def pre_training_loss(truth, pred): feat,pred = split_feat_pred(pred) d = create_index_dict(truth, pred) feat = create_feature_dict(feat) truthxy = tf.concat([d['truthHitAssignedX'],d['truthHitAssignedY']],axis=-1) #print('>>>>> >>> > > > > >', truthxy.shape, d['predCCoords'].shape, d['predXY'].shape, ) diff = 10.*d['predCCoords'] - truthxy diff = d['truthNoNoise']*(0.1*d['predBeta'])*diff**2 beta_med = (d['predBeta']-0.5)**2 posl = (d['predXY'] - truthxy)**2 / 1000. loss = tf.reduce_mean(diff) + tf.reduce_mean(beta_med) + tf.reduce_mean(posl) tf.print('pretrain loss',loss, 'posl**2', tf.reduce_mean(posl)) return loss
def full_obj_cond_loss(truth, pred_in, rowsplits): global full_obj_cond_loss_counter full_obj_cond_loss_counter+=1 start_time = time.time() if truth.shape[0] is None: return tf.constant(0., tf.float32) rowsplits = tf.cast(rowsplits, tf.int64)#just for first loss evaluation from stupid keras feat,pred = split_feat_pred(pred_in) d = create_index_dict(truth, pred, n_ccoords=config.n_ccoords) feat = create_feature_dict(feat) #print('feat',feat.shape) #d['predBeta'] = tf.clip_by_value(d['predBeta'],1e-6,1.-1e-6) row_splits = rowsplits[ : rowsplits[-1,0],0] classes = d['truthHitAssignementIdx'][...,0] energyweights = d['truthHitAssignedEnergies'] energyweights = tf.math.log(0.1 * energyweights + 1.) if not config.use_energy_weights: energyweights *= 0. energyweights += 1. #just to mitigate the biased sample energyweights = tf.where(d['truthHitAssignedEnergies']>10.,energyweights+0.1, energyweights*(d['truthHitAssignedEnergies']/10.+0.1)) if not config.downweight_low_energy: energyweights = tf.zeros_like(energyweights) + 1. if config.use_energy_weights: energyweights = tf.math.log(0.1 * d['truthHitAssignedEnergies'] + 1.) #also using log now, scale back in evaluation # den_offset = config.energy_den_offset if config.log_energy: raise ValueError("loss config log_energy is not supported anymore. Please use the 'ExpMinusOne' layer within the model instead to scale the output.") energy_diff = (d['predEnergy'] - d['truthHitAssignedEnergies']) scaled_true_energy = d['truthHitAssignedEnergies'] if config.rel_energy_mse: scaled_true_energy *= scaled_true_energy sqrt_true_en = tf.sqrt(scaled_true_energy + 1e-6) energy_loss = energy_diff/(sqrt_true_en+den_offset) if config.huber_energy_scale>0: huber_scale = config.huber_energy_scale * sqrt_true_en energy_loss = huber(energy_loss, huber_scale) else: energy_loss = energy_loss**2 pos_offs = None payload_loss = None xdiff = d['predX']+feat['recHitX'] - d['truthHitAssignedX'] ydiff = d['predY']+feat['recHitY'] - d['truthHitAssignedY'] pos_offs = tf.reduce_sum(tf.concat( [xdiff, ydiff],axis=-1)**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True) tdiff = d['predT'] - d['truthHitAssignedT'] #print("d['truthHitAssignedT']", tf.reduce_mean(d['truthHitAssignedT']), tdiff) tdiff = (1e6 * tdiff)**2 # self.timing_loss_weight payload_loss = tf.concat([config.energy_loss_weight * energy_loss , config.position_loss_weight * pos_offs, config.timing_loss_weight * tdiff], axis=-1) if not config.use_spectators: d['truthIsSpectator'] = tf.zeros_like(d['truthIsSpectator']) attractive_loss, rep_loss, noise_loss, min_beta_loss, payload_loss_full, too_much_beta_loss = oc_loss( x = d['predCCoords'], beta = d['predBeta'], truth_indices = d['truthHitAssignementIdx'], row_splits=row_splits, is_spectator = d['truthIsSpectator'], payload_loss=payload_loss, Q_MIN=config.q_min, S_B=config.s_b, energyweights=energyweights, use_average_cc_pos=config.use_average_cc_pos, payload_rel_threshold=config.payload_rel_threshold, cont_beta_loss=config.cont_beta_loss ) attractive_loss *= config.potential_scaling rep_loss *= config.potential_scaling * config.repulsion_scaling min_beta_loss *= config.beta_loss_scale noise_loss *= config.noise_scaler too_much_beta_loss *= config.too_much_beta_scale spectator_beta_penalty = tf.constant(0.) if config.use_spectators: spectator_beta_penalty = 0.1 * spectator_penalty(d,row_splits) spectator_beta_penalty = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(spectator_beta_penalty),0,spectator_beta_penalty) #attractive_loss = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(attractive_loss),0,attractive_loss) #rep_loss = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(rep_loss),0,rep_loss) #min_beta_loss = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(min_beta_loss),0,min_beta_loss) #noise_loss = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(noise_loss),0,noise_loss) #payload_loss_full = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(payload_loss_full),0,payload_loss_full) energy_loss = payload_loss_full[0] pos_loss = payload_loss_full[1] time_loss = payload_loss_full[2] #energy_loss *= 0.0000001 # neglect energy loss almost fully loss = attractive_loss + rep_loss + min_beta_loss + noise_loss + energy_loss + time_loss + pos_loss + spectator_beta_penalty + too_much_beta_loss loss = tf.debugging.check_numerics(loss,"loss has nan") if config.pre_train: preloss = pre_training_loss(truth,pred_in) loss /= 10. loss += preloss print('call ',full_obj_cond_loss_counter) print('loss',loss.numpy(), 'attractive_loss',attractive_loss.numpy(), 'rep_loss', rep_loss.numpy(), 'min_beta_loss', min_beta_loss.numpy(), 'noise_loss' , noise_loss.numpy(), 'energy_loss', energy_loss.numpy(), 'pos_loss', pos_loss.numpy(), 'time_loss', time_loss.numpy(), 'spectator_beta_penalty', spectator_beta_penalty.numpy(), 'too_much_beta_loss', too_much_beta_loss.numpy()) print('time for this loss eval',int((time.time()-start_time)*1000),'ms') global g_time print('time for total batch',int((time.time()-g_time)*1000),'ms') g_time=time.time() return loss
pred = predicted[0] feat = td.transferFeatureListToNumpy() rs = feat[1] feat = feat[0] #weights = td.transferWeightListToNumpy() truth = td.transferTruthListToNumpy()[0] td.clear() print(feat.shape) print(truth.shape) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) ax = [fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d'), fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)] data = create_index_dict(truth, pred, usetf=False) feats = create_feature_dict(feat) make_cluster_coordinates_plot( plt, ax[1], data['truthHitAssignementIdx'], #[ V ] data['predBeta'], #[ V ] data['predCCoords']) make_original_truth_shower_plot(plt, ax[0], data['truthHitAssignementIdx'], feats['recHitEnergy'], feats['recHitX'], feats['recHitY'], feats['recHitZ']) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig("event_" + args.e + ".pdf") plt.close()
def _make_plot(self, counter, feat, predicted, truth): # make sure it gets reloaded in the fork # doesn't really seem to help though # from importlib import reload # global matplotlib # matplotlib=reload(matplotlib) # matplotlib.use('Agg') # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec # exception handling is weird for keras fit right now... explicitely print exceptions at the end try: pred = predicted[0] feat = feat[0] # remove row splits truth = truth[0] # remove row splits, anyway one event _, pred = split_feat_pred(pred) data = create_index_dict(truth, pred, usetf=False, n_ccoords=self.n_ccoords) feats = create_feature_dict(feat) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) ax = None if self.n_ccoords == 2: ax = [ fig.add_subplot([0, 0], projection='3d'), fig.add_subplot([0, 1]), fig.add_subplot([1, :]) ] elif self.n_ccoords == 3: ax = [ fig.add_subplot([0, 0], projection='3d'), fig.add_subplot([0, 1], projection='3d'), fig.add_subplot([1, :]) ] data['predBeta'] = np.clip(data['predBeta'], 1e-6, 1. - 1e-6) seed = truth.shape[0] if self.cycle_colors: seed += counter cmap = createRandomizedColors('jet', seed=seed) identified = make_cluster_coordinates_plot( plt, ax[1], data['truthHitAssignementIdx'], # [ V x 1] or [ V ] data['predBeta'], # [ V x 1] or [ V ] data['predCCoords'], beta_threshold=0.5, distance_threshold=0.75, beta_plot_threshold=0.01, cmap=cmap) make_original_truth_shower_plot(plt, ax[0], data['truthHitAssignementIdx'], feats['recHitEnergy'], feats['recHitX'], feats['recHitY'], feats['recHitZ'], cmap=cmap, predBeta=data['predBeta']) angle_in = 10. * counter + 60. while angle_in >= 360: angle_in -= 360 while angle_in <= -360: angle_in -= 360 ax[0].view_init(30, angle_in) if self.n_ccoords == 3: ax[1].view_init(30, angle_in) predEnergy = data['predEnergy'] if self.log_energy: predEnergy = np.exp(predEnergy) - 1 def calc_eta(x, y, z): rsq = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) return -1 * np.sign(z) * np.log(rsq / np.abs(z + 1e-3) / 2.) def calc_phi(x, y): return np.arctan2(x, y) predEta = calc_eta(data['predX'] + feats['recHitX'], data['predY'] + feats['recHitY'], np.sign(feats['recHitZ']) * 322.1) predPhi = calc_phi(data['predX'] + feats['recHitX'], data['predY'] + feats['recHitY']) trueEta = calc_eta(data['truthHitAssignedX'], data['truthHitAssignedY'] + 1e-3, data['truthHitAssignedZ'] + 1e-3) truePhi = calc_phi(data['truthHitAssignedX'], data['truthHitAssignedY'] + 1e-3) make_eta_phi_projection_truth_plot( plt, ax[2], data['truthHitAssignementIdx'], feats['recHitEnergy'], calc_eta(feats['recHitX'], feats['recHitY'], feats['recHitZ']), calc_phi(feats['recHitX'], feats['recHitY']), predEta, # data['predEta']+feats['recHitEta'], predPhi, # data['predPhi']+feats['recHitRelPhi'], trueEta, truePhi, data['truthHitAssignedEnergies'], data['predBeta'], data['predCCoords'], cmap=cmap, identified=identified, predEnergy=predEnergy) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(self.outputfile + str(self.keep_counter) + ".pdf") if self.publish is not None: temp_name = next(tempfile._get_candidate_names()) temp_name = self.outputfile + temp_name + '.png' fig.savefig(temp_name) cpstring = 'cp -f ' if "@" in self.publish: cpstring = 'scp ' os.system(cpstring + temp_name + ' ' + self.publish + '.png > /dev/null') os.system('rm -f ' + temp_name) fig.clear() plt.close(fig) plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close() except Exception as e: print(e) raise e
def _make_plot(self, counter, feat, predicted, truth): #exception handling is weird for keras fit right now... explicitely print exceptions at the end try: pred = predicted[0] feat = feat[0] #remove row splits truth = truth[0] #remove row splits, anyway one event fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) ax = [ fig.add_subplot([0, 0], projection='3d'), fig.add_subplot([0, 1], projection='3d'), fig.add_subplot([1, 0], projection='3d'), fig.add_subplot([1, 1], projection='3d') ] _, pred = split_feat_pred(pred) data = create_index_dict(truth, pred, usetf=False) feats = create_feature_dict(feat) seed = truth.shape[0] if self.cycle_colors: seed += counter cmap = createRandomizedColors('jet', seed=seed) make_original_truth_shower_plot(plt, ax[0], data['truthHitAssignementIdx'], feats['recHitEnergy'], feats['recHitX'], feats['recHitY'], feats['recHitZ'], cmap=cmap) angle_in = counter + 60. while angle_in >= 360: angle_in -= 360 while angle_in <= -360: angle_in -= 360 ax[0].view_init(30, angle_in) make_original_truth_shower_plot(plt, ax[1], data['truthHitAssignementIdx'], feats['recHitEnergy'], pred[:, self.coordinates_a[0]], pred[:, self.coordinates_a[1]], pred[:, self.coordinates_a[2]], cmap=cmap) make_original_truth_shower_plot(plt, ax[2], data['truthHitAssignementIdx'], feats['recHitEnergy'], pred[:, self.coordinates_b[0]], pred[:, self.coordinates_b[1]], pred[:, self.coordinates_b[2]], cmap=cmap) make_original_truth_shower_plot(plt, ax[3], data['truthHitAssignementIdx'], feats['recHitEnergy'], pred[:, self.coordinates_c[0]], pred[:, self.coordinates_c[1]], pred[:, self.coordinates_c[2]], cmap=cmap) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(self.outputfile + str(self.keep_counter) + ".pdf") fig.clear() plt.close(fig) plt.clf() plt.cla() plt.close() except Exception as e: print(e) raise e
gen.feedNumpyData()) # this is [ [features],[truth],[None] ] if gen.lastBatch(): break row_splits = feat[1][:, 0] with tf.device('/CPU:0'): feat, _ = ragged_constructor((feat[0], row_splits)) truth, row_splits = ragged_constructor((truth[0], row_splits)) for i in range(len(row_splits) - 1): with tf.device('/CPU:0'): features_s = feat[row_splits[i]:row_splits[i + 1]].numpy() truth_s = truth[row_splits[i]:row_splits[i + 1]].numpy() feature_dict = index_dicts.create_feature_dict( features_s) # follow this truth_dict = index_dicts.create_truth_dict( truth_s) # and this function to know all the keys print(feature_dict['recHitEnergy'].shape) # rechit energies print(feature_dict['recHitEta'].shape) # rechit eta print(feature_dict['recHitRelPhi'].shape) # rechit phi print(feature_dict['recHitX'].shape) # rechit X print(feature_dict['recHitY'].shape) # rechit Y print(feature_dict['recHitZ'].shape) # rechit Z print(feature_dict['recHitTime'].shape) # rechit Z print(truth_dict['truthHitAssignementIdx'].shape) # shower id print(truth_dict['truthRealEnergy'].shape) # energy of the shower print("Going to next window\n\n")