Item(name="margin"), label="DataSet Property", show_border=True), VGroup(Item(name="ds"), Item(name="either"), Item(name="possible_stock_states"), Item(name="stock")), VGroup(Item(name="data", editor=ShellEditor()))), buttons=[OKButton, CancelButton], #statusbar = [StatusItem(name="title")], dock="vertical", title="Dataset Property", resizable=True, width=1000, height=600, ) def showUi(): ds = DataSet() ds.configure_traits(kind="live") print(ds) # add to menu from imagect.api.actmgr import addActFun, renameAct addActFun("help.example.traits", "Truits", index=1)(showUi) renameAct("help.example", "Example") if __name__ == "__main__": showUi()
def __init__(self): self._id = "reader.gray.2d" self._suffix = ["jpg", "png", "bmp"] def id(self) -> str: return self._id def suffix(self) -> List[str]: return self._suffix def name(self) -> str: return self._name.str() def category(self) -> str: return self._category def read(path: str): """ read in a image """ pass @addActFun("help.traits.traitui", "show trait ui", index=1, shortcut="F4") def testRecent(index=0): reader = Gray2dImageReader() reader.configure_traits() renameAct("help.traits", "Traits", index=12)
def get(): return getUtility(IMainWin) @addActFun("file.exit", text="&Exit", index=10) def appexit(): app.get().exit() @addActFun("file.exampe.msg", text="&Message", index=1) def apptest(): win = get() win.showMessage("Test Message") @addActWdg("file.exampe.wdg", text="Show Widget", index=3) class ActWdg(QSpinBox): def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) @addActFun("file.exampe.print", text="Print Actions", index=4) def appPrint(): mngr = imagect.api.actmgr.get() acts = mngr.queryAll() for a in acts: print("id={}, title={}".format(, a.title)) renameAct("file.exampe", "Examples", index=12)
""" getWin().console()._control.clear() def printText(self, text: str): """ show text in console """ s = "print({})".format(text) self.execute(s) def execute(self, command): """ execute python statement in console """ import PyQt5.QtWidgets # PyQt5.QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard().setText(command) # getWin().console().paste() # getWin().console()._append_plain_text(command) getWin().console().execute(source=command) from imagect.api.actmgr import addActFetch, addActFun, renameAct @addActFun("help.console.welcome", "welcome message", index=1) def testRecent(): get().printText("welcome") renameAct("help.console", "Console", index=11)
ds.meta.path = pro.path ds.meta.reader = VolReader.__class__ ds.meta.category = "vol" return ds return None # add to menu import imagect.api.dataset as ds from imagect.api.actmgr import addActFun, renameAct @addActFun("", "Raw Image", index =1, shortcut="F11") def newimage() : sample = VolReader.readFrom(None) if sample is None : return ds.get().add(sample) import imagect.api.viewmgr as vm sm = vm.get() if sm : sm.insertVolSession(sample) renameAct("", "Open") if __name__ == "__main__": # vr = VolReader()"")
def getFiles(self) -> List[str]: """ return a list a files """ return [r.path for r in self._files] @addActFetch("file.recent", "Recent File", index=2) def recentMenu(qact: QObject): files = recent.get().getFiles() return [QAction(f, qact) for f in files] g = 0 @addActFun("help.recent.add", "Add Recent File", index=1, shortcut="F2") def testRecent(): global g filename = "file-{}".format(g) g += 1 recent.get().push(filename) @addActFun("help.recent.clear", "Clear Recent File", index=1) def testRecent(index=0): recent.get().clear() renameAct("help.recent", "Recent", index=12)