def block_number() -> int: """ Returns the number of most recent block. Args: - Returns: block number (int) : number of most recent block """ rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.BLOCK_NUMBER) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(request=rpc)
def gas_price() -> int: """ The current price per gas in wei. Args: - Returns: quantity (int): integer of the current gas price in wei. """ rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.GAS_PRICE) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(request=rpc)
def web3_sha3(data: str): """ Keccak-256 (not the standardized SHA3-256) of the given data. Args: data (str): the data to convert into a SHA3 hash. Returns: data (str): The SHA3 result of the given string. """ rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.WEB3_SHA3, params=(data,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def get_block_by_hash(hash_obj: Hash, is_full: bool = True) -> Block: """ Returns information about a block by hash. Args: hash_obj (Hash): Block hash of the block to retrive information is_full (bool): If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions. Returns: block (Block): Block object related to the block hash """ rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.BLOCK_BY_HASH, params=(hash_obj, is_full,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def get_balance(address: Address, number: [BlockStatus, int] = BlockStatus.LATEST) -> int: """ Returns the balance of the account of given address. Args: address (Address): address to check for balance number (BlockStatus orint): block number IN3BlockNumber or EnumBlockStatus Returns: balance (int): integer of the current balance in wei. """ rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.BALANCE, params=(address, number,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(request=rpc)
def get_transaction_count(address: Address, number: [int, BlockStatus]) -> int: """ Returns the number of transactions sent from an address. Args: address (Address): address to check number (BlockStatus orint): block number IN3BlockNumber or EnumBlockStatus Returns: quantity (int): integer of the number of transactions send from this address. """ rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.TRANSACTION_COUNT, params=(address, number,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(request=rpc)
def get_storage_at(address: Address, position: int, number: [BlockStatus, int]): """ Returns the value from a storage position at a given address. Args: address (Address): address to check for balance position (int): integer of the position in the storage. number (BlockStatus or int): block number IN3BlockNumber or EnumBlockStatus Returns: the value at this storage position. """ rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.STORAGE_AT, params=(address, position, number,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(request=rpc)
def get_transaction_by_block_hash_and_index(block_hash: Hash, index: int): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.TRANSACTION_BY_BLOCKHASH_AND_INDEX, params=(block_hash, index,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def sign(address: Address, message: str): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.SIGN, params=(address, message,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(request=rpc)
def send_transaction(transaction: Transaction): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.SEND_TRANSACTION, params=(transaction,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(request=rpc)
def get_logs(from_filter: Filter): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.LOGS, params=(from_filter,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def get_filter_changes(filter_id: int): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.FILTER_CHANGES, params=(filter_id,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def uninstall_filter(filter_id: int): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.UNINSTALL_FILTER, params=(filter_id,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def get_code(address: Address, number: [int, BlockStatus]): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.CODE, params=(address, number,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(request=rpc)
def send_transaction(signed_transaction:str): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.SEND_RAW_TRANSACTION, params=(signed_transaction,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def node_list(): rpc = RPCRequest(In3Methods.IN3_NODE_LIST) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def checksum_address(address: str, chain: bool) -> Address: rpc = RPCRequest(In3Methods.CHECKSUM_ADDRESS, params=(str(address), chain,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def get_transaction_by_hash(tx_hash: Hash): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.TRANSACTION_BY_HASH, params=(tx_hash,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def get_block_by_number(number: [int, BlockStatus, str], is_full: bool = True) -> Block: rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.BLOCK_BY_NUMBER, params=(number, is_full,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def send_raw_transaction(data: str): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.SEND_RAW_TRANSACTION, params=(data,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(request=rpc)
def estimate_gas(transaction: Transaction): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.ESTIMATE_TRANSACTION, params=(transaction,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def call(transaction: Transaction, number: [int, BlockStatus]): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.CALL, params=(transaction,number,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def get_transaction_by_block_number_and_index(number: [int, BlockStatus], index: int): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.TRANSACTION_BY_BLOCKNUMBER_AND_INDEX, params=(number, index,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash: Hash): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.TRANSACTION_RECEIPT, params=(tx_hash,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def abi_decode(method: str, args: list) -> int: rpc = RPCRequest(In3Methods.ABI_DECODE, params=(method, args,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def new_filter(filter: Filter): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.NEW_FILTER, params=(filter,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def node_stats(): rpc = RPCRequest(In3Methods.IN3_STATS) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def new_block_filter(): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.NEW_BLOCK_FILTER) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def config(in3_config: Config): rpc = RPCRequest(In3Methods.CONFIG, params=(in3_config,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(rpc)
def get_block_transaction_count_by_number(number: [int, BlockStatus]): rpc = RPCRequest(method=EthCall.BLOCK_TRANSACTION_COUNT_BY_NUMBER, params=(number,)) return In3Runtime.call_in3_rpc(request=rpc)