def __init__(self, calibration_data_file, smooth_frames = 5, debug = False, failed_frames_dir = 'failed_frames'): self.img_processor = ImageProcessor(calibration_data_file) self.lane_tracker = LaneDetector(smooth_frames = smooth_frames) self.frame_count = 0 self.fail_count = 0 self.debug = debug self.failed_frames_dir = failed_frames_dir self.last_frame = None self.processed_frames = None
class VideoProcessor: """ Class used to process a video file and that produces an annotated version with the detected lanes. """ def __init__(self, calibration_data_file, smooth_frames = 5, debug = False, failed_frames_dir = 'failed_frames'): self.img_processor = ImageProcessor(calibration_data_file) self.lane_tracker = LaneDetector(smooth_frames = smooth_frames) self.frame_count = 0 self.fail_count = 0 self.debug = debug self.failed_frames_dir = failed_frames_dir self.last_frame = None self.processed_frames = None def process_frame(self, img): img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) undistorted_img, thresholded_img, warped_img = self.img_processor.process_image(img) _, polyfit, curvature, deviation, fail_code = self.lane_tracker.detect_lanes(warped_img) fill_color = (0, 255, 0) if fail_code == 0 else (0, 255, 255) lane_img = self.lane_tracker.draw_lanes(undistorted_img, polyfit, fill_color = fill_color) lane_img = self.img_processor.unwarp_image(lane_img) out_image = cv2.addWeighted(undistorted_img, 1.0, lane_img, 1.0, 0) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX font_color = (0, 255, 0) curvature_text = 'Left Curvature: {:.1f}, Right Curvature: {:.1f}'.format(curvature[0], curvature[1]) offset_text = 'Center Offset: {:.2f} m'.format(deviation) cv2.putText(out_image, curvature_text, (30, 60), font, 1, font_color, 2) cv2.putText(out_image, offset_text, (30, 90), font, 1, font_color, 2) if fail_code > 0: self.fail_count += 1 failed_text = 'Detection Failed: {}'.format(LaneDetector.FAIL_CODES[fail_code]) cv2.putText(out_image, failed_text, (30, 120), font, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) if self.debug: print(failed_text) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.failed_frames_dir, 'frame' + str(self.frame_count) + '_failed_' + str(fail_code) + '.png'), img) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.failed_frames_dir, 'frame' + str(self.frame_count) + '_failed_' + str(fail_code) + '_lanes.png'), out_image) if self.last_frame is not None: # Saves also the previous frame for comparison cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.failed_frames_dir, 'frame' + str(self.frame_count) + '_failed_' + str(fail_code) + '_prev.png'), self.last_frame) self.frame_count += 1 self.last_frame = img out_image = cv2.cvtColor(out_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return out_image def process_frame_split(self, img): img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) undistorted_img, thresholded_img, processed_img = self.img_processor.process_image(img) lanes_centroids, polyfit, curvature, deviation, fail_code = self.lane_tracker.detect_lanes(processed_img) fill_color = (0, 255, 0) if fail_code == 0 else (0, 255, 255) lane_img = self.lane_tracker.draw_lanes(undistorted_img, polyfit, fill_color = fill_color) lane_img = self.img_processor.unwarp_image(lane_img) out_image = cv2.addWeighted(undistorted_img, 1.0, lane_img, 1.0, 0) color_img = self.img_processor.color_thresh(undistorted_img) * 255 gradient_img = self.img_processor.gradient_thresh(undistorted_img) * 255 processed_src = np.array(cv2.merge((thresholded_img, thresholded_img, thresholded_img)), np.uint8) src, _ = self.img_processor._warp_coordinates(img) src = np.array(src, np.int32) cv2.polylines(processed_src, [src], True, (0,0,255), 2) window_img = np.copy(processed_img) window_img = self.lane_tracker.draw_windows(window_img, lanes_centroids, polyfit, blend = True) lanes_img = np.copy(out_image) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX font_color = (0, 255, 0) curvature_text = 'Left Curvature: {:.1f}, Right Curvature: {:.1f}'.format(curvature[0], curvature[1]) offset_text = 'Center Offset: {:.2f} m'.format(deviation) cv2.putText(out_image, curvature_text, (30, 60), font, 1, font_color, 2) cv2.putText(out_image, offset_text, (30, 90), font, 1, font_color, 2) if fail_code > 0: self.fail_count += 1 failed_text = 'Detection Failed: {}'.format(LaneDetector.FAIL_CODES[fail_code]) cv2.putText(out_image, failed_text, (30, 120), font, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) if self.debug: print(failed_text) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.failed_frames_dir, 'frame' + str(self.frame_count) + '_failed_' + str(fail_code) + '.png'), img) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.failed_frames_dir, 'frame' + str(self.frame_count) + '_failed_' + str(fail_code) + '_lanes.png'), out_image) if self.last_frame is not None: # Saves also the previous frame for comparison cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.failed_frames_dir, 'frame' + str(self.frame_count) + '_failed_' + str(fail_code) + '_prev.png'), self.last_frame) self.frame_count += 1 undistorted_img = cv2.cvtColor(undistorted_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) color_img = cv2.cvtColor(color_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) gradient_img = cv2.cvtColor(gradient_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) thresholded_img= cv2.cvtColor(thresholded_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) processed_src= cv2.cvtColor(processed_src, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) processed_img= cv2.cvtColor(processed_img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) window_img= cv2.cvtColor(window_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) lanes_img= cv2.cvtColor(lanes_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) out_image= cv2.cvtColor(out_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return (undistorted_img, color_img, gradient_img, thresholded_img, processed_src, processed_img, window_img, lanes_img, out_image) def process_video(self, file_path, output, t_start = None, t_end = None): input_clip = VideoFileClip(file_path) if t_start is not None: input_clip = input_clip.subclip(t_start = t_start, t_end = t_end) output_clip = input_clip.fl_image(self.process_frame) output_clip.write_videofile(output, audio = False) def process_frame_stage(self, img, idx): if self.processed_frames is None: self.processed_frames = [] if idx == 0: result = self.process_frame_split(img) self.processed_frames.append(result) else: self.frame_count += 1 return self.processed_frames[self.frame_count - 1][idx] def process_video_split(self, file_path, output, t_start = None, t_end = None): input_clip = VideoFileClip(file_path) if t_start is not None: input_clip = input_clip.subclip(t_start = t_start, t_end = t_end) out_file_prefix = os.path.split(output)[1][:-4] idx = 0 output_clip = input_clip.fl_image(lambda img: self.process_frame_stage(img, idx)) output_clip.write_videofile(out_file_prefix + '_undistoreted.mp4', audio = False) idx += 1 self.frame_count = 0 output_clip.write_videofile(out_file_prefix + '_color.mp4', audio = False) idx += 1 self.frame_count = 0 output_clip.write_videofile(out_file_prefix + '_gradient.mp4', audio = False) idx += 1 self.frame_count = 0 output_clip.write_videofile(out_file_prefix + '_thresholded.mp4', audio = False) idx += 1 self.frame_count = 0 output_clip.write_videofile(out_file_prefix + '_processed_src.mp4', audio = False) idx += 1 self.frame_count = 0 output_clip.write_videofile(out_file_prefix + '_processed_dst.mp4', audio = False) idx += 1 self.frame_count = 0 output_clip.write_videofile(out_file_prefix + '_window.mp4', audio = False) idx += 1 self.frame_count = 0 output_clip.write_videofile(out_file_prefix + '_lanes.mp4', audio = False) idx += 1 self.frame_count = 0 output_clip.write_videofile(out_file_prefix + '_final.mp4', audio = False) print('Number of failed detection: {}'.format(self.fail_count))
