mask(generated_patch, 0.5) sharpened_image = image_processor.merge_patch_with_image(sharpened_patch, image_full[k], patch_startX, patch_startY) image_processor.save_image(sharpened_image, img_id, 3) print(i * batch_size)