def execute_step(event, function_name, function_input, function_output, function_args):"/app/python_scripts", globals()) try: function_mod,function_call = function_name.split('.',2) active_function = getattr(globals()[function_mod], function_call) event = active_function(event, function_input, function_output, function_args) except Exception as e: event = append_keyvalue(event,"status",str(e)) return event
def __init__(self): self.shema_dir = "" self.Controller = "" self.Action = "" init = Init.Init() init.config_file = '/home/leo/emualator/web/app/etc/site.conf' init.read_config() init.init_database()['CONTROLLERS']['controller_dir'], globals())
def execute_script(item: ExecuteScriptInputs):"/app/python_scripts", globals()) function_input = item.function_input try: active_function = getattr(globals()[item.module_name],item.function_name) except: return "module/function not found" try: function_result = active_function(item.event,item.function_input,item.function_output,item.function_args) return function_result except: return "Error while executing function"
import os import telegram import telebot from telebot import types import emoji from blockchain import blockexplorer from flask import Flask, request, render_template from coinbase.wallet.client import Client from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() DEBUG = False # Configuration variable TOKEN = os.getenv("TOKEN") ADMIN_ID = os.getenv("ADMIN_ID") # Coinbase API for payments API_KEY = os.getenv("API_KEY") API_SECRET = os.getenv("API_SECRET") bot = telebot.AsyncTeleBot(TOKEN, threaded=True) import importdir"handlers", globals())
from colorclass import Color print(Color('{autored}[{/red}{autoyellow}+{/yellow}{autored}]{/red} {autocyan}Cargando plugins...{/cyan}')) from config import * import importdir import sys ################################################# # BOT BODY # ################################################# if sys.version_info.major < 3: raise Exception("Must be using Python 3")'plugins', globals()) print(Color('{autored}[{/red}{autoyellow}+{/yellow}{autored}]{/red} {autocyan}Plugins cargados.{/cyan}')) try: logBot.send_message( 52033876, "@League_of_Legends_bot ha sido encendido") except Exception as e: bot.send_message( 52033876, str(e)) print(Color('{autored}[{/red}{autoyellow}+{/yellow}{autored}]{/red} {autocyan}@League_of_Legends_bot ha sido encendido.{/cyan}\n')) ################################################# # POLLING # #################################################
from __future__ import with_statement from alembic import context from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config, pool from logging.config import fileConfig import importdir'models', globals()) from utils import Base # this is the Alembic Config object, which provides # access to the values within the .ini file in use. config = context.config # Interpret the config file for Python logging. # This line sets up loggers basically. fileConfig(config.config_file_name) # add your model's MetaData object here # for 'autogenerate' support # target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata target_metadata = Base.metadata # other values from the config, defined by the needs of, # can be acquired: # my_important_option = config.get_main_option("my_important_option") # ... etc. def run_migrations_offline(): """Run migrations in 'offline' mode. This configures the context with just a URL
from eppy import modeleditor from eppy.modeleditor import IDF import csv import importdir # Initialization #1"Functions", globals()) IDDFile = 'C:\EnergyPlusV8-3-0\Energy+.idd' IDF.setiddname(IDDFile) BatchProcesingFile = open("BatchProcessing.csv", "r") BatchProcessing = list( csv.reader(BatchProcesingFile, delimiter=',', quotechar=chr(34))) Idx = 0 for i in range(0, len(BatchProcessing)): # Display the progress of the script if Idx >= 2: print "Creating " + str(Idx - 1) + " out of " + str( len(BatchProcessing) - 2) + " models." # Initialization #2 NbRows = BatchProcessing[i] if NbRows[0] <> 'idf' and NbRows[0] <> '-': # Initialization #3 idf_file = IDF(NbRows[0]) # Iterates throught the CSV file and execute the specified functions for j in range(2, len(NbRows)): # Retrieve the user input arguments arguments = NbRows[j].split(",")
# coding=UTF-8 from config import * import importdir'plugins', globals()) # Pool for messages bot.polling(none_stop=True)
import importdir import os, globals())
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from utils import * import importdir"plugins", globals()) try: bot.send_message(adminid, "*Bot loaded and ready for action!*", parse_mode="Markdown") except: pass def poll(option): if option == "debug": print "Bot: debug mode" bot.polling(True) else: try: print "Bot: running" bot.polling(none_stop=False, interval=0) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except: try: print "\nUnexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] print "\n\t" + unicode(sys.exc_info()[1]) + "\n" bot.send_message( adminid, "\n*Unexpected error:*\n"
import sys import inspect if(len(sys.argv) <= 1): print("Provide -get or -set arg") sys.exit() if "-debug" in sys.argv: sys.tracebacklimit = 1000 else: sys.tracebacklimit = 0 PLUGINS = "devices/" try:, globals()) except: print("Error loading some devices") print("If needed, use -debug to print full trace") mods = importdir.__get_module_names_in_dir("devices/") if(str(sys.argv[1]) == "-get"): for val in mods: module = __import__(val) if hasattr(module,"lampget"): if(len(sys.argv)>2): if(str(sys.argv[2]) == str(module.DEVICE_ID)): print(module.lampget()) break else:
import cherrypy import os import sys import json currDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) libDir = currDir + '/../lib' sys.path.append(libDir) #sys.path.insert(0, r'/'), globals()) import importdir, globals()) def import_from(module, name, str): module = __import__(module, fromlist=[name]) v = getattr(module, name)(str) return v @cherrypy.popargs('function') class automation_rest_api(object): @cherrypy.expose def index(self, function): cherrypy.log('function name: ' + function) if not (os.path.exists(libDir + '/' + function + '.py')): return 'FATAL: Invalid function' outJson = {} JsonArgs = cherrypy.request.json
