def test_bad_name(cube_name): """Test we get a useful error if one of the input cubes is incorrectly named.""" grid = input_cubes() (cube,) = grid.extract(cube_name) cube.rename("kittens") with assert_raises_regex(ValueError, f"Cannot find a cube named '{cube_name}' in "): ConvectionRatioFromComponents()(grid)
def process(*cubes: cli.inputcube, model_id_attr: str = None): """ Calculate the convection ratio from convective and dynamic (stratiform) precipitation rate components. Calculates the convective ratio as: ratio = convective_rate / (convective_rate + dynamic_rate) Args: cubes (iris.cube.CubeList): Cubes of "lwe_convective_precipitation_rate" and "lwe_stratiform_precipitation_rate" in units that can be converted to "m s-1" model_id_attr (str): Name of the attribute used to identify the source model for blending. Returns: iris.cube.Cube: A cube of convection_ratio of the same dimensions as the input cubes. """ from improver.precipitation_type.convection import ConvectionRatioFromComponents if len(cubes) != 2: raise IOError(f"Expected 2 input cubes, received {len(cubes)}") return ConvectionRatioFromComponents()(cubes, model_id_attr=model_id_attr)
def test_bad_units(): """Test we get a useful error if the input cubes have units that are not rates.""" grid = input_cubes() for cube in grid: cube.units = "m" with assert_raises_regex( ValueError, "Input lwe_convective_precipitation_rate cube cannot be converted to 'm s-1' from ", ): ConvectionRatioFromComponents()(grid)
def test_basic(): """Ensure Plugin returns object of correct type and meta-data and that no precip => masked array""" grid = input_cubes() expected_array =[0].data) result = ConvectionRatioFromComponents()(grid.copy()) assert isinstance(result, iris.cube.Cube) assert_allclose(, expected_array) assert result.attributes == grid[0].attributes assert result.long_name == "convective_ratio" assert result.units == "1"
def test_data(data_con_dyn_out, units): """Test that the data are calculated as expected for a selection of values on both grids with SI and non-SI units including either side of the minimum precipitation rate tolerance 1e-9 m s-1. For each parametrized test, ONE grid point is modified (point: [0, 0]). Other points remain as zero inputs which gives a masked output. The special expected value of np.inf is used to indicate that the output is expected to be a masked value.""" grid = input_cubes() for i in range(2): grid[i].data[0, 0] = data_con_dyn_out[i] for cube in grid: cube.convert_units(units) expected_array =[0].data) if np.isfinite(data_con_dyn_out[2]): expected_array[0, 0] = data_con_dyn_out[2] result = ConvectionRatioFromComponents()(grid) assert_allclose(, expected_array) # assert_allclose doesn't check masks appropriately, so check separately assert_equal(, expected_array.mask)