def upload(filename): """ Get the default Notebook ID and process the passed in file""" basefile = os.path.basename(filename) title, ext = os.path.splitext(basefile) body = f"{basefile} uploaded from {platform.node()}\n" datatype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] if datatype is None: # avoid subscript exception if datatype is None if ext in (".url", ".lnk"): datatype = "text/plain" else: datatype = "" if datatype == "text/plain": body += read_text_note(filename) values = set_json_string(title, NOTEBOOK_ID, body) if datatype == "text/csv": table = read_csv(filename) body += tabulate(table, headers="keys", numalign="right", tablefmt="pipe") values = set_json_string(title, NOTEBOOK_ID, body) elif datatype[:5] == "image": img_processor = ImageProcessor(LANGUAGE) body += "\n<!---\n" try: body += img_processor.extract_text_from_image( filename, autorotate=AUTOROTATION) except TypeError: print("Unable to perform OCR on this file.") except OSError: print(f"Invalid or incomplete file - {filename}") return -1 body += "\n-->\n" img = img_processor.encode_image(filename, datatype) del img_processor values = set_json_string(title, NOTEBOOK_ID, body, img) else: response = create_resource(filename) body += f"[{basefile}](:/{response['id']})" values = set_json_string(title, NOTEBOOK_ID, body) if response["file_extension"] == "pdf": img_processor = ImageProcessor(LANGUAGE) if img_processor.pdf_valid(filename): # Special handling for PDFs body += "\n<!---\n" body += img_processor.extract_text_from_pdf(filename) body += "\n-->\n" previewfile = img_processor.PREVIEWFILE if not os.path.exists(previewfile): previewfile = img_processor.pdf_page_to_image(filename) img = img_processor.encode_image(previewfile, "image/png") os.remove(previewfile) values = set_json_string(title, NOTEBOOK_ID, body, img) response = + "/notes" + TOKEN, data=values) # print(response) # print(response.text) if response.status_code == 200: if AUTOTAG: apply_tags(body, response.json().get("id")) print(f"Placed note into notebook {NOTEBOOK_ID}: {NOTEBOOK_NAME}") if os.path.isdir(MOVETO): moveto_filename = os.path.join(MOVETO, basefile) print(moveto_filename) if os.path.exists(moveto_filename): print(f"{basefile} exists in moveto dir, not moving!") else: try: # Give it a few seconds to release file lock time.sleep(3) shutil.move(filename, MOVETO) except IOError: print(f"File Locked-unable to move {filename}") return 0 else: print("ERROR! NOTE NOT CREATED") print("Something went wrong corrupt file or note > 10MB?") return -1
default=80, help='Sliding window height') parser.add_argument('--w_margin', type=int, default=35, help='Sliding window margin from center') args = parser.parse_args() img_files = [] for ext in ('*.png', '*.jpg'): img_files.extend(glob(os.path.join(args.dir, ext))) img_processor = ImageProcessor(args.calibration_data_file) lane_tracker = LaneDetector(window_width=args.w_width, window_height=args.w_height, margin=args.w_margin, smooth_frames=0) for img_file in tqdm(img_files, unit=' images', desc='Image processing'): print(img_file) input_img = cv2.imread(img_file) undistorted_img, thresholded_img, processed_img = img_processor.process_image( input_img) out_file_prefix = os.path.join(args.output, os.path.split(img_file)[1][:-4])
def init_vid_process(self, source, pipe, array, mode, cap): mode = self.check_mode_availability(source, mode) self.cam_process = ImageProcessor(source, mode, pipe, array, cap) self.vid_process = Process(target=self.cam_process.run_vid, args=()) self.vid_process.start()
def init_process(self, source, pipe, array, mode, cap): mode = self.check_mode_availability(source, mode) self.cam_process = ImageProcessor(source, mode, pipe, array, cap) self.cam_process.start()
class EyeCamera(camera.Camera): def __init__(self, name=None, mode=(192,192,120)): super().__init__(name) self.mode = mode self.cam_process = None self.vid_process = None self.shared_array = self.create_shared_array(mode) self.detector = Detector3D() self.bbox = None self.pos = None self.detector.update_properties({'2d':{'pupil_size_max':180}}) self.detector.update_properties({'2d':{'pupil_size_min':10}}) self.countdown = 5 def init_process(self, source, pipe, array, mode, cap): mode = self.check_mode_availability(source, mode) self.cam_process = ImageProcessor(source, mode, pipe, array, cap) self.cam_process.start() def init_vid_process(self, source, pipe, array, mode, cap): mode = self.check_mode_availability(source, mode) self.cam_process = ImageProcessor(source, mode, pipe, array, cap) self.vid_process = Process(target=self.cam_process.run_vid, args=()) self.vid_process.start() def join_process(self): self.cam_process.join(10) def join_vid_process(self): self.vid_process.join(3) def create_shared_array(self, mode): w = mode[0] h = mode[1] return Array(ctypes.c_uint8, h*w*3, lock=False) def check_mode_availability(self, source, mode): dev_list = uvc.device_list() cap = uvc.Capture(dev_list[source]['uid']) if mode not in cap.avaible_modes: m = cap.avaible_modes[0] mode = (m[1], m[0], m[2]) self.shared_array = self.create_shared_array(mode) self.mode = mode return mode def process(self, img): if img is None: return height, width = img.shape[0], img.shape[1] gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) timestamp = uvc.get_time_monotonic() roi = None if self.bbox is not None: xmin, ymin, w, h = self.bbox roi = Roi(xmin, ymin, xmin+w, ymin+h) result = self.detector.detect(gray, timestamp, roi=roi) #print(result) if result["model_confidence"] > 0.25: sphere = result["projected_sphere"] self.__draw_ellipse(sphere, img, (255,120,120), 1) if result["confidence"] > 0.5: n = np.array(result['circle_3d']['normal']) self.bbox = self.__get_bbox(result, img) self.__draw_tracking_info(result, img) # cv2.imshow("testando", img) # cv2.waitKey(1) self.pos = np.array([n[0], n[1], n[2], time.monotonic()]) self.countdown = 5 else: self.countdown -= 1 if self.countdown <= 0: self.pos = None self.bbox = None return img def freeze_model(self): self.detector.update_properties({ "3d": {"model_is_frozen": True} }) def unfreeze_model(self): self.detector.update_properties({ "3d": {"model_is_frozen": False} }) def __get_bbox(self, result, img): r = result['diameter'] point = result['ellipse']['center'] x1 = point[0]-r*0.8 y1 = point[1]-r*0.8 x2 = point[0]+r*0.8 y2 = point[1]+r*0.8 x1 = self.__test_boundaries(x1, img.shape[1]) y1 = self.__test_boundaries(y1, img.shape[0]) x2 = self.__test_boundaries(x2, img.shape[1]) y2 = self.__test_boundaries(y2, img.shape[0]) w = x2-x1 h = y2-y1 cv2.rectangle(img, self.bbox, (125,80,80), 2, 1) return int(x1),int(y1),int(w),int(h) def __test_boundaries(self, x, lim): if x < 0: return 0 if x >= lim: return lim-1 return x def __draw_tracking_info(self, result, img, color=(255,120,120)): ellipse = result["ellipse"] normal = result["circle_3d"]["normal"] center = tuple(int(v) for v in ellipse["center"]) cv2.drawMarker(img, center, (0,255,0), cv2.MARKER_CROSS, 12, 1) self.__draw_ellipse(ellipse, img, (0,0,255)) dest_pos = (int(center[0]+normal[0]*60), int(center[1]+normal[1]*60)) cv2.line(img, center, dest_pos, (85,175,20),2) # if self.bbox is not None: # cv2.rectangle(img, self.bbox, (120,255,120), 2, 1) def __draw_ellipse(self, ellipse, img, color, thickness=2): center = tuple(int(v) for v in ellipse["center"]) axes = tuple(int(v/2) for v in ellipse["axes"]) rad = ellipse["angle"] cv2.ellipse(img, center, axes, rad, 0, 360, color, 2) def reset_model(self): self.detector.reset_model() def get_processed_data(self): return self.pos