def listRobots(request, action): ''' Generates a list of all robots (depending on RosConfigurator, confManager) and returns them back as json TODO DL, currently a List of containing 'topics' with a list of topics is returned Better would be a list of robotIds with their corresponding topics and types ''' robots = getRobots(False) data = [] for robot_name in robots.keys(): robot_data = {"name": robot_name, "topics": []} robot = robots[robot_name] for topic_name in robot["topics"]: topic = robot["topics"][topic_name] topic_data = {"name": topic_name, "pubsub": topic["type"]} if type(topic["msg"]) is dict: topic_data["type"] = "Custom" topic_data["structure"] = topic["msg"] else: topic_data["type"] = topic["msg"] topic_data["structure"] = ROS_TOPIC_AS_DICT[topic_name] robot_data["topics"].append(topic_data) data.append(robot_data) # Return data and success end_request(request, ('Content-Type', 'application/json'), 200, json.dumps(data))
def onRobots(request, action): ## \brief Handle robot list request # \param client request # \param action robots = getRobots(False, True) data = [] for robot_name in robots.keys(): robot_data = {"name": robot_name, "topics": []} robot = robots[robot_name] for topic_name in robot["topics"]: topic = robot["topics"][topic_name] topic_data = {"name": topic_name, "pubsub": topic["type"]} if type(topic["msg"]) is dict: topic_data["type"] = "Custom" topic_data["structure"] = topic["msg"] else: topic_data["type"] = topic["msg"] topic_data["structure"] = ros2Definition( ROBOT_TOPICS[robot_name][ topic["type"]][topic_name]["class"]()) robot_data["topics"].append(topic_data) data.append(robot_data) request.send_response(200) request.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json') setCors(request) request.end_headers() request.wfile.write(json.dumps(data))
def _robotConnection(data): ''' This resets firos into its original state TODO DL reset, instead of connect? TODO DL Add real connect for only one Robot? ''' robot_name = Log("INFO", "Connected robot: " + robot_name) loadMsgHandlers(confManager.getRobots(True))
def listTopics(request, action): ''' Generates a list of all topics (depending on RosConfigurator, confManager) and returns them back as json ''' robots = getRobots(False) data = [] for topic in robots.keys(): robot_data = {"topic": topic, "pubSub": robots[topic][1], "messageType": robots[topic][0] } robot_data["structure"] = ROS_TOPIC_AS_DICT[topic] data.append(robot_data) # Return data and success end_request(request, ('Content-Type', 'application/json'), 200, json.dumps(data))
def launchSetup(main=False): retcode = 0 Log("INFO", "\nStarting Firos setup...") Log("INFO", "---------------------------------\n") Log("INFO", "\nGenerating Message Description Files\n") try: robots = confManager.getRobots(True, True) current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) outdir = os.path.join(current_path, "include/ros/") retcode = genpy_firos.genmain(robots, generator.MsgGenerator(genmsg.msg_loader.load_msg_from_string), outdir) Log("INFO", "\nSuccesfully generated\n") if main: sys.exit(retcode or 0) except Exception as e: rospy.logerr("\nSomething wrong happened\n") traceback.print_exc() Log("ERROR", e) sys.exit(retcode or 0)
server = FirosServer("", port) except Exception as ex: sys.stderr.write('CB_COMMUNICATION_FAILED') exit(1) else: def signal_handler(signal, frame): Log("INFO", ('\nExiting from the application')) TopicHandler.unregisterAll() topicManager.removeListeners() server.close() Log("INFO", ('\nExit')) sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) launchSetup() Log("INFO", "\nStarting Firos...") Log("INFO", "---------------------------------\n") loadMsgHandlers(confManager.getRobots(True, True)) connectionListeners() topicManager.setListeners() MapServer.load() Log("INFO", "\nPress Ctrl+C to Exit\n") server.start()
def __init__(self): '''Initialize the class by creating the required publishers and subscribers. ''' Log("INFO", ('\nCreating a new FEATS handler...')) self.firstRun = True self.status = 'idle' self.paused = False # stores whether the robot is in a paused state or not # Get Orion configuration self.configData = self.get_cb_config() self.lastBattery = 0.0 self.idleGoal = False # this variable stores whether the robot is moving to an idle station or not self.context_id = "" self.workorder_id = "" self.heartbeat_timer = None # Init ROS publishers self.routePlannerXYTPub = rospy.Publisher('/route_planner/goalXYT', Vector3, queue_size=3) self.routePlannerPausePub = rospy.Publisher('/route_planner/cancel', String, queue_size=3) self.routePlannerResumePub = rospy.Publisher('/route_planner/resume', String, queue_size=3) self.locationPub = rospy.Publisher('/' + C.ROBOT_ID + '/location', Pose, queue_size=3) self.statusPub = rospy.Publisher('/' + C.ROBOT_ID + '/status', String, queue_size=3) self.batteryPub = rospy.Publisher('/' + C.ROBOT_ID + '/battery', Int32, queue_size=3, latch=True) self.heartbeatPub = rospy.Publisher('/' + C.ROBOT_ID + '/heartbeat', String, queue_size=3) self.connectionPub = rospy.Publisher('/' + C.ROBOT_ID + '/connection', Bool, queue_size=3, latch=True) self.selfStatusPub = rospy.Publisher('/feats/status', String, queue_size=3) # Init ROS subscribers rospy.Subscriber('/battery/level', Float32, self.battery_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/feats/status', String, self.status_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/amcl_pose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.location_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/charging/plugged', Bool, self.charging_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/ui/goal/cancel', String, self.cancel_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/ui/goal/resume', String, self.resume_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/ui/ready', String, self.ready_cb) ## Set Configuration data = self.configData['contextbroker'] if "address" not in data or "port" not in data: raise Exception("No Context-Broker specified!") = data self.CB_BASE_URL = "http://{}:{}/v2/entities/".format(data["address"], data["port"]) # Get topics (already with robot_id from config) topics = confManager.getRobots(True) # Subscribe to topics in topics.json for key in topics: if topics[key][1] == 'publisher': Log("INFO", ('\nSubscribing to ' + key)) topic_type = key.split('/')[2] if topic_type == 'refDestination': rospy.Subscriber(key, String, self.ref_destination_cb) elif topic_type == 'action': rospy.Subscriber(key, String, self.action_cb) Log("INFO", ('\nFEATS handler initialized!')) # Send first heartbeat self.send_heartbeat() self.statusPub.publish(self.status) # Main loop self.loop()
try: server = FirosServer("", port) except Exception as ex: sys.stderr.write('CB_COMMUNICATION_FAILED') exit(1) else: def signal_handler(signal, frame): Log("INFO", ('\nExiting from the application')) TopicHandler.unregisterAll() topicManager.removeListeners() server.close() Log("INFO", ('\nExit')) sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) launchSetup() Log("INFO", "\nStarting Firos...") Log("INFO", "---------------------------------\n") loadMsgHandlers(confManager.getRobots(True, True)) connectionListeners() topicManager.setListeners() MapServer.load() Log("INFO", "\nPress Ctrl+C to Exit\n") server.start()