コード例 #1
 def __eq__(self,other):
     if self is other: return True
     if self.source_mmsi != other.source_mmsi: return False
     if len(self.__dict__) != len(other.__dict__):
         #k1 = self.__dict__.keys()
         #k2 = other.__dict__.keys()
         #sys.stderr.write('\n\n%s\n%s\n' % (k1,k2))
         #sys.stderr.write('VERY_BAD_eq: len diff %d %s\n' % (len(k1),len(k2)))
         return False
     for key in self.__dict__:
         # FIX: should we skip checking the year and month as they are not really part of the message?
         #if key in ('year','month'): continue
         if key not in other.__dict__:
             #sys.stderr.write('VERY_BAD_eq_2: bad key: %s\n' % (str(key),))
             return False
         if isinstance(self.__dict__[key], float):
             if not almost_equal(self.__dict__[key], other.__dict__[key]):
                 #sys.stderr.write('float_key_not_same: %s - %s %s\n' % (key,self.__dict__[key],other.__dict__[key]))
                 return False
         elif self.__dict__[key] != other.__dict__[key]:
             #sys.stderr.write('key_not_same: %s\n\t%s\n\t%s\n' % (key,self.__dict__[key],other.__dict__[key]))
             return False
     return True
コード例 #2
 def __eq__(self, other):
   if self is other: return True
   if self.source_mmsi != other.source_mmsi: return False
   if len(self.__dict__) != len(other.__dict__):
     return False
   for key in self.__dict__:
     # TODO(schwehr): Should we skip checking the year and month?
     #   They are not really part of the message?
     if key not in other.__dict__:
       return False
     if isinstance(self.__dict__[key], float):
       if not almost_equal(self.__dict__[key], other.__dict__[key]):
         return False
     elif self.__dict__[key] != other.__dict__[key]:
       return False
   return True