コード例 #1
    def get_motion_vectors(self, image2, searcher, MAD_threshold = None):
        1)  Divide self.image into blocks of 8x8 pixels
        2)  for each block:
        4)      get the X and Y
        5)      search block in image2 from X and Y, moving from 0 to P pixel right, left, top, bottom
        6)      block found?
        7)          if yes, get the new X and Y
        8)          if no, return 0

        if isinstance(self.image, QImage):
            image1 = ImageConverter.qtimage_to_pil_image(self.image)
            image1 = self.image

        images1_pixels = image1.load()

        if isinstance(image2, QImage):
            image2 = ImageConverter.qtimage_to_pil_image(image2)

        images2_pixels = image2.load()

        width = image1.size[0]
        height = image1.size[1]

        vectors = []

        for block_x_num in range(0, width/searcher.block_size):
            block_x_pos = searcher.block_size*block_x_num

            for block_y_num in range(0, height/searcher.block_size):

                block_y_pos = searcher.block_size*block_y_num

                (new_x, new_y, MAD, MAD_checks_count) = searcher.search(images1_pixels, block_x_pos, block_y_pos, images2_pixels)

                valid_vector = True

                if MAD_threshold and MAD > MAD_threshold:
                    #Discard the vector if the MAD is over ranged
                    valid_vector = False

                if valid_vector:
                    #if (block_x_pos != new_x) or (block_y_pos != new_y):
                    vector = { 'x': block_x_pos, 'y': block_y_pos, 'to_x' : new_x, 'to_y': new_y, 'MAD': MAD, 'MAD_checks_count': MAD_checks_count}

        return vectors
コード例 #2
    def _draw_compressed_frame2(self):
        if len(self.vectors) > 0:

            zero_vectors_blocks_count = 0
            new_blocks_count = 0
            moved_vectors_blocks_count = 0

            self._draw_frame(self.image_2, self.ui.frame2CompressedGraphicsView)

            scene = self.ui.frame2CompressedGraphicsView.scene()
            image2_new = QImage(self.image_2)

            sameBlockPen = QPen(Qt.black, 1, Qt.SolidLine)
            movedBlockPen = QPen(Qt.green, 1, Qt.SolidLine)

            for v in self.vectors:
                x = int(v["x"])
                y = int(v["y"])
                to_x = int(v["to_x"])
                to_y = int(v["to_y"])
                MAD = v["MAD"]

                if x == to_x and y == to_y:
                    #The block is the same of the previous frame. Transmit a zero vector
                    zero_vectors_blocks_count += 1
                    scene.addRect(x, y, self.get_block_size(), self.get_block_size(), sameBlockPen, QBrush(Qt.SolidPattern))
                    if MAD < self.ui.MADThresholdSpingBox.value():
                        #The block is moved
                        moved_vectors_blocks_count += 1

                        scene.addRect(x, y, self.get_block_size(), self.get_block_size(), movedBlockPen, QBrush(Qt.green, Qt.SolidPattern))

                        moved_block_image = self.image_1.copy(x,y, self.get_block_size(), self.get_block_size())
                        ImageConverter.draw_image_into_image(moved_block_image, image2_new, to_x, to_y)
                        #A new block of the frame is needed
                        new_blocks_count += 1

            #Draw the reconstructed Frame
            scene = QGraphicsScene()

            #Show the statistics
            zero_vectors_blocks_percent = (zero_vectors_blocks_count*100/len(self.vectors))
            new_blocks_percent = (new_blocks_count*100/len(self.vectors))
            moved_vectors_blocks_percent = (moved_vectors_blocks_count*100/len(self.vectors))

            compression_ratio = 100 - new_blocks_percent - moved_vectors_blocks_percent/3

            self.ui.zeroVectorsPercentLabel.setText("%d %%" %zero_vectors_blocks_percent )
            self.ui.newBlocksPercentLabel.setText("%d %%" % new_blocks_percent)
            self.ui.movedVectorsPercentLabel.setText("%d %%" % moved_vectors_blocks_percent)
            self.ui.compressionRatioLabel.setText("%d %%" %compression_ratio)

            total_mads_checked = 0
            for v in self.vectors:
                total_mads_checked += v["MAD_checks_count"]

            self.ui.MADsCheckedLabel.setText("%d" %total_mads_checked)

            #Calculate the PSNR
            PSNR = ImageComparator.calculate_PSNR(ImageConverter.qtimage_to_pil_image(self.image_2), ImageConverter.qtimage_to_pil_image(image2_new), self.image_2.width(), self.image_2.height())
            self.ui.psnrFrame2Label.setText("%d" % PSNR)