コード例 #1
def test_day_4():
    input_day_4 = open_single_line_file('day4')
    assert brute_force_hash_finding('abcdef') == 609043
    assert brute_force_hash_finding('pqrstuv') == 1048970

    assert brute_force_hash_finding(input_day_4, 5) == answers['day4']['part1']
    assert brute_force_hash_finding(input_day_4, 6) == answers['day4']['part2']
コード例 #2
def test_day_3():
    input_day_3 = open_single_line_file('day3')
    assert number_of_distributed_presents('>') == 2
    assert number_of_distributed_presents('^>v<') == 4
    assert number_of_distributed_presents('^v^v^v^v^v') == 2

    assert number_of_distributed_presents(input_day_3) == \

    assert number_of_distributed_presents_with_robot('^>') == 3
    assert number_of_distributed_presents_with_robot('^>v<') == 3
    assert number_of_distributed_presents_with_robot('^v^v^v^v^v') == 11

    assert number_of_distributed_presents_with_robot(input_day_3) == \
コード例 #3
def test_day_1():
    input_day_1 = open_single_line_file('day1')
    assert find_floor('(())') == 0
    assert find_floor('()()') == 0
    assert find_floor('(((') == 3
    assert find_floor('(()(()(') == 3
    assert find_floor('))(((((') == 3
    assert find_floor('())') == -1
    assert find_floor('))(') == -1
    assert find_floor(')))') == -3
    assert find_floor(')())())') == -3
    assert find_floor(input_day_1) == answers['day1']['part1']

    assert find_basement_entry_char(')') == 1
    assert find_basement_entry_char('()())') == 5
    assert find_basement_entry_char(input_day_1) == answers['day1']['part2']
コード例 #4
If your secret key is abcdef, the answer is 609043, because the MD5 hash of
abcdef609043 starts with five zeroes (000001dbbfa...), and it is the lowest
such number to do so.
If your secret key is pqrstuv, the lowest number it combines with to make an
MD5 hash starting with five zeroes is 1048970; that is, the MD5 hash of
pqrstuv1048970 looks like 000006136ef....

--- Part Two ---

Now find one that starts with six zeroes.
from importer import open_single_line_file
from hashlib import md5

def brute_force_hash_finding(input, lenght_of_0=5):
    hash = md5(input.encode())
    number = -1
    while hash.hexdigest()[:lenght_of_0] != '0' * lenght_of_0:
        number += 1
        entry = input + str(number)
        hash = md5(entry.encode())
    return number

# Results
data = open_single_line_file('day4')

print("Result for part 1 :", brute_force_hash_finding(data, 5))
print("Result for part 1 :", brute_force_hash_finding(data, 6))