def __init__(self, config=None, dir=None): madcow.Madcow.__init__(self, config, dir) self.colorlib = ColorLib('mirc') keys = silc.create_key_pair("", "silc.priv", passphrase="") nick = self.config.silcplugin.nick silc.SilcClient.__init__(self, keys, nick, nick, nick) self.channels = self._delim.split(self.config.silcplugin.channels)
class Main(Module): pattern = re.compile(r'^\s*(election|ev)\s*$', re.I) help = u'ev - current election 2008 vote prediction' _baseurl = u'' _score_re = re.compile(r'<td class="score">(.*?)</td>', re.DOTALL) _dem_re = re.compile(r'<span class="dem">(.*?)\s+(\d+)') _gop_re = re.compile(r'<span class="gop">(.*?)\s+(\d+)') _tie_re = re.compile(r'(Ties)\s+(\d+)') def __init__(self, madcow=None): if madcow is not None: self.colorlib = madcow.colorlib else: self.colorlib = ColorLib(u'ansi') def colorize(self, color, key, val): if key == '_SEN!D': key = 'Democrats' elif key == '_SEN!R': key = 'Republicans' key = self.colorlib.get_color(color, text=key) return u'%s: %s' % (key, val) def response(self, nick, args, kwargs): try: page = geturl(self._baseurl) try: score = dem = gop = # XXX diebold patch :D #dem, gop = (dem[0], gop[1]), (gop[0], dem[1]) tie = None try: tie = except AttributeError: pass except AttributeError: raise Exception(u"couldn't parse page") output = [self.colorize(u'blue', *dem), self.colorize(u'red', *gop)] if tie: output.append(self.colorize(u'white', *tie)) return u'%s: Projected Senate Seats 2010: %s' % ( nick, u', '.join(output)) except Exception, error: log.warn(u'error in module %s' % self.__module__) log.exception(error) return u'%s: %s' % (nick, error)
def __init__(self, config=None, dir=None): Madcow.__init__(self, config=config, dir=dir) self.colorlib = ColorLib('mirc') if log.root.level <= log.DEBUG: irclib.DEBUG = 1 else: irclib.DEBUG = 0 self.irc = irclib.IRC() self.server = self.irc.server() for event in'[IRC] * Registering event: %s' % event) self.server.add_global_handler( event, getattr(self, 'on_' + event), 0, ) if self.config.irc.channels is not None: self.channels = self._delim.split(self.config.irc.channels) else: self.channels = [] self.names = {} self.last_names_update = unix_time()
class ConsoleProtocol(Madcow): _new_nick = re.compile(r'^\s*nick\s+(\S+)\s*$', re.I) _cli_usage = [ 'quit - quit madcow', 'history - show history', 'nick <nick> - change your nick', 'clear - clear screen' ] _prompt = '\x1b[1;31m>>>\x1b[0m ' _clear = '\x1b[H\x1b[J' def __init__(self, config=None, dir=None): self.colorlib = ColorLib('ansi') Madcow.__init__(self, config=config, dir=dir) self.user_nick = os.environ['USER'] = Shell(polls=[self.check_response_queue]) self.usageLines += self._cli_usage def run(self): self.output("type 'help' for a list of commands") while self.running: self.check_response_queue() try: input = except IOError: # this happens when you get EINTR from SIGHUP handling continue if input.lower() == 'quit': break if input.lower() == 'history': print 'history: %s' % repr( if input.lower() == 'clear': sys.stdout.write(self._clear) continue if len(input) > 0: req = Request(message=input) req.nick = self.user_nick = 'cli' req.private = True req.addressed = True self.checkAddressing(req) if req.message.startswith('^'): req.colorize = True req.message = req.message[1:] try: self.user_nick = self.output('nick changed to: %s' % self.user_nick, req) continue except: pass self.process_message(req) def protocol_output(self, message, req=None): if req is not None and req.colorize is True: message = self.colorlib.rainbow(message) print message
def __init__(self, config=None, dir=None): self.colorlib = ColorLib('ansi') Madcow.__init__(self, config=config, dir=dir) self.user_nick = os.environ['USER'] = Shell(polls=[self.check_response_queue]) self.usageLines += self._cli_usage
class ConsoleProtocol(Madcow): _new_nick = re.compile(r'^\s*nick\s+(\S+)\s*$', re.I) _cli_usage = [ 'quit - quit madcow', 'history - show history', 'nick <nick> - change your nick', 'clear - clear screen' ] _prompt = '\x1b[1;31m>>>\x1b[0m ' _clear = '\x1b[H\x1b[J' def __init__(self, config=None, dir=None): self.colorlib = ColorLib('ansi') Madcow.__init__(self, config=config, dir=dir) self.user_nick = os.environ['USER'] = Shell(polls=[self.check_response_queue]) self.usageLines += self._cli_usage def run(self): self.output("type 'help' for a list of commands") while self.running: self.check_response_queue() try: input = except IOError: # this happens when you get EINTR from SIGHUP handling continue if input.lower() == 'quit': break if input.lower() == 'history': print 'history: %s' % repr( if input.lower() == 'clear': sys.stdout.write(self._clear) continue if len(input) > 0: req = Request(message=input) req.nick = self.user_nick = 'cli' req.private = True req.addressed = True self.checkAddressing(req) if req.message.startswith('^'): req.colorize = True req.message = req.message[1:] try: self.user_nick = req.message).group(1) self.output('nick changed to: %s' % self.user_nick, req) continue except: pass self.process_message(req) def protocol_output(self, message, req=None): if req is not None and req.colorize is True: message = self.colorlib.rainbow(message) print message
def __init__(self, madcow=None): if madcow is not None: self.colorlib = madcow.colorlib else: self.colorlib = ColorLib(u'ansi')
class Main(Module): _allow = u'-?(?:[0-9.]+j?|pi|e)' _regex = u'^\s*roll\s+(%s?)d(%s)\s*$' % (_allow, _allow) pattern = re.compile(_regex, re.I) allow_threading = False require_addressing = True help = u'roll [<numdice>d<sides>] - roll die of the specified size' def __init__(self, madcow=None): if madcow is not None: self.colorlib = madcow.colorlib else: self.colorlib = ColorLib(u'ansi') def roll(self, min, max): if isinstance((min * max), (float, complex)): return random.uniform(min, max) else: return random.randint(min, max) def normalize(self, val): try: val = val.lower() if val == u'pi': val = math.pi elif val == u'e': val = math.e elif val.endswith(u'j'): val = complex(val) elif u'.' in val: val = float(val) else: val = int(val) except: val = 1 return val def colorize(self, text, color): return self.colorlib.get_color(color, text=text) def response(self, nick, args, kwargs): num_dice = self.normalize(args[0]) sides = self.normalize(args[1]) if sides == 0 or num_dice == 0: return u'GOOD JOB, UNIVERSE %s' % self.colorize(u'EXPLODES', u'red') if sides == 1 and num_dice == 1: return u'CHEATING DETECTED, YOU %s' % self.colorize(u'DIE', u'red') min = num_dice max = num_dice * sides saving_throw = self.roll(min, max) save_versus = self.roll(min, max) try: if saving_throw >= save_versus: result = self.colorize(u'LIVES', u'green') else: result = self.colorize(u'DIES', u'red') except: result = self.colorize(u'IS TOO COMPLEX', u'yellow') return u'%s rolls %s, needs %s, %s %s' % (nick, saving_throw, save_versus, nick, result)
class Main(Module): pattern = re.compile(r'^\s*wardb\s+(.+?)\s*$', re.I) require_addressing = True help = u'wardb <item> - look up warhammer item stats' _base_url = u'' _search_url = urljoin(_base_url, u'/search.aspx') _items_re = re.compile(r'\[([^\]]+)\]') _results_re = re.compile( r'<a href="([^"]+/item\.aspx[^"]+)">\s*(.+?)\s*</a>') _redirect_re = re.compile( r'self\.location="(item.aspx[^"]+)"') _bonus_re = re.compile( r"<span class='item-tooltip-bonus'>\s*([^<]+)\s*</span>") _stat_gap_re = re.compile( r'([+-])\s+(\d)') _item_name_re = re.compile( r'<span class="r(\d+) item-name">([^<]+)</span>') _rarity_colors = { u'6': u'orange', u'5': u'bright magenta', u'4': u'bright blue', u'3': u'bright green', u'2': u'white', u'1': u'light gray'} def __init__(self, madcow=None): self.madcow = madcow if madcow: self.colorlib = madcow.colorlib else: self.colorlib = ColorLib(u'ansi') def lookup_item(self, item): page = geturl(self._search_url, opts={u'search_text': item}) item = item.lower() redirect = if redirect: url = urljoin(self._base_url, page = geturl(url) elif u'Search results for' in page: items = self._results_re.findall(page) if not items: return items = [(v.lower(), k) for k, v in items] items = sorted(items) map = dict(items) if item in map: url = map[item] else: url = items[0][1] page = geturl(url) bonus = u', '.join(self._bonus_re.findall(page)) bonus = self._stat_gap_re.sub(r'\1\2', bonus) if not bonus: bonus = u'No bonuses' rarity, name = color = self._rarity_colors[rarity] name = name.replace('\\', '') name = name.strip() name = self.colorlib.get_color(color, text=name) return u'%s: %s' % (name, bonus) def response(self, nick, args, kwargs): try: return self.lookup_item(args[0]) except Exception, error: log.warn('error in module %s' % self.__module__) log.exception(error)