def test_raises_error_points_mismatch_and_no_bounds(self): """Test raises Value Error if points mismatch and no bounds """ cube_wg = self.cube_wg cube_wg.coord('time').points = [402192.5, 402194.5] plugin = WindGustDiagnostic(self.wg_perc, self.ws_perc) msg = ('Could not match time coordinate') with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): plugin.process(cube_wg, self.cube_ws)
def test_raises_error_points_mismatch_and_invalid_bounds(self): """Test raises Value Error if points mismatch and bounds are invalid""" cube_wg = self.cube_wg cube_wg.coord('time').points = [402192.0, 402193.0] cube_wg.coord('time').bounds = [[402191.5], [402193.5]] plugin = WindGustDiagnostic(self.wg_perc, self.ws_perc) msg = ('Could not match time coordinate') with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, msg): plugin.process(cube_wg, self.cube_ws)
def test_raises_error_for_no_time_coord(self): """Test raises Value Error if cubes have no time coordinate """ cube_wg = self.cube_wg[:, 0, ::] cube_ws = self.cube_ws[:, 0, ::] cube_wg.remove_coord('time') cube_wg = iris.util.squeeze(cube_wg) plugin = WindGustDiagnostic(self.wg_perc, self.ws_perc) msg = ('Could not match time coordinate') with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): plugin.process(cube_wg, cube_ws)
def test_raises_error_for_mismatching_perc_coords(self): """Test raises an error for mismatching perc coords. """ plugin = WindGustDiagnostic(self.wg_perc, self.ws_perc) data_wg = np.zeros((1, 2, 2, 2)) data_wg[0, 0, :, :] = 3.0 data_wg[0, 1, :, :] = 1.5 gust = "wind_speed_of_gust" cube_wg = (create_cube_with_percentile_coord( data=data_wg, perc_values=[self.wg_perc], standard_name=gust, perc_name='percentile_dummy')) msg = ('Percentile coord of wind-gust data' 'does not match coord of wind-speed data') with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, msg): plugin.process(cube_wg, self.cube_ws)
def test_returns_wind_gust_diagnostic(self): """Test that the plugin returns a Cube. """ plugin = WindGustDiagnostic(self.wg_perc, self.ws_perc) result = plugin.process(self.cube_wg, self.cube_ws) expected_data = np.zeros((2, 2, 2)) expected_data[0, :, :] = 3.0 expected_data[1, :, :] = 2.0 self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(, expected_data) self.assertEqual(result.attributes['wind_gust_diagnostic'], 'Typical gusts')
def test_no_raises_error_if_ws_point_in_bounds(self): """Test raises no Value Error if wind-speed point in bounds """ cube_wg = self.cube_wg cube_wg.coord('time').points = [402192.0, 402193.0] cube_wg.coord('time').bounds = [[402191.5, 402192.5], [402192.5, 402193.5]] plugin = WindGustDiagnostic(self.wg_perc, self.ws_perc) result = plugin.process(cube_wg, self.cube_ws) self.assertIsInstance(result, Cube)
def test_basic(self): """Test that the plugin returns a Cube. """ plugin = WindGustDiagnostic(self.wg_perc, self.ws_perc) result = plugin.process(self.cube_wg, self.cube_ws) self.assertIsInstance(result, Cube)