コード例 #1
def test_set_pipeline_steps():
    transf1 = Transf()
    transf2 = Transf()
    pipeline = Pipeline([("mock", transf1)])
    assert pipeline.named_steps["mock"] is transf1

    # Directly setting attr
    pipeline.steps = [("mock2", transf2)]
    assert "mock" not in pipeline.named_steps
    assert pipeline.named_steps["mock2"] is transf2
    assert [("mock2", transf2)] == pipeline.steps

    # Using set_params
    pipeline.set_params(steps=[("mock", transf1)])
    assert [("mock", transf1)] == pipeline.steps

    # Using set_params to replace single step
    assert [("mock", transf2)] == pipeline.steps

    # With invalid data
    pipeline.set_params(steps=[("junk", ())])
    with raises(TypeError):
        pipeline.fit([[1]], [1])
    with raises(TypeError):
        pipeline.fit_transform([[1]], [1])
コード例 #2
def test_set_pipeline_steps():
    transf1 = Transf()
    transf2 = Transf()
    pipeline = Pipeline([('mock', transf1)])
    assert pipeline.named_steps['mock'] is transf1

    # Directly setting attr
    pipeline.steps = [('mock2', transf2)]
    assert 'mock' not in pipeline.named_steps
    assert pipeline.named_steps['mock2'] is transf2
    assert [('mock2', transf2)] == pipeline.steps

    # Using set_params
    pipeline.set_params(steps=[('mock', transf1)])
    assert [('mock', transf1)] == pipeline.steps

    # Using set_params to replace single step
    assert [('mock', transf2)] == pipeline.steps

    # With invalid data
    pipeline.set_params(steps=[('junk', ())])
    with raises(TypeError):
        pipeline.fit([[1]], [1])
    with raises(TypeError):
        pipeline.fit_transform([[1]], [1])
コード例 #3
def test_set_pipeline_steps():
    transf1 = Transf()
    transf2 = Transf()
    pipeline = Pipeline([('mock', transf1)])
    assert pipeline.named_steps['mock'] is transf1

    # Directly setting attr
    pipeline.steps = [('mock2', transf2)]
    assert 'mock' not in pipeline.named_steps
    assert pipeline.named_steps['mock2'] is transf2
    assert [('mock2', transf2)] == pipeline.steps

    # Using set_params
    pipeline.set_params(steps=[('mock', transf1)])
    assert [('mock', transf1)] == pipeline.steps

    # Using set_params to replace single step
    assert [('mock', transf2)] == pipeline.steps

    # With invalid data
    pipeline.set_params(steps=[('junk', ())])
    assert_raises(TypeError, pipeline.fit, [[1]], [1])
    assert_raises(TypeError, pipeline.fit_transform, [[1]], [1])