async def finish_config_callback(self, callback_config): print("callback_config:", callback_config) if self.config_win is not None: self.config_win.close() api.showMessage('network configured.') with open(os.path.join(self.work_dir, "anet-config.json"), "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(callback_config)) self.config_json.update(callback_config) # await self.get_data_by_config(config=self.config_json) api.showStatus("generating mask from the annotation file ...") self.get_mask_by_json(config=self.config_json) api.showStatus("Masks generated, now start training...") self._opt = self.get_opt(self.config_json, work_dir=self.work_dir) self.initialize(self._opt) api.log("self._opt.work_dir:" + self._opt.work_dir) api.log("self._opt.input_channels:" + str(self._opt.input_channels)) api.log("self._opt.target_channels:" + str(self._opt.target_channels)) api.log("self._opt.input_nc:" + str(self._opt.input_nc)) api.log("self._opt.target_nc:" + str(self._opt.target_nc)) config = my_config() api.log("" + api.log("config.epochs:" + str(config.epochs)) api.log("config.steps:" + str(config.steps)) api.log("config.batchsize:" + str(config.batchsize)) await self.train_2(config)
def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs): self.logs = logs api.showStatus('training epoch:' + str(self.epoch) + '/' + str(self.total_epoch) + ' ' + str(logs)) sys.stdout.flush() self.dash.updateCallback('onStep', self.step, {'mse': np.asscalar(logs['mean_squared_error'])}) self.step += 1 if abort.is_set(): raise Exception('Abort.')
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs): self.epoch = epoch self.logs = logs api.showProgress(self.epoch / self.total_epoch * 100) api.showStatus('training epoch:' + str(self.epoch) + '/' + str(self.total_epoch) + ' ' + str(logs)) xbatch, ybatch = next(self.gen) ypbatch = self.model.predict(xbatch, batch_size=1) tensor_list = [xbatch, ypbatch, ybatch] label = 'Step ' + str(self.step) titles = [self.input_channels, self.output_channels, self.target_channels] plot_tensors(self.dash, tensor_list, label, titles)
async def predict(self, my=None, sample_path=None): if not self._initialized: api.alert('Please click `Anet-Lite` before testing.') return sources = GenericTransformedImages(self._opt) batch_size = 1 source = sources['test'] count = 0 if sample_path is None: test_samples = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.work_dir, "test")) sample_path = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "test", test_samples[0]) # print("start run cus_make_test_generator ...") gen = self.cus_make_test_generator(source, sample_path) # gen = make_test_generator(source) api.showStatus('making predictions.') totalsize = len(source) self.dash = await api.createWindow(type="Im2Im-Dashboard", name="Anet-lite Prediction", w=25, h=10, data={"display_mode": "all"}) input_channels = [ch[0] for ch in self._opt.input_channels] output_channels = [ch[0] + '_output' for ch in self._opt.target_channels] label = 'Sample ' titles = [input_channels, output_channels] print("titles:", titles) xbatch, paths = next(gen) print("start run predict ...") ypbatch = self.model.predict(xbatch, batch_size=batch_size) tensor_list = [xbatch, ypbatch] plot_tensors(self.dash, tensor_list, label, titles) count += batch_size for b in range(len(ypbatch)): image = ypbatch[b] path = paths[b] _, name = os.path.split(path) # output_path = os.path.join(sample_path, name) for i in range(image.shape[2]): misc.imsave(os.path.join(sample_path, output_channels[i] + '.png'), image[:, :, i].astype('float32')) api.showProgress(1.0 * count / totalsize) api.showStatus('making predictions: {}/{}'.format(count, totalsize)) annotation_json = self.masks_to_annotation(sample_path, outputs=self.config_json.get("outputs")) print("save prediction.json to path:", sample_path) return annotation_json
def gen_mask_from_geojson(self, files_proc, img_size=None, infer=False): # %% Some housekeeping to setup example data # files_proc= [os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..','data','maskGenerator','img','annotation.json'))] # masks_to_create = { # "cells": ['filled', 'edge', 'distance', 'weigthed'], # "nuclei": ['filled', 'edge', 'distance', 'weigthed'], # } masks_to_create = {} masks_to_create_value = ['filled', 'edge', 'distance', 'weigthed'] # annot_types = list(masks_to_create.keys()) annotationsImporter = annotationUtils.GeojsonImporter() # Instance to save masks masks = annotationUtils.MaskGenerator() weightedEdgeMasks = annotationUtils.WeightedEdgeMaskGenerator(sigma=8, w0=10) distMapMasks = annotationUtils.DistanceMapGenerator(truncate_distance=None) # %% Loop over all files count = len(files_proc) for i, file_proc in enumerate(files_proc): print('PROCESSING FILE:') print(file_proc) dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(file_proc) api.showStatus('generating masks for: ' + dir_name.split('/')[-1]) api.showProgress(i / count * 100) # Decompose file name drive, path_and_file = os.path.splitdrive(file_proc) path, file = os.path.split(path_and_file) file_base, ext = os.path.splitext(file) # Read annotation: Correct class has been selected based on annot_type annot_dict_all, roi_size_all, image_size = annotationsImporter.load(file_proc) if img_size is not None: image_size = img_size annot_types = set(annot_dict_all[k]['properties']['label'] for k in annot_dict_all.keys()) print("annot_types: ", annot_types) for annot_type in annot_types: if infer: file_name_save = os.path.join(drive, path, annot_type + '_filled_output.png') else: file_name_save = os.path.join(drive, path, annot_type + '_filled.png') if os.path.exists(file_name_save): print("skip to generate mask:", file_name_save) continue # print("annot_type: ", annot_type) masks_to_create[annot_type] = masks_to_create_value # Filter the annotations by label annot_dict = {k: annot_dict_all[k] for k in annot_dict_all.keys() if annot_dict_all[k]['properties']['label'] == annot_type} # print("len(annot_dict):", len(annot_dict)) # print("annot_dict.keys():", annot_dict.keys()) # Create masks # Binary - is always necessary to creat other masks print(' .... creating binary masks .....') binaryMasks = annotationUtils.BinaryMaskGenerator(image_size=image_size, erose_size=5, obj_size_rem=500, save_indiv=True) mask_dict = binaryMasks.generate(annot_dict) # Save binary masks FILLED if specified if 'filled' in masks_to_create[annot_type]: if infer: file_name_save = os.path.join(drive, path, annot_type + '_filled_output.png') else: file_name_save = os.path.join(drive, path, annot_type + '_filled.png'), 'fill', file_name_save) # # Edge mask # if 'edge' in masks_to_create[annot_type]: # if infer: # file_name_save = os.path.join(drive,path, annot_type + '_edge_output.png') # else: # file_name_save = os.path.join(drive,path, annot_type + '_edge.png') #,'edge',file_name_save) # Distance map if 'distance' in masks_to_create[annot_type]: print(' .... creating distance maps .....') mask_dict = distMapMasks.generate(annot_dict, mask_dict) # Save if infer: file_name_save = os.path.join(drive, path, annot_type + '_distmap_output.png') else: file_name_save = os.path.join(drive, path, annot_type + '_distmap.png'), 'distance_map', file_name_save)