コード例 #1
def process(
    cube: cli.inputcube,
    mask: cli.inputcube = None,
    radii: cli.comma_separated_list,
    lead_times: cli.comma_separated_list = None,
    percentiles: cli.comma_separated_list = DEFAULT_PERCENTILES,
    halo_radius: float = None,
    """Runs neighbourhood processing.

    Apply the requested neighbourhood method via the
    NeighbourhoodProcessing plugin to a Cube.

        cube (iris.cube.Cube):
            The Cube to be processed.
        mask (iris.cube.Cube):
            A cube to mask the input cube. The data should contain 1 for
            usable points and 0 for discarded points.
            Can't be used with "percentiles" as neighbourhood_output (Optional)
        neighbourhood_output (str):
            The form of the results generated using neighbourhood processing.
            If "probabilities" is selected, the mean probability with a
            neighbourhood is calculated. If "percentiles" is selected, then
            the percentiles are calculated with a neighbourhood. Calculating
            percentiles from a neighbourhood is only supported for a circular
            Options: "probabilities", "percentiles".
        neighbourhood_shape (str):
            Name of the neighbourhood method to use. Only a "circular"
            neighbourhood shape is applicable for calculating "percentiles"
            Options: "circular", "square".
            Default: "square".
        radii (list of float):
            The radius or a list of radii in metres of the neighbourhood to
            If it is a list, it must be the same length as lead_times, which
            defines at which lead time to use which nbhood radius. The radius
            will be interpolated for intermediate lead times.
        lead_times (list of int):
            The lead times in hours that correspond to the radii to be used.
            If lead_times are set, radii must be a list the same length as
        degrees_as_complex (bool):
            Include this option to process angles as complex numbers.
            Not compatible with circular kernel or percentiles.
        weighted_mode (bool):
            Include this option to set the weighting to decrease with radius.
            Otherwise a constant weighting is assumed.
            weighted_mode is only applicable for calculating "probability"
            neighbourhood output using the circular kernel.
        area_sum (bool):
            Return sum rather than fraction over the neighbourhood area.
        percentiles (float):
            Calculates value at the specified percentiles from the
            neighbourhood surrounding each grid point. This argument has no
            effect if the output is probabilities.
        halo_radius (float):
            Set this radius in metres to define the excess halo to clip. Used
            where a larger grid was defined than the standard grid and we want
            to clip the grid back to the standard grid. Otherwise no clipping
            is applied.

            A processed Cube.

            If weighted_mode is used with the wrong neighbourhood_output.
            If degree_as_complex is used with
            If degree_as_complex is used with neighbourhood_shape='circular'.
    from improver.nbhood import radius_by_lead_time
    from improver.nbhood.nbhood import (
    from improver.utilities.pad_spatial import remove_cube_halo
    from improver.wind_calculations.wind_direction import WindDirection

    if neighbourhood_output == "percentiles":
        if weighted_mode:
            raise RuntimeError("weighted_mode cannot be used with"
        if degrees_as_complex:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot generate percentiles from complex "

    if neighbourhood_shape == "circular":
        if degrees_as_complex:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot process complex numbers with circular neighbourhoods")

    if degrees_as_complex:
        # convert cube data into complex numbers
        cube.data = WindDirection.deg_to_complex(cube.data)

    radius_or_radii, lead_times = radius_by_lead_time(radii, lead_times)

    if neighbourhood_output == "probabilities":
        result = NeighbourhoodProcessing(
        )(cube, mask_cube=mask)
    elif neighbourhood_output == "percentiles":
        result = GeneratePercentilesFromANeighbourhood(

    if degrees_as_complex:
        # convert neighbourhooded cube back to degrees
        result.data = WindDirection.complex_to_deg(result.data)
    if halo_radius is not None:
        result = remove_cube_halo(result, halo_radius)
    return result
コード例 #2
    def _calculate_ratio(self, cube: Cube, cube_name: str, radius: float) -> Cube:
        Calculates the ratio of actual to potential value transitions in a
        neighbourhood about each cell.

        The process is as follows:

            1. For each grid cell find the number of cells of value 1 in a surrounding
               neighbourhood of a size defined by the arg radius. The potential
               transitions within that neighbourhood are defined as the number of
               orthogonal neighbours (up, down, left, right) about cells of value 1.
               This is 4 times the number of cells of value 1.
            2. Calculate the number of actual transitions within the neighbourhood,
               that is the number of cells of value 0 that orthogonally abut cells
               of value 1.
            3. Calculate the ratio of actual to potential transitions.

        Ratios approaching 1 indicate that there are many transitions, so the field
        is highly textured (rough). Ratios close to 0 indicate a smoother field.

        A neighbourhood full of cells of value 1 will return ratios of 0; the
        diagnostic that has been thresholded to produce the binary field is found
        everywhere within that neighbourhood, giving a smooth field. At the other
        extreme, in neighbourhoods in which there are no cells of value 1 the ratio
        is set to 1.

                Input data in cube format containing a two-dimensional field
                of binary data.
                Name of input data cube, used for determining output texture cube name.
                Radius for neighbourhood in metres.

            A ratio between 0 and 1 of actual transitions over potential transitions.
        # Calculate the potential transitions within neighbourhoods.
        potential_transitions = NeighbourhoodProcessing(
            "square", radius, sum_only=True
        potential_transitions.data = 4 * potential_transitions.data

        # Calculate the actual transitions for each grid cell of value 1 and
        # store them in a cube.
        actual_transitions = potential_transitions.copy(

        # Sum the number of actual transitions within the neighbourhood.
        actual_transitions = NeighbourhoodProcessing(
            "square", radius, sum_only=True

        # Calculate the ratio of actual to potential transitions in areas where the
        # original diagnostic value was greater than zero. Where the original value
        # was zero, set ratio value to one.

        ratio = np.ones_like(actual_transitions.data)
        ratio[cube.data > 0] = (
            actual_transitions.data[cube.data > 0]
            / potential_transitions.data[cube.data > 0]

        # Create a new cube to contain the resulting ratio data.
        ratio = create_new_diagnostic_cube(
                [cube], model_id_attr=self.model_id_attr
        return ratio