def find_types_of_monster(): df_copy = import_data.csv_cleaner() #Creating seperate dataframes using user input types = df_copy["type"].unique() print( "Type the number of the type of monster you would like to search through" ) for i in range(len(types) - 1): print("{0}: {1}".format(i, types[i])) user_input = input("Number: ") if user_input.isdigit() and int(user_input) < 13: print( "Ok: Printing a Dataframe of this type of monster, along with some information" ) #Dataframe should be able to call different functions to create a wider picture of the DF monster_type_df = df_copy[df_copy["type"].values == types[int( user_input)]] num_monsters = len(monster_type_df) cr_avrg = round(monster_type_df["cr"].mean()) deadliest = monster_type_df.loc[monster_type_df["cr"].values == monster_type_df["cr"].max()] weakest = monster_type_df[monster_type_df["cr"].values == monster_type_df["cr"].min()] print( "The DataFrame contains {0} monsters\nThe Average Cr is {1}\nThe Deadliest monster is the {2}\nThe Weakest monster is the {3}\n" .format(num_monsters, cr_avrg, deadliest["name"].values, weakest["name"].values), monster_type_df)
def find_average_cr(): #Finds average CR, may need to convert CR column to int/double for this df_copy = import_data.csv_cleaner() #print(checker, df_copy) #print("The mean value of the challenge rating is {0:.1f}".format(df_copy["cr"].mean()), divider) #print("The mode value of the challenge rating is {0:.1f}".format(int(df_copy["cr"].mode()))) out = round(df_copy["cr"].mean()) return out
def ranked_by_cr(): df_copy = import_data.csv_cleaner() df_copy["rankedcr"] = df_copy["cr"].rank(ascending=1) print(divider, "The least challenging monsters are \n", df_copy[df_copy["rankedcr"] < 40].sort_values("rankedcr")) print(divider, "The most challenging monsters are \n", df_copy[df_copy["rankedcr"] > 330].sort_values("rankedcr")) return df_copy
def find_quantile_cr(): #Finds the average CR of each quantile, and outputs a CR average that fits into the "normal" range #Aka, between .25 and .75 df_copy = import_data.csv_cleaner() print(checker) print( "The first quantile of the CR is {}".format( df_copy["cr"].quantile(.25)), "The second quantile of the CR is {}".format( df_copy["cr"].quantile(.50)), "The third quantile of the CR is {}".format( df_copy["cr"].quantile(.75)))
def standard_dev_cr(): df_copy = import_data.csv_cleaner() average = find_average_cr() std_cr = df_copy["cr"].std() top_range_monsters = average + std_cr * 1.96 low_range_monsters = average - std_cr * 1.96 df_out = df_copy #Create dataframe for returning information #Holds the top monsters to fight - print(df_out[df_out["cr"] > top_range_monsters].values) #Hold the bottom mosnters to fight - print(df_out[df_out["cr"] < low_range_monsters].values) df_out = df_out.drop(df_out[df_out["cr"] > top_range_monsters].index) df_out = df_out.drop(df_out[df_out["cr"] < low_range_monsters].index) #print("Testing \n", df_out) return df_out
def iqr_monster_cr(): df_copy = import_data.csv_cleaner() print(checker) #Set the quantile groups early_monsters = df_copy["cr"].quantile(.25) later_monsters = df_copy["cr"].quantile(.75) iqr_enemies = later_monsters - early_monsters #Changed name to enemies to avoid confusion with method top_range_monsters = later_monsters + iqr_enemies * 1.5 #9+8*1.5 low_range_monsters = early_monsters - iqr_enemies * 1.5 #1-8*1.5 df_iqr = df_copy df_iqr = df_iqr.drop(df_iqr[df_iqr["cr"] > top_range_monsters].index) df_iqr = df_iqr.drop(df_iqr[df_iqr["cr"] < low_range_monsters].index) print( "Printing monsters withing the IQR \n", df_iqr) #The IQR is quite compact, only 12 rows are dropped using this
def plot_cr_box(): df_copy = import_data.csv_cleaner() print(df_copy.columns) df_copy.boxplot(by="type", column="cr") #Shows the Cr based on type using a box plot
def general_info_monsters(): df_copy = import_data.csv_cleaner() print("Printing out basic information about the Dataframe\n", df_copy.describe().transpose())