import tgl #Import commands import importdir"commands", globals()) importdir.get_names("commands") module_list = importdir.module_list tgl.PEER_USER = 1 tgl.PEER_CHAT = 2 tgl.PEER_ENCR_CHAT = 4 allow_messages = False bot_id = "" def on_binlog_replay_end(): "This is called when replay of old events end. Any updates prior this call were already received by this client some time ago." def on_get_difference_end(): "This is called after first get_difference call. So we received all updates after last client execute." #Finished launching, allowing commands now global allow_messages allow_messages = True def on_our_id(our_id): "Informs about id of currently logged in user." global bot_id bot_id = our_id
import tgl #Import commands import importdir"commands", globals()) importdir.get_names("commands") module_list = importdir.module_list tgl.PEER_USER = 1 tgl.PEER_CHAT = 2 tgl.PEER_ENCR_CHAT = 4 allow_messages = False bot_id = "" def on_binlog_replay_end(): "This is called when replay of old events end. Any updates prior this call were already received by this client some time ago." def on_get_difference_end(): "This is called after first get_difference call. So we received all updates after last client execute." #Finished launching, allowing commands now global allow_messages allow_messages = True def on_our_id(our_id): "Informs about id of currently logged in user." global bot_id bot_id = our_id def on_msg_receive(msg):
fileName = '' customImage = '' with open('Test.csv', 'r', encoding="utf8") as file: reader = csv.DictReader(file) for row in reader: database.append(row['USERID']) # Setup Logging logger = telebot.logger # telebot.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Outputs debug messages to console. logging.basicConfig(filename='Log_file.log', format='%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S' ) # saves debug messages in a file(Log_file.log) ### Define Variables ### bot_token = "1727697640:AAERXgE0dkMYVgAzVP-AgRr97MVuuDK4DJg" admin = 1190069449 ## PLEASE ADD YOUR CHAT ID HERE ## bot = TeleBot(token=bot_token) server = Flask(__name__) import importdir"main", globals())
""" Choir is a test program used for demonstrating Github collaboration. Step 1: Add a file to the `/lyrics` folder and create 2 functions: sing(): Return a line of lyrics credit(): Return a line crediting yourself for participation Step 2: Add your file name (without the .py extension) the to MODULES array """ from time import sleep import importdir"lyrics", globals()) """ ADD YOUR FILE NAME HERE (without the .py extension): """ # pylint: disable=undefined-variable # MODULES = [first_example, second] # # pylint: enable=undefined-variable """ And that's all! We disable undefined variables since the modules are loaded dynamically and aren't available before run-time and thus will appear as an error """ def main(): for module in MODULES: print(module.sing() + ' - ' +
import telegram import time from flask import Flask, request import telebot from telebot import types from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() # Logging Setup import logging logging.basicConfig( format='[%(levelname) 5s/%(asctime)s] %(name)s: %(message)s', level=logging.WARNING) TOKEN = os.getenv('TOKEN') DEBUG = False SERVER_URL = os.getenv("SERVER_URL") FORGING_BLOCK_TOKEN = os.getenv("FORGING_BLOCK_TOKEN") MAIL = os.getenv("MAIL") PASS = os.getenv("PASS") bot = telebot.TeleBot(TOKEN) server = Flask(__name__) import importdir"utils", globals())
# Create Bottle instance rootapp = Bottle() #### Dynamically import addons import importdir, glob addons = [] addonmenus = {} addondescriptions = {} if not os.path.exists(APPDIR +'/addons/'): os.mkdir(APPDIR +'/addons/') for i in glob.glob(os.path.dirname(APPDIR +'/addons/')+"/*/"): try:, globals()) addons.append(os.path.split(os.path.realpath(i))[1]) modulename = addons[-1] rootapp.mount('/'+modulename, eval((modulename + '.app'))) except Exception, err: log.error("Error importing module: %s" % err) # Build Addon menu for a in addons: try: addonmenus[a] = eval(a).menuitems() addondescriptions[a] = eval(a).describe() except Exception, err: log.error("Error importing %s: %s" %(a, err)) d['addonmenus'] = addonmenus
from eppy import modeleditor from eppy.modeleditor import IDF import csv import importdir # Initialization #1"Functions",globals()) IDDFile = 'C:\EnergyPlusV8-3-0\Energy+.idd' IDF.setiddname(IDDFile) BatchProcesingFile = open("BatchProcessing.csv","r") BatchProcessing = list(csv.reader(BatchProcesingFile, delimiter=',', quotechar=chr(34))) Idx = 0 for i in range(0,len(BatchProcessing)): # Display the progress of the script if Idx >= 2: print "Creating "+str(Idx-1)+" out of "+str(len(BatchProcessing)-2)+" models." # Initialization #2 NbRows = BatchProcessing[i] if NbRows[0] <> 'idf' and NbRows[0] <> '-': # Initialization #3 idf_file = IDF(NbRows[0]) # Iterates throught the CSV file and execute the specified functions for j in range(2,len(NbRows)): # Retrieve the user input arguments arguments = NbRows[j].split(",") #print str(len(arguments))+" " +str(arguments[0])
import telebot import os from config import * from flask import Flask, request server = Flask(__name__) import importdir"features", globals()) @server.route('/'+ TOKEN, methods=['POST']) def getMessage(): request_object ="utf-8") update_to_json = [telebot.types.Update.de_json(request_object)] bot.process_new_updates(update_to_json) return "got Message bro" @server.route('/hook') def webhook(): url=URL bot.remove_webhook() bot.set_webhook(url + TOKEN) return f"Webhook set to {url}" # @server.route('/round') # def webhook() if DEBUG==True: bot.remove_webhook() bot.polling() else: