def do_GET(self): data = None; reset = False; if self.path[0:4] == "/new": print "NEW" data = self.path[4+5:]; reset = True; elif self.path[0:7] == "/update": data = self.path[7+5:]; else: if self.path == '/': self.path = '/interface.html'; return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self); # Since we are here, we need to process the string in data. data = urllib.unquote(data).strip().split(); print data; if reset or not self.ip: if self.ip: self.ip.close(); self.ip = IncrementalParser(sc); dist = self.ip.setTo(data); sendstr = ", ".join(str(ob) + ": " + str(dist["orange_" + str(ob)]) for ob in range(1, 8) if "orange_" + str(ob) in sc) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(sendstr); self.wfile.close();
def run(): k = 0; scenes = load_scenes(); split = load_data(OP_SPLIT_FN); tokens = load_data(OP_TOKEN_FN); img = load_data(OP_IMAGE_FN); rv = load(); timing = []; starti = 0; if rv: starti = max(rv.iterkeys()) + 1; for i,(sp,tok,(sc,ob)) in enumerate(zip(split, tokens, img)): if sp != "test": continue; if i < starti: continue; print str(i) + ": " + " ".join(tok); k = (k + 1) % 10; if k == 0: save(rv, timing); ip = IncrementalParser(scenes[sc]); wlist = []; for w in tok: print w; t = time.clock(); dist =; timing.append(time.clock() - t); wlist.append(dist); ip.close(); rv[i] = wlist; save(rv, timing);