コード例 #1
ファイル: base_model.py プロジェクト: samvandensteen/PMT
    def __init__(self, constants, config, benchmark):
        self.config = config
        self.ROB_size = config.get_ROB_size()
        self.physical_dispatch_width = config.get_dispatch_width()

        self.output_dir = constants.output_dir
        self.debug_printer = Debug_Printer(self.output_dir, benchmark,

コード例 #2
ファイル: cache_model.py プロジェクト: samvandensteen/PMT
    def __init__(self, constants, config, benchmark):
        self.config = config
        self.ROB_size = self.config.get_ROB_size()
        self.LLC_hit_delay = self.config.get_LLC_access_cost()
        self.cache_config = self.config.get_cache_config()

        self.output_dir = constants.output_dir
        self.debug_printer = Debug_Printer(self.output_dir, benchmark,
コード例 #3
ファイル: mlp_model.py プロジェクト: samvandensteen/PMT
    def __init__(self, constants, config, benchmark, debug=False):
        self.config = config
        self.alpha = constants.alpha
        self.mlp_model = constants.mlp_model
        self.output_dir = constants.output_dir
        self.prefetcher_enabled = constants.prefetch
        self.queue_model = constants.queue_model

        # often used configuration variables
        self.ROB_size = self.config.get_ROB_size()
        self.cacheline_size = self.config.get_cacheline_size()
        self.DRAM_page_size = self.config.get_DRAM_page_size()
        self.MSHR_entries = self.config.get_MSHR_entries()
        self.prefetch_in_page = self.config.get_prefetch_in_page()
        self.prefetcher_flows = self.config.get_prefetcher_flows()
        self.dispatch_width = self.config.get_dispatch_width()
        self.DRAM_latency_with_tag = self.config.get_DRAM_latency_with_tag()
        self.LLC_miss_cost = self.config.get_LLC_miss_cost()
        self.LLC_size = self.config.get_LLC_size()
        self.bus_transfer_cycles = self.config.get_bus_transfer_cycles()

        # stats
        self.total_strides = 0
        self.total_no_strides = 0
        self.total_random_strides = 0
        self.total_randomly_placed_misses = 0
        self.total_ss_misses = 0

        self.debug_printer = Debug_Printer(self.output_dir, benchmark,

        self.debug = debug

        self.run_avg_MLP = 1
        self.run_avg_prefetched = 0
        self.run_avg_prefetched_extrapolated = 0
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, constants, config, benchmark):
        self.config = config
        self.dispatch_width = self.config.get_dispatch_width()
        self.ROB_size = self.config.get_ROB_size()
        self.front_end_refill_time = self.config.get_frontend_size()

        self.top_level_dir = constants.top_level_dir
        self.output_dir = constants.output_dir
        self.debug_printer = Debug_Printer(self.output_dir, benchmark,

        self.branch_file = self.config.get_branch_predictor_name(
        ) + "_" + self.config.get_IP_bits() + "_" + self.config.get_BHR_size(
        ) + ".cfg"
コード例 #5
ファイル: evaluate_model.py プロジェクト: samvandensteen/PMT
def calculate_model(benchmark, constants, config):

    cache_sizes = config.get_cache_sizes()
    cacheline_size = config.get_cacheline_size()
    ROB_size = config.get_ROB_size()
    physical_dispatch_width = config.get_dispatch_width()

    input_root = os.path.join(constants.input_dir, benchmark)
    data_reader = Data_Reader(input_root, config)

    base_model = Base_Model(constants, config, benchmark)
    cache_model = Cache_Model(constants, config, benchmark)
    branch_model = Branch_Model(constants, config, benchmark)
    mlp_model = MLP_Model(constants, config, benchmark)

    profiler_metadata, phase_bounds, window_bounds = data_reader.get_log_contents(

    # setup progress printer to log file
    progress_printer = Progress_Printer(len(window_bounds),
                                            constants.output_dir, benchmark,

    # execute statstack per benchmark
    # def __init__(self, input_root, benchmark, base_name, ss_version, _type, content)
    progress_printer.print_message("Executing preliminary Statstack work:")
    ss_data_load = Statstack(constants, benchmark, "data", "new", "sample",
                             "data", profiler_metadata, progress_printer)
    ss_data_store = Statstack(constants, benchmark, "data", "new", "sample",
                              "data", profiler_metadata, progress_printer)
    ss_trace = Statstack(constants, benchmark, "trace", "new", "trace", "data",
                         profiler_metadata, progress_printer)
    ss_instr = Statstack(constants, benchmark, "instr", "new", "sample",
                         "instr", profiler_metadata, progress_printer)
    ss_data_load_aligned_bursts = ss_data_load.align_bursts_windows(
    ss_data_store_aligned_bursts = ss_data_store.align_bursts_windows(
    ss_instr_aligned_bursts = ss_instr.align_bursts_windows(window_bounds)

    # make data structures
    global_D_eff, global_stats = [], []
    global_MLP, global_queuing_delay, global_prefetched, global_cache_misses, global_LLC_load_misses, global_trace_misses, global_DRAM = [], [], [], [], [], [], []
    global_base_component, global_dependence_component, global_port_component, global_unit_component, global_branch_component, global_I_cache_component, global_LLC_chain_component, global_DRAM_component, global_cycles, global_instructions, global_micro_ops = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    window_base_component, window_dependence_component, window_port_component, window_unit_component, window_branch_component, window_I_cache_component, window_LLC_chain_component, window_DRAM_component, window_window_cycles, window_instructions, window_micro_ops = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []

    # loop over windows
    trace_counter = 0
    progress_printer.setup_progressbar(message="\nCalculating model:")
    for window_instr, data_load_bursts, data_store_bursts, instr_bursts in zip(
            window_bounds, ss_data_load_aligned_bursts,
            ss_data_store_aligned_bursts, ss_instr_aligned_bursts):

        # statstack, get stack distance histograms
        load_sd_hist = ss_data_load.get_sd_hists(_type='r',
        store_sd_hist = ss_data_store.get_sd_hists(_type='w',
        trace_sd_hist = ss_trace.get_sd_hists(_type='r',
        instr_sd_hist = ss_instr.get_sd_hists(_type='r', bursts=instr_bursts)

        # transform sd hists to miss rates
        load_miss_ratios = ss_data_load.calculate_sample_miss_ratios(
            cache_sizes, load_sd_hist, cacheline_size)
        store_miss_ratios = ss_data_store.calculate_sample_miss_ratios(
            cache_sizes, store_sd_hist, cacheline_size)

        # interpolating load and store miss rates
        interpolated_load_miss_ratios = ss_data_load.interpolate_miss_ratios(
            window_instr, data_load_bursts, load_miss_ratios)
        interpolated_store_miss_ratios = ss_data_store.interpolate_miss_ratios(
            window_instr, data_store_bursts, store_miss_ratios)

        # trace_load_miss_ratios should already be aligned with the window boundaries of our instruction based samplers
        trace_load_miss_ratios = ss_trace.calculate_PC_miss_ratios(
            cache_sizes, trace_sd_hist, cacheline_size)

        # calculate instruction miss ratios
        instr_miss_ratios = ss_instr.calculate_sample_miss_ratios(
            cache_sizes, instr_sd_hist, cacheline_size)
        interpolated_instr_miss_ratios = ss_instr.interpolate_miss_ratios(
            window_instr, instr_bursts, instr_miss_ratios)

        # calculate the number DRAM accesses
        LLC_load_misses = interpolated_load_miss_ratios[config.get_LLC_size(
        )][0] * interpolated_load_miss_ratios[config.get_LLC_size()][1]

        # calculate the overall number of cache accesses
        for cache_size, lmr in sorted(
                interpolated_load_miss_ratios.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
            global_cache_misses[-1].append(lmr[0] * lmr[1])
        for cache_size, smr in sorted(
                key=lambda x: x[0]):
            global_cache_misses[-1].append(smr[0] * smr[1])
        for cache_size, imr in sorted(
                key=lambda x: x[0]):
            global_cache_misses[-1].append(imr[0] * imr[1])

        # calculate misses per level (but exclude misses that also miss in a lower level)
        exclusive_trace_miss_ratios, sum_loads = ss_trace.calculate_exclusive_miss_ratios(
            exclusive_trace_miss_ratios[config.get_LLC_size()] *

        # calculate cache component	#
        # gather necessary variables
        L1D_load_hits = ss_data_load.interpolate_L1_hits(
            window_instr, data_load_bursts, load_miss_ratios[cache_sizes[0]])
        L1D_store_hits = ss_data_store.interpolate_L1_hits(
            window_instr, data_store_bursts, store_miss_ratios[cache_sizes[0]])
        load_misses, store_misses, instr_misses = {}, {}, {}
        for cache_size in cache_sizes:
            load_misses[cache_size] = interpolated_load_miss_ratios[
                cache_size][0] * interpolated_load_miss_ratios[cache_size][1]
            store_misses[cache_size] = interpolated_store_miss_ratios[
                cache_size][0] * interpolated_store_miss_ratios[cache_size][1]
            instr_misses[cache_size] = interpolated_instr_miss_ratios[
                cache_size][0] * interpolated_instr_miss_ratios[cache_size][1]
        cache_model.set_window_stats(L1D_load_hits, L1D_store_hits,
                                     load_misses, store_misses, instr_misses)

        # calculate I-cache component
        I_cache_component = cache_model.calculate_instruction_miss_penalty()

        # calculate base component #
        stats, dependences, uop_hist = data_reader.read_next_utrace()

        window_sample_rate = float(
            profiler_metadata["trace_window"]) / stats[0]
        micro_ops = stats[1] * window_sample_rate

        base_model.set_window_stats(stats, dependences, uop_hist,

        # calculate base component
        base_component, dependence_component, port_component, unit_component = base_model.calculate_base_component(

        # calculate branch component #
        entropy = data_reader.read_next_entropy_window()

        # calculate branch misses based on entropy

        # gather variables needed to calculate the branch resolution time
        trace_uops = sum(uop_hist.values())
        average_instruction_latency = base_model.get_average_instruction_latency(
        path_lengths = base_model.get_path_lengths()
        independent_instructions = base_model.get_independent_instructions()

        # instruction trace can vary in length (e.g. not enough loads were see), window cannot
            trace_uops, average_instruction_latency, path_lengths,
            independent_instructions, window_sample_rate)

        # calculate branch component
        branch_component = branch_model.calculate_branch_component()

        # calculate DRAM component using MLP #
        # get MLP data for next window
        load_dependences, pcs_rds, pcs_strides = data_reader.read_next_MLP_window(
        cold_miss_distr = data_reader.read_next_cold_window()
        window_instr = window_instr[1] - window_instr[0]
        window_loads = interpolated_load_miss_ratios[config.get_LLC_size()][1]
        LLC_trace_miss_ratio = trace_load_miss_ratios[config.get_LLC_size()]

        # calculate MLP, queuing delay and prefetchable misses
        current_MLP, current_queue_delay, current_prefetched = mlp_model.estimate_MLP(
            window_instr, stats, load_dependences, pcs_rds, pcs_strides,
            exclusive_trace_miss_ratios, LLC_trace_miss_ratio, window_loads,
            trace_counter, cold_miss_distr, interpolated_load_miss_ratios)
        current_prefetched *= window_sample_rate

        # subtract prefetched misses since they won't cause an extra delay
        LLC_load_misses -= min(LLC_load_misses, current_prefetched)
        DRAM_component = LLC_load_misses / current_MLP * (
            config.get_DRAM_latency_with_tag() + current_queue_delay)

        # save a couple of numbers to write to files
            LLC_load_misses / current_MLP *
            (config.get_DRAM_latency_with_tag() + current_queue_delay))

        # calculate LLC chain component #
        D_eff = base_model.get_effective_dispatch_rates()
        # ignore the effective dispatch rate caused by dependencies since this is similar, do take into account lower dispatch rates due to issue stage contention
        LLC_chain_penalty = cache_model.estimate_LLC_penalty(
            min(D_eff.values()), path_lengths[ROB_size], load_dependences,
            trace_uops, window_sample_rate)

        # calculate window execution cycles #
        window_cycles = base_component + dependence_component + port_component + unit_component + branch_component + I_cache_component + LLC_chain_penalty + DRAM_component

        # add to global counters
        global_base_component += base_component
        global_dependence_component += dependence_component
        global_port_component += port_component
        global_unit_component += unit_component
        global_branch_component += branch_component
        global_I_cache_component += I_cache_component
        global_LLC_chain_component += LLC_chain_penalty
        global_DRAM_component += DRAM_component
        global_cycles += window_cycles
        global_instructions += window_instr
        global_micro_ops += micro_ops

        # save per window counters


        trace_counter += 1

    global_strides, global_no_strides, global_random_strides, global_randomly_placed_misses, global_ss_misses = mlp_model.get_overall_stats(

    results_printer = Results_Printer(constants.input_dir,
                                      constants.output_dir, benchmark)

    # print cache miss debug stats
    debug_statstack_printer = Debug_Printer(constants.output_dir, benchmark,
    # create labels
    cache_labels = []
    for cache_size, lmr in sorted(interpolated_load_miss_ratios.iteritems(),
                                  key=lambda x: x[0]):
        cache_labels.append("Load " + str(cache_size / 1024) + "k")
    for cache_size, smr in sorted(interpolated_store_miss_ratios.iteritems(),
                                  key=lambda x: x[0]):
        cache_labels.append("Store " + str(cache_size / 1024) + "k")
    for cache_size, imr in sorted(interpolated_instr_miss_ratios.iteritems(),
                                  key=lambda x: x[0]):
        cache_labels.append("Instr " + str(cache_size / 1024) + "k")
    debug_string = "S" + "-S" * (len(cache_labels) - 1)
    debug_statstack_printer.save_debug_stats(cache_labels, global_cache_misses,

    # print mlp debug stats
    debug_mlp_printer = Debug_Printer(constants.output_dir, benchmark,
    debug_string = "S-WA-S-S"
        ["LLC load misses", "MLP", "prefetched", "queuing delay", "DRAM"],
        zip(global_LLC_load_misses, global_MLP, global_prefetched,
            global_queuing_delay, global_DRAM), debug_string)

    keys = [
        "Base", "Dependence", "Port", "Unit", "Branch", "I-cache", "LLC-chain",
        "DRAM", "Total", "Instructions", "Micro-Ops"
    values = zip(window_base_component, window_dependence_component,
                 window_port_component, window_unit_component,
                 window_branch_component, window_I_cache_component,
                 window_LLC_chain_component, window_DRAM_component,
                 window_window_cycles, window_instructions, window_micro_ops)
    results_printer.save_window_stats(keys, values)

    values = [
        global_base_component, global_dependence_component,
        global_port_component, global_unit_component, global_branch_component,
        global_I_cache_component, global_LLC_chain_component,
        global_DRAM_component, global_cycles, global_instructions,
    results_printer.save_results(keys, values)

        keys[:-3], [v / global_instructions for v in values[:-3]])

コード例 #6
ファイル: mlp_model.py プロジェクト: samvandensteen/PMT
class MLP_Model():
    def __init__(self, constants, config, benchmark, debug=False):
        self.config = config
        self.alpha = constants.alpha
        self.mlp_model = constants.mlp_model
        self.output_dir = constants.output_dir
        self.prefetcher_enabled = constants.prefetch
        self.queue_model = constants.queue_model

        # often used configuration variables
        self.ROB_size = self.config.get_ROB_size()
        self.cacheline_size = self.config.get_cacheline_size()
        self.DRAM_page_size = self.config.get_DRAM_page_size()
        self.MSHR_entries = self.config.get_MSHR_entries()
        self.prefetch_in_page = self.config.get_prefetch_in_page()
        self.prefetcher_flows = self.config.get_prefetcher_flows()
        self.dispatch_width = self.config.get_dispatch_width()
        self.DRAM_latency_with_tag = self.config.get_DRAM_latency_with_tag()
        self.LLC_miss_cost = self.config.get_LLC_miss_cost()
        self.LLC_size = self.config.get_LLC_size()
        self.bus_transfer_cycles = self.config.get_bus_transfer_cycles()

        # stats
        self.total_strides = 0
        self.total_no_strides = 0
        self.total_random_strides = 0
        self.total_randomly_placed_misses = 0
        self.total_ss_misses = 0

        self.debug_printer = Debug_Printer(self.output_dir, benchmark,

        self.debug = debug

        self.run_avg_MLP = 1
        self.run_avg_prefetched = 0
        self.run_avg_prefetched_extrapolated = 0

    def calculate_stride_misses(self, stride, refs):
        # number of refs == number of reuses, meaning that if we have 2 refs, we actually saw three memory accesses by that PC
        # calculate no cachelines referenced
        # stride is 0, always the same address is referenced
        if stride == 0:
            return [0] * refs
            if stride < self.cacheline_size:
                stride_pattern_misses = []
                # put start of the stride pattern at half the cacheline size (on average, this should be the most correct)
                cacheline = stride + self.cacheline_size / 2
                next_cacheline = self.cacheline_size
                for r in range(0, refs):
                    if cacheline >= next_cacheline:
                        next_cacheline += self.cacheline_size
                    cacheline += stride
                stride_pattern_misses = [1] * refs
            return stride_pattern_misses

    def calculate_misses_PC_stride(self, stride_distr):
        stride_distr = sorted(stride_distr)
        # we have no stride, only one reference
        if len(stride_distr) == 0:
            return ("NO_STRIDE", [False], [1])
        elif len(stride_distr) == 1:
            stride_miss_pattern = [1] + self.calculate_stride_misses(
                stride_distr[0][0], stride_distr[0][1])
            if stride_distr[0][0] > self.DRAM_page_size:
                if self.prefetch_in_page:
                    return ("STRIDE", [False] * (stride_distr[0][1] + 1),
                    prefetchable = [False] + [
                        bool(p) for p in stride_miss_pattern[1:]
                    return ("STRIDE", prefetchable, stride_miss_pattern)
                prefetchable = [False
                                ] + [bool(p) for p in stride_miss_pattern[1:]]
                return ("STRIDE", prefetchable, stride_miss_pattern)
            # find strides with biggest reference count
            stride_distr = sorted(stride_distr,
                                  key=lambda s: s[1],
            references = sum(ref for _, ref in stride_distr)

            # 1 stride + possible outliers
            # stride is regular, but there outliers (more than 60% of the references should fall under one stride)
            biggest_1 = stride_distr[:1]
            if float(biggest_1[0][1]) / references >= 0.60:
                stride_miss_pattern = [1] + self.calculate_stride_misses(
                    biggest_1[0][0], biggest_1[0][1])
                # check if stride within page boundaries
                if biggest_1[0][0] < self.DRAM_page_size:
                    prefetchable = [False]
                    prefetchable += [bool(p) for p in stride_miss_pattern[1:]]
                    if self.prefetch_in_page:
                        prefetchable = [False] * (references + 1)
                        # big stride, so certainly not within one cache line
                        prefetchable = [bool(p) for p in stride_miss_pattern]
                # random strides miss
                stride_miss_pattern += [1] * (references - biggest_1[0][1])
                prefetchable += [False] * (references - biggest_1[0][1])
                return ("STRIDE", prefetchable, stride_miss_pattern)

            # 2 strides + possible outliers
            # stride is regular, but there are 2 strides
            # more than 70% of the references should fall under at most 2 different strides
            biggest_2 = stride_distr[:2]
            biggest_2_refs = sum(ref for _, ref in biggest_2)
            if float(biggest_2_refs) / references >= 0.70:
                stride_miss_pattern = [1]
                prefetchable = [False]
                for stride, ref in biggest_2:
                    current_stride_miss_pattern = self.calculate_stride_misses(
                        stride, ref)
                    if stride < self.DRAM_page_size:
                        prefetchable += [
                            bool(p) for p in current_stride_miss_pattern
                        if self.prefetch_in_page:
                            prefetchable += [False] * ref
                            prefetchable += [
                                bool(p) for p in current_stride_miss_pattern
                    stride_miss_pattern += current_stride_miss_pattern
                # random strides miss
                stride_miss_pattern += [1] * (references - biggest_2_refs)
                prefetchable += [False] * (references - biggest_2_refs)
                return ("STRIDE", prefetchable, stride_miss_pattern)

            # stride is regular, but there are 3 strides
            # more than 80% of the references should fall under at most 3 different strides
            biggest_3 = stride_distr[:3]
            biggest_3_refs = sum(ref for _, ref in biggest_3)
            if float(biggest_3_refs) / references >= 0.80:
                stride_miss_pattern = [1]
                prefetchable = [False]
                for stride, ref in biggest_3:
                    current_stride_miss_pattern = self.calculate_stride_misses(
                        stride, ref)
                    if stride < self.DRAM_page_size:
                        prefetchable += [
                            bool(p) for p in current_stride_miss_pattern
                        if self.prefetch_in_page:
                            prefetchable += [False] * ref
                            prefetchable += [
                                bool(p) for p in current_stride_miss_pattern
                    stride_miss_pattern += current_stride_miss_pattern
                # random strides miss
                stride_miss_pattern += [1] * (references - biggest_3_refs)
                prefetchable += [False] * (references - biggest_3_refs)
                return ("STRIDE", prefetchable, stride_miss_pattern)

            # 4 strides + possible outliers
            # stride is regular, but there are 4 strides
            # more than 90% of the references should fall under at most 4 different strides
            biggest_4 = stride_distr[:4]
            biggest_4_refs = sum(ref for _, ref in biggest_4)
            if float(biggest_4_refs) / references >= 0.90:
                stride_miss_pattern = [1]
                prefetchable = [False]
                for stride, ref in biggest_4:
                    current_stride_miss_pattern = self.calculate_stride_misses(
                        stride, ref)
                    if stride < self.DRAM_page_size:
                        prefetchable += [
                            bool(p) for p in current_stride_miss_pattern
                        if self.prefetch_in_page:
                            prefetchable += [False] * ref
                            prefetchable += [
                                bool(p) for p in current_stride_miss_pattern
                    stride_miss_pattern += current_stride_miss_pattern
                # random strides miss
                stride_miss_pattern += [1] * (references - biggest_4_refs)
                prefetchable += [False] * (references - biggest_4_refs)
                return ("STRIDE", prefetchable, stride_miss_pattern)

            # more strides: stride is completely irregular
            return ("RANDOM_STRIDE", [False] * (references + 1),
                    [1] * (references + 1))

    def expand_distr(self, distr):
        choose_from = []
        for reuse, refs in distr[1:]:
            for r in range(0, refs):

        expanded_distr = [distr[0]]
        for reuse in choose_from:
            expanded_distr.append(expanded_distr[-1] + reuse)

        return expanded_distr

    def estimate_MLP(self, window_instrs, counter, load_dep_distr,
                     pcs_rd_distr, pcs_stride_distr,
                     exclusive_trace_miss_ratios, LLC_PC_miss_ratios,
                     window_loads, trace_counter, cold_miss_distr,
        # default values
        estimated_MLP, estimated_queuing_delay, succesfully_prefetched = 1, self.bus_transfer_cycles, 0

        if self.mlp_model == "cold":
            # using this method we cannot estimate the efficacy of a stride prefetcher
            estimated_MLP, estimated_queuing_delay = self.estimate_MLP_cold(
                cold_miss_distr, load_dep_distr, window_instrs, window_loads,
                miss_ratios, trace_counter)
        elif self.mlp_model == "stride":
            estimated_MLP, estimated_queuing_delay, succesfully_prefetched = self.estimate_MLP_stride(
                window_instrs, counter, load_dep_distr, pcs_rd_distr,
                pcs_stride_distr, exclusive_trace_miss_ratios,
                LLC_PC_miss_ratios, window_loads, trace_counter)
            # here we estimate the prefetcher to work as good for cold misses as for capacity misses
            estimated_MLP, estimated_queuing_delay, succesfully_prefetched = self.estimate_MLP_cold_stride(
                window_instrs, counter, load_dep_distr, pcs_rd_distr,
                pcs_stride_distr, exclusive_trace_miss_ratios,
                LLC_PC_miss_ratios, window_loads, trace_counter,
                cold_miss_distr, miss_ratios)

        return estimated_MLP, estimated_queuing_delay, succesfully_prefetched

    def estimate_MLP_cold(self,
        total_robs = window_instrs / self.ROB_size
        LLC_miss_chance = miss_ratios[self.config.get_LLC_size()][0]

        if window_loads == 0 or LLC_miss_chance == 0:
            if stride_MLP == 0.0:
                return 1, self.bus_transfer_cycles
                return 1, self.bus_transfer_cycles, 1

        total_cold_miss_robs, cold_misses = 0, 0.0
        for cm in cold_miss_distr:
            cold_misses += cm[0] * cm[1]
            total_cold_miss_robs += cm[1]

        miss_chance_conflict = (window_loads * LLC_miss_chance -
                                cold_misses) / window_loads
        if miss_chance_conflict < 0:
            miss_chance_conflict = 0

        average_loads_per_ROB = window_loads / total_robs

        # conflict miss MLP
        conflict_miss_MLP = 0
        for loads_on_path, freq in enumerate(load_dep_distr[1:]):
            dependent_MLP = (
                1 - LLC_miss_chance
            )**loads_on_path * miss_chance_conflict * average_loads_per_ROB
            conflict_miss_MLP += freq * dependent_MLP
        conflict_miss_MLP = max(1, conflict_miss_MLP)

        # cold miss MLP
        cold_miss_MLP = 1
        if total_cold_miss_robs != 0:
            for loads_on_path, freq in enumerate(load_dep_distr[1:]):
                dependent_MLP = (
                    1 - LLC_miss_chance
                )**loads_on_path * cold_misses / total_cold_miss_robs
                cold_miss_MLP += freq * dependent_MLP

        prev_cs = 0
        exclusive_miss_ratios = {}
        for cs, miss_data in miss_ratios.iteritems():
            exclusive_miss_ratios[cs] = miss_data[0]
            if prev_cs != 0:
                exclusive_miss_ratios[prev_cs] -= miss_data[0]
            prev_cs = cs

        # if no stride_MLP was provided, we are using the pure cold MLP method, use a uniform number for conflict miss MLP
        if stride_MLP == 0.0:
            estimated_MLP = cold_misses / max(
                cold_misses, window_loads * LLC_miss_chance
            ) * cold_miss_MLP + window_loads * miss_chance_conflict / max(
                window_loads * LLC_miss_chance) * conflict_miss_MLP

            scaling_factor_MSHR = self.scale_MLP_MSHR(window_loads,
            estimated_MLP *= scaling_factor_MSHR

            estimated_queuing_delay = self.estimate_queuing_delay(

            return estimated_MLP, estimated_queuing_delay
            scaling_factor_MSHR = self.scale_MLP_MSHR(window_loads,
            cold_miss_MLP *= scaling_factor_MSHR

            estimated_MLP = cold_misses / max(
                cold_misses, window_loads * LLC_miss_chance
            ) * cold_miss_MLP + window_loads * miss_chance_conflict / max(
                cold_misses, window_loads * LLC_miss_chance) * stride_MLP
            estimated_queuing_delay = self.estimate_queuing_delay(

            if window_loads * miss_chance_conflict != 0:
                cold_miss_multiplier = max(
                    cold_misses, window_loads *
                    LLC_miss_chance) / (window_loads * miss_chance_conflict)
                cold_miss_multiplier = 1.0

            return estimated_MLP, estimated_queuing_delay, cold_miss_multiplier

    def estimate_MLP_stride(self, window_instrs, counter, load_dep_distr,
                            pcs_rd_distr, pcs_stride_distr,
                            exclusive_trace_miss_ratios, LLC_PC_miss_ratios,
                            window_loads, trace_counter):
        if counter[2] == 0 or exclusive_trace_miss_ratios[self.LLC_size] == 0:
            estimated_MLP = self.run_avg_MLP
            estimated_queuing_delay = self.estimate_queuing_delay(
            if counter[2] != 0:
                extrapolate_prefetched = float(
                    self.run_avg_prefetched) / counter[2] * window_loads
                extrapolate_prefetched = self.run_avg_prefetched_extrapolated
            succesfully_prefetched = extrapolate_prefetched

            # should I modify the running averages?
            self.run_avg_MLP = self.alpha * 1 + (1 -
                                                 self.alpha) * self.run_avg_MLP
            self.run_avg_prefetched = self.alpha * 0 + (
                1 - self.alpha) * self.run_avg_prefetched
            self.run_avg_prefetched_extrapolated = self.alpha * 0 + (
                1 - self.alpha) * self.run_avg_prefetched
            # place loads
            trace_loads, trace_load_addresses = self.place_loads_in_trace(
                counter[1], pcs_rd_distr, trace_counter)
            # place misses
            trace_misses, statstack_misses = self.place_misses_in_trace(
                counter[1], pcs_stride_distr, LLC_PC_miss_ratios, pcs_rd_distr,
                trace_loads, trace_counter)

            sum_trace_misses = sum([tm for tm, p in trace_misses])
            if round(sum_trace_misses) != round(statstack_misses):
                    "Trace " + str(trace_counter) +
                    ", we placed a different number of misses:\tTM:" +
                    str(round(sum_trace_misses)) + "\tSS: " +
            self.total_ss_misses += statstack_misses

            trace_misses, succesfully_prefetched = self.remove_prefetchable_misses(
                trace_load_addresses, trace_misses)

            if sum_trace_misses > 0:
                estimated_MLP = self.estimate_MLP_window_stride(
                    trace_loads, trace_misses, load_dep_distr, trace_counter)
                scaling_factor_MSHR = self.scale_MLP_MSHR(
                    sum(trace_loads), exclusive_trace_miss_ratios,
                    estimated_MLP, trace_counter)
                estimated_MLP *= scaling_factor_MSHR
                estimated_MLP = 1.0

            estimated_queuing_delay = self.estimate_queuing_delay(

            extrapolate_prefetched = float(
                succesfully_prefetched) / counter[2] * window_loads
            self.run_avg_MLP = self.alpha * estimated_MLP + (
                1 - self.alpha) * self.run_avg_MLP
            self.run_avg_prefetched = self.alpha * succesfully_prefetched + (
                1 - self.alpha) * self.run_avg_prefetched
            self.run_avg_prefetched_extrapolated = self.alpha * extrapolate_prefetched + (
                1 - self.alpha) * self.run_avg_prefetched

        return estimated_MLP, estimated_queuing_delay, succesfully_prefetched

    def estimate_MLP_cold_stride(self, window_instrs, counter, load_dep_distr,
                                 pcs_rd_distr, pcs_stride_distr,
                                 LLC_PC_miss_ratios, window_loads,
                                 trace_counter, cold_miss_distr, miss_ratios):
        estimated_MLP_stride, estimated_queuing_delay_stride, succesfully_prefetched_stride = self.estimate_MLP_stride(
            window_instrs, counter, load_dep_distr, pcs_rd_distr,
            pcs_stride_distr, exclusive_trace_miss_ratios, LLC_PC_miss_ratios,
            window_loads, trace_counter)

        estimated_MLP, estimated_queuing_delay, cold_miss_multiplier = self.estimate_MLP_cold(
            cold_miss_distr, load_dep_distr, window_instrs, window_loads,
            miss_ratios, trace_counter, estimated_MLP_stride)

        return estimated_MLP, estimated_queuing_delay, int(
            succesfully_prefetched_stride * cold_miss_multiplier)

    def place_loads_in_trace(self, trace_length, pcs_rd_distr, trace_counter):
        # place loads
        trace_loads = [0] * trace_length
        trace_load_addresses = [0] * trace_length
        load_conflicts = []
        for pc, rd_distr in sorted(pcs_rd_distr.iteritems()):
            expanded_rd_distr = self.expand_distr(rd_distr)
            for rd in expanded_rd_distr:
                if trace_loads[rd] == 0:
                    trace_loads[rd] = 1
                    trace_load_addresses[rd] = pc

        # Adding load conflicts (due to not knowing the exact position) randomly to the trace_loads array.
        add_random_loads = len(load_conflicts)
        if add_random_loads > 0:
            zero_positions = [x for x, y in enumerate(trace_loads) if y == 0]
            while add_random_loads > 0:
                rnd = int(random.random() * len(zero_positions))
                trace_loads[zero_positions[rnd]] = 1
                trace_load_addresses[zero_positions[rnd]] = load_conflicts[
                    len(load_conflicts) - add_random_loads]
                add_random_loads -= 1
                del zero_positions[rnd]

        if len(load_conflicts) > 0:
            self.debug_printer.save_log_stats("Trace: " + str(trace_counter))
                "Placed " + str(len(load_conflicts)) +
                " loads randomly for a total of " + str(sum(trace_loads)) +
                " loads! Load PCs were " + str(load_conflicts))

        return trace_loads, trace_load_addresses

    def place_misses_in_trace(self, trace_length, pcs_stride_distr,
                              LLC_PC_miss_ratios, pcs_rd_distr, trace_loads,
        trace_misses = [[0, False]] * trace_length
        no_strides, no_no_strides, no_random_strides = 0, 0, 0
        statstack_misses, randomly_placed_misses = 0, 0
        succesfully_prefetched = 0

        for pc, stride_distr in sorted(pcs_stride_distr.iteritems()):
            # ignore the first entry in the array which is the first address referenced, this might help for prefetching later
            stride_distr = stride_distr[1:]
            stride, prefetchable, stride_misses = self.calculate_misses_PC_stride(

            misses_placed, miss_conflicts, too_few_stride_misses = 0, 0, 0
            PC_statstack_misses = int(
                round(LLC_PC_miss_ratios[pc][0] * LLC_PC_miss_ratios[pc][1]))
            statstack_misses += PC_statstack_misses

            if stride == "STRIDE":
                # if SS sees misses, the stride we see is for non-repeating addresses, hence every xth cacheline references is a new one and misses
                if PC_statstack_misses > 0:
                    rd_distr = self.expand_distr(pcs_rd_distr[pc])
                    assert (len(rd_distr) == len(stride_misses))
                    assert (LLC_PC_miss_ratios[pc][1] == len(rd_distr))

                    # Add all stride misses to the beginning of the stride pattern, this better reflects reality as it will be the first accesses of a repeating strided access pattern that will miss (at least for most benchmarks). Using the miss ratios like for random strides leads to severe underestimations of the MLP.
                    miss_ratio = 1
                    for i in range(0, len(stride_misses)):
                        if stride_misses[i]:
                            if misses_placed < PC_statstack_misses:
                                if trace_misses[rd_distr[i]][0] > 0:
                                    miss_conflicts += 1
                                    trace_misses[rd_distr[i]] = [
                                        miss_ratio, prefetchable[i]
                                misses_placed += miss_ratio

                    # Because we append all strides together, it can happen that we're underestimating the actual number of misses (e.g. 2 strides of 8, a random stride, 2 strides of 8, can give more misses than 4 strides of 8 followed by a random: 16-24-32-48-120 results in two misses, while 16-24-120-128-136 results in three misses). This will be noticeable because the number of statstack misses is bigger than the number of misses we get by using the Statstack missrate for the accesses marked as a miss in the stride pattern. Place them randomly afterwards.
                    if misses_placed < PC_statstack_misses:
                        too_few_stride_misses += PC_statstack_misses - misses_placed

                no_strides += 1
            elif stride == "NO_STRIDE":
                if PC_statstack_misses > 0:
                    location_pc = pcs_rd_distr[pc][0]

                    miss_ratio = LLC_PC_miss_ratios[pc][0]
                    if trace_misses[location_pc][0] > 0:
                        if trace_misses[rd_distr[i]][0] < 1 - miss_ratio:
                            trace_misses[rd_distr[i]][0] += miss_ratio
                            miss_conflicts += 1
                        trace_misses[location_pc] = [miss_ratio, False]
                    misses_placed += miss_ratio

                no_no_strides += 1
                if PC_statstack_misses > 0:
                    rd_distr = self.expand_distr(pcs_rd_distr[pc])
                    assert (LLC_PC_miss_ratios[pc][1] == len(rd_distr))

                    # We have no idea which of these completely random accesses will actually miss, use the ratio provided by statstack for all possible misses
                    miss_ratio = LLC_PC_miss_ratios[pc][0]
                    for i in range(0, len(rd_distr)):
                        if trace_misses[rd_distr[i]][0] > 0:
                            if trace_misses[rd_distr[i]][0] < 1 - miss_ratio:
                                trace_misses[rd_distr[i]][0] += miss_ratio
                                miss_conflicts += 1
                            trace_misses[rd_distr[i]] = [miss_ratio, False]
                        misses_placed += miss_ratio

                no_random_strides += 1

            # Adding miss conflicts (due to not knowing the exact position) randomly to the trace_misses array (but accordingly to the load array). Do the same for underestimation of the misses due to the usage of a stride distribution (see above)
            add_random_misses = miss_conflicts + too_few_stride_misses
            if add_random_misses > 0:
                randomly_placed_misses += add_random_misses * miss_ratio
                # find positions in trace_misses array where we can still place a miss (value == 0), provided there's a load on that position
                zero_positions = [
                    w for (w,
                            y)), z in zip(enumerate(trace_misses), trace_loads)
                    if x == 0 and z == 1
                if len(zero_positions) < add_random_misses:
                        "Trace " + str(trace_counter) +
                        ", we have too few zero positions for adding random misses"
                    while add_random_misses > 0:
                        rnd = int(random.random() * len(zero_positions))
                        trace_misses[zero_positions[rnd]] = [miss_ratio, False]
                        add_random_misses -= 1
                        del zero_positions[rnd]

        self.debug_printer.save_log_stats("Number of strided instructions: " +
        self.debug_printer.save_log_stats("Number of single instructions: " +
            "Number of random strided instructions: " + str(no_random_strides))
            "Placed " + str(randomly_placed_misses) +
            " misses randomly for a total of " +
            str(sum([miss for miss, pref in trace_misses])) + " misses")

        self.total_strides += no_strides
        self.total_no_strides += no_no_strides
        self.total_random_strides += no_random_strides
        self.total_randomly_placed_misses += randomly_placed_misses

        return trace_misses, statstack_misses

    def remove_prefetchable_misses(self, trace_loads_addresses, trace_misses):
        trace_length = len(trace_loads_addresses)

        plain_trace_misses = [0] * trace_length
        # check number of flows
        flows = deque(maxlen=self.prefetcher_flows)
        ind, succesfully_prefetched = 0, 0
        prefetchable = []
        # load address, (missrate, prefetchable)
        for tl, (tm_mr, tm_p) in zip(trace_loads_addresses, trace_misses):
            # can this load be prefetched (depends on prefetch attribute and whether it's still in the observed flows)?
            if tm_mr > 0:
                if not tm_p:
                    plain_trace_misses[ind] = tm_mr
                    if tl not in flows:
                        plain_trace_misses[ind] = tm_mr
                    elif self.prefetcher_enabled:
                        assert (tm_mr == 1)
                        plain_trace_misses[ind] = tm_mr
            # only append flows for loads that at least reach the LLC
            if tm_mr > 0 and tl != 0 and not tl in flows:
            ind += 1

        # check timeliness, prefetch happens at the same moment as the previous load executed
        # model non-timeliness as lower missrate
        if len(prefetchable) > 0:
            # get boundaries where there's a DRAM access, this marks the potential start of a new ROB
            np_trace_misses = numpy.asarray(trace_misses)
            ROB_indices = numpy.where(np_trace_misses > 0)[0]
            ROB_starts = [ROB_indices[0]]
            for ind in ROB_indices:
                if ind >= ROB_starts[-1] + self.ROB_size:
            for ind in prefetchable:
                # prev_load_usage = trace_length - trace_loads_addresses[::-1].index(trace_loads_addresses[ind], trace_length - ind) - 1
                np_trace_loads_addresses = numpy.asarray(trace_loads_addresses)
                load_indices = list(
                    numpy.where(np_trace_loads_addresses ==
                load_indices = load_indices[:load_indices.index(ind)][::-1]
                prev_load_usage = load_indices[-1]
                for li in load_indices:
                    if trace_misses[li][1]:
                        prev_load_usage = li
                load_ROB = bisect.bisect(ROB_starts, ind) - 1
                prev_load_ROB = bisect.bisect(ROB_starts, prev_load_usage) - 1
                # load that initiated prefetch happened in a previous ROB, prefetch will be done
                # either the ROBs are different or the distance is too big
                # the latter check is needed because the random placement of loads / misses can break the bisect stuff
                if load_ROB != prev_load_ROB or prev_load_usage + self.ROB_size <= ind:
                    succesfully_prefetched += 1
                # load that initiated prefetch happened in the same ROB, prefetch will not be done in time, modify missrate
                    # load_to_head = ind - prev_load_usage
                    load_to_head = ind - ROB_starts[load_ROB]
                    reach_cycles = float(load_to_head) / self.dispatch_width
                    fraction_DRAM = reach_cycles / self.DRAM_latency_with_tag
                    assert (1.0 - fraction_DRAM >= 0)
                    plain_trace_misses[ind] = 1.0 - fraction_DRAM
                    succesfully_prefetched += fraction_DRAM

        return plain_trace_misses, succesfully_prefetched

    def estimate_MLP_window_stride(self, trace_loads, trace_misses,
                                   load_dep_distr, trace_counter):
        mlp, miss_ROBs, counter = 0, 0, 0
        current_ROB_head = 0
        while current_ROB_head < len(trace_misses):
            # search the trace for the next ROB head (has to start with an LLC miss)
            if sum(trace_misses[current_ROB_head:]) == 0:
            while trace_misses[current_ROB_head] == 0:
                current_ROB_head += 1

            # Take into account load misses depend on each other
            loads = sum(trace_loads[current_ROB_head:current_ROB_head +
            load_misses = float(
                sum(trace_misses[current_ROB_head:current_ROB_head +
            if loads < load_misses:
                self.debug_printer.save_error_stats("Trace: " +
                                                    str(trace_counter) + ", " +
                                                    str(loads) + " < " +
                loads = load_misses
            miss_ratio = load_misses / loads
            # calculate MLP taking into account dependences
            mlp += self.scale_MLP_dependences(load_dep_distr, miss_ratio,

            current_ROB_head += self.ROB_size
            miss_ROBs += 1

        estimated_MLP = max(1, float(mlp) / miss_ROBs)

        return estimated_MLP

    def scale_MLP_dependences(self, load_dep_distr, miss_ratio, load_misses):
        estimated_MLP = 0
        for depending_on in range(1, len(load_dep_distr)):
            dependent_MLP = (1 - miss_ratio)**(depending_on - 1) * load_misses
            estimated_MLP += load_dep_distr[depending_on] * dependent_MLP

        return estimated_MLP

    def scale_MLP_MSHR(self, loads, trace_level_miss_rates, estimated_MLP,
        if estimated_MLP == 0:
            return 1

        mshr_occupancy_time = 0
        cache_level_hits, cache_hit_cost = 0, 0
        for cs in sorted(trace_level_miss_rates.keys())[:-1]:
            cache_level_hits += trace_level_miss_rates[cs] * loads
            mshr_occupancy_time += trace_level_miss_rates[
                cs] * loads * self.config.get_cache_miss_cost(cs)
            cache_hit_cost += trace_level_miss_rates[
                cs] * loads * self.config.get_cache_miss_cost(cs)
        if cache_level_hits != 0:
            cache_hit_cost /= cache_level_hits

        scaling_factor_MSHR = 1
        # calculate scaling factor
        if cache_level_hits + estimated_MLP > self.MSHR_entries:
            scaling_factor_MSHR = 0
                "Trace: " + str(trace_counter) +
                ", scaled down MLP due to too many misses live in the ROB (" +
                str(estimated_MLP) + ")")
            cache_down, cache_up = math.floor(cache_level_hits), math.ceil(
            mlp_down, mlp_up = math.floor(estimated_MLP), math.ceil(
            cache_frac, MLP_frac = math.modf(cache_level_hits)[0], math.modf(

            if cache_down + mlp_down > self.MSHR_entries:
                scaling_factor_MSHR_down_down = self.calculate_rounded_MSHR_scaling_factor(
                    cache_down, mlp_down, cache_hit_cost)
                scaling_factor_MSHR += (1 - cache_frac) * (
                    1 - MLP_frac) * scaling_factor_MSHR_down_down

            if cache_down + mlp_up > self.MSHR_entries:
                scaling_factor_MSHR_down_up = self.calculate_rounded_MSHR_scaling_factor(
                    cache_down, mlp_up, cache_hit_cost)
                scaling_factor_MSHR += (
                    1 - cache_frac) * MLP_frac * scaling_factor_MSHR_down_up

            if cache_up + mlp_down > self.MSHR_entries:
                scaling_factor_MSHR_up_down = self.calculate_rounded_MSHR_scaling_factor(
                    cache_up, mlp_down, cache_hit_cost)
                scaling_factor_MSHR += cache_frac * (
                    1 - MLP_frac) * scaling_factor_MSHR_up_down

            if cache_up + mlp_up > self.MSHR_entries:
                scaling_factor_MSHR_up_up = self.calculate_rounded_MSHR_scaling_factor(
                    cache_up, mlp_up, cache_hit_cost)
                scaling_factor_MSHR += cache_frac * MLP_frac * scaling_factor_MSHR_up_up

        assert scaling_factor_MSHR <= 1.0

        return scaling_factor_MSHR

    def calculate_rounded_MSHR_scaling_factor(self, rounded_cache_hits,
                                              rounded_MLP, cache_hit_cost):
        if rounded_MLP == 0:
            return 0

        events = rounded_cache_hits + rounded_MLP
        slots_filled_LLC = max(self.MSHR_entries - rounded_MLP, 0)
        slots_filled_DRAM = max(self.MSHR_entries - rounded_cache_hits, 0)
        slots_filled = slots_filled_LLC + slots_filled_DRAM
        slots_to_fill = int(self.MSHR_entries - slots_filled)
        P_c = (rounded_cache_hits - max(self.MSHR_entries - rounded_MLP,
                                        0)) / (events - slots_filled)
        P_DRAM = (rounded_MLP - max(self.MSHR_entries - rounded_cache_hits,
                                    0)) / (events - slots_filled)

        assert P_c + P_DRAM == 1.0

        MLP = 0.0
        for i in range(0, slots_to_fill + 1):
            multiplier = math.factorial(slots_to_fill) / (
                math.factorial(i) * math.factorial(slots_to_fill - i))
            chance = P_c**i * P_DRAM**(slots_to_fill - i)
            state_chance = multiplier * chance
            T_MSHR_free = (
                (slots_filled_LLC + i) * cache_hit_cost +
                (slots_filled_DRAM + slots_to_fill - i) * self.LLC_miss_cost
            ) / self.MSHR_entries - self.MSHR_entries / events * self.ROB_size / self.dispatch_width
            # if events resolve faster than the time it takes to get to the next event, this time will be negative
            T_MSHR_free = max(0, T_MSHR_free)
            DRAM_MSHR = self.MSHR_entries - (
                max(self.MSHR_entries - rounded_MLP, 0) + i)
            MLP += state_chance * (
                DRAM_MSHR + (rounded_MLP - DRAM_MSHR) *
                (self.LLC_miss_cost - T_MSHR_free) / self.LLC_miss_cost)

        scaling_factor_MSHR = MLP / rounded_MLP

        return scaling_factor_MSHR

    def estimate_queuing_delay(self, mlp):
        if self.queue_model == "MLP":
            queue_delay_down, queue_delay_up = 0.0, 0.0
            mlp_down, mlp_up = int(mlp), int(mlp) + 1
            for m in range(0, mlp_down):
                queue_delay_down += self.bus_transfer_cycles * (m + 1) - min(
                    self.bus_transfer_cycles * m,
                    self.ROB_size / mlp_down / self.dispatch_width * m)
            for m in range(0, mlp_up):
                queue_delay_up += self.bus_transfer_cycles * (m + 1) - min(
                    self.bus_transfer_cycles * m,
                    self.ROB_size / mlp_up / self.dispatch_width * m)
            fract_mlp = math.modf(mlp)[0]
            queue_delay = (
                1 - fract_mlp) * queue_delay_down + fract_mlp * queue_delay_up

            return queue_delay / mlp
            return 0.0

    def get_overall_stats(self):
        return self.total_strides, self.total_no_strides, self.total_random_strides, self.total_randomly_placed_misses, self.total_ss_misses
コード例 #7
ファイル: base_model.py プロジェクト: samvandensteen/PMT
class Base_Model:
    def __init__(self, constants, config, benchmark):
        self.config = config
        self.ROB_size = config.get_ROB_size()
        self.physical_dispatch_width = config.get_dispatch_width()

        self.output_dir = constants.output_dir
        self.debug_printer = Debug_Printer(self.output_dir, benchmark,


    def build_issue_stage(self):
        self.instruction_latencies = {}
        for k, v in self.config.get_instruction_latencies().iteritems():
            self.instruction_latencies[k] = int(v)

        self.functional_units_per_port = {}
        self.available_ports_split = []
        for k, v in self.config.get_functional_units_ports().iteritems():
            if not k in self.functional_units_per_port:
                self.functional_units_per_port[k] = []
                for port in v.replace(" ", "").split("|"):
                        port.replace(" ", "").split("&"))
                    for p in port.replace(" ", "").split("&"):
                        if not p in self.available_ports_split:
        self.available_ports_split = sorted(self.available_ports_split)

        self.functional_units_pipelined = {}
        for k, v in self.config.get_functional_unit_pipelined().iteritems():
            if v == "1":
                self.functional_units_pipelined[k] = True
                self.functional_units_pipelined[k] = False

        self.instruction_per_functional_unit = {}
        for k, v in self.config.get_instruction_functional_unit().iteritems():
            self.instruction_per_functional_unit[k] = v.replace(" ",

        self.instruction_per_port = {}
        for ins, functional_units in self.instruction_per_functional_unit.iteritems(
            self.instruction_per_port[ins] = []
            for fu_outer in functional_units:
                for fu_inner, ports in self.functional_units_per_port.items():
                    if fu_inner == fu_outer:
                        for port in ports:

    def set_window_stats(self, stats, dependences, uop_hist,
                         window_instruction_length, load_latency):
        self.stats = stats
        self.dependences = dependences
        self.uop_hist = uop_hist
        self.micro_op_count = sum(self.uop_hist.itervalues())
        self.window_instruction_length = window_instruction_length
        # set this value calculated by using StatStack miss rate
        self.instruction_latencies["LOAD"] = load_latency

    def calculate_base_performance(self):

    def calculate_independent_instructions(self):
        self.independent_instructions = {}
        # use critical path
        for rob, paths in self.interpolated_dependences.iteritems():
            CP_latency = paths[2] * self.average_instruction_latency
            self.independent_instructions[rob] = float(rob) / CP_latency

    def calculate_average_instruction_latency(self):
        self.average_instruction_latency = 0.0
        for uop, freq in self.uop_hist.iteritems():
            self.average_instruction_latency += float(
                freq) * self.instruction_latencies[uop]
        self.average_instruction_latency /= self.micro_op_count

    def interpolate_dependences(self):
        self.interpolated_dependences = {}
        # logarithmic fit ( a + b * ln(x) ) yields the best results compared to the real profiled results (but only if you fit point by point, not over all measurements)
        # initialize for the first profiled ROB (always = 1)
        self.interpolated_dependences[self.dependences[0][0]] = (
            self.dependences[0][1], self.dependences[0][2],
        # interpolate between profiled ROBs, initialize previous on smallest ROB profiled
        previous = self.dependences[0]
        for dep in self.dependences[1:]:
            y1_AP, y2_AP, x1, x2 = previous[1], dep[1], previous[0], dep[0]
            b_AP = (2 * (y1_AP * math.log(x1) + y2_AP * math.log(x2)) -
                    (y1_AP + y2_AP) * (math.log(x1) + math.log(x2))) / (
                        2 * (math.log(x1)**2 + math.log(x2)**2) -
                        (math.log(x1) + math.log(x2))**2)
            a_AP = (y1_AP + y2_AP - b_AP * (math.log(x1) + math.log(x2))) / 2

            y1_ABP, y2_ABP = previous[2], dep[2]
            b_ABP = (2 * (y1_ABP * math.log(x1) + y2_ABP * math.log(x2)) -
                     (y1_ABP + y2_ABP) * (math.log(x1) + math.log(x2))) / (
                         2 * (math.log(x1)**2 + math.log(x2)**2) -
                         (math.log(x1) + math.log(x2))**2)
            a_ABP = (y1_ABP + y2_ABP - b_ABP *
                     (math.log(x1) + math.log(x2))) / 2

            y1_CP, y2_CP = previous[3], dep[3]
            b_CP = (2 * (y1_CP * math.log(x1) + y2_CP * math.log(x2)) -
                    (y1_CP + y2_CP) * (math.log(x1) + math.log(x2))) / (
                        2 * (math.log(x1)**2 + math.log(x2)**2) -
                        (math.log(x1) + math.log(x2))**2)
            a_CP = (y1_CP + y2_CP - b_CP * (math.log(x1) + math.log(x2))) / 2

            for r in range(previous[0] + 1, dep[0]):
                interp_AP = a_AP + b_AP * math.log(r)
                interp_ABP = a_ABP + b_ABP * math.log(r)
                interp_CP = a_CP + b_CP * math.log(r)
                self.interpolated_dependences[r] = (interp_AP, interp_ABP,

            self.interpolated_dependences[dep[0]] = (dep[1], dep[2], dep[3])
            previous = dep

    def calculate_base_execution_rate(self):
        self.functional_port_issue_rate = self.physical_dispatch_width
        self.functional_unit_issue_rate = self.physical_dispatch_width

        self.effective_dispatch_rates = {
            "DISPATCH": self.physical_dispatch_width,
            "DEPENDENCES": self.independent_instructions[self.ROB_size],
            "FUNCTIONAL_PORT": self.functional_port_issue_rate,
            "FUNCTIONAL_UNIT": self.functional_unit_issue_rate

             self.functional_port_issue_rate, self.functional_unit_issue_rate))

    def calculate_functional_port_rate(self):
        cycles_per_unit = {}
        for k in self.functional_units_pipelined:
            cycles_per_unit[k] = 0
        for k, v in self.instruction_per_functional_unit.iteritems():
            # v is the functional unit
            # k is the actual category of the uop
            for fu in v:
                if self.functional_units_pipelined[fu]:
                    if k in self.uop_hist:
                        cycles_per_unit[fu] += self.uop_hist[k] * 1.0 / len(
                            self.functional_units_per_port[fu]) / len(v)
                    if k in self.uop_hist:
                        cycles_per_unit[fu] += self.uop_hist[k] * float(
                            self.instruction_latencies[k]) / len(
                                self.functional_units_per_port[fu]) / len(v)
        self.functional_port_issue_rate = float(sum(
            self.uop_hist.itervalues())) / max(cycles_per_unit.itervalues())

    def calculate_functional_unit_rate(self):
        cycles_per_port_new = {}
        for k in self.available_ports_split:
            cycles_per_port_new[k] = 0

        # we assume optimal scheduling by first taking all the instructions that can be scheduled only on one port
        # we schedule the instructions with multiple ports on their optimal port
        # example: schedule 30 adds on port 0,1 and 5 with following 'activity factors'
        # P0: 5     P1: 10      P5: 15
        # 15 adds are scheduled on port 1, 10 adds on port 2 and 5 adds on port 3
        # P0: 20    P1: 20      P5: 20
        for ins, ports in sorted(self.instruction_per_port.iteritems(),
                                 key=lambda s: len(s[1])):
            if len(ports) == 1:
                for p_outer in ports:
                    for p_inner in p_outer:
                        if ins in self.uop_hist:
                            cycles_per_port_new[p_inner] += self.uop_hist[ins]
                already_scheduled = []
                for p_outer in ports:
                    for p_inner in p_outer:
                            [float(cycles_per_port_new[p_inner]), p_inner])
                already_scheduled = sorted(already_scheduled)

                if ins in self.uop_hist:
                    current_port, activity_to_schedule = 0, float(
                    current_port, activity_to_schedule = 0, 0
                while activity_to_schedule > 0:
                    if len(already_scheduled) > current_port + 1:
                        can_schedule = (
                            already_scheduled[current_port + 1][0][0] -
                            already_scheduled[current_port][0][0]) * (
                                current_port + 1)
                        if can_schedule <= activity_to_schedule:
                            for i in range(0, current_port + 1):
                                for j in range(0, len(already_scheduled[i])):
                                        0] += can_schedule / (current_port + 1)
                            activity_to_schedule -= can_schedule
                            for i in range(0, current_port + 1):
                                for j in range(0, len(already_scheduled[i])):
                                        0] += activity_to_schedule / (
                                            current_port + 1)
                            activity_to_schedule = 0
                        for i in range(0, current_port + 1):
                            for j in range(0, len(already_scheduled[i])):
                                    0] += activity_to_schedule / (
                                        current_port + 1)
                        activity_to_schedule = 0

                    current_port += 1

                for i in range(0, len(already_scheduled)):
                    for cycles, port in already_scheduled[i]:
                        cycles_per_port_new[port] = 0
                for i in range(0, len(already_scheduled)):
                    for cycles, port in already_scheduled[i]:
                        cycles_per_port_new[port] += cycles

        self.functional_unit_issue_rate = float(sum(
            self.uop_hist.itervalues())) / max(

    def get_average_instruction_latency(self):
        return self.average_instruction_latency

    def get_path_lengths(self):
        return self.interpolated_dependences

    def get_independent_instructions(self):
        return self.independent_instructions

    def get_effective_dispatch_rates(self):
        return self.effective_dispatch_rates

    def calculate_base_component(self):
        total_base_component = 0

        base_component = float(self.stats[1]) / self.stats[
            0] * self.window_instruction_length / self.effective_dispatch_rates[
        total_base_component += base_component

        dependence_component = max(
            float(self.stats[1]) / self.stats[0] *
            self.window_instruction_length /
            self.effective_dispatch_rates["DEPENDENCES"] -
        total_base_component += dependence_component

        port_component = max(
            float(self.stats[1]) / self.stats[0] *
            self.window_instruction_length /
            self.effective_dispatch_rates["FUNCTIONAL_PORT"] -
        total_base_component += port_component

        unit_component = max(
            float(self.stats[1]) / self.stats[0] *
            self.window_instruction_length /
            self.effective_dispatch_rates["FUNCTIONAL_UNIT"] -

        return base_component, dependence_component, port_component, unit